Winter 2018 newsletter final

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FREE NEWSLETTER for older adults



winter NEWS Mosman Council values and celebrates Seniors. Our dedicated Seniors Centre is open Monday to Friday from 9am to 5pm and offers a full range of fun and stimulating programs and outings to keep you Active, Healthy and Engaged with your community. There is no joining fee to come to the Seniors Centre. We have a lot of exciting new activities happening this quarter. Make sure you check out the dates and events in this newsletter - including our themed lunches, new dance classes, bus outings, walking groups, concerts, movies and so much more. We have news from our Care team, the latest from Mosman Meals, details on upcoming Carers Group activities and details on volunteering opportunities within the community. Inside this newsletter you will also find the necessary contacts for services you might need to help you remain active, healthy and engaged. Please call us on 9978 4128 if you require any help with transport, food or social support or if you would like assistance getting registered with MyAgedCare. We look forward to seeing you at the Centre soon!

9978 4128 | Civic Centre, Mosman Square Spit Junction

Social Activities

Engage and have fun with many activities on offer

Eat & Drink

Enjoy our new lunches and entertainment programs



Explore incredible destinations around Sydney

MAD! mature age dance When: 11:30am-12:45pm Mondays starting from 18 June Where: Mosman Square Seniors Centre Bookings: Call 9978 4128 to reserve your place

MAD! - a mature age contemporary dance project for the young at heart but not so young of body. The MAD! Dance idea was formed towards the end of 2017 as part of Mosman Council’s Creative Ageing Celebration. Join our group and rehearse every Monday from 11:30am-12:45pm at the Mosman Seniors Centre. We hope to perform at many local events in the future. If this sounds like you, and if you would like to learn how older bodies can move creatively - with energy, beauty and grace - then join the movement today.

9978 4128 | Civic Centre, Mosman Square Spit Junction



Welcome to our Winter edition of ‘Active, Healthy and Engaged’, a newsletter for older adults in the Mosman Area. Winter is back and it’s cold, so make sure you stay warm this season! It might also be time to check your fire alarms if you haven’t done so in a while (remember, be safe and replace fire alarm batteries every year and the whole system every 10 years). It’s been a very busy quarter and we’ve had many great events happening at the Centre. After the very successful Seniors Week, with highlights such as the cocktail party and table tennis tournament (won once again by the seniors team, as expected), we had an amazing Volunteers Reception at the Gunners Barracks to acknowledge and recognise the contribution made by volunteers at Council and within the community. We also had a Tech Forum at the end of May (touching on social media, online safety and apps) which was very well attended and opened up a whole range of computer-related topics for discussion and future workshops. Another well attended event was our Dementia Information Session on the 6 June. We apologise to those who were not able to get a spot. We were inundated with bookings and will definitely be running future seminars on this important subject. Big news for our readers is that we are finally starting dance classes at the Seniors Centre. We have Dance For Parkinson’s and MAD! (Mature Aged Dance) classes now running. We are very grateful to participants of the Art Class, Zumba and Monday Tai Chi in particular who have helped making those new dance classes possible by slightly adjusting the times of their activities. You will find full details of these new classes in this newsletter. Gamesthat 2 we willSupport Finally we would like to remind people not be running the tax assistance program from the Centre this year. Please call us if you need help or information regarding your tax returns as there are several other centres running this service in the area. We have also been notified that there will be renovations happening at the Centre from August to mid November 2018. We will need to temporarily relocate all activities but will develop a guide to ensure you have the right information dates, times and new venues for activities. In the meantime, stay warm. Happy winter! Your team at Mosman Community Care.


Games 2

Linda Ponce

Care Programs Coordinator Hello everyone! My name is Linda and I have recently joined the team here at Mosman, as the new Care Programs Officer. I have lived in many areas across Sydney, from north to south, and have experienced the diverse culture each has to offer. Through this, I have found that the key to a good community dynamic is collaboration, and consistent engagement throughout the generations. I have recently graduated with a degree in Social Work from the University of Sydney, and I am particularly interested in the right for all individuals to maintain independence and choice throughout their lives, irrespective of age or culture. I’m sure I’ll be lurkingGames 2 around at Mosman Civic Centre most days, so please feel free to come in and say ‘hello’. You can contact me on 9978 4119 or email



