Moss-Bradley Newsletter - May 2012

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May 2012


MonThly Messenger

n��� M��������� M������ Wednesday, May 2 May Potluck and Annual Meeting 6:00 p.m. Westminster Hall, 1420 W. Moss Bring a dish to share as we enjoy fellowship and entertainment! Note: This is our last membership meeting until September.

Membership Renewal Form The Moss-Bradley Residential Association is a non-profit organization chartered in 1973 whose purpose is to maintain a desirable residential district and to preserve the architectural and historical heritage of our area.

Annual dues are $12 per year and are due by May 1. Please fill out this form and mail in a stamped envelope to the following address: Moss-Bradley Residential Association 1512 W. Barker Ave. Peoria, IL 61606

Name: Street Address: City:



Home Phone: Work Phone: E-mail Address: Type:

 New Member – Circle one: Owner Renter Landlord  Renewal – Circle one: Owner Renter Landlord  Associate (for those who live outside the boundaries of the district)

A Letter from the President We’re starting the final chapter of the 2011-2012 Moss-Bradley season, and it will be busy with several events and opportunities for all our residents to be involved. The first event is the annual Moss-Bradley Potluck, held on Wednesday, May 2 at 6:00 p.m. This year’s event features special entertainment you won’t want to miss. The potluck attracts a large crowd and lots of delicious treats, so come and enjoy the good times and good food. Bring a neighbor! Just a couple weeks later is the Moss Avenue Sale on Saturday, June 9. The Sale Committee has planned special new activities that we hope will expand the appeal to a broader audience and enhance the entertainment factor of this

Announcements Condolences to the family and friends of Pat Crilly and Marg Tuerk from the Moss-Bradley family and friends.

signature Moss-Bradley event. A few weeks later is the July 4 celebration, to be held again at the Pettengill-Morron House. The celebration features refreshments, activities for kids, and a special concert provided by the Peoria Pops Orchestra. There are opportunities to assist with all these events. Ask any Board member how you can help.

Best wishes to Peoria Public Works Director Dave Barber. He announced his intention to retire effective May 31. We wish him all the best! Save the Date: Plan to attend this year’s Moss Avenue Sale – new and improved! We’re adding live music and fine arts. Saturday June 9 from 8:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m.

Enjoy your summer, stay healthy, and befriend a neighbor. It’s the MossBradley way!

Rod Lorenz

President, Moss-Bradley Residential Association

Moss-Bradley annual Potluck

Bring your own plates and utensils.

Join the Moss-Bradley Residential Association for its Annual Potluck on Wednesday, May 2, at 6:00 p.m. The potluck will take place at Westminster Hall, 1420 W. Moss Ave.

Enjoy a great evening of friendship PLUS fun entertainment. We will also have presentations from the Central Illinois Landmark Foundation and the Grand Tour.

Bring your favorite side dish or dessert to serve 6-8 people. Drinks will be provided.

Invite a neighbor to join us!

Event photos needed: Please take photos of you and other neighbors enjoying our summer events and send to: Newsletter Notice: The Monthly Messenger will be on summer hiatus until September. You may still send news and photos to Newsletter Editor, Kelly Kolton, at for upcoming issues.

Monthly Messenger Readership Survey Comments for newsletter:

Suggestions for stories/photos:

Check any  I would be interested in receiving the newsletter electronically. that apply:  I would like to learn more about volunteer opportunities.  I would like to receive meeting reminders via e-mail or text message. 2 – Monthly Messenger – May 2012

Editor’s Note: Thanks for reading! Your comments and suggestions are much appreciated!

