Over 55s newsletter janfebmar2015 bc final

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January, February, March 2015


Your Health & Fitness

Theme Lunches

Under Construction

Meals on Wheels

Mosman Rider

Historical Society

Diary of Events

Over 55s Bus Trip

‘Tis the season to be jolly Merry Christmas The Mayors Christmas Reception for Volunteers Party 2014 was a huge success, thanks to all volunteers ! MOSMAN SQUARE SENIORS CENTRE Mosman Council Aged & Disability Services Civic Centre, Mosman Square Mosman 2088 Telephone: 9978 4128

Quick Phone List Activities

Olivier Strobel

Seniors’ Activities Co-ordinator

9978 4128

Information, Referrals & Support

Lyn Kelleher

Community Support Officer

9978 4119


Dianne Gillings

Community Transport Coordinator

9978 4120


Mary Magnus

Community Restaurant Coordinator

9978 4123

Meals on Wheels

Denise Lethbridge

Client Liaison Officer

9978 4130

Meals on Wheels

Katrina Jolley

Food Services Coordinator

9978 4130

Carers Group Coordinator

Liz Nagel

Carers Group Facilitator

9978 4089

Chantel Kerr

9978 4056

Mobile: 041978 4089


Ryan Mouthaan

Volunteers Support Officer

9978 4126

Newsletter now available on-line at www.mosman.nsw.gov.au 2

From the Editor’s Desk Dear readers, The end of 2014 has been amazing. Our Christmas lunch was booked out, and what a good time was had by all! We apologise to those regulars who missed out, please remember to book early for our popular theme lunches. It has been a great year at the Seniors Centre and we want to thank all of our clients and volunteers who made this year so great. Highlights included the table tennis team winning a trophy at the Youth Centre (and more than once), the Balance Class with Sally, beautiful Saturday outings and trip reports from Dianne or Peter (and lovely sketches). This year has been full of surprises and good moments! We can safely say that this was a successful year, putting new programs in place while our services continued to help and assist seniors every day with transport, food services or social support. A big thank you to all the volunteers who have helped this year, it would not have been possible without you, and to the volunteer’s office for coordinating all the programs. We would like to also extend our best wishes to the carers from the Carers group, and to the Mosman Community. For 2015, the main information is the scheduled refurbishment of our Seniors centre starting February. The centre will be great once finished but in the meantime, there will be some disruption and relocation of activities. We thank you in advance for your understanding and patience during the renovations. You will still be able to reach us on 9978 4128, and services and activities are running as per normal; please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions. A comprehensive guide will be printed with details as to where the activities are taking place. We are thankful to the Art gallery, Youth Centre, Library, Drill Hall and the Mosman Bowling Club for hosting some of our events. Please make sure that you check the venue or with us before joining an activity during renovations. Until February the Seniors Centre is open and running as per normal. Remember Seniors Week 2015 falls between the 14th and 22nd of March, check the Diary of Events for more details. We wish everyone a very happy New Year 2015 and we are looking forward to seeing you in our beautifully renovated centre for more lunches, activities, movies and everything else we do. Keep us in mind if you require help or support and you can always reach us on 9978 4128 if you need information. All the best for a Happy New Year! From the Editor and the Aged services team. 3


At this time of the year, we would like to remind everyone that help is at hand, whether via a phone call or a visit to your home or at our office in the Seniors Centre. Chantal and I assist more than 200 individuals each quarter, as per the statistical data we are required to collect. Sometimes finding the right service to assist is difficult, particularly if you are unwell or feeling a little stressed. As Community Support Officers, Chantal and I provide individual information and guidance to older residents, people with a disability, their families, carers and workers from the wider service network. We listen and ensure that people’s needs are heard, understood and dealt with in an appropriate manner. If you would like some information on services to meet your needs, we would be very happy to visit you, or you are welcome to visit our office, please phone 9978 4119 and make an appointment, as we are often out of the office visiting clients. Council has an excellent record for providing support to our older residents. We often have very positive feedback from those who take advantage of the wide range of services and activities offered through the Council’s Aged and Disability Services. In fact we have also had positive feedback from sources, who have become aware of the support available and are not Mosman residents. However there are still those who would benefit considerably from the support available but for their own reasons do not ‘give it a go’. I urge everyone to consider the benefits on offer and be willing to discuss how the support may enhance your life. Chantal and I are just a phone call or a visit away. If we are away from the office or on the phone, your call may go to an answering service. We realise this can be frustrating, but don’t despair, just leave us a message and we will get back to you as soon as possible. Together we can look at services and options that may assist you in making decisions and choices. We would like to advise the start dates of Mosman Care Café and Saturday Social Group: Mosman Care Café: Meets monthly 10am – 12pm; Fri 23 January at the Seniors Lounge room, Fri 20 February; due to centre refurbishment, please check for location and Fri 20 March at the Seniors lounge room. Saturday Social Group: 1st and 3rd Saturday monthly 10am – 3pm. Starts 17 January 2015 For more information on any activities, please phone 9978 4119. We wish everyone a Happy & Healthy 2015, 4

