Mosman Over 55s Newsletter - December 2011 / January 2012

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February 2012—March 2012

Community Restaurant Meals on Wheels Community Support Volunteering



INSIDE THIS ISSUE: New Activities !!! Information Forum Seniors Week 2012 Diary Of Events, and much more...

MOSMAN SQUARE SENIORS CENTRE Mosman Council Aged & Disability Services Civic Centre, Mosman Square Mosman 2088 Telephone: 9978 4128

Quick Phone List Activities

Olivier Strobel

Seniors’ Activities Co-ordinator

9978 4128

Information, Referrals & Support

Lyn Kelleher

Community Support Officer

9978 4119


Dianne Gillings

Community Transport Coordinator

9978 4120


Mary Magnus

Community Restaurant Coordinator

9978 4123

Meals on Wheels

Denise Lethbridge

Client Liaison Officer

9978 4130

Meals on Wheels

Katrina Jolley

Meals on Wheels Coordinator

9978 4130

Carers & Volunteers

Liz Nagel

Community Volunteers Coordinator & Carers Group Facilitator

9978 4089

Volunteers Support Officer

9978 4126



Ryan Mouthaan

Mobile: 041978 4089

Newsletter now available on-line at

From the Editor's Desk Dear Readers, Welcome back to the Over 55s Newsletter! In this issue, you will find all the traditional articles about our services; transport, social support, volunteering, activities etc… and much more!!! I should start by thanking all clients for their patronage in 2011. The new year started well, and we have already celebrated Australia Day in style at the community restaurant. What great entertainment, find more pictures on the Council’s Flickr page ( ), where you can always have an idea about what we do at Council. One important point of detail about the Christmas period; we have received several boxes of chocolate, bottle of wine, etc. While we are very grateful and appreciative of your immense generosity, we can not accept these items as we have strict policies about this at Council. We would like to thank you all for these nice thoughts but we have to ask you to refrain in the future, if possible. Many thanks for your understanding in this matter. In 2012, we have some surprises in store for you: the Council bought a couple of tables for table tennis, and the Youth Centre accepted kindly to lend us one of theirs as well. The group—Wednesdays between 1 and 3.30 pm - will be happy to welcome you, so join us when you want for a good game, and we could maybe organise a little tournament! Also, do not forget to come along in the afternoon (after 2 pm) on Friday the 10th of February for the first session of the “Classic Movie Afternoon” thanks to the support from Bendigo bank, we will be showing East of Eden, with James Dean! Do not miss it! Keep in mind the dates for 2012 NSW Seniors Week, this year it will run between Sunday the 18th of March to Sunday the 25th. There will be many activities at the Centre, the traditional Cocktail party, but also the Mayoral lunch as well as some free exercise classes, a small health forum, and much more. Call Olivier on 9978 4128 for a more detailed program, until then, we hope you will join us for more activities, lunches and outings, and do not forget that our services like Community Transport or Meals on Wheels are available should you need them!


NEWS FROM THE COMMUNITY RESTAURANT! Happy New Year one and all!! Welcome to all the new clients who have already started coming to the Community Restaurant this year and of course, welcome back to all our regular’s! We have a busy year planned. By the time you read this newsletter we will already have celebrated Australia Day with an “Aussie” lunch of meat pies and lamingtons!!! Our friend, Ross Hamilton joined us with his guitar for a good old fashioned singalong of all our Australian favourites. Great fun! On Friday 24th February we will be celebrating Chinese New Year. This year is the ‘Year of the Dragon’. Kay Tong and the ladies from Chatswood Community Centre will be joining us once again for some traditional Taiwanese dancing. Please, please remember to book in for the lunch with Olivier. March, of course, brings Seniors’ Week. The Senior’s Cocktail Party will be held on Tuesday 20th March from 4.00pm – 6.00pm. We will have a special Mayoral Lunch on Friday 23rd March to celebrate Seniors’ Week. Again, it is important to remember to book in for both these events. The Cocktail Party is free of charge, but you still need to book in with Olivier, so I know how much food to order!! All the special lunches are $12.00. I have a special housekeeping request from the Volunteers. Please don’t stack the plates at your table! They are too heavy for the Volunteers to carry and it’s not so nice if there is someone at the table still eating their lunch. You will see attached to the back of this newsletter a copy of the calendar for the Community Restaurant with all the special lunches listed. Looking forward to another happy year… Mary the Kitchen Fairy!