care programs Wellness and Reablement A portmanteau is a type of word that combines two or more other words to form a new meaning. “Brunch” combines breakfast and lunch; “podcast” combines iPod and broadcast, and so on. “Reablement” is the portmanteau du jour in community services. Combining “reenable” and “disablement”, it means getting people back to independence with help from the community when and where it’s needed. A reablement program provides a safety net for citizens and always has an end goal of self-sufficiency. “Reablement” is almost always used with “wellness”, as in “wellness and reablement”. “Wellness” doesn’t mean anything new, just “being well”. So together, “wellness and reablement” is just shorthand for “keeping you well in the first place, but helping you get back in form when you need it”. If you google “wellness and reablement” you’ll find plenty of programs from all over the world that use this buzzphrase (see what I did there?) to describe themselves. Here at Mosman Council we’re looking into what kinds of wellness and reablement programs could be useful for our community. Do you have ideas or suggestions? Drop us a line on 9978Support 4119 or email

The Care Team

MAC registration assistance

community links Mosman Community Care offers a Community Links program to support older people living in their own home. Support is provided by trained volunteers who assist with social support and various tasks such as shopping, outings, transport to appointments and other activities. For Bookings: please call 9978 4119

Did you know that you can come into the Mosman Seniors Centre and one of our friendly Care Team can assist you in registering with My Aged Care? Registration is over the phone and it usually takes about 20 mins. Your Medicare card number will be required. Alternatively you can register yourself with My Aged Care by calling the following number 1800 200 422. Once registered with MAC, a Regional Area Assessor will contact you to conduct a home visit and determine what supports you may need. These visits usually take around 60 to 90 minutes. Once this is complete you may have referrals to Commonwealth Home Support Programme (CHSP) services. Mosman Council runs three CHSP services - Transport, Meals and Social Support.

Upcoming Outings: 7 July Animals in Ancient Cultures Exhibit at Macquarie University

saturday social club A week-end Day Program for older adults including those with memory loss living in Mosman and neighbouring areas. The program offers stimulating activities and outings as well as a break for their carers. Join us every 1st and 3rd Saturday of the month. Lunch and morning tea are included. For Bookings: please call 9978 4119

21 July Trip to Bundeena with lunch at nearby Club 4 August Ferry ride to Museum of Contemporary Art at Circular Quay 18 August Palm Beach ferry to Ettalong and lunch at Ettalong Beach Club 1 September A visit to the Japanese Gardens in Auburn and a Turkish lunch


care program: news Thank you from the Community Care Team A huge thank-you from the Community Care Team to those clients who have taken our calls, allowed us to come into your homes and given us feedback as we update your Individual Support Plans. These Plans help us understand how we can best serve and support you. We’ve been asking questions around your capabilities, goals, what you like and what you dislike (to which we’ve had some wonderful responses)! Our aim is to provide programs and activities that allow YOU to stay active, healthy, and engaged, and to support YOU to remain in your home as long as possible.


Care Café Sketch Class with Peter Turnbull This group meets in the Seniors Centre upstairs lounge on the 3rd Tuesday of the month to learn the art of sketching from local artist Peter Turnbull. This program is inclusive of people living with dementia and/or other forms of memory loss. Sketching and any form of art is beneficial theraputic activity for all and is especially good for people with memory loss or cognitive impairment. The class has been busy sketching figures, landscapes, animals and still life (including a 100 year old teddy bear with a jar of honey - thank you, A.A. Milne). The group is inclusive and all are welcome to join. To book call 9978 4119.


Discussion Group Our second fortnightly Discussion Group on a Thursday started up this year, facilitated by Catherine Du Peloux Menage. Catherine grew up in Mauritius speaking English, French and Creole. Among other talents she is the creative director of the St Albans Writers Festival, a professional translator (French to English), perfume blogger and presenter. This group’s wide-ranging topics have included literature, fascinating cults, exciting travel adventures, and international politics. Sound interesting? Come along, share your stories, and have a chinwag with Catherine & co. To book call 9978 4119.