Chantal Kerr & Lyn Kelleher, Community Support

News from the Community Restaurant Happy 2015! Can you believe 2015 is here, it seems only yesterday we celebrated coming into the 21st Century and now we're 15 years in. Melbourne Cup was one of the best ever lunches with our Fancy Hat Parade contestants delighting our two judges, Diane Lawrence (Director of Community Development and Veronica Lee our General Manager) that they had to choose TWO winners for the Most Elegant category! The winners were Frances Lutge and Joyce Beatty. Well done ladies! You both looked extremely elegant! Our inimitable man of super creativity, Clifton Haynes won the Most Original category and Bill Cape, the Funniest. It was lots of fun and I thank you all for participating! We have had some interesting lunches with visit's from Mosman High School students and a local pre-school Kindergarten. We are planning a lot more visits next year from our local schools. They love coming up to visit our seniors centre, to sit and chat, display their art works and perform for us! It’s lovely to enjoy for both young and old. Our Christmas Lunch was huge over 90 people attending, our biggest lunch ever, with thanks to the large group of table tennis players joining us! My special thanks must go to the Volunteers, who worked so hard on the day, never drawing breath and doing everything I asked and more! Also a huge thanks to our own ‘Seniors Choir’, accompanied and coached by the lovely Anne Hayson, who led us in some robust carol singing and performed a couple of their own. Well done and thank you ladies. We also had a visit from some Mosman High year 7students, who are on school holidays and came in their own time to sing some carol's for us. What generous, great young people they are! Our first lunch back in 2015 will be on Tuesday 6 January. We look forward to another full and productive year! I would just like to remind everyone to please continue to welcome new people who join the Restaurant. It’s so important to continue getting new customers especially if we want the Restaurant to continue operating, and there is nothing worse than sitting down only to be told "you can't sit there". (If you wish to reserve a seat for a friend please see me or volunteers regarding your request). Also there is no need to stack the plates at the table, it is a health and safety issue so please allow our staff to collect your plates from the table. Thank you for your co-operation. We look forward to seeing you all and some new faces at our wonderful Community Restaurant for lunch this year. Happy New Year to All From Mary the Kitchen Fairy!


We would also like to say a big thank you to all our wonderful volunteers who helped out over the Christmas and New Year holiday period. We were very busy packing and delivering extra meals and, as always, we are very grateful to everyone who offered their help at this hectic time of the year. Once again our delicious Christmas dinners were hugely popular with more than 100 requests for our roast turkey breast, pork & crackling dinners and plum puddings with brandy custard! Our Summer menu offers a choice of high-quality meals each day, as well as fresh salads, sandwiches, soups and desserts. Our fresh, refrigerated meals are delivered directly to your home, ready for you to heat in your oven or microwave when required. Frozen meals are also available for your convenience. Vegetarian, gluten-free and special diets are catered for. Not only are our meals fresh and delicious, they also comply with the Dietary Guidelines for Older Australians. Our menu is regularly reviewed by a dietician;      

We provide a wide variety of nutritious foods, from all 5 food groups Our menu offers protein-rich foods every day Unlike many frozen meals from the supermarket, a broad range of vegetables are included Our milk-based desserts, including custard and yoghurt, assist with meeting daily calcium requirements Salt is kept to a minimum in all recipes The majority of our meals are low in saturated fat. 86% of our meals contain less than 10 grams of fat per 100 grams

If you’re unsure of when you’ll be at home to receive deliveries, why not come to the kitchen and purchase some frozen meals. Simply bring a cool bag to the Meals on Wheels kitchen between 11am –1pm and you can choose from our extensive frozen selection. If you, or someone you know or care for, may benefit from having home-delivered meals, or if you would just like to have a look at our menu, we have a very flexible service, offering both long and short-term assistance. There are no contracts or minimum orders and you can cancel the service at any time. We can deliver once, twice or five times a week, so please give us a call to discuss requirements. Kind regards, Katrina, Denise, Elizabeth & Vicki from Meals on Wheels Contact: Katrina/Denise on 9978 4130 or email meals@mosman.nsw.gov.au 6

Mos a Co

e ts

Connecting with neighbours, family and friends enriches our lives in so many ways. In connecting with neighbours and our local community, you can:  improve your health and happiness. There are proven health benefits.  have someone keep an eye on your home or feed your pet if you go away  look out for and help each other on a day-to-day basis or when the need arises  make new friends! Mosman provides many opportunities for residents to connect with each other. Community gardens are a great way to meet people in your area. Organise a garage sale, and chat to the people who come by. Tell them stories about the things you’re selling – it’s a ready-made conversation starter. Next time you see a neighbour you don’t know well, say hi. It might not be much at first, but after a while you might start chatting a little more. Need an ingredient for a cake? Or a tool for fixing the bathroom window? Instead of buying it, try asking a neighbour if you can borrow theirs. And don’t hesitate to reciprocate. Engage with Council. There are fabulous events for people of all ages. Think about volunteering, see an exhibition at the Mosman Art Gallery or visit the Library, Youth or Seniors Centres. Cook or bake something for a neighbour. You never know when someone might just need a delicious surprise to make their day! Try one of Mosman’s many clubs and societies. Join a book club or a sporting club. To find something you’re interested in, head to the Community Database on Council’s website. If you are feeling isolated or struggling to cope, try contacting: Lifeline: 13 11 14 Mensline Australia: 1300 789 978 Mosman Council Aged and Disability Services: 9978 4128 In an emergency, please call 000