For any enquiry about the Community restaurant, call Olivier on 9978 4128 Don’t forget to check the big lunches on the last Friday of every month! 4

THE GREEN THING In the line at the store, the cashier told an older woman that she should bring her own grocery bags because plastic bags weren't good for the environment. The woman apologised to him and explained, "We didn't have the green thing back in my day." The cashier responded, "That's our problem today. Your generation did not care enough to save our environment." He was right -- our generation didn't have the green thing in its day. Back then, we returned milk bottles, soft drink and beer bottles to the store. The store sent them back to the plant to be washed and sterilised and refilled, so it could use the same bottles over and over. So they really were recycled. But we didn't have the green thing back in our day. We walked up stairs, because we didn't have an escalator in every store and office building. We walked to the grocery store and didn't climb into a 300-horsepower machine every time we had to go two blocks. But he was right. We didn't have the green thing in our day. Back then, we washed the baby's nappies because we didn't have the throw-away kind. We dried clothes on a line, not in an energy gobbling machine burning up 240 volts -- wind and solar power really did dry the clothes. Kids got hand-me down clothes from their brothers or sisters, not always brand-new clothing. But he was right. We didn't have the green thing back in our day. Back then, we had one TV, or radio, in the house -- not a TV in every room. And the TV had a small screen the size of a handkerchief (remember them?), not a screen that takes up half the wall. In the kitchen, we blended and stirred by hand because we didn't have electric machines to do everything for us. When we packaged a fragile item to send in the mail, we used a wadded up old newspaper to cushion it, not Styrofoam or plastic bubble wrap. Back then, we didn't fire up an engine and burn petrol just to cut the lawn. We used a push mower that ran on human power. We exercised by working so we didn't need to go to a health club to run on treadmills that operate on electricity. But he's right; we didn't have the green thing back then. We drank from a bubbler or tap when we were thirsty instead of using a cup or a plastic bottle every time we had a drink of water. We refilled writing pens with ink instead of buying a new pen, and we replaced the razor blades in a razor instead of throwing away the whole razor just because the blade got dull. But we didn't have the green thing back then. Back then, people took the tram or a bus and kids rode their bikes to school or walked instead of turning their mums into a 24-hour taxi service. We had one electrical outlet in a room, not an entire bank of sockets to power a dozen appliances. And we didn't need a computerised gadget to receive a signal beamed from satellites 1,500 kilometres out in space in order to find the nearest pizza place. But isn't it sad the current generation laments how wasteful we old folks were just because we didn't have the green thing back then? Please give this to another selfish old person who needs a lesson in conservation from a smartass young person. 5

Meals on Wheels Meals on Wheels would like to wish everyone a happy 2012! We would also like to say a big thank you to all our wonderful volunteers who helped out over the Christmas and New Year holiday period. We were very busy packing and delivering extra meals and, as always, we are very grateful to everyone who offered their help at this hectic time of the year. Over summer, our menu offers a choice of high-quality meals each day, as well as fresh salads, soups and desserts. Our sandwiches are always popular (available on Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays). Our fresh, refrigerated meals are delivered directly to your home, ready for you to heat in your oven or microwave when required. Frozen meals are also available for your convenience. Vegetarian and special diets catered for. Not only are our meals delicious, they also comply with the Dietary Guidelines for Older Australians. Our menu is regularly reviewed by a dietician. We provide a wide variety of nutritious foods, from all 5 food groups. Our menu offers protein-rich foods every day. A broad range of vegetables are included. Our milk-based desserts, including custard and yoghurt, assist with meeting daily calcium requirements. Salt is kept to a minimum in all recipes. The majority of our meals are low in saturated fat. 86% of our meals contain less than 10 grams of fat per 100 grams. If you’re unsure of when you’ll be at home to receive deliveries, why not come to the Meals on Wheels kitchen and purchase some frozen meals. Simply bring a cool bag with an ice brick to the Meals on Wheels kitchen between 11am and 1pm and you can choose from our extensive frozen selection. If you, or someone you know or care for, may benefit from having home-delivered meals, or if you would just like to have a look at our menu, please contact either Katrina or Denise on 9978 4130. We are a very flexible service, offering both long and short-term assistance. There are no contracts or minimum orders and you can cancel service at any time. We can deliver once, twice or five times a week, so please give us a call to discuss your requirements. Kind regards, Katrina, Denise, Maria & Vicki Meals 6 on Wheels

NEVER FEAR - HEALTHY LIFESTYLE IS HERE! Have you made a resolution to be more active in 2012? Well if so, Healthy Lifestyle is here to help. The following classes are on offer at Mosman Seniors Centre: TUESDAY TIME Gentle Exercise – ‘Gentle’ Pace . 10.30am-11.30am


Gentle Exercise – ‘Slow’ Pace .... 9.15am-10.15am


THURSDAY Gentle Exercise – ‘Slow’ Pace .... 9.30am-10.30am


Upright & Active .......................... 11.30am-12.30pm


Bookings are essential so call 8877-5300 for information and a course brochure or visit our website - As part of Seniors Week activities Healthy Lifestyle will have a free ‘Come and Try’ class at 9.30am Thursday 22 March, followed by a talk about the importance of exercise in our lives.

Getting in and out of cars is so much easier with a swivel seat! Aged and Disability Services office has a swivel seat that can be borrowed to assist with transporting someone in a car. We also have wheelchairs that can be borrowed for two weeks at a time. For Bookings please call Olivier on 99784128. 7

Community Support WHAT IS RESPITE ? Respite is when someone else provides care to the person you support so you can have a break. Everyone needs a break. As a carer, you need time to take care of yourself. Breaks help you feel healthier mentally and physically. Taking a break will give you time to re-energise and enjoy other activities and relationships in your life. So having respite helps carers find a balance between caring for others and caring for themselves. Taking regular breaks can help you provide ongoing care. It also gives the person you support the opportunity to have a break too.