2018 ‘A Picture of Health’ Tours Would you like to meet new people and connect with your community through art? Mosman Art Gallery is hosting a series of A Picture of Health guided tours for people living with memory loss and their friends or family. Some upcoming tours include: • Australian Exotica Photography - Friday 22 July 10.30am-12pm • New Sacred: Exploring Rituals - Friday 17 August 10.30am-12pm • Mosman Art Prize - Friday 26 October 10.30am-12pm The tours are FREE and morning tea will be served afterwards. Bookings essential. For more information or to register call 9978 4185.


carers program Why join the Mosman Carers Group? People come along initially for the information, support and to learn more about the caring role. Looking after a family member or friend who has an illness, or is living with a disability or dementia can be huge and sometimes overwhelming, especially if you aren’t sure where to turn for help and are feeling a little unsure of what to do next. The group is relaxed, informal and new Carers are made to feel very welcome. Getting to know other Carers and learning about the services and support available is invaluable. The regular guest speakers provide a wealth of information on a range of topics and there is no pressure to attend every week; just come when you can. Carers soon learn that the Carers themselves are the main strength of the group. They provide support, understanding and often have suggestions or tips on how to deal with situations, based on their own experiences. The friendship and discussions shared at the meetings are very special and although tears sometimes surface, laughter plays a big part too. As one group member said, “being a Carer can be hard at the best of times, but the information, support and new friends I have made have helped enormously. What I take away from the meetings is a feeling of not being alone to face the journey.” Please, take that first step. Come along to the Mosman Carers Group. We meet every Wednesday from 10am to 12pm in the Harnett Room at Mosman Council. There is no charge and tea/coffee is provided. If you would like to discuss the Carers Program contact Carers Program Coordinator Liz Nagel, on 9978 4089 on Tuesdays and Wednesdays.

caring for carers progam Every Wednesday 10am - 12pm Meeting in the Harnett Room, Mosman Council

*Upcoming events: Wednesday 4 July Depression and the Caring Role with Felicity Rogers from Carers NSW. Wednesday 25 July Dementia, Information includes: Understanding Behaviour Changes, Communication Tips and How to Respond Appropriately with Michele Ferris, Dementia Consultant at CCNB. Wednesday 1 August Compassion Fatigue, Loss and Grief with Robyn Bradey, Mental Health Consultant and Social Worker. Wednesday 8 August Seated Yoga, Relaxation and Meditation with Keung Chik, Yoga Instructor. Wednesday 19 September Morning Tea at Café Jam, Bridgepoint.

*Please note, these programs are for carers only. If you would like to be a part of this group, please call Liz.


social activities Refurbishment of the Civic Centre, August to November 2018 Long overdue upgrades to the Civic Centre and parts of the Seniors Centre have been scheduled for later this year. We don’t have definite starting dates as yet, however we’ve been notified that works will take place between August and November 2018. The main impact will be on the Hall. As has happened in the past, we will be relocating most if not all activities to venues around Mosman including the Youth Centre, Mosman Art Gallery, Drill Hall (Rawson Park), and Mosman Bowling Club. We appreciate this might cause some inconvenience to our clients, however we believe that the refurbished amenities will significantly improve our Centre. Access and contact During the refurbishment, all contact details for Mosman Community Care will remain the same. You will still be able to access the Mosman Meals office and kitchen during this time. The Seniors’ Centre Main hall may need to be closed for some time. We will notify all groups in due time and find alternative locations. You can still access the lounge from the main door. We strongly encourage you to call our Service Coordinators on 9978 4128 before making your trip in, and ask also that you make an appointment if you need a Games 2 consultation. Support When work starts we will have a comprehensive guide available and will also give plenty of notice to every group affected by the changes. We will do all that we can to minimise the impact on clients and we do apologise in advance for the inconvenience the refurbishment might cause.

movie matinee

july 12

aug 9

lunchtime movie - 2nd thursday of the month We invite you, your friends and family to join us at our lunchtime movie screening with lunch pack every 2nd Thursday of the month from 12:00pm. Upcoming movies include ‘West Side Story’ and ‘To Kill a Mockingbird’. Price: $10, includes delicious lunch pack Bookings essential: Please call 9978 4128 to reserve your seat



Games 2


dance for parkinsons


We have finally started our Dance for Parkinsons classes on Friday mornings in the main hall of the Seniors Centre. This program is designed to encourage healthy movement for people living with Parkinsons or other mobility difficulties and their carers. Call us for bookings and details on this fun dance group. All welcome. When: Friday from 10.00am-11.30am For Bookings: please call 9978 4128

Established in 2016, this group has been a resounding success. We’ve been fortunate to have a varied range of performers including Rock Bands, a Harpist, Brass Collective…. and you even get lunch. When: 4th Thursday of the month from 1.00pm-2.30pm Price: $10, includes a light lunch For Bookings: please call 9978 4128


For the first time on the Lower North Shore comes the highly successful nce for Parkinson’s program. This event is hosted by Mosman Council in association with Dance for Parkinson’s Australia.