We welcome your ideas and stories of connecting Mosman. Please email to council@mosman.nsw.gov.au


The seniors centre is going to have some refurbishments done and are due to start in February 2015. The works will affect the location of some activities, so please contact us on 9978 4128 or visit the centre to find out where the activity you wish to join is going to be located, please note the disruption is only for a short period of time and we look forward to an updated seniors centre to all enjoy for many years to come.

Getting in and out of cars is so much easier with a swivel seat! Aged and Disability Services office has a swivel seat that can be borrowed to assist with transporting someone in a car. We also have wheelchairs that can be borrowed for two weeks at a time. For Bookings please call Olivier on 99784128.

Mosman Rider operating on Summer Timetable: October to April 9am – 1pm & 2 – 6pm Corner for fun and laughs… The Tiger A police officer spotted a man sitting in a car with a tiger sitting in the passenger seat next to him. The police officer said, “It’s against the law to have a tiger in your car. Take him to the zoo.” The next day the police officer saw the same man in the same car with the same tiger. The police officer said, “I thought I told you to take that tiger to the zoo.” The man replied, “I did. He liked it. Now we’re going to the beach.”

Do you have a joke or funny story to share? Tell our staff so your joke can appear in our Newsletter 8

CARERS, who are they, what do they do? Carers are people who provide unpaid care and support to family and friends who have a disability, chronic condition, mental illness, terminal illness, dementia, an alcohol or other drug issue, or are frail aged. Carers are an integral part of Australia’s health system and are the foundation of our aged, disability, palliative and community care systems. Caring may include help and support in any of the daily activities of the person being cared for. This may include physical and personal care and assistance such as dressing, lifting, showering, feeding or providing transport. Carers provide emotional and social support and are often responsible for the management of medications as well as financial support. Australia has about 2.7 million Carers, 12% of the population, chances are that you are a Carer, or know a Carer. For more than 10 years Mosman Carers Group has been helping Carers with support, information and referrals. We meet weekly at Mosman Council and the group is warm and welcoming and the format is relaxed. There are regular guest speakers covering a range of subjects, sometimes morning tea at a local cafÊ and every three months or so a full day bus outing for lunch, a very popular day with Carers, enabling them to relax and have well deserved break. The support and understanding Carers give to one another plays a big part of the meetings, so if you are a Carer or know someone who is please contact me for more information. Warm regards Liz Nagel, Carers Program Coordinator 9

Community Transport Fees For older residents who do not drive and cannot manage public transport. Door to door services in a wheelchair accessible bus. Phone 9978 4120 for enquiries & bookings

Please note some prices have increased from 1July 2014 All fees are available online in Mosman Council Pricing Policy www.mosman.nsw.gov.au INDIVIDUAL TRANSPORT SHUTTLE BUS Monday - Friday Disability Accessible Bus Mosman / Neutral Bay $8 Return, $5.50 One Way Mosman / Chatswood / Manly $13 Return, $9 One Way COMMUNITY RESTAURANT BUS Tuesday and Friday $7 Return WEDNESDAY OUT & ABOUT DAY TRIPS $16 - For frail older people SATURDAY DAY TRIPS $25 - Active Over 55s INDIVIDUAL TRANSPORT BY CAR Monday - Friday Mosman / Neutral Bay $10.50 Return, $6.50 One Way Mosman / St Leonards $14.50 Return, $9 One Way Out of Area $22 Return, $15 One Way + Tolls Prices as at 1 July 2014 10

THE PROBUS CLUB OF MOSMAN COMBINED Visitors are very welcome to attend our monthly meetings, held on the fourth Wednesday of each month at the Mosman R.S. Club. Our meetings start at 10.30am and visitors pay $5 which includes morning tea. Details for our forthcoming meetings are: Wednesday 28th January Guest Speaker will be Charles Barton from the Sydney Fine Music Radio Station. Wednesday 25th February Guest Speaker will be Jane Mundy talking about her recent book “In My Father’s House”. Wednesday 25th March is the A.G.M. so there’s no guest speaker. After the meetings visitors are very welcome to join us for lunch upstairs at the Horizon Restaurant. Inquiries: Don Napper, President, 9460-0634 or Sue Webb, Publicity Officer, 9969-6079


Mosman Care Café The Mosman Care Café is designed for Carers and their loved ones to attend together. Care Café offers a friendly, relaxed atmosphere to meet and talk to others in a similar situation. You will see our experienced Mosman volunteers and we all look forward to seeing you. Community support officer and Carers’ Program coordinator will support participants and provide advice and information about appropriate local community support services.