Benefits of respite for a carer are:      

Restores life balance & overall wellbeing Time for rest & relaxation Enhances physical & mental health Encourages having a social life An opportunity to try residential support Time to do your own things

Benefits of respite to the person they care for:  Promotes independence  Opportunity for socialization  Encouragement to engage in activities of interest

Respite care can take different forms according to the needs of individual families, for instance:  Emergency respite In response to a crisis or emergency situation (eg: hospitalisation)  Planned respite Respite care can be regular or arranged only as required.  Respite care can be for a few hours, overnight or several weeks Respite can happen in the family’s own home or in facilities in the community.

There are various types of respite to suit individual people and situations:  In home respite Service provided in the home (usually for a few hours)  Centrebased respite Usually provided on a daily basis with regular, planned activities such as respite day centres. Often transport is provided to and from centre.  Residential respite Overnight or longer stay in facilities including aged care facilities (nursing homes, hostels, special residential services) and respite houses. With8residential respite, the person you are supporting may require an assessment of

their level of care to determine the appropriate residential facility for them. The Aged Care Assessment Team (ACAT) provide assessments to aged people and younger people with disabilities.

How much will it cost? The costs of respite will vary depending on the facility or service that provide respite as some programs will be partly or fully funded.

Can I receive the Carer’s payment or Carer’s allowance when using respite? You can receive funded respite for up to 63 days of a calendar year before it affects your Carer payment or Carer Allowance from Centrelink. The Aged Care Pension is not affected by the amount of respite taken. It is natural to have concerns if it is the first time you have accessed respite. It can also be difficult if the person you support has special communication needs (memory loss, English as a second language, or other issues).

Lyn Kelleher & Chantal Kerr

For the past three years, Mosman Council have been running a Saturday Respite Service for carers living in the Mosman LGA and Lower North Shore, who are frail or have dementia, or suffer from a disability and we currently have vacancies. Should you wish to obtain further information on Mosman Council Saturday Respite or any other type of respite that would suit your needs best, please do not hesitate to contact Lyn or myself. Give us a call on 9978 4119 so you can discuss what would help you most. We can talk to you over the phone or you can make a time to meet with us in the office. We are also able to visit you in your home.

Have you lost anything? Over a period of time we have collected a number of items that have been left here at the Seniors' Centre. If you drop in, our friendly staff will be more than happy to show you these lost items, which include gloves, glasses cases, sunglasses, cardigans, jumpers etc. or, you can give us a call on 9978 4128. 9

What if I am not happy with the service provided? Aged and Disability Services acknowledges the right of all clients/families to raise grievances and have them dealt with promptly, impartially, seriously and in confidence as far as possible and without fear of victimisation. Complaints can be made verbally or in writing and the service is responsible for providing an interpreter if it is requested. Please note: If you feel comfortable about it, you could discuss the situation with the member of staff concerned - this may lead to a quick resolution of the problem. If the above is not appropriate or fails to sort out the difficulty you can contact the Community Services Manager. If this proves unsatisfactory you may ask to speak with an external person such as the Commissioner of Community Services who acts under the Complaints, Appeals and Monitoring Act 1993. Toll Free: Ombudsmen’s office Toll Free 1800 451 524 / 02 9286 1000 Can someone else speak on my behalf? Yes! You have the right to have someone else speak for you (advocate) when talking to the service about your needs. This could be a relative, friend or another service provider. We can assist you to contact an advocacy service. Two community based services are: The Aged Care Rights Service 9281 3600 The Disability Complaints Service 9319 6549 Is confidentiality maintained? Staff recognise that all clients and their carers have the right to confidentiality. All information pertaining to the client and their carers is confidential and will be handled in a respectful and professional manner. All consumer documentation will be kept in a locked filing cabinet and access will be limited to the relevant staff. We are committed to protecting your privacy as authorised by law. For further information call 9978 4119 Please obtain a client information booklet to read in larger print. Do I have rights and responsibilities? Your RIGHTS as a client:  The right to be treated with respect and have your dignity, privacy and confidentiality respected by staff and volunteers.  The right to be given information about the services available.  The right to expect an achievable safety standard when involved in centre activities or receiving centre services.  The right to receive a service sensitive to your individual needs, including language skills and cultural background.  The right to access your personal information.  The10right to complain, without being afraid of the consequences if the service does not satisfy you.

 The right to refuse a service and refusal will not prejudice future access to

services.  The right to withdraw consent to data from personal details being used for statistical information without impacting on service.  The right to have someone speak for you when talking to the service about your needs.  The right to be consulted and involved in the service planning and evaluation processes. Your RESPONSIBILITIES as a client:  The responsibility to treat staff, volunteers and other clients with respect regardless of disability, English language skills, religion, cultural background, age, gender or sexual preference. There may be times where your flexibility and tolerance may be necessary in order for staff and volunteers to meet your needs.  The responsibility to notify the service, as soon as possible, if you have to cancel your appointment/service.  The responsibility to notify the service if the service or its staff are not meeting your needs.  The responsibility to advise the service of any relevant matters which may affect your care. Similarly, if you would like to register your thanks for service provided, your comments are also very welcomed.