Fridays starting in June 2018 10am - 11:30am Class runs for 1 hour. Please come a little early to register. Feel free to join us for refreshments and an opportunity to socialise afterwards.

Location: Mosman Square Seniors Centre, 1 Mosman Square, Mosman NSW 2088

Games 2


Cost: TBC - bookings essential Contact: Mosman Community Care Bookings: 02 9978 4128

Qi gong

mad! Contemporary dance

Join Stuart and his crew, every Thursday, for a Qi Gong Session - a very simple and gentle, yet effective, exercise program. When: Thursdays 3.00pm-4.00pm Where: Mosman Seniors Centre Price: FREE For Bookings: please call 9978 4128

Try our exciting new Mature Age Dance (MAD!) program at the Seniors Centre with our qualified dance teacher. There has never been a better time to start dancing. When: Monday 11.30am-12.40pm Where: Mosman Seniors Centre For Bookings: please call 9978 4128


Games 2


mosman meals Eating well is important for health, independence and quality of life. Are you eating enough nutritious food this winter?! Eating enough means maintaining a healthy weight and even having a little extra weight ‘in reserve’ for times of illness or stress. Good nutrition enables wellbeing - keeping your mind and body strong. It also improves wound healing, helps preserve bone mass and maintains muscle strength, reducing the risk of falls, fractures and hospital stays. Mosman Meals is committed to supporting your independence. Our flexible service can deliver meals to your home every day or as often as required, ready for you to heat in your oven or microwave at your convenience. We deliver to Mosman, Cremorne and Neutral Bay. We have a huge selection of fresh chilled or frozen meals to choose from. Unlike many of the basic frozen meals on offer in the supermarket, all our nutritiously-balanced meals are low in salt and saturated fat and include protein, potatoes/rice/pasta and a variety of fresh vegetables on the side. Fresh salads, soups and sandwiches are available every day. We also cater for special diets (e.g. gluten free, vegetarian and pureed).

Gameswe 2 also offerSupport In addition to home delivery, take-away. If you’re unsure of when you’ll be at home to receive deliveries, why not come to the Mosman Meals kitchen and collect some frozen meals or pick some up after your activities in the Centre? Simply bring a cool bag and you can choose from our extensive frozen selection. Our prices from July 2018: Main meal $6.50 } Meal package (meal, soup, dessert, juice) $11.50 Salad $7.50 } Salad package (salad, soup, dessert, juice) $12.50 Soup $2.50 Dessert $2.50 Juice $1.00 Sandwich $4.00 If you, or someone you know or care for, would like to try our meals or have a look at our menu, please contact Katrina or Vicki on 9978 4130 or email



French Lunch

Indian Feast

july 27

Spanish Fiesta

Games 2

aug 31


sept 28

special ‘themed lunches’ - mosman community restaurant Join us for one of our special Community Restaurant themed lunches. Come with your friends - or come on your own and meet some new friends. Our lunches are a great way to meet new people over a delicious three course meal with a glass of wine and tea or coffee. Our themed lunches are very popular so book early to make sure you don’t miss out. Price: $15, includes a delicious three course meal and a glass of wine Transport and Lunch deal: $20. Door to door transport and a 3 course lunch Bookings essential: Please call 9978 4128 to reserve your seat

community restaurant

meals - free home delivery

The perfect place to meet friends while enjoying a delicious three-course lunch with your choice of juice, tea or coffee and a glass of wine. ‘Cheap Tuesdays’ are every 1st Tuesday of the month. When: Every Tuesday and Friday Where: Mosman Seniors Centre Price: ‘Cheap Tuesdays’ $10 / Normal days $12 For Bookings: please call 9978 4128

Our home-style fresh and frozen meals, soups, salads, sandwiches and desserts are well-priced and delivered directly to your home, Monday to Friday 11am-12pm. We can deliver daily, weekly or on a short term basis (following surgery/hospital stay). We deliver to Mosman and neighbouring areas of Cremorne and Neutral Bay. For Bookings: please call 9978 4130


volunteering Anita, Majorie (long term volunteer) and Olivier.