When Between 10am and 12pm on; Friday 23 January at Seniors Lounge room, Friday 20 February Due to renovation at centre, place will be confirmed later. Please contact us on 9978 4056 Friday 20 March at Seniors centre. Where Mosman Seniors Centre, Civic Centre, Mosman Square, Spit Junction.

Cost Gold coin donation.

For further information about the Mosman Care Café contact Chantal Kerr: 9978 4056 c.kerr@mosman.nsw.gov.au 12


What’s on at Mosman Art Gallery


Bungaree on display from Saturday 13 December – Sunday 22 February 2015

Bungaree: the First Australian returns to Mosman Art Gallery as part of the bicentennial celebrations associated with the establishment of Bungaree's Farm, the first land grant by colonial authorities to an Aboriginal person in Australia. Bungaree is an exhibition by sixteen emerging and established contemporary NSW Aboriginal artists who have created works that acknowledge and critically re-interpret the story of Bungaree, known as the Chief of the Broken Bay Aborigines, who was a central figure in early colonial Sydney. Curated by renowned Aboriginal curator Dion Mundine, the exhibition features artworks by Frances Belle-Parker, Mervyn Bishop, Daniel Boyd, Karla Dickens, Fiona Foley, Adam Hill, Warwick Keen, Gary Lee, Peter McKenzie, Daniel Mellor, Caroline Oakley, Rea, Lynette Riley, Gordon Syron, Leanne Tobin and Jason Wing.

Pamela Bell – Drawings from the shed Carcoar… In this series Pamela reveals the hidden remnants of convict labourers, bushrangers and farmers found in the sheds of mid-nineteenth century property near Carcoar NSW. These carefully observed drawings are a memory of that place and time. Free event at the Mosman Art Gallery now until 14 01Feb 2015, Art Gallery is open 9am – 5pm daily

What’s on at Mosman Library First Tuesday of the month @ 10.30am A monthly series of talks for those looking to learn more about the latest technology and its use. Today’s digital environment is moving quickly and it is often hard to keep up. Technology Tuesday is a way to stay up to date on the latest laptops and tablets as well as giving you hands on advice on topics such as how to use email, social media and upload photos. Each month a different topic is covered and you are welcome to bring your own device along. There are limited spaces for these talks, please book early on 99784091 or online Mosman Library Events.

Second Tuesday of the month 10.30-12.00pm

Technology Tuesday Drop In For those who need a little more one on one help, Mosman Library offers once a month drop in session aimed at solving all your technological problems. Bring in your iPhone, iPad or laptop and our staff will help you with downloading eBooks, sending emails, using social media or any other difficulties you may be having with your device. Bookings are not required.

COMPETITION TIME….. Mos a Li rary holiday

readi g progra for adults is a k i Ja uary. Catch up on your holiday reading, then review your book either by filing in a review card or posting it online to the Library catalogue. Great weekly prizes, plus major prize

Please Note: 2015 Scheduled refurbishment Mosman Library has some exciting improvements to the building scheduled for 2015. The building work will take place from February to end of April 2015 when the Library foyer will undergo a complete refurbishment. During the building period the Library will still be open and will be offering a reduced service from the ground floor where the Reference Library and study areas are currently located. While there will be no access to the lending collection we will be offering unlimited loans and an extended loan period during the building works. The Library will reopen at the end of April with a brand new foyer which will include an upgrade to the toilets, a special returns room for library books, 15 a new customer service desk and increased casual seating.

Friday 30 January

Australia Day

Friday 27 February

Chinese Banquet Year of the Sheep

Tuesday 17 March

Seniors’ Cocktail Party 46pm St Patricks Day

Friday 20 March

Mayoral Lunch Celebrating Seniors Week, Harmony Day

Friday 24 April


Friday 29 May


Friday 26 June

Guringai Festival (Aboriginal theme lunch)

Friday 24 July


Friday 28 August

Mosman Festival Lunch

Friday 25 September


Tuesday 3 November

Melbourne Cup Lunch

Friday 18 December

Christmas Lunch

Tuesday 5 January

Restaurant Resumes


Mosman Historical Society The first meeting for 2015 of the Mosman Historical Society will be on Wednesday 11th March 2015. Venue: Mosman Library Time: 6.45pm for a 7pm start The speaker will give a history of the Mosman/Neutral Bay Rifle Club which is celebrating its centenary this year. Members: FREE

Visitor Donation: $5.00

Tea & Coffee Provided For more information contact 9969 9811

Mosman Reconciliation Will have their first meeting for 2015 on Wednesday 4th of February at Mosman Council (in the Harnet Room), starting at 2.30pm. All welcome! For further details contact 9969 9811

Mosman Markets Saturday 7 February 2015 Saturday 7 March 2015


E X E R C I S E Healthy Lifestyle Why not join an exercise group with Healthy Lifestyle in 2015? Once you join a class, you will quickly begin to see improvements in your fitness and health. It's never too late to start, so pick up the phone and get into a course that suits you. Healthy Lifestyle classes at Mosman Seniors Tuesday Gentle Exercise Slow Pace 9.15am-10.15am Gentle Exercise Gentle Pace 10.30am-11.30am Thursday Gentle Exercise Slow Pace 9.30am-10.30am Upright & Active 11.30am-12.30pm Bookings are essential please phone 02 8877 5300 for information and a course brochure or visit our website: www.nsccahs.nealth.nsw.gov.au/healthylifestyle