There's always something happening at Mosman Square Seniors Centre The Mosman Square Seniors' Centre is open daily from 9.00am to 5.00pm. If you have to access the Centre earlier for one of our many activities, please use the Aged & Disability Services office door located to the right of the steps to the main entrance doors. To minimise disruption to classes in the main hall of the Seniors' Centre, please note the following: Those who do not have difficulty with stairs, please enter the Seniors' Centre via the stairs leading to the office area. Those who do have difficulty with stairs, please use the main entrance (automatic doors) to the Seniors' Centre. 11

Community Transport Bus Costs Community Transport Services For older residents who do not drive and cannot manage public transport. Door to door services in a wheelchair accessible bus. Phone 9978 4120 for enquiries & Bookings Cost Day Transport to Times (bus only) Local Mosman Area $8 return Individual Transport Lower North Shore area $12 Return Monday to Out of Area $20 Return + Friday tolls Medical and Hospital appointments take priority. Between 8.30am and Times to suit appointments 5pm 9am—4pm Wednesday Medical, hospital— priority—shopping, library, Shuttle $6 return exercise class, visiting, $4 one way hairdresser appointments. Local Mosman Area $10 return $6 One way

Lower North Shore area Thursday Shuttle

Friday Shuttle


Tuesday & Friday Wednesday


Medical, hospital— priority—shopping, library, exercise class, visiting, hairdresser appointments. Local Mosman Area Lower North Shore area Medical, hospital— priority—shopping, library, exercise class, visiting, hairdresser appointments. Local Mosman Area Lower North Shore area Morning & Afternoon shopping bus service to Bridgepoint shopping centre Transport to the community Restaurant Out & About trips Varied location & Lunch venues

9am—4pm $6 return $4 one way $10 return $6 One way 9am—4pm $6 return $4 one way $10 return $6 One way 9 am (morning) 1.30pm (afternoon)


Pick up from 11am return 2 pm


Pick up from 9am and return by 4pm


We are looking for special people to volunteer, especially in the following areas: Meals on Wheels - Helper or Driver delivering meals to Mosman residents. Computer Pals – Do you know your way around a computer? Then volunteer teaching seniors to find their way. Community Visitors Scheme - Make someone’s day by visiting on a one to one basis, residents of nursing homes and hostels who have few to no visitors. Bush Care -.Do your bit for bush regeneration. Don’t put it off any longer, become a Mosman volunteer and be part of our wonderful team.

Please contact Liz Nagel, Community Volunteers Coordinator on 9978 4089 or Ryan Mouthaan, Volunteer Support Officer on 9978 4126 if you are interested in volunteering. with Mosman Council. 13

What’s on at Mosman Art Gallery SPECIAL NOTICE – GALLERY CLOSURE There will be some disruption to regular services at Mosman Art Gallery and Community Centre between January & June 2012. The galleries on Levels 1 & 2 will be temporarily closed for essential gallery maintenance works from 1st January – 30th March 2012. Venue hire and community programs and activities on the Ground Floor will continue during this period. From April – June 2012 there will be additional refurbishment works impacting services on the Ground Floor. We look forward to welcoming visitors in late June to the refurbished Mosman Art Gallery and Community Centre, featuring renovated meeting/ workshop spaces, a new permanent Gallery to house the Balnaves Collection and a refurbished foyer area. Enquiries, 9978 4178.

Safe from the city's haste: Mosman Vistas from 1838 -1955 Saturday 31 March – Sunday 13 May 2012 This exhibition is based on a selection of key historical paintings and works on paper from the Mosman Art Collection which have been acquired over many years through donations and bequests, since 1838. Included are important artworks by James Howe Carse, James Ranalph Jackson, William Lister Lister, William Raworth, and William Montague Whitney, and also from the school of Conrad Martens.

Mosman wins major National Art Award Museums Australia last night awarded Mosman Art Gallery a MAGNA (Museums and Galleries National Award) for the exhibition Australian Accent: the Designs of Annan Fabrics and Vande Pottery in the 40s and 50s. The exhibition was jointly curated by Julie Petersen of Mosman Art Gallery and Donna Braye, the local studies librarian at Mosman Library. Mosman Art Gallery was in rare company with the Art Gallery of NSW being the only other NSW recipient of an award for exhibitions. Australian Accent was a Mosman based exhibition of national significance, and presented a cohesive and comprehensive story about an aspect of Australia’s design history. The exhibition reignited interest from the design sector, redefining objects and materials usually associated with the craft and souvenir genres in the context of a public art gallery. 14

What’s on at Mosman Library Do you know that 2012 is the National Year of Reading? Mosman Library will be kicking off the National Year of Reading with our Big Book Club Party on Library Lovers Day, 14 February at 6.30pm. All are welcome to come and celebrate reading with the members of our book clubs. There will be Lucky Door Prizes, refreshments and some surprises. We are also interested in knowing what book changed your life or had the most influence on your reading. We will have a special booth set up on Library Lovers Day for you to record your choice or if you can’t make it on the day simply email us on with the book that changed your life.


