Are elderly drivers a hazard on the roads of america

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Are Elderly Drivers a Hazard on the Roads of America? Elderly drivers on America roads are proving to be dangerous, and none of the 50 states has an age limit to stop driving. This article examines this issue and provides tips on safe driving practices. In America, not one of the 50 states has an age limit to stop driving. This is proving to be a concern because many elderly drivers are causing havoc on the roads. There are many elders taking all precautions to ensure safe driving – they undergo medical examination including checking their vision and hearing – with a view to staying safe and preventing accidents to others on the roads. The question is whether this will guarantee their safety as well as those of others on the road. Safety is a major factor not only to people on the road but the drivers. If not properly monitored this can increase litigation costs, treatment costs, medical record management and review costs and so on.

Age Brings Along With It Considerable Changes to the Body There is no denying the fact that age brings about changes in your physique -- poor vision and hearing, weak muscles, stiff joints, and poor reflex. Worse still, old people with conditions such as AD (Alzheimer’s disease) may even forget familiar routes. These make old drivers highly prone to car crashes, just as teenagers. The rules regarding



driving licenses for older adults vary across the nation. Licenses are required to be renewed every 4 -6 years, but mostly there are no safety-related policies for older drivers. Sometimes, laws pertaining to driving change in the wake of some untoward incident. Take for instance, “Katie’s Law” that changed the driving rules in Texas after the tragic death of Katie, a 17-year-old high school student in Dallas. Katie’s car was broadsided by an elderly driver who ran a red light, when she was on her way to school in Spring 2006. Before this incident, Texas law demanded only an in-person driver’s license renewal every 12 years. After the incident, anyone aged 79 or older in Texas has to renew the driver’s license in person. Those who are aged 85 years or older must renew their driver’s license in person every two years. This renewal test includes a vision test; in addition if the examiner has doubts regarding a person’s ability to drive, they may ask for a driving test or written test. The driver may also be asked to submit medical records for review by a medical review board. By implementing more effective driving rules, the problems associated with elderly people driving can be curtailed to a certain extent.

Some Tips for Elderly Drivers • It is best to drive on familiar streets and limit the trips to places near your home. • As far as possible avoid spots that could pose risk such as left turns and ramps.



• In case driving conditions are not conducive, it is best to allow extra time for travel. • Never drive when tired, sick or stressed out. • Do not use the cell phone when driving; avoid conversations and listening to music when driving. • Make it a point to wear the seat belt. • Do not drive too close to another vehicle. In case someone follows you closely, slow down to let him/her pass. • It is best to drive a car with safety features such as air bags. • Go for a car that has features that facilitate driving, as for instance power steering, power brakes, large mirrors and automatic transmission.

How Family Members Can Help Older Drivers Family members can take an effort to judge whether their elderly loved one has the capability to drive and manage the challenges involved. The three main things to check for are vision, motor/sensory function and cognition. If any kind of incapability is identified, it is best to gently put it across to them that driving may not be safe anymore. However, they should also be ensured of alternate arrangements for their transportation so that their routine activities are not much disturbed. Posted by MOS Medical Record Review Company


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