Tips to Locate a Reliable Medical Record Review Service Provider

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Tips to Locate a Reliable Medical Record Review Service Provider Though medical review services are available in plenty at present, it is important to locate a reliable service provider. Certain helpful tips regarding the selection can help you in this regard. Medical review services include valuable documentation support for the numerous medical records involved in the review process. Medical records are indispensable in medical litigation and contain information that is crucial to the case. The challenge lies in organizing these voluminous records and extracting the vital pieces of information. A medical review company is a professional body that is experienced in providing expert assistance in organizing



medical records and identifying the facts embedded in them within your required turnaround time. The services you can expect from a firm that provides support on the documentation side include: • Medical records organization • Medical case history and summary • Medical case chronology A complete chronology, timeline, and medical case summary will provide you with a clear idea of the facts contained in your medical records. With the crucial data highlighted, you can easily understand the positive and negative aspects of the case. This kind of organizing and summarizing is the best way to find out whether a case is worth fighting or is better settled out of court. Medical records can be organized in scanned copies along with a CD, or in a binder. You can have them as electronic copies or as paper copies.



Features that Distinguish a Reliable Medical Record Review Company When deciding to outsource your medical record review process, there are certain important factors to bear in mind. The service provider you choose to partner with has to be one you can trust implicitly. This is mainly because of the sensitive nature of the data that is transacted. You just cannot afford any data leak and ensuing problems. So, when procuring medical review services, consider the below mentioned factors. •

HIPAA compliance: associate only with an HIPAA compliant medical review company to make sure that your data is secure and remains confidential.

• Multi-level quality assurance: ask about the quality assurance measures the company has. A reliable company will have



at least three levels of QA that makes its services flawless. • Dedicated workforce: your partnering firm should be able to provide you with the services of a dedicated workforce that will work closely with you to offer customized services. You should have easy access to their expertise and support. • Customizable turnaround time: You will need the documents to be delivered to you within the set turnaround time. Go for a company that guarantees customizable turnaround. • Support of offshore experts: the best way to ensure that you receive round the clock support is to rely on a reputable outsourcing company that has offshore facilities ensuring a distinct time zone advantage. • Competitive pricing: team up with a company that offers competitive pricing and provides cost savings.



Going by the above guidelines you should be able to locate a reliable service provider that can provide you valuable support. You will find that a medical review company that has a good name and is recognized for providing top class medical review services usually has a free trial offer for its clients. This will help prospective clients assess the service standards, turnaround and other aspects before actually entrusting work to the firm.


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