Friday, 27 January


Friday, 24 February


Tuesday, 20 March

SENIORS’ COCKTAIL PARTY 4-6pm incorporating HARMONY DAY (orange theme) MAYORAL LUNCH

Friday, 23 March

Celebrating Seniors’ Week

Friday, 27 April


Friday, 25 May



(Aboriginal Theme Luncheon)

Friday, 27 July


Friday, 31 August


Friday, 28 September


Tuesday, 6 November



Tuesday, 18 December


Broadband for seniors! We have free classes for grand beginners wanting to learn computers and the internet. One of our fantastic volunteer tutors will spend four sessions of 90 minutes with you in a one on one interaction. Learn the basics, how to use the internet, play music and get pictures, and create your own email address over 4 weeks. There is a waiting list, so please register with Olivier on 9978 4128. You can also have free access to the internet when the classes are not on! Where? In the Seniors Lounge, Aged and Disability Services, Mosman Council.

Mosman Village Art and Craft Market The dates for the market to keep in mind: Saturday the 3rd of December, the normal Saturday market, but also remember the night market on the 15th of December. There will not be any market in January, and then Saturday markets will resume (first of the month) as per usual as of Saturday the 4th of February.

Caring for Carers Are you caring for someone with dementia, an illness or disability? If yes, the Mosman Carers Group is for you! Meets every Wednesday from 10am to 12pm in the Harnett Rooms at Mosman Council’s Civic Centre. Regular guest speakers, outings, supportive and friendly discussions in an informal and friendly atmosphere. New carers most welcome, so take that first step and come along! For more information ring Liz Nagel, Carers Group Facilitator on 9978 4089.

WANTED! Family Favourite Recipes We need your old family favourite recipes for our cook book! We are after that special something your mum or grandmother loved to make for the whole family and everyone enjoyed it. Please drop your recipes into the Seniors' Centre office. For more information, please call Cheryl on 9978 4129. 17

E X E R C I S E Healthy Lifestyle Why not join an exercise group with Healthy Lifestyle in 2012? Once you join a class, you will quickly begin to see improvements in your fitness and health. It's never too late to start, so pick up the phone and get into a course that suits you. Make it your New Years Resolution! Healthy Lifestyle classes at Mosman Seniors are as follows: Tuesday Gentle Exercise Gentle Pace 10.30am-11.30am Gentle Exercise Slow Pace 9.15am-10.15am Thursday Gentle Exercise Slow Pace 9.30am-10.30am Upright & Active 11.30am-12.30pm Term 1 will run for 10 weeks beginning the week of Monday, 30 January 2012. Bookings are essential so call 8877 5300 for information and a course brochure or visit our website:

Over 55s Aquacise Maintain a healthy lifestyle with regular exercise by participating in Aquacise classes. Mosman Swim Centre, located in Vista Street Mosman, offers a range of different Aquacise classes for Over 55s that are proven to increase your metabolism, build muscle tone and strength, improve balance. flexibility and relieve tension. Each class can be varied in difficulty from easy to advanced. Prices for Aquacise classes are: Adult $15.00 and Pensioner - $12.00. They also offer 10 visit multi-passes: Adult $120.00 and Pensioner - $106.00, which are valid for 2 years from the date of purchase. For class timetables visit or phone 9969 3888 for more information. The Centre has introduced a Special Needs Swimming Program on Saturday afternoons. Catering for both children and adults of all abilities, the program offers choice of group or personal sessions. For more information please phone 1300 11 7946 or see staff at the Centre, 90 18 Vista Street, Mosman.

Tennis Ladies and men of any age are welcome. Current group of twenty enthusiastic players includes both women and men. All matches are doubles and having active fun is more important than who wins or loses! Where: Mosman Seniors Tennis Club, Rosebery Street, Mosman (synthetic courts) When: Mondays and Fridays Time: 11am to 2pm Just call in, or phone Graham Levido on 9969 5177.

Balmoral Scottish Country Dance Group We were delighted to have the Scottish Dancing group demonstrate their talent and enthusiasm during the Community Restaurant for the Festival Lunch (Friday 28th Oct) as part of the Mosman festival. We would like to thank Noreen and Eric and everyone involved, as clients and staff had a great afternoon; we also really enjoyed a community group performing during the festival and for the rest of the community, and the feedback has been fantastic! If you are interested in joining the group, have a look at the poster above and call Olivier on 9978 4128 for a fantastic evening of fun and exercise!

Table Tennis Ladies and men of any age are welcome. Join us for a game of table tennis at the Senior’s Centre. When: Wednesdays Time: 1.00pm to 3.30pm Just call in, or phone Olivier Strobel on 9978 4128.




