St. Patrick’s Festival Sponsorship & Partnership Opportunities
Make exceptional and memorable connections with your target audience by partnering with Ireland’s most significant multi-disciplinary Arts Festival.
Festival Overview St. Patrick’s Festival is Ireland’s leading multi-disciplinary arts festival which takes place annually over a 4-5 day period, in celebration of Ireland’s national holiday, St. Patrick’s Day.
• is good about Ireland both
T h e F e ST I va l S h owc a S e S
all that
domestically and internationally. Its multi-faceted programme creates a carnival atmosphere, ignites Irish pride, creates uplifting powerful experiences and delivers lasting memories for the 1.6 million people who engage with the festival annually. and performance, • pageantry, spectacle, music, dance, ST r e e T T h e aT r e
literature, comedy, film, visual art and family events are presented as part of the diverse world class programme.
• Friday 16th – Monday 19th March F e ST I va l 2 0 1 2
Festival highlights • events annually engage with Festival a boost to the Irish •Delivers economy •Welcomes •Generates domestic publicity worth (ave) • website (Jan-Mar) recorded on official •Generates extensive •Involves over •9,950 Festival on RTÉ One • 1 . 6 m I l l I o n P eo P l e
€50.5 mIllIon
1 2 0 , 0 0 0 I n T e r n aT I o n a l vISITorS €2.2m
1 .1 m I l l I o n Pag e v I e w S
I n T e r n aT I o n a l
3 , 0 0 0 P e r Fo r m e r S a P P D ow n loa D S
3 T e l e v I S e D b r oa D c a STS
Attendance & Viewership Figs aTTenDance Festival Parade
Festival Skyfest
Festival big Day out
vIewerShIP (rTÉ one) Festival Parade
Festival Skyfest
Festival highlights
St. Patrick’s Festival provides a unique platform to…
affluent core audience in • an impactful manner the positive Irish • message the Festivalwith embodies & build affinity for • your brand through engaging event acceSS a young
alIgn your branD
generaTe awareneSS
partnerships reputation • by investing in the national celebration and reInForce your corPoraTe
local economy of the Festival to • excite & motivate customers • leveraging the Festival's publicitybyand harneSS The Power
enhance your meDIa ProFIle
communications plan
• Responsibility strategy • hospitality experiences
aDvance your corPoraTe
& Social
enjoy excePTIonal corPoraTe
68% ABC1 of Festival audience are
Festival Audience profile affluent, Dynamic, young over 710,000 people attended Festival events in 2011
52% 48% Female
56% 23% under 35
Aged between 35-44*
64% 36% Irish
Overseas visitors*
47% Attend with children*
auDIence FeeDbacK ** (A satisfied loyal attendance base)
88% 94% rated Festival as excellent
Said they would attend again
*Source: Fáilte Ireland economic Impact report on St. Patrick’s Festival 2010, conducted by behaviour & attitudes **Source: St. Patrick’s Festival research 2005, conducted by millward brown ImS
Festival Marketing & Media profile
multi-platform media • National campaign dedicated Festival • Three broadcasts on RTÉ One visible city-wide outdoor • Highly branding campaign heavily trafficked web• Vibrant site • Tailored iPhone & android apps focused social media • Continuous activity range of national • Comprehensive & international broadcasts, print & online coverage subscriber based • Customised direct marketing campaigns
Festival Properties & Opportunities
• Principal Event Sponsors •Foundation Partners •Associate Sponsors •Partnerships •Supporters St. Patrick’s Festival offers a diverse range of sponsorship and partnership opportunities with tailored activation and leverage potential, the properties that follow are a selection of the many possibilities available.
Festival Big Day Out
FREE family fun day featuring the cream of domestic & international street theatre, performance and music in the heart of vibrantly decorated Georgian Dublin, Merrion Square
I S T h e F e ST I va l’S
• into ‘zones’ • with open airdivided and covered 8 5 , 0 0 0 aT T e n D eeS The SITe IS
performances & activities programmed to appeal to a multi-generational audience from 10am-6pm. amazing • performances, fun workshops, au D I e n c e S c a n exPecT
quirky characters and lots of surprises!
Opportunities for Principal Event Sponsor:
• • • • • • •
D I r ec T ac c e S S
& exposure to 85,000
people positive Irish message the Festival embodies
alIgnmenT wITh The
a memorable FREE multigenerational event of quality c r e D I T e D Fo r STag I n g
P r o D u c T/ b r a n D P l ac e m e n T
a P P r ec I aT I o n F r o m Pa r e n TS/guarDIanS
for educational and participatory elements of the event TV coverage of event in the Festival’s Highlights broadcast Leverage the Festival’s publicity and marketing campaigns
Festival Parade The world’s most famous and spectacular parade sees Ireland’s leading professional pageant companies present intriguing vibrant, creations of scale that mesmerise the audience with their artistry and dramatic flair. marching ensembles from around the world enliven the streets of the capital with their magnificent musical mastery.