Over 55s Aquacise Maintain a healthy lifestyle with regular exercise by participating in Aquacise classes. Mosman Swim Centre, located in Vista Street Mosman, and offer a range of different Aquacise classes for Over 55s that are proven to increase your metabolism, build muscle tone and strength, improve balance, flexibility and relieve tension. Each class can be varied in difficulty from easy to advanced. Prices for Aquacise classes: Adult - $15.00/Pensioner - $12.00 or purchase a 10 visit multi-passes: Adult - $120.00/Pensioner - $106.00 which are valid for 2 years from the date of purchase. For class timetables visit www.mosmanswimcentre.com.au or phone 9969 3888 for more information. There is a Special Needs Swimming Program on Saturday afternoons catering for both children and adults of all abilities. The program offers choice of group or personal sessions. For more information please phone 1300 11 7946 or see staff at the Swim Centre, 90 Vista Street, Mosman. 18

Tennis Women and men of any age are welcome. Current group of twenty enthusiastic players includes both women and men. All matches are doubles and having active fun is more important than who wins or loses! Where: Mosman Seniors Tennis Club, Rosebery Street, Mosman When: Mondays and Fridays Time: 11am - 2pm Call or phone Graham Levido on 9969 5177. (Synthetic Courts)

Mosman Men’s Shed The shed is filled with tools in order to restore, repair, build or teach. The shed also has a kitchen, TV and computer for you to use. Open for work Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursdays 10am – 3pm. Contact details 0418 228 258 or email mosmanmensshed@gmail.com

Table Tennis With 2 tables and up to 16 players at a time, the table tennis group has been growing steadily. Join us on Wednesdays, Seniors Centre (main hall) for a great game. When: Wednesdays Time: 1.00 – 3.30pm (Please wear suitable clothes and shoes with grip, and remember to eat & hydrate) Just call in, or phone Olivier Strobel on 9978 4128

Mosman Celebrates Australia Day 2015 Mayor of Mosman, Councillor Peter Abelson, invites residents to join in the Australia Day activities commencing at 10.00am at Drill Hall Common, Cross Street, Mosman. A Citizenship Ceremony will be followed by an Australia Day Address by Mosman's Australia Day Ambassador, Todd Greenberg NRL Head of Football. The Mayor will then announce Mosman's 2015 Citizen of the Year and Young Citizen of the Year, and invite all present to join in a community barbecue, generously run by volunteers from the Lions Club of Mosman.




Computer Pals 2015 This year Computer Pals will run in conjunction with the Mosman Library which have recently acquired some wonderful new iPads & Windows Surface Pros also laptops (HP & Macbook Pros). Our area will offer a Technical Helpdesk for troubleshooting and computer problems.

Contact Olivier 9978 4128 to book for 2015... Term 1: Monday 12 January Term 2: Monday 6 April Term 3: Monday 6 July Term 4: Tuesday 6 October Where: Seniors' Centre

– Friday 20 March – Friday 12 June – Friday 11 September – Friday 11 December Cost: $51.50 per person per term

Mosman University of the Third Age (U3A) U3A provides an opportunity to enjoy the stimulation of learning in a relaxed atmosphere ... no stress, no exams. Classes cover a wide range of subjects including: • history • geography • art appreciation • creative writing • discussion groups and more. Locally, U3A classes are held in the Mosman Seniors’ Centre, Mosman Art Gallery, The Manors of Mosman, The Garrison and in private homes. When you join you will receive a Membership Card and current course list with details of all classes in all regions as membership covers all regions of Sydney. Annual Membership $45.00 - Joining Fee $10. To join U3A phone the Sydney office for more information and a membership form between 10.00am and 1.00pm on 9252 2033 . For any further information phone 9978 4128.

Sing-along group Many thanks to all clients for their patience in regards to the new singing group. The activity will take place at the Seniors Centre on the first and third Friday of each month. No previous knowledge or singing experience required or expected! For more info, call Olivier on 9978 4128.

Are you up for a game of chess? The new Chess Group is going strong. Join us for a challenge, every Wednesday morning between 9.00am -12.00pm, the more the merrier! For further information, contact Olivier on 9978 4128. 20

Knitting Group This group have produced lovely and much needed quilts that are donated to charities. Unfortunately due to lack of numbers the Knitting Group has ceased to meet for the present. If you wish this group to meet in 2015 please register interest with Olivier, Senior Activities Coordinator. We would like to see the Knitting Group meet again in 2015.

Periodic Play Reading Group Enjoy a fun group for seniors, reading your choice of interesting and famous plays. When: First and third Wednesday of the month from 1.00 – 3.30pm Where: Mosman Square Seniors' Centre Enquiries: Please call 9978 4128

Come and Join Us for Bingo! We would be happy to have more people join the Bingo group. We need more bingo players so please join us for a wonderful afternoon. If you are interested, please call Olivier on 9978 4128.