The Mayor with Gill who has volunteered for 34 years

Robin and John - volunteering with Mosman Meals for 15 and 20 years

Volunteer Week Celebration at Mosman Council Every year Mosman Council celebrates our volunteers with a formal reception as part of National Volunteer Week. This year, on 23 May, Mayor Carolyn Corrigan hosted a fabulous Volunteer afternoon tea at the Gunners’ Barracks over looking Sydney Harbour. She made special mention of volunteers who have reached their 5, 10, 15 and 20 years of volunteering and presented them with awards. Special mention was also made of those who reached 25 and even 34 years of volunteering with the Council! In her speech Mayor Corrigan noted that over the last 12 months, 348 volunteers have participated in 21 different Mosman Council programs. 112 of these wonderful volunteers contribute here at the Seniors Centre. The Mayor thanked all our volunteers for their contribution as well as Council staff who help to coordinate volunteer activities. The Mayor finished her speech by highlighting the National Volunteer Week theme “Give a little, Change a lot” which she said is reflected in our volunteers’ invaluable contribution within the community, changing the lives of many residents of Mosman. Volunteers enjoyed the sunny afternoon over High Tea and reading volunteering stories in the Honour Roll book.

Jannat Ferdous Guests enjoy a lovely afternoon tea at Gunners Barracks


volunteers support officer Contact me on 9978 4126 or email

current opportunities to volunteer: we need you! Dance Assistant Volunteer A new opportunity, Dance Assistant Volunteer role supports MAD! (Mature Age Dance) program - a contemporary dance program designed for older adults 50+. The Dance Assistant will help ensure the smooth running of the program and enable older adults to improve and/or maintain their health and flexibility, ultimately increasing quality of life and longevity. You will be guided by the Dance Teacher how to best assist participants in this 70 minute program. Your dance experience, love and passion for dancing, spare time, and enthusiasm to support a group of people are the requirements for this volunteer role.

Community Restaurant & Mosman Meals Volunteer We have a shortage of volunteers in the community restaurant at the Seniors Centre for next few months. We need weekly and fortnightly volunteers who can start soon. If you are interested in assisting in the restaurant, greeting people and supporting them in their ride on the bus please contact the Volunteer Office on 9978 4126.

Community Links Volunteer

Community Links Volunteers support our older residents assisting with shopping, dropping by for a cup of tea, going out for coffee or to the post office or helping take someone to an appointment. Volunteering in this way can be a truly valuable and rewarding experience making your neighbour feel supported and also boosting your own confidence. If you are interested in finding out more about making a positive difference in someone’s life, please contact the Volunteers Office on 9978 4126 or by email at

Monday Shopping Made Easy! Are you an early riser? Do you like to get groceries sorted first thing in the morning or do you prefer to take things slowly and go shopping at your own pace? Mosman Community Transport offers options to suit your needs. Monday Shopping bus offers door to door transport from your home to Bridgepoint Shopping Centre and back with almost two hours to be spent shopping, dining and catching up with friends. Pickups start at 8:45am and 1:30pm. Do you still have any reason to leave that shopping for another day? Call us now for more information on 9978 4119.


Community Transport More walking tours scheduled Due to popular demand, we have doubled the number of walking group excursions each month! Check out details of our exciting upcoming destinations on the next page. Make sure you book your place early so you don’t miss out on this popular excursion. Call 9978 4120.

TASTEs of sydney - thursday night dining We have some of the worlds’ finest cuisines right here on our doorstep and our new Thursday Tastes of Sydney group is here to help you experience some of the best this city has to offer. Tastes of Sydney is a twice monthly Community Transport social dining event where we take you to sample cuisines from around the world in restaurants across wider Sydney. It is a group for independent older adults who want a bit more spice in their life! Places strictly limited. Call Community Transport on 9978 4120 for details or to reserve your seat.