Neighbors Shave for St. Baldrick’s Foundation at BU Submitted by Joanne Bannon

During a brief presentation by two members of the Pi Kappa Alpha Fraternity at the April 4 Moss-Bradley membership meeting, our very own Jane Lee spontaneously volunteered to participate in the PKA Fraternity fundraiser for the St. Baldrick’s Foundation. Jane’s only stipulation – individual neighborhood donors would need to contribute a total of at least $500 toward the cause. As evidenced by the photos, St. Baldrick’s is no ordinary fundraiser! “Shavees” raise funds and agree to have their hair shaved as a show of solidarity with children suffering from cancer. When asked if she wanted to back out of her offer, Jane remarked that her “only regret was that she hadn’t set the bar higher, because (she) knew the Moss-Bradley neighbors would have come through!” Motivated by a spur-of-the-moment collection by his students and the campus-wide excitement of this annual event, Bob Aviles also joined in the festivities and sat for a shearing! In addition to the generous funds raised individually for Jane and Bob, MBRA contributed $200 from the association account and the donation box proceeds from the April meeting were over $70. The members of PKA were extremely grateful for the support from MBRA! This event was the Fifth Annual St. Baldrick’s Day hosted by Pi Kappa Alpha on April 13. This lively, and well-organized day included grilled burgers, snacks, music and more than 100 shavees including students, faculty, staff and COMMUNITY participants! While there were a few tears shed, hearty cheers and applause were expressed for all who succumbed to the shears!


Above: Jane Lee chuckles as a PKA member begins her shave. She participated in the Fifth Annual St. Baldrick’s Day held at Bradley University on April 13. Below: Jane Lee and Bob Aviles pose for a “post-shave” photo.

The proceeds from the day were expected to exceed $20,000! Heartfelt thanks go to Jane, Bob, and all those who contributed and/or participated in this event. To learn more about the St. Baldrick’s Foundation, visit

Monthly Messenger – May 2012 – 3

Western Avenue Greenway Project Events

Moss-Bradley and the Community Art Tile Program

cocktails with the WGLt’s Dean of Green

Be part of the historical opening of the Peoria Riverfront Museum by participating in the Community Art Tile Program. When you donate $25, your photography will be permanently displayed in a special museum installation. Your submission will be reproduced on a 6”x6” textured glass tile which will be installed in a classroom corridor in the new museum.

Submitted by Peter Getz

On Saturday, June 2 from 6:00 to 8:30 at 1306 W. Moss, join us for a benefit for the Western Avenue Greenway Project – an evening of cocktails and a stroll through the SpengelGetz Garden with Don Schmidt, WGLT-FM’s “Dean of Green.” Come join us for wine, cheese, and spirits, and chat with the Dean of Green in person, for your donation of $30. Whether you’ve got a green thumb or are hopeless with a hoe, you can find a kindred spirit in the Dean of Green! Don Schmidt takes the mystery out of gardening and puts in fun instead. His down-to-earth advice covers topics ranging from analyzing soil to choosing healthy shrubs to utilizing watering techniques that won’t drown your garden. The Dean of Green troubleshoots gardening problems as he tackles listener questions with an equal mix of science and silliness. Roses and Lemonade Garden Walk “Roses and Lemonade,” a garden walk to benefit the Western Avenue Greenway Project will be held on June 2 from 11:00 am.-4:00 p.m. This event features the garden of Carol Spengel and Peter Getz and the garden of Andrew Rand and Sid Ruckriegel. “Roses and Lemonade” is an opportunity to stroll through beautiful gardens, and enjoy a cool glass of lemonade and a bowl of ice cream. The gardens, located on adjacent lots at 1306 W. Moss and 1230 W. Moss, feature radically opposed garden designs, one formal and the other a naturalistic mix of roses, conifers and perennials. The lemonade and ice cream will be served at the Spengel/Getz garden. The cost of the event is $12.00 per person in advance, $15.00 at the gate. The ticket price includes entrance to the gardens, a glass of lemonade and ice cream. Tickets are available at Gregg Florists and other locations, call 309 688-2322 for more locations. This event is to provide funds to build and maintain the Greenway Project gardens. The Western Avenue Greenway Project is a not-for-profit organization that creates and maintains the green space buffer along Western Avenue. Founded in 1985, the Western Avenue Greenway Project has been purchasing distressed homes, razing them and converting the lots into gardens, paths, and landscape vistas. Our purpose in creating this park is to enhance and support the surrounding neighborhoods, and to preserve the lifestyles that attracted our neighbors to these homes. For more information, contact Peter Getz by phone at 6882322 or 673-0925 or by e-mail at 4 – Monthly Messenger – May 2012