New Year's Day

Thursday 1 January

Australia Day

Monday 26 January

Good Friday

Friday 3 April

Easter Saturday

Saturday 4 April

Easter Sunday

Sunday 5 April

Easter Monday

Monday 6 April

Anzac Day

Saturday 25 April

Queen's Birthday

Monday 8 June

Labour Day

Monday 5 October

Christmas Day

Friday 25 December

Boxing Day

Saturday 26 December

Additional Day

Monday 28 December**






January 2015 Thursday


HAPPY NEW YEAR 2015, the Centre is closed today



The Centre is open but NO COMMUNITY RESTAURANT TODAY, Restaurant resumes Tuesday 6 January



No January Markets





Community Restaurant “Cheap Tuesday” - at the SENIORS’ CENTRE 12pm – 2pm, Mosman Square Seniors’ Centre. Cost $7. No booking required. Bring a friend. For more information contact 9978 4128 Out & About Bus Trip - Georges River, lunch at the 16ft Sailing Club For Mosman residents who are frail aged. Cost $16 includes bus and morning tea. Lunch extra. For more information contact 9978 4120 Community Restaurant - at the SENIORS’ CENTRE 12pm – 2pm, Mosman Square Seniors’ Centre. Cost $10. No booking required. Bring a friend. For more information contact 9978 4128 NO FRIDAY MOVIE Today – Movies resume April 17





Over 55s Community Bus Trip - Tizana Winery and Old Ebenezer, lunch in Richmond What a nice destination to start 2015, enjoy the Winery and the drive through Ebenezer, and have a great lunch in beautiful Richmond. Bus leaves Council Car Park at 9.00am. Bus cost $25. Payment with booking. For more information contact 9978 4128.



Community Restaurant—at the SENIORS’ CENTRE 12 - 2pm, Mosman Square Seniors’ Centre. Cost $10. No booking required. Bring a friend For more information contact 99784128



Out & About Trip – Brooklyn, lunch at the King Tide Cafe For Mosman residents who are frail aged. Cost is $16 includes bus and morning tea. Lunch extra. For more information contact 9978 4120



Community Restaurant—at the SENIORS’ CENTRE 12 - 2pm, Mosman Square Seniors’ Centre. Cost $10. No booking required. Bring a friend. For more information contact 99784128





January 2015 (continued) Tuesday


Community Restaurant — at the SENIORS’ CENTRE 12pm – 2pm, Mosman Square Seniors’ Centre. Cost $10. No booking required. Bring a friend. For more information contact 9978 4128



Out & About Trip – Towradgi, lunch Towradgi Park Bowls Club For Mosman residents who are frail aged. Cost $16 includes bus and morning tea. Lunch extra. For more information contact 9978 4120



Community Restaurant — at the SENIORS’ CENTRE 12pm – 2pm, Mosman Square Seniors’ Centre. Cost $10. No booking required. Bring a friend For more information contact 9978 4128



Over 55 Bus Trip – Catherine Hill Bay, lunch in Toukley Bus leaves Council Car Park at 9am. Bus cost $25. Payment with booking. For more information contact 9978 4128



HAPPY AUSTRALIA DAY — Council is closed today



Community Restaurant — at the SENIORS’ CENTRE 12pm – 2pm, Mosman Square Seniors’ Centre. Cost $10. No booking required. Bring a friend. For more information contact 9978 4128



Out & About Trip – Palm Beach, lunch at the Palm Beach RSL For Mosman residents who are frail aged. Cost $16 includes bus and morning tea. Lunch extra. For more information contact 9978 4120


30 Community Restaurant “Australia Day Lunch”— at the SENIORS’ CENTRE 12pm – 2pm, Mosman Square Seniors’ Centre. Cost $12. Bookings essential. Bring a friend. For more information contact 9978 4128





February 2015 Tuesday


Community Restaurant “Cheap Tuesday” – at the ART GALLERY TODAY 12pm – 2pm, Mosman Art Gallery. Cost $7. No booking required. Bring a friend. For more information contact 9978 4128



Out & About Trip – Como, lunch at the Como Hotel For Mosman residents who are frail aged. Cost $16 includes bus and morning tea. Lunch extra. For more information contact 9978 4120



Community Restaurant – at the ART GALLERY TODAY 12pm – 2pm, Mosman Art Gallery. Cost $10. No booking required. Bring a friend. For more information contact 9978 4128



Mosman Markets



Community Restaurant – at the ART GALLERY TODAY 12pm – 2pm, Mosman Art Gallery. Cost $10. No booking required. Bring a friend. For more information contact 9978 4128



Out & About Trip – Castle Hill, lunch at the Castle Hill RSL For Mosman residents who are frail aged. Cost $16 includes bus and morning tea. Lunch extra. For more information contact 9978 4120



Community Restaurant – at the ART GALLERY TODAY 12pm – 2pm, Mosman Art Gallery. Cost $10. No booking required. Bring a friend. For more information contact 9978 4128 NO FRIDAY MOVIE Today – Movies resume April 17



Over 55 Community Bus Trip — Dobell House, Wangi, Morning Tea at the House Visit this lovely garden on the shore of Lake Macquarie and the fantastic Dobell House, home and studio of Sir William Dobell. Bus leaves Council Car Park at 9.00 am. Bus cost $25. Payment with booking. For more information contact 9978 4128.