Scandinavian film festival Mosman Community Transport is also Mosman Cultural Transport. Enjoy the Scandinavian Film Festival from 10-29 July with Mosman Community Transport. Book your seat on the bus to go to Palace Cinemas across Sydney to experience Scandinavian noir films. Call 9978 4120.

Mosman’s new a to b service ‘A to B Mosman’ replaces the Mosman Rider service from 2 July. Both A to B Mosman and Mosman Community Transport are Mosman Council services. If you are registered with My Aged Care you will have access to the Mosman Community Transport program which offers a wider range of options and programs. For those residents who are younger or not yet registered with My Aged Care, the A to B Mosman service can meet your individual or group transport needs. Phone us on 9978 4120 and we will book you in for the service that suits you best.


walkingRevisit group Sydney. Relive memories! Join the group of enthusiastic walkers keen on revisiting and rediscovering breathtaking corners of the harbour city. Walks are held every second and fourth Tuesday of the month from 10:30am to 2:30pm. Catch Community Transport to different venues every month - and Keep Walking!

JUly 10

July 24

aug 14

Concord Foreshore Trail

Glebe Foreshore Walk

Cockatoo Island

History and nature all in one! Cherish mangrovefringed bays on the Parramatta River and the heritage listed Thomas Walker Hospital building.

Walk the foreshore with glimpses of Anzac Bridge, Blackwattle Bay and Sydney Fish Markets. Lunch at the chic Tramshed.

Day of adventures at Cockatoo Island; visit the solitary cells, the ship design precinct, and view the Harbour Bridge from the historic Governor’s House.

aug 28

sept 11

Barrenjoey Lighthouse Walk Bicentennial Park, Sydney Olympic Park The Northern most part of Palm Beach; enjoy stunning Admire the Peace Monument and Sun Dial Sculpture; 360o views of the ocean, climb Treillage Tower for surrounding beaches views of Homebush Bay and West Head from the wetlands and city skyline! Lighthouse. Lunch at Palm Lunch at Parramatta. Beach.

sept 25 Bay Run, Canada Bay Enjoy the popular scenic walking trail around Iron Cove in Canada Bay. Then lunch in Leichhardt, the “Little Italy” of Sydney.

Seniors’ Walking Group is organised by Mosman Community Transport and requires a minimum of 60 minutes’ leisurely walking every time. Cost is $22. Please check with your medical professional before starting any fitness activity. Booking and eligibility conditions apply. Call 9978 4120 for more information.


Out & aboutLifestyle & culture programs Out & About on Wednesdays is a social day program for less mobile older adults. These excursions are a full day from 9am - 4pm and are fully supervised by staff and volunteers.


Program Details

4th July

Morning Tea, West Head. Lunch, Forestville RSL

11th July

Morning Tea, Bicentennial Park. Lunch, Nepean Rowing Club

18th July

Morning Tea, Bronte Park. Lunch, Doyles on the Wharf - Watsons Bay

25th July

Morning Tea, Roseville National Park. Lunch, Terry Hills Tavern

1st Aug

Morning Tea, Parramatta Park. Lunch, The Fiddler Restaurant - Rouse Hill

8th Aug

Police Band Concert, St Andrews Cathedral. Lunch, Lord Nelson Hotel

15th Aug

Morning Tea, Cromwell Park - Malabar. Lunch, Union Hotel - Randwick

22nd Aug

Morning Tea, Coogee. Lunch, Wakehurst Golf Club

5th Sept

Morning Tea, Kyeemagh. Lunch, Bundeena RSL

12th Sept

Morning Tea, Centennial Park. Lunch, Yarra Bay Sailing Club

19th Sept

Morning Tea, Manly Dam. Lunch, Anzac Village - Narrabeen

26th Sept

Morning Tea, Auburn Botanical Gardens. Lunch, UTS Haberfield

Cost of each excursion is $22 and included door to door transport. Lunch is at your own expense. Bookings are essential.

To book for the Wednesday Out & About program call 9978 4120.


tastes of sydney the best our city has to offer!