By Timothy E Shaw, Secretary, MBRA

The MBRA board suggests having Moss-Bradley homes displayed as a collective group. We invite anyone who is interested in having their home photographed and submitted. We will also submit the MBRA logo to be incorporated into the display. Your participation will help highlight Peoria’s past and encourage public awareness of the importance of historic preservation. We have a team that is eager and ready to coordinate and complete this project. We will provide the camera, take the picture, and submit the photo along with your check for $25 for no additional charge. The museum will be providing a thank you keepsake tile for each participant. We will begin to take pictures in early May so it is important that we receive your application by May 5. WOW! - How do I participate? 1. Make out a $25 check to: Peoria Riverfront Museum. 2. Complete the enrollment form below. 3 Mail your check and enrollment form to: Tim Shaw - 905 W Moss Ave. Questions? Call Tim Shaw at 637-0274

Enrollment Form

Please include payment of $25 to: Peoria Riverfront Museum Send enrollment form and check to: Tim Shaw, 905 W Moss Ave. Peoria IL 61606 *Applicant Name *Address for Photo

* No names, streets or personal information will be displayed on tiles

The May Review

Submitted by Bonnie Mason

I know I have commented about this in the past, but when confronted with a break in the Moss-Bradley newsletter for the summer “already,” I am dumfounded by the speed at which times goes by! Truthfully, the older I get the happier I am. The only reason I would like to back up in time is to regain those days when “two weeks until ... ” took forever. I quite honestly don’t think I am slower in doing things – I just have so many things I want to do! I have come to the conclusion that as long as I am working on something I am fine; it is that time I wasted trying to decide what to work on next that I can no longer allow myself. I have sidled up to Nike with my new plan of “Just Do It.” At this point I find myself doing needlepoint in the bathtub. Some people say they are bored – a concept I cannot imagine! My books this month involve combining art and fact. The first title, and my favorite, is Illinois Insects and Spiders, illustrated by Peggy MacNamara with text by the Division of Insects at the Field Museum, and a “Must Own” in my estimation. Seventeen thousand species of insects make Illinois their home, and this book offers twenty eight color plates of intricate watercolors. The renderings, true to scale with each other and breathtakingly beautiful, are coupled with intelligent text that identifies species and gives insight into their habits and habitats. To quote: [this book] “encourages readers to explore the biodiversity at their feet

and in the air.” I cannot say enough about this book - you need to see it! A great gift, it is published by The University of Chicago Press, 2005, paperback, $16.00. The Illustrated Guide to Chickens by Celia Lewis, foreword by The Prince of Wales, is another delicious combination of charming illustration and useful well written information. Keeping free-range chickens for fresh eggs is actually on the rise! Renderings are included of the full grown chicken as well as chicks and eggs of most breeds. Who knew The Prince of Wales was a patron of The Rare Breeds Survival Trust as well as The Poultry Club of Great Britain! This is really an interesting and pretty book. Published by Metro Books, 2010, paperback, it is a bargain at $8.98! Draw Me A House by Thibaud Herem is a title due to be published on May 31, 2012. and touted as a “springboard for the imagination” for aspiring architects and those interested. Both educational and entertaining, “Herem’s beautiful drawings have a warmth and humor that jump off the page.” It is “printed on creamy uncoated paper that begs to be doodled upon and colored in.” I mention this book as one with great promise. It is published by Cicada Books, 2012, hardcover, $20.00. Lastly, for summer entertainment for little girls, I am absolutely taken with Rosie Flo’s Coloring Books. They are full of unique dresses, some shoes, hats, etc. but no bodies! The book cover says “Just add heads, legs, and arms.” There are six or seven of these books, and each has a topic: In Rosie Flo’s Garden coloring book the dresses are designed from flowers and vegetables; the Kitchen coloring book has dresses created from

wire whisks and measuring cups; Rosie Flo’s Animal coloring book shows dresses either created from animal shapes or covered in animal drawings. It is fertile ground for the imagination! For example, it shows dresses and shoes jumping on a bed waiting for bodies to be added! Chronicle Books, LLC, 2009, paperback, $8.99 each. This has been such a wonderful year! I hope you are all enjoying this fantastic weather and our beautiful neighborhood! Here comes summer with the Moss Avenue Sale – one of my favorite days in the year – and the Fourth of July. I am going to fly my flag and feel grateful every day! Read, Read and Enjoy!! (The leaves will be turning before we know it!)