February (continued) Tuesday


Community Restaurant – at the ART GALLERY TODAY 12pm – 2pm, Mosman Art Gallery. Cost $10. No booking required. Bring a friend. For more information contact 9978 4128



Out & About Trip – Maroubra, lunch at the Maroubra Seals For Mosman residents who are frail aged. Cost $16 includes bus and morning tea. Lunch extra. For more information contact 9978 4120



Community Restaurant – CHECK LOCATION 12pm – 2pm, Mosman Art Gallery. Cost $10. No booking required. Bring a friend. For more information contact 9978 4128



Community Restaurant – at the ART GALLERY TODAY 12pm – 2pm, Mosman Art Gallery. Cost $10. No booking required. Bring a friend. For more information contact 9978 4128



Out & About Trip – Bobbin Head, lunch at Bobbin Inn For Mosman residents who are frail aged. Cost $16 includes bus and morning tea. Lunch extra. For more information contact 9978 4120



Chinese Banquet – at the ART GALLERY TODAY 12pm – 2pm, Mosman Art Gallery. Cost $12. Booking essential. Bring a friend. For more information & bookings contact 9978 4128



Over 55 Community Bus Trip - Minnamurra Rainforest, morning tea there, lunch To Be Confirmed Bus leaves Council Car Park at 9am. Bus cost $25. Payment with booking. For more information contact 9978 4128.





March 2015—Seniors Week is 14—22 March Tuesday


Community Restaurant “Cheap Tuesday” – CHECK LOCATION 12pm – 2pm, Check Location. Cost $7. No booking required. Bring a friend. For more information contact 9978 4128



Out & About Trip La Perouse, lunch at Danny’s Seafood Café For Mosman residents who are frail aged. Cost $16 includes bus and morning tea. Lunch extra. For more information contact 9978 4120



Community Restaurant – CHECK LOCATION 12pm – 2pm, Check Location. Cost $10. No booking required. Bring a friend. For more information contact 9978 4128



Mosman Markets



Community Restaurant – CHECK LOCATION 12pm – 2pm, Check Location. Cost $10. No booking required. Bring a friend. For more information contact 9978 4128.



Out & About Trip Gosford, lunch at the Gosford Art Gallery For Mosman residents who are frail aged. Cost $16 includes bus and morning tea, lunch extra. For more information call on 9978 4120



Community Restaurant – CHECK LOCATION 12pm – 2pm, Check Location Cost $10. No booking required. Bring a friend. For more information contact 9978 4128 NO FRIDAY MOVIE Today – Movies resume April 17



Over 55 Community Bus Trip – Terrigal, morning Tea at Impact Nursery Enjoy the old scenic drive along the Old Pacific Highway and views over Brooklyn before getting to Terrigal. Bus leaves Council Car Park at 9.00 am. Bus cost $25. Payment with booking. For more information contact 9978 4128.




Seniors’ Week Cocktail Party 4pm – 6pm, Seniors’ Centre. Cost FREE. Booking required. Bring a friend. For more information contact 9978 4128




March 2015 (continued) Wednesday


Out & About Trip – Warragamba, lunch at the Warragamba Workers Club For Mosman residents who are frail aged. Cost $16 includes bus morning tea. Lunch extra. For information contact 9978 4120



Seniors Week Grand Seniors Concert FREE—1.30pm—4.30pm. Contact Olivier on 9978 4128



Community Restaurant – Mayoral Lunch 12pm – 2pm, at the SENIORS’ CENTRE Cost $12. Booking required. Bring a friend. For more information contact 9978 4128





Community Restaurant – at the SENIORS’ CENTRE 12pm – 2pm, Check Location. Cost $10. No booking required. Bring a friend. For more information contact 9978 4128 Out & About Trip – Malabar, lunch at the Randwick Golf Club For Mosman residents who are frail aged. Cost $16 includes bus and morning tea. Lunch extra. For more information contact 9978 4120



Community Restaurant – at the SENIORS’ CENTRE 12pm – 2pm, Check Location. Cost $10. No booking required. Bring a friend. For more information contact 9978 4128



Over 55 Community Bus Trip - Shellharbour, morning tea at Austinmere Visit or revisit beautiful Shellharbour and enjoy a beautiful morning tea at Austinmere. Bus leaves Council Car Park at 9.00 am. Bus cost $25. Payment with booking. For more information contact 9978 4128.

