Importance of a Disability Lawyer to an SSDI Applicant

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An SSDI applicant properly represented by a disability lawyer stands a better chance of winning his/her claim.

MOS Medical Record Reviews 8596 E. 101st Street, Suite H Tulsa, OK 74133

Medical evidence is the most crucial factor that the SSA would consider when evaluating a disability claim. To get an SSDI or SSI claim approved, the claimant has to produce medical records that support the particular disability. So the prime concern of any disability insurance applicant is to get diagnosed for the specific impairment, and obtain treatment. The relevant medical records will then have to be submitted to the SSA for detailed perusal. A social security disability lawyer provides professional help to claimants and helps them avoid making common mistakes that could lead to claim denial or delay. Efficient medical review services provided by a medical c hart revie w company are a great support for legal professionals handling SSDI claims. These services include review ing the medical records of the claimant to determine the legitimacy of the claim, and also to decide whether the claimant needs to undergo additional testing to establish disability.

Initial disability claims involve a long period of processing and therefore these have to be filed immediately.

Disability lawyers ensure that their clients do not experience any difficulty on account of filing too late.

The lawyer may ask the SSA to schedule a CE or consultative examination with one of their physicians, or ask the claimant to get the required testing done on his/her own.

Disability lawyers have the expertise to decide which doctors to request statements regarding the applicant’s functional limitations, identify the medical records that are to be submitted to the administrative law judge who will hear the claimant’s case, and handle bad evidence skillfully.

The SSA allows applicants to obtain the services of a disability lawyer/representative at any time during the claim processing period.


Developing the Necessary Medica l Ev idence

Acceptable medical evidence includes recent medical records reflecting the disability along with documents and test results that are objective and accurate. Most importantly, these records must be created by healthcare providers the SSA considers as acceptable medical sources. These sources are licensed and certified professionals such as medical/osteopathic physicians, optometrists, speech language pathologists, psychologists and podiatrists among others. The type of evidence to submit includes the follow ing:

Physical examination results

Diagnosis, treat ment notes

Lab and other test results and interpretations – blood panels, imaging studies and so on

Medications – names and dosage

A disability application that is filed along with all necessary , accurate and complete medical information is less likely to be denied. Disability lawyers work w ith their client applicants to close any gaps that may be present in the medical chart before the application is filed. If the benefits are denied, they request a hearing before an administrative law judge (ALJ) so that they can explain the claimant’s actual condition and provide reasons for the gaps that exist in the medical record.

Disability Lawyers Improve the Chances of Winning a Disability C laim

Social security representatives and disability lawyers contribute more at the ALJ disability hearing, when an applicant has been unable to prove the legitimacy of the case at the initial claim or reconsideration appeal levels. It is estimated that claimants who are properly represented are fifty percent more likely to win their benef its at an ALJ disability hearing


compared to those who are not represented by a professional. Here are the major reasons why it is so.


Professional lawyers and SS representatives are thoroughly knowledgeable regarding important details such as disability impairment listing criteria, how SSA determines disability, relevance of past employment of the applicant and so on.


They know the importance of presenting updated medical information and ensure that the right medical evidence is obtained and presented in a timely manner.


They thoroughly analyze the case, reviewing earlier decisions made at the disability application level and reconsideration appeal levels. This helps to identify the efficacy of the medical records presented to the disability examiners who handled the case previously. In addition, any discrepancies and shortfalls can also be identified.


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