Monthly Messenger – May 2012 – 5

May 2012

Calendar compiled by Amy Blain






2 MBRA Annual Potluck -







Zoning Commission 1 pm City Hall Room 400

6:00 pm Westminster Hall

Bradley Piano Student Recital 7:30 pm -

Dingeldine Music Center, Free
























Historic Preservation Commission 8:30 am City Hall Room 400



PSD 150 No School

PDC Recycling Pick-Up


PSD 150 Last Day of School

June 2012 Sun





Find Peoria area event information at!

Fri 1

Hello Dolly - Corn Stock Theatre 7:30 pm

Sign up for our FREE E-Newsletter filled with entertainment & events for the weekend sent right to your email inbox every Thursday!

Hello Dolly - Corn Stock Theatre 7:30 pm


Hello Dolly - Corn Stock Theatre 7:30 pm


Hello Dolly - Corn Stock Theatre 7:30 pm


Hello Dolly - Corn Stock Theatre 7:30 pm


Zoning Commission 1 pm City Hall Room 400


Hello Dolly - Corn Stock Theatre 7:30 pm

Hello Dolly - Corn Stock Theatre 7:30 pm





Hello Dolly - Corn Stock Theatre 7:30 pm Greenway Events is owned & operated by long time MBRA resident Amy Blain.






Moss Avenue Sale Hello Dolly - Corn Stock Theatre 7:30 pm





Flag Day






Importance of Being Earnest - Corn Stock Theatre 7:30 pm

1st Day of Summer


Importance of Being Earnest - Corn Stock Theatre 7:30 pm


Importance of Being Earnest - Corn Stock Theatre 7:30 pm


Importance of Being Earnest - Corn Stock Theatre 7:30 pm

27Historic reservation 28 Commission 8:30 am City Hall Room 400 Importance of Being Earnest - Corn Stock Theatre 7:30 pm

PDC Recycling Pick-Up

Importance of Being Earnest - Corn Stock Theatre 7:30 pm


Importance of Being Earnest - Corn Stock Theatre 7:30 pm

Importance of Being Earnest - Corn Stock Theatre 7:30 pm


Importance of Being Earnest - Corn Stock Theatre 7:30 pm

July 2012 Sun 1

Mon 2

Tue 3

Wed 4 July 4 Celebration Pettengill-Morron House







Zoning Commission 1 pm City Hall Room 400






















Hairspray - Corn Stock Theatre 7:30 pm


Hairspray - Corn Stock Theatre 7:30 pm


Hairspray - Corn Stock Theatre 7:30 pm

Hairspray - Corn Stock Theatre 7:30 pm

Historic Preservation Commission 8:30 am City Hall Room 400

Hairspray - Corn Stock Theatre 7:30 pm

Hairspray - Corn Stock Theatre 7:30 pm

Hairspray - Corn Stock Theatre 7:30 pm

Hairspray - Corn Stock Theatre 7:30 pm

Hairspray - Corn Stock Theatre 7:30 pm

PDC Recycling Pick-Up

Looking for something to do in the Peoria area?


Visit our Events Calendar & Sign Up for our Free E-Newsletter!