April 2015 Wednesday


Out & About Trip—Davistown, lunch at the Davistown RSL For Mosman residents who are frail aged. Cost $16 includes bus and morning tea. Lunch extra. For more information contact 9978 4128



Good Friday—The Centre will be close today



Mosman Markets



Easter Monday—The Centre will be closed today 27


SOME SKETCHES BY PETER TURNBULL IN 2014 WHEN ON COMMUNITY BUS OUTINGS ORGANIZED BY MOSMAN COUNCIL FOR THE OVER 55s Saturday 25th January 2014. This was the first council bus trip I was on this year. Mosman Council is a particularly responsible council with regard to looking after the well-being of its senior citizens. These journeys from 9am until about 5pm may be to anything from a reasonably close alpaca farm to a distant display of rhododendrons in the Blue Mountains or to some beautiful gardens in the Hunter Valley or, as in the picture up above, to somewhere like Kiama’s annual country show, gymkhana and fair. The drawings have been done in a variety of media according to whatever I had on hand at the time – crayons, aquarelle water-based pencils, felt pen, even biro. I must admit that the liquid to purposely smudge the colours was frequently my spit! Saturday 8th March 2014 The Hunter Valley Gardens , which were just a mass of coloured trees, flowers and plants , that it was very difficult to find a spot where they, as artistic subjects, were not a jumbled mass of ill-defined coloured shapes. So I drew an interesting vine instead, where there appeared to be tortured spirits hidden inside it , or could they be taking part in some odd , twisting dance unknown to man? See a face in agony and arms upraised there in the convolution of the wisteria vine?


Saturday 22nd March 2014 At Warners Bay, on the northern shores of Lake Macquarie ,the line of the Great Dividing Range can be seen very clearly.

June 14th: To Morpeth on the north side of the Hunter River Valley and a long journey for us, but an even longer trip for our most patient and generous, volunteer driver, Andrew Cook , who gives up his Saturdays for our enjoyment. He lives at Woy Woy, which means he drives all the way from the Central Coast in order to pick up the Council’s bus and his tourists from Mosman Civic Centre. On occasions he has almost driven past his own home; could be that he hopes to pop in for a cup of coffee !


August 9th. Not so far this time, in fact one of our shorter trips, but none the less interesting and informative ( if we ever wanted to own an alpaca! ). I managed to catch the likeness of this inquisitive , formidable and possibly largest of the furry inhabitants at a Kurrajong farm in the eastern foothills below the Blue Mountains.

November 8th. Two tourist places in one trip – Fitzroy Falls and Kangaroo Valley



2.30pm 4.30pm OLD TIME DANCE

MOSMAN HOME GARDENER’S SOCIETY FREE TEA AND COFFEE AVAILABLE ALL DAY Meets every second MONDAY - FRIDAY Tuesday of the month Mosman Municipal Council 7.00pm 9.00pm

2.00pm 4.30pm ART CLASS (all media) $77.00 per term RESUMES APRIL 2015

First Tuesday each month is Cheap Tuesday $7

1.00pm 3.00pm BINGO

UPRIGHT & ACTIVE A falls prevention exercise 11.30am 12.30 pm $110.00 full 10 weeks $88.00 conc 10 weeks

MOSMAN ABORIGINAL RECONCILIATION GROUP DRAMA GROUP Meets every first 4.30pm 5.30pm Wednesday Civic Centre, Mosman Square, Mosman of the month, 6pm 8pm


Table Tennis 1.00pm - 3.30 pm Seniors Centre

ENGLISH CONVERSATION CLASSES 1.00pm 2.30pm Coin Donation 1.00pm 3.30pm PERIODIC PLAY READING GROUP Meets every first and third Wednesday of the month

Fresh Coffee Service 12pm 1pm

12.00pm 2.00pm COMMUNITY RESTAURANT $10

9.00am 4.00pm COMPUTER PALS Computer Room open

9.30am 10.30am GENTLE EXERCISE $88.00 conc - 10 weeks $110.00 full 10 weeks

9.00am 4.00pm COMPUTER PALS Computer Room open

Chess Group Every Wednesday 9.00am 12.00pm

9.00am 4.00pm COMPUTER PALS Computer Room open

9.00am 12.30pm MAHJONG

9.30am 10.30am Level 1 TAI CHI 10.45am 11.45am Beginners TAI CHI

9.00am 12.30pm MAHJONG

10.00am 12.00pm U3A $10.00 Joining Fee $45.00 Membership

9.15am 10.15am 10.30am 11.30am GENTLE EXERCISE $88.00 conc - 10 weeks $110.00 full 10 weeks




9.00am departure BUS TRIPS As advertised


Knitting Group 3rd Friday of the Month 2.00 pm- 4.00 pm January, February, March 2015 Volunteers Lounge

Friday at the movies Every 2nd Friday of the month, join us for a Free classic movie afternoon 2.15 4.30 pm

12.00pm 2.00pm COMMUNITY RESTAURANT Every Week $10.00 Last Friday of the month: International or theme Luncheon $12.00 pp Bookings Essential

M.C.C Scrabble group Meets every Friday after the restaurant apart from the 2nd Friday when the movie is on

9.00am 1.00pm COMPUTER PALS Computer Room open

ART CLASS 9.00am 11.30am (all media) $50.00 per term


For more information, please see the attached information sheet (colour paper) or phone 9978 4128




MOSMAN SQUARE SENIORS CENTRE Mosman Council Aged & Disability Services Civic Centre, Mosman Square Mosman NSW 2088

Telephone: 9978 4128 www.mosman.nsw.gov.au


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