Computer Pals We have a waiting list on these classes, please contact Olivier on 9978 4128 for more information. When: 2012 Dates Term 1: 10 January 2012 to 1 April 2012 Term 2: 4 April 2012 to 24 June 2012 Term 3: 27 June 2012 to 16 September 2012 Term 4: 19 September to 9 December 2012 Where: Seniors' Centre Cost: $40.00 for each term. For more information, please call 9978 4128.

Mosman University of the Third Age (U3A) U3A provides an opportunity to enjoy the stimulation of learning in a relaxed atmosphere ... no stress, no exams. Classes cover a wide range of subjects including: • history • geography • art appreciation • creative writing • discussion groups and more. Locally, U3A classes are held in the Mosman Seniors’ Centre, Mosman Art Gallery, The Manors of Mosman, The Garrison and in private homes. When you join you will receive a Membership Card and current course list with details of all classes in all regions as membership covers all regions of Sydney. Annual Membership $45.00 - Joining Fee $10. To join U3A phone the Sydney U3A office for more information and a membership form. Phone 9252 2033 between 10.00am and 1.00pm. For any further information phone 9978 4128.

The Probus Club of Mosman Combined The Probus Club of Mosman Combined meets at the Mosman RS Club in Military Road, Mosman on the 4th Wednesday monthly (JanuaryNovember) at 10.15 am. After a short meeting and morning tea, guest speakers talk on a variety of subjects. You are very welcome and may decide to join us for our many activities and functions. February 2012: Dr Stuart Smith Neuroscience Australia on “Exercise to Prevent Falls.” March 2012: In house club members will speak following the AGM. 20 Enquiries: Isobel Berry on 0413 483 321.

For anyone interested in knitting The Mosman Knitting group has been actively contributing to a charity organisation called Wraps with Love. WWL dispatches quilts and covers to the four corners of the world, involving thousands of knitters all across Sydney and Australia. In November 2011, the count was already nearly 27, 000 blankets and since 1992, WWL has helped distributing over 250, 000 quilts worldwide. By acknowledging their work, we would like to thank all contributions by the Mosman knitting group, volunteering their time and energy to help others. By joining the group, you can also be part of this great adventure. Call Olivier on 9978 4128 for more information or if you want to join the group. We are also helping the Mosman knitting group setting up a little Flickr page on the web; follow us for more news and the address in the next newsletter! If you need more information, call Maureen on 9969 3635 or Bev on 9953 2724 or enquire directly with Olivier at the Seniors' Centre. For the knitting group 2012 dates, please contact Olivier on 9978 4128. When: Every 3rd Friday of the month from 2pm to 4pm Where: Volunteers Room (next to the Meals on Wheels kitchen).

Periodic Play Reading Group Enjoy a fun group for seniors, reading your choice of interesting and famous plays. When: First and third Wednesday of the month from 1.00pm to 3.30pm Where: Mosman Square Seniors' Centre Enquiries: Please call 9978 4128

Come and Join Us for Bingo! We would be happy to have more people join the Bingo group, if you are interested, please call Olivier on 9978 4128.

Are you up for a game of chess? The New Chess Group is already going strong!!! Join us for a challenge, every Wednesday morning between 9.00 am and 12.00pm, the more the merrier! For further information, contact Olivier on 9978 4128. 21



Mosman Rider Update Greetings for 2012 from all the staff of the Mosman Rider, affectionately known as the Whale Bus. We have a great team of drivers, happy to take you on our now famous loop around Mosman. Amongst our regulars we have a 99 year old and several other passengers in their 90s. We also cater for juniors and the youngest passenger we have ever had was just 6 weeks old. Our service is growing all the time and we are maturing with age! We will pick you up in a spot that is safe for all road users. While we are a ‘hail and ride’ service we can’t stop in No Stopping Zones or where we are causing an obstruction to traffic. But we will do our best otherwise. Safety is always at our forefront. Some of our passengers have discovered parts of Mosman they had never been to just by catching our bus. Others have met neighbours they didn’t previously know. It’s a real community bus in every way. The school children love it, especially in the holidays and weekends. So come for a ride with us (Mike, Kerry, George, Rex, She´, John and John) and enjoy the view, or jump on and jump off and go for a walk at Balmoral or the Zoo. We look forward to meeting you. She´ Hawke Mosman Rider Coordinator





February 2012 Wednesday

1 Information Forum – Medicare, Centrelink, Legal Aid, Anglicare and many more service providers from the Lower North Shore will be coming to the Seniors Centre between 0900-100 pm, no bookings required, this is a free event. For more Info: Olivier on 9978 4128


3 Community Restaurant 12pm – 2pm, Mosman Square Seniors’ Centre. Cost $10. No booking required. Bring a friend.


4 Mosman Village Markets 7 Community Restaurant 12pm – 2pm, Mosman Square Seniors’ Centre. Cost $10. No booking required. Bring a friend.