August 2012 Sun











Zoning Commission 1 pm City Hall Room 400

Private Lives - Corn Stock Theatre 7:30 pm

Private Lives - Corn Stock Theatre 7:30 pm






















Private Lives - Corn Stock Theatre 7:30 pm

Private Lives - Corn Stock Theatre 7:30 pm

Private Lives - Corn Stock Theatre 7:30 pm

PSD 150 First Day of School


Hair - Corn Stock Theatre 7:30 pm


Hair - Corn Stock Theatre 7:30 pm


Hair - Corn Stock Theatre 7:30 pm

Private Lives - Corn Stock Theatre 7:30 pm

Historic Preservation Commission 8:30 am City Hall Room 400


Hair - Corn Stock Theatre 7:30 pm

Private Lives - Corn Stock Theatre 7:30 pm

Private Lives - Corn Stock Theatre 7:30 pm

PDC Recycling Pick-Up Hair - Corn Stock Theatre 7:30 pm


Hair - Corn Stock Theatre 7:30 pm


Hair - Corn Stock Theatre 7:30 pm

Private Lives - Corn Stock Theatre 7:30 pm

Hair - Corn Stock Theatre 7:30 pm


Hair - Corn Stock Theatre 7:30 pm


Malvern Musings

“Devotion – It’s in the Details”

A monthly column about growing things and growing a great neighborhood

Ushered in by mild days, May finds us walking more and noticing the little things. Among the delights those longer sunlit hours bring are details we might have missed, or images we may have passed by a hundred times but failed to focus on. How marvelous that we can look more closely, taking our time. We have the entire summer ahead to retrace our steps.

Submitted by Dan Callahan PHoToS CoURTESy DAn CALLAHAn


1 On my way through the neighborhood recently, I came across amazingly devoted examples of enlightened stewardship: well-kept walkways, meticulously maintained facades, and shimmering clean windows. Take a look at Doyle Automotive at the corner of Garfield and Windom. Look a bit closer and notice the Madonna gazing from the porthole window (1).

Thru The Windshield How do we look to those passing by?

Observations ... questions ... hopes ... concerns Compiled by Marjorie Klise

The West Bluff has a program that has escaped notice lately and we should be both surprised and embarrassed because this program gives away money! Perhaps a little history is in order. This 8 – Monthly Messenger – May 2012

The bronze lion at the Church of Saint Mark (corner of University and Bradley Avenue) has always been a favorite of mine (2). When I stepped up close I admired both the figure itself and its tail casually drooping off the concrete pedestal. He is a devoted companion, supremely comfortable in his role, and is a story from the past that could serve as a model for us in our time.

whole idea was born when the St. James Apartments were being planned. Since the neighbors were concerned as to what might happen to all the student rental units in our neighborhood, we contacted Bradley University, who just happened to be preparing a grant which required a neighborhood component. It was the perfect marriage. With this Bradley University money and an additional generous grant from Caterpillar, we were able to offer $2,500 to any family that buys a property which had been a rental property. Does

it need windows? Maybe tuck-pointing? What about some roof work? The list is endless on older homes. If these new residents agree to stay in the house for three year,s we can offer this $2,500 to be used on exterior renovation work. So, much was gained: new neighbors, fewer rental units, and better-looking houses. It was, and is, a real victory for us all. Now we must make use of the program. Spread the word. This is free money! For information, call 674-6864.



Opposite that statue, I ventured into Harry’s Park (3 with inset). ‘Manicured’ is what came to mind first. But also it struck me what a marvelous symbol of devotion this place is. In this case it is to the memory of a beloved neighbor who labored to make Moss-Bradley a beautiful place. At 1519 Callender, I struck up a conversation with Bill Gallivan who works devotedly to keep that home in operation as the Mother of Love House of Prayer. We shared stories about what that was, the neighborhood, and the Goldin family who lived there for many years. In the corner of the porch I saw a statue of St. Therese and took a photo (4). All within our neighborhood boundaries, these are things I have passed before in a hurry but never took the time to see up close. All are differing expressions, and all in our daily path. They make me grateful for the neighborhood to which so many are so devoted.