We have some of the worlds’ finest cuisines right here on our doorstep - and our new Thursday Tastes of Sydney group is here to help you experience some of the best this city has to offer. A twice monthly Community Transport social dining event for independent older adults who want more spice in their life!

july 5

july 19

aug 2

Jewish Cuisine - Bondi

Italian Cuisine - Leichardt

Tramsheds - Forest Lodge

Stewed fish, matzo ball soup and lokshen noodles. Join us for a Jewish feast near famous Bondi Beach.

For Italians, food is the essence of life! Join us in sampling the best Sydney’s ‘Little Italy’ has to offer.

Sydney’s most exciting food destination, housed in the beautifully restored former historic Rozelle Tram Depot.

aug 23

sept 6

Turkish Cuisine - Auburn

Indian Cuisine - Parramatta

Take a trip out to Auburn during Cherry Blossom Festival. Taste some of the best pide, corbe, kofte and baklava around!

With its hodgepodge of ingredients and intoxicating aromas, Indian food is popular everywhere. Taste the best in Parramatta.

sept 20 Vietnamese Cuisine Cabramatta Vietnamese cuisine is all about the combintion of fragrance, taste, and colour. Come try some of the best!

Cost of each excursion is $22 which includes door to door transport. Dinner is at your own expense. Tickets are non refundable. Credit is given for another trip if cancellation made with five working days notice.

Tickets can be purchased from our office or by calling 9978 4120.


weekend explorer join us on vibrant excursions! Weekend Explorer is for active, independent seniors, 65 and over, who are interested in a day long trip in the Greater Sydney Region. These excursions are a full day, unsupervised and require a high level of mobility.

july 14

july 28

aug 11

Kurnell and Bundeena

Kiama Blow Hole


Morning tea at Kurnell. Then catch the Bundeena ferry from Cronulla. Lunch looking out over the water at Bundeena RSL.

Morning Tea at Cliffhanger overlooking the ocean. Visit the spectacular Blowhole then lunch in Kiama.

Morning Tea in peaceful Freemans Waterhole near Lake Maquarie. Lunch at the historic inland port town of Morpeth.

aug 25

sept 8

sept 22

Auburn Cherry Blossom

Bilpin and Kurrajong

Tulip Time at Bowral

Visit the popular Cherry Blossom Festival at Auburn Botanical Gardens. Lunch afterwards at Dooleys (Lidcombe Catholic Club).

Browse homemade goodies over morning tea at Tutti Frutti then visit Bilpin Cider Brewery. Lunch at gorgeous Kurrajong Village.

Tiptoe through the tulips with us during tulip time in Bowral. Then discover the charms of Bowral village over lunch.

Cost of each excursion is $40. Lunch is at your own expense. Bookings are essential. Tickets are non refundable. Credit is given for another trip if cancellation made with five working days notice.

Tickets can be purchased from our office or by calling 9978 4120.


Winter 2018 2018 Schedule Schedule Winter theHall Hall InIn the MONDAY MONDAY

Winter 2018 Schedule


LEVEL 1 TAI CHI LEVEL 1 TAI CHI 9.00am – 10.00am 9.00am – 10.00am

GENTLE EXERCISE GENTLE EXERCISE 9.15am-10.15am 9.15am-10.15am

BEGINNERS TAI BEGINNERS TAI 10.15am-11.15am CHI CHI 10.15am-11.15am

GENTLE EXERCISE GENTLE EXERCISE 10.30am-11.30am 10.30am-11.30am


U3A U3A 10.00am – 12.00pm 10.00am – 12.00pm

MAD! MAD! 11.30am-12.40pm 11.30am-12.40pm 70 min class 70followed min class followed by refreshments by refreshments


ART CLASS ART CLASS (all media) (all media) 1.30pm – 4.00pm 1.30pm – 4.00pm

TUESDAY SOCIAL TUESDAY SOCIAL DANCE DANCE (Ballroom/Sequence) (Ballroom/Sequence) 2.15pm – 4.30pm 2.15pm – 4.30pm

TABLE TENNIS TABLE TENNIS 1.00pm-4.00pm 1.00pm-4.00pm

theLounge, Lounge, Volunteers Volunteers Lounge Loungeand andHarnett HarnettRoom Room InIn the LOCATION LOCATION

Lounge Lounge

Free WiFi, Tea and Free WiFi, Tea and Coffee available all Coffee available all day day


