Get medical case history and summary services from an experienced medical review company

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Get Medical Case History and Summary Services from an Experienced Medical Review Company Medical case history and summary service from a reliable medical review company is a real boon to attorneys. The challenge is in finding the right company for your needs. It is amazing how data that seem most complex become simple when analyzed and presented clearly. Of course, I am speaking from my personal experience with a medical review company. When I took on the medical malpractice case, I was not prepared for the assault of the voluminous medical records involved. My paralegals could make little of the complex medical details and we were really worried whether we could gather the needed info in time. My decision to outsource medical record review turned out to be beneficial because the entire 1­800­670­2809 1­800­670­2809

burden of analyzing the medical records was off our shoulders and we had the history and summary ready within our required TAT. I was really impressed at how the difficult data was transformed into clear facts at the hands of professional medical reviewers.

Considering Medical Review Services? Here Are Some Facts For attorneys like myself, medical record review services come as a real boon. However, the challenge is in finding the right provider. Primarily, the reports provided by a medical review company should be useful in helping you understand the data you have so that you can decide how to use it in the best way possible. You are mainly looking for medical case history and summary and the following services will be provided by a reputable medical review firm. • Summarize the records and do a comprehensive chronology • The records will be analyzed in detail, and the strengths and weaknesses of the alleged injury will be discussed • Missing records will be identified 1­800­670­2809 1­800­670­2809

• The medical cases will be reviewed for merit Since the review is done by professionals in the field, they will provide you crucial insight into the case, bringing before your eyes significant facts that you may miss, being untrained in medical details. The review team usually includes physicians and nurses who can easily identify care deviations. The team can quickly handle even large volume data, organize the records, establish a timeline and determine relevancy. In short, they make trial preparation a breeze.

Here’s a Look at the Medical Case Summarization Process True to its name, medical case summarization gives you a clear understanding of the injury, the immediate care provided at the scene and in the ER. You will also find concise details regarding hospital stay and treatments provided by physicians. In clear terms, medical case history and summary focuses on the following aspects: • The main complaint/injury 1­800­670­2809 1­800­670­2809

• History and physicals, diagnosis and treatment plan • Consultations, diagnostic studies, progress notes, nurses’ notes • Discharge summary • Medications advised and prescriptions • Follow-up recommendations You can request for the medical case summary in your preferred format, as comprehensive chronological summary, narrative summary or as timelines/charts so as to emphasize treatment from relevant periods of care.

Quality Assurance and Security Important Considerations

I was fortunate in finding a medical review company that was dedicated to ensuring quality and security for the data I entrusted them. The medical record summaries prepared by the review team is further reviewed and analyzed by a senior team before the summaries are dispatched to the clients. This ensures that the details provided in the summaries are accurate and unambiguous. Another important concern I had was with regard to the security of patient healthcare 1­800­670­2809 1­800­670­2809

data entrusted to the company. Here too, my medical review company emerged a reliable one with its commitment to safeguard customer data during transmission, handling and processing. I was impressed by their commitment to legal, business and contractual security obligations. So, when planning to outsource go for such a company that has state-of-the-art QA and security measures in place. Posted By : MOS Medical Record Review Company 1­800­670­2809

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