Volunteers needed at the July 4 celebration! We need volunteers to assist with the July 4 celebration. Volunteer opportunities include: setting up, serving, tearing down at the end of the event, etc. We also need people with trucks to help transport items. Interested? contact sid ruckriegel at 303-0083

Monthly Messenger – May 2012 – 9

May is Stroke Awareness Month Submitted by Susan Bock

“Stroke Survivors Never Quit!” This saying is on the back of the shirts of 12 people who are very near and dear to my heart – the members of the Chime Strokers – a tone chime choir for stroke survivors and caregivers. I have the great honor of being a co-director of this group along with Lauren Kramer, a fellow music therapist. The choir’s mission is to promote awareness of stroke and the stroke survivor through music performances. The National Stroke Association states, “Do you know that this year alone, more than 100,000 people are at high risk of dying from stroke? Stroke kills twice as many women as breast cancer every year. Strokes in children, teens, and young adults are increasing at an alarming rate in the U.S. And African Americans and Hispanic Americans are at higher risk than many other groups within the American population.” Since 2005 I have had the privilege of being the music therapist for the local Retreat & Refresh Stroke Camps ( held at Living Springs campground in Lewistown. This year Retreat & Refresh has grown to 20 camps in 11 states. With the growth, I now recruit a music therapist near each camp site to lead singing and drum circles during the weekend camp. (Did you know that someone with aphasia may be able to sing fluently?) It is in the

camp setting where stroke survivors and caregivers feel accepted and understood – many for the first time since their stroke. Having a stroke can be very isolating, and many lose their friends that they have had for years. Mobility and communication deficits can be a hindrance in maintaining friendships. Rehabilitation from stroke is a long and grueling process, but many survivors are able to adapt and overcome the effects from a brain attack and lead fulfilling lives. Stroke camp gives them a way to be “normal” and experience a weekend designed for them. It is the “can do” camp! It is important to be able to recognize the symptoms of a stroke, since time is a major factor in recovery. The “FAST” acronym – Face, Arms, speech, and time – helps us to remember how to assess if someone is having a stroke. Face – Does one side of the face droop? Ask the person to smile. Arms – Is one arm weak or numb? Ask the person to raise both arms. Does one arm drift downward? speech – Is speech slurred? Ask the person to repeat a simple sentence. Is the sentence repeated correctly?

time – If the person shows any of these symptoms, call 911 and get to the hospital immediately. Have the ambulance go to the nearest stroke center. ACT FAst! Every minute counts!! Do you know someone or a family who has been affected by stroke? Then your life has been enriched and you will know why we shouldn’t take our “normal” lives for granted. Check out – and see the faces of stroke that are near and dear to my heart! Below are the lyrics of our signature song, using exact words written by stroke survivors at our June 2008 camp. Indeed, stroke survivors never quit! Let me do, let me join, let me find my way. It’s okay, I’ll do it right next time. Let me share, let me speak, let me find my words. I know you, only want to help. We can cry, we can rail, we can scream and shout! I’m in here, it’s still me. Please, let me out! Let me be as I am, I’ll do what I can. We can take it one day at a time. Let me try all the things that I used to do. I trust you to let me find my way.

Send us your observations, story ideas or feedback! E-mail Kelly at

10 – Monthly Messenger – May 2012

school noTes News from St Mark School Submitted by Pat Nedza

On April 16, St. Mark S.M.A.R.T. Kids received an Honorary Commendation from the Bradley University Student Senate for their environmental stewardship and community service in the Peoria area. St. Mark will be graduating 21 students on Sunday, May 20. We wish all of our neighbors a very relaxing summer!

Art Events at Bradley

Submitted by Erin Zellfrow, Gallery Director, BU

BFA Exhibition: Rachel Sylvan, Sarah Scott, Melissa Ritchey. May 7- 12. Prairie Center of the Arts, 1506 SW Washington. Reception: May 11 from 5:00 p.m.-7:00 p.m. “Redefining the Multiple” at Heuser Art Gallery. June 1-August 30 Reception: TBA. For more information on upcoming events, visit Bradley University Galleries at