GENTLE EXERCISE GENTLE EXERCISE 9.15am-10.15am 9.15am-10.15am

ZUMBA GOLD ZUMBA GOLD 9.00am – 10.00am 9.00am – 10.00am

GENTLE EXERCISE GENTLE EXERCISE 10.20am-11.20am 10.20am-11.20am

DANCE FOR DANCE FOR PARKINSON’S PARKINSON’S 10.00am – 11.00am 10.00am – 11.00am 60 min class followed 60 by minrefreshments class followed by refreshments COMMUNITY COMMUNITY RESTAURANT RESTAURANT 12.30pm – 2.00pm 12.30pm – 2.00pm

LUNCHTIME MOVIE LUNCHTIME MOVIE nd 2nd Thursday 2 Thursday 12.00PM – 2.30PM 12.00PM – 2.30PM LUNCHTIME LUNCHTIME CONCERT SERIES CONCERT SERIES th 4th Thursday 4 Thursday 1.00pm – 2.30pm 1.00pm – 2.30pm QI GONG WITH QI GONG WITH STUART STUART 3.00pm – 4.00pm 3.00pm – 4.00pm






MONDAY MONDAY MAHJONG MAHJONG 2.00pm-4.00pm 2.00pm-4.00pm

CARE CAFÉ CLUB CARErdCAFÉ CLUB 3 Tuesday 3rd Tuesday 10.00am-12.00pm 10.00am-12.00pm

CHESS GROUP CHESS GROUP 9.00am – 12.00pm 9.00am – 12.00pm

DISCUSSION DISCUSSION GROUP GROUP Meets alternate Meets alternate Thursdays Thursdays 10.30am – 12.30pm 10.30am – 12.30pm

SCRABBLE SCRABBLE GROUP GROUP 2.00pm – 4.00pm 2.00pm – 4.00pm

TECHNOLOGY CLASSES - One on one computer tuition available 9.00am – 4.00pm TECHNOLOGY CLASSES - One on computer available 9.00am – 4.00pm Callone 9978 4128 fortuition bookings. Call 9978 4128 for bookings.

Harnett Room Harnett Room

CARERS CARERS PROGRAM PROGRAM 10.00am – 10.00am 12.00pm– 12.00pm Harnett Room Harnett Room ENGLISH ENGLISH CONVERSATION CONVERSATION CLASSES CLASSES 1.00pm – 2.30pm 1.00pm – 2.30pm

Civic Building Civic Building

Volunteers’ Volunteers’ Lounge Lounge


PERIODIC PLAY PERIODIC PLAY READING READING 1st and 3rd Monday 1st and 3rd Monday 1.00pm – 3.30pm 1.00pm – 3.30pm

Out & About MONDAY






SHOPPING BUS Weekly 8.45am and 1.30pm

WALKING GROUP Weekly except 5th Tuesday of the month 10.30am – 2.30pm

OUT & ABOUT BUS TRIPS Weekly except 5th Wednesday of the month 9.00am – 4.00pm

TASTES OF SYDNEY 1st and 3rd Thursday Dinner Night Program 5.00pm – 10.00pm


SATURDAY SOCIAL CLUB 1st and 3rd Saturday 9.00am – 3pm WEEKEND EXPLORER 2nd and 4th Saturday 9.00am – 5.00pm

quick contacts


Games 2

All general enquiries Reception 9978 4128

For bookings and enquries:

Call 9978 4128

or email Website Register your email to receive event updates and news:

Care and Intake Sally Severino 9978 4119 Linda Ponce 9978 4119 Centre Activities Olivier Strobel 9978 4128


Team Leader Maya Jankovic 9978 4129

Community Transport Nitesh Gurbani 9978 4120


Restaurant (Tue/Fri) Claire Mullins 9978 4130

Games 2

Mosman Meals Katrina Jolley 9978 4130 Carers Program (Tue/Wed) Liz Nagel 9978 4089 Volunteers Jannat Ferdous 9978 4126 My Aged Care Federal Government Gateway 1800 200 422 Mosman Council Customer Service 9978 4000 Federal Government Gateway for Carers 1800 422 737


9978 4128 | Civic Centre, Mosman Square Spit Junction

Newsletter available online at community/seniors/latestnewsletter/

Games 2

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