8 Out & About Trip – Como – Lunch at Como Hotel For Mosman residents who are frail aged. Cost $15 includes bus and morning tea. Lunch extra. For more information contact Dianne Gillings on 9978 4120


10 Community Restaurant 12pm – 2pm, Mosman Square Seniors’ Centre. Cost $10. No booking required. Bring a friend.


11 Community Bus Trip – Palm Beach and Ferry trip to Ettalong The 60 minute return trip takes in the sights of beautiful Broken bay, passing Barrenjoey Lighthouse and Lion island. Enjoy the Ettalong markets, have a lunch at one of the local cafes or at the Ettalong Beach club. Morning tea and lunch at your own expense, or bring your own. Bus leaves Council Car Park at 9.00 am. Bus cost $20, ferry trip $10 return. Payment with booking. For more information contact 9978 4128. 14 Community Restaurant 12pm – 2pm, Mosman Square Seniors’ Centre. Cost $10. No booking required. Bring a friend.



15 Out & About Trip – Palm Beach – Lunch at the RSL For Mosman residents who are frail aged. Cost $15 includes bus and morning tea. Lunch extra. For more information contact Dianne Gillings on 9978 4120


17 Community Restaurant 12pm – 2pm, Mosman Square Seniors’ Centre. Cost $10. No booking required. Bring a friend. 23





21 Community Restaurant 12pm – 2pm, Mosman Square Seniors’ Centre. Cost $10. No booking required. Bring a friend.


22 Out & About Trip – Gosford, lunch at the Art Gallery For Mosman residents who are frail aged. Cost $15 includes bus and morning tea. Lunch extra. For more information contact Dianne Gillings on 9978 4120 24 Community Restaurant – Chinese Banquet 12pm – 2pm, Mosman Square Seniors’ Centre. Cost $12. Bookings essential. Bring a friend.



25 Community Bus Trip – Wollongong Botanic Garden and City Gallery Stop at Wollongong Botanic Garden to see fine floral displays, a rose garden, a maze and much more and then visit the Wollongong City Gallery after lunch. Free entry to the Gallery and garden. Morning tea and lunch at your own expense, or bring your own. Bus leaves Council Car Park at 0900 am. Bus cost $20, payment with


28 Community Restaurant 12pm – 2pm, Mosman Square Seniors’ Centre. Cost $10. No booking required. Bring a friend.


29 Out & About Trip – Caringbah – Lunch at the Camelia garden For Mosman residents who are frail aged. Cost $15 includes bus and morning tea. Lunch extra. For more information contact Dianne Gillings on 9978 4120

March 2012 Friday

Saturday Tuesday



2 Community Restaurant 12pm – 2pm, Mosman Square Seniors’ Centre. Cost $10. No booking required. Bring a friend. For more information contact 9978 4128 3 Mosman Village Markets 6 Community Restaurant 12pm – 2pm, Mosman Square Seniors’ Centre. Cost $10. No booking required. Bring a friend. For more information contact 9978 4128 7 Out & About Trip – Warragamba Dam For Mosman residents who are frail aged. Cost $15 includes bus and morning tea. Lunch extra. For more information contact Dianne Gillings on 9978 4120

D I A R Y Friday











9 Community Restaurant 12pm – 2pm, Mosman Square Seniors’ Centre. Cost $10. No booking required. Bring a friend. For more information contact 9978 4128 10 Community Bus Trip – Henry Kendall Cottage & Gosford Set on two and a half acres of peacefull surroundings, henry kendall Cottage was built in 1836 and was once a home for pioneer poet Henry Kendall. After visiting the Cottage, there will be a lunch and a quick visit of Gosford. Morning tea and lunch at your own expense, or bring your own. Entry fee $3. Bus leaves Council Car Park at 0900 am. Bus cost $20, payment with booking. For more information contact 9978 4128 13 Community Restaurant 12pm – 2pm, Mosman Square Seniors’ Centre. Cost $10. No booking required. Bring a friend. For more information contact 9978 4128 14 Out & About Trip – Davistown, lunch at the RSL For Mosman residents who are frail aged. Cost $15 includes bus and morning tea. Lunch extra. For more information contact Dianne Gillings on 9978 4120 16 Community Restaurant 12pm – 2pm, Mosman Square Seniors’ Centre. Cost $10. No booking required. Bring a friend. For more information contact 9978 4128 20 No Community Restaurant today – Seniors Week 18-25 March Afternoon tea Dance for Seniors as part of Seniors week. For more Info: Olivier on 9978 4128 21 Out & About Trip – Berowra – Lunch at the Fish cafe For Mosman residents who are frail aged. Cost $15 includes bus and morning tea. Lunch extra. For more information contact Dianne Gillings on 9978 4120 23 Community Restaurant – Mayoral lunch for Seniors Week 2012 12pm – 2pm, Mosman Square Seniors’ Centre. Cost $12. Bookings essential. Bring a friend. For more information contact 9978 4128 24 Community Bus Trip – Kangaroo valley and Fitzroy falls Lying south of Moss Vale, the falls have been part of the Morton national park since 1960. A well established natural reserve with many walking trails, the falls are a spectacular attraction. After lunch in Kangaroo Valley, enjoy the galleries and Art and craft shops. Bus leaves Council Car Park at 0900 am. Bus cost $20, payment with booking. For more information contact 9978 4128 25