Fieldhouse Special Events

live Music corner Sat., May 5: live music by The Crock Pots at 9:00 p.m. No cover charge. The Fieldhouse Bar and Grill in Campustown, 1200 W. Main St. No cover charge. Call 494-9600. Sat., May 19: live music by GEL at 8:00 p.m. No cover charge. The Fieldhouse Bar and Grill in Campustown, 1200 W. Main St. No cover charge. Call 494-9600. Sun., May 20 – Central Illinois Jazz Society House Band 6:00 p.m. Carl Anderson and His New Orleans Jazz Band at 7:15 p.m. The Starting Gate Banquet Room, located in Landmark Recreation Center at 3225 N. Dries Lane. Admission is $5/Members $7/Non-Members, free for students. Visit Sat., May 26: live music by The Flying D’rito Brothers at 8:00 p.m. No cover charge. The Fieldhouse Bar and Grill in Campustown, 1200 W. Main St. No cover charge. Call 494-9600. Sat., June 23: live music by Shortfuse at 8:00 p.m. No cover charge. The Fieldhouse Bar and Grill in Campustown, 1200 W. Main St. No cover charge. Call 494-9600.

Summer Jazz at the RiverFront

Submitted by Dick Marsho, Central Illinois Jazz Society

Every Monday, join us for LIVE TRIVIA at 7:00 p.m. ... with prizes! Events are held at The Fieldhouse Bar and Grill in Campustown, 1200 W. Main St. For more information, call 494-9600 or visit

Submit your organization’s news and events to

June 28 Jim Markum Swing Band

This summer, enjoy jazz programs that are scheduled for 7:00-9:00 p.m. on Thursday evenings at the CEFCU Center Stage on the Peoria Riverfront. Programs are FREE to the public and jointly sponsored by: CEFCU, the Peoria Park District and the Central Illinois Jazz Society. Performance dates are:

Submitted by Michelle Renick

June 21 John Miller and the Romaniacs

July 12 Kevin Hart and the Vibe Tribe July 19 Billy Cook Quartet July 26 Speakeasy, featuring Judy Page Aug. 2 Central Illinois Jazz Orchestra Aug. 9 Change Up Aug. 16 David Hoffman and Friends

craft & Vendor sale: Come experience all the best of local arts, crafts, and home-based businesses! Saturday, May 19 • 9:00 am-2:00 pm Franciscan Recreation Complex 908 Sterling Avenue in West Peoria or call 677-6705.

concerts in the Park: Bring a lawn chair and a picnic and enjoy an afternoon in the park! Cosponsored by the West Peoria Residents Association and the Peoria Park District SideTracked: July 15 • 4:00-6:00 p.m. Peoria PoPS orchestra’s Swing Band: August 12 • 4:00-6:00 p.m.

Monthly Messenger – May 2012 – 11

Moss-Bradley Residential Association 1512 W Barker Ave Peoria, IL 61606

daTed MaTerial – Please deliver ProMPTly

PRST.STD U.S. Postage


Permit #1036 Peoria, IL 61601

Mark your calendar! May Potluck and Annual Meeting, May 2

neWsleTTer Kelly Kolton, Newsletter Editor & Layout Design Skip Cravens, Mailing & Subscription Coordinator Susan Bock, Proofreader Amy Blain, Calendar Monthly Contributors and Photographers as credited

A Haircut with Heart

officers & coMMiTTees West Bluff Council Marjorie Klise Paul Masick Bradley Univ. Robert D. Aviles Moss Ave. Sale Jan Krouse Neighborhood Pride Available Social Dr. Lindsey & Kathy Ma Historic Commission Paul Masick Sid Ruckriegel Landscaping Dan Callahan Greeter Skip Cravens Greenway Project Peter Getz Webmaster Steve Erke TriCorn Park Jim Adams Board MeMBers President Vice President Secretary Treasurer Director Director Director Director Director


Jane Lee participated in the Fifth Annual St. Baldrick’s Day held at Bradley University on April 13. See page 3 for full story.

Rod Lorenz Jim Evenhuis Tim Shaw Jim Adams Brian Buralli Margaret Cousin Wayne Johnson Marjorie Schwebel Rita Speck

non-voTing PasT PresidenTs Sid Ruckriegel Andrew McGowan Paul Masick Joanne Bannon

674-6864 674-6365 673-8896 676-7900 637-3271 674-6365 303-0083 673-7348 674-8037 673-0925 678-0370 256-1484 673-9520 303-3245 256-1484 369-2037 676-2460 453-9436 672-2363 453-6700 303-0083 677-9808 674-6365 676-0330

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