Community Restaurant – Australia Day Lunch 12pm – 2pm, Mosman Square Seniors’ Centre. Cost $12. Bookings essential. Bring a friend. For more information contact 9978 4128



Out & About Trip – Picton – Lunch at the Picton Bowling Club For Mosman residents who are frail aged. Cost $15 includes bus and morning tea. Lunch extra. For more information contact Dianne Gillings on 9978 4120



Community Restaurant 12pm – 2pm, Mosman Square Seniors’ Centre. Cost $10. No booking required. Bring a friend. For more information contact 9978 4128

April 2012 Tuesday

3 Community Restaurant 12pm – 2pm, Mosman Square Seniors’ Centre. Cost $10. No booking required. Bring a friend. For more information contact 9978 4128


4 Out & About Trip – Bobbin head – Lunch at the Inn Cafe For Mosman residents who are frail aged. Cost $15 includes bus and morning tea. Lunch extra. For more information contact Dianne Gillings on 9978 4120


6 Community Restaurant 12pm – 2pm, Mosman Square Seniors’ Centre. Cost $10. No booking required. Bring a friend. For more information contact 9978 4128

Saturday Tuesday

7 Mosman Village Markets 10 Community Restaurant 12pm – 2pm, Mosman Square Seniors’ Centre. Cost $10. No booking required. Bring a friend. For more information contact 9978 4128


14 Community Bus Trip – Parramatta Visit Parramatta, home to a fascinating collection of colonial heritage sites dating back to the 18th century. Visit the old Government House and Harris Par, Parramatta Park and Bus leave Council car park at 9.00am. Bus cost $20, payment with booking. Elizabeth Farm $4.00; Hambledon Cottage $3.00; Experiment Farm Cottage $5.00. Lunch at own expense. For more information contact 9978 4128.


MOSMAN HOME GARDENER’S SOCIETY Meets every second Tuesday of the month 7.00pm – 9.00pm

1.00pm - 4.30pm BRIDGE

12.00pm – 4.00pm SCRABBLE

Mosman Municipal Council

2.00pm – 4.30pm ART CLASS (all media) $50.00 per term

9.30am – 10.30am Level 1 TAI CHI 10.45am – 11.45am Beginners TAI CHI

2.30pm – 4.30pm OLD TIME DANCE

12.00pm – 2.00pm COMMUNITY RESTAURANT $10

9.00am – 4.00pm COMPUTER PALS Computer Room open

DRAMA GROUP 4.30pm – 5.30pm

1.00pm – 4.30pm BRIDGE

1.00pm – 3.00pm BINGO

Civic Centre, Mosman Square, Mosman

MOSMAN ABORIGINAL RECONCILIATION GROUP Meets every first Wednesday of the month, 6pm – 8pm

$2.00 per class


7.00pm – 9.30pm

Table Tennis 1.00pm - 3.30 pm Seniors Centre

UPRIGHT & ACTIVE A falls prevention exercise 11.15am – 12.15 pm $110.00 full – 10 weeks $88.00 conc – 10 weeks

9.30am – 10.30am GENTLE EXERCISE $88.00 conc - 10 weeks $110.00 full – 10 weeks

9.00am – 4.00pm COMPUTER PALS Computer Room open

Chess Group Every Wednesday 9.00am – 12.00pm

9.00am – 4.00pm COMPUTER PALS Computer Room open

9.00am – 12.30pm MAHJONG

Young Seniors Morning Tea 9.30am – 11.30am Last Wednesday of the month ENGLISH CONVERSATION CLASSES 1.00pm – 2.30pm Coin Donation 1.00pm – 3.30pm PERIODIC PLAY READING GROUP Meets every first and third Wednesday of the month

9.00am – 12.30pm MAHJONG

10.00am – 12.00pm U3A $10.00 Joining Fee $45.00 Membership

9.15am – 10.15am 10.30am – 11.30am GENTLE EXERCISE $88.00 conc - 10 weeks $110.00 full – 10 weeks





9.00am departure BUS TRIPS As advertised


December 2011/January 2012

Knitting Group 3rd Friday of the Month 2.00 pm- 4.00 pm Volunteers Lounge

Friday at the movies Every 2nd Friday of the month, join us for a Free classic movie afternoon 2.30-4.30 pm (Starts Feb. 2012)

12.00pm – 2.00pm COMMUNITY RESTAURANT Every Week – $10.00 Last Friday of the month: International Luncheon, $12.00 Bookings Essential

10.00am MOSMAN LEISURE WALKERS 1st Friday of the month (starting may the 6th)

9.00am – 1.00pm COMPUTER PALS Computer Room open

ART CLASS 9.00am – 11.30am (all media) $50.00 per term


For more information phone Olivier Strobel, Seniors’ Activities Co-ordinator, on 9978 4128




MOSMAN SQUARE SENIORS CENTRE Mosman Council Aged & Disability Services Civic Centre, Mosman Square Mosman NSW 2088 Telephone: 9978 4128


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