Opportunities for Sponsor:
• 550,000 live audience of TV audience of • 395,000 on RTÉlive One 117,000 on RTÉ • Realplayer positive Irish • message the Festival embodies the • staging of Ireland’s most important e x P o S u r e To a
e x P o S u r e To a
e x P o S u r e To ov e r
alIgnmenT wITh The
c r e D I T e D Fo r a S S I ST I n g
cultural event
• and marketing campaigns publicity l e v e r ag e T h e F e ST I va l’ S
Festival Treasure Hunt where • participants descend en masse on a SPIrITeD Team evenT
the city to solve the conundrums that lay concealed in the many cultural venues and landmarks around Dublin plot • their route and striveapproach, to be the TeamS Plan TheIr
fastest home with all clues deciphered. opportunity for • all to explore or rediscover the city of P r ov I D e S a u n I q u e
Dublin at Festival time.
Opportunities for Principal Event Sponsor:
• 3,500 people & exposure to positive Irish • message the Festival embodies • placement positions around the city in the • Festival’s Highlightseventbroadcast a • memorable Free participative team D I r ec T ac c e S S
alIgnmenT wITh The
m u lT I P l e P r o D u c T/ b r a n D
T v c ov e r ag e o F
c r e D I T e D Fo r STag I n g
• and marketing campaigns publicity l e v e r ag e T h e F e ST I va l’ S
Festival Céilí
• dance on the streets
T h o u S a n D S o F P eo P l e
of the capital at the Festival Céilí with lively encouragement from the stage by expert callers, dancers and musicians. free, • cultural event withparticipative, broad appeal a large Scale
from young professionals, to groups to family audiences all eager to engage.
Opportunities for Principal Event Sponsor:
• 7,000 people & exposure to over positive Irish • message the festival embodies • point of event is main focal and • sampling in the • Festival’s Highlightsevent broadcast • and marketing campaigns publicity D I r ec T ac c e S S
alIgnmenT wITh The
b r a n D I n g o n STag e
P r o D u c T/ b r a n D P l ac e m enT
T v c ov e r ag e o F
l e v e r ag e T h e F e ST I va l’ S
City Fusion Community Participation Project is the Festival’s • intercultural arts participation cITy FuSIon
project and is an award winning CSR venture, celebrating cultural diversity and promoting inclusion in the city of Dublin.
in • weekly workshops withparticipate professional cITy FuSIon grouPS
artists from January to March and work together to create a pageant for St. Patrick’s Festival Parade learning skills in making, performance and dance.
Opportunities for Principal Sponsor
• community focused CSR project as • the finale with ... D I ST I n c T I v e m u lT I - l ay e r
l a r g e S P ec Tac l e S h owc aSe
• Exposure to a live audience of 550,000 • Exposure to a live TV audience of 395,000 on RTÉ One • Exposure to over 117,000 on RTÉ RealPlayer
• potential with the project • & engagement with the CSR project • and marketing campaigns publicity D o c u m e n Ta ry & P r o F I l I n g
Fac I l I TaT e S STa F F vo lu n TeerIng
l e v e r ag e T h e F e ST I va l’ S
Large Scale Spectacle Events
• presenting large scale outdoorin T h e F e ST I va l S P ec I a l I S e S
spectacle events that captivate audiences with their dramatic scale and visual impact at festival time. lighting, • pyrotechnics, street theatre shows F r o m P r o j ec T I o n S ,
and aerial pieces the creative possibilities are infinite.
Opportunities for Sponsor exposure to • a large captivated, enthused DIrecT acceSS anD
SIgnIFIcanT branDIng, c o m m u n I c aT I o n and sampling potential at event site
innovative, • cutting edge, engaginganevent of c r e D I T Fo r STag I n g
• and marketing campaigns publicity in the • Festival’s Highlightseventbroadcast • events l e v e r ag e T h e F e ST I va l’ S
T v c ov e r ag e o F
u n I q u e c o r P o r aT e h o S P ITalITy
Sponsor & Partner Benefits
branDIng rIghTS
• across online, digital and print
lo g o a n D ac K n ow l e D g e menT
marketing collateral
• across advertising and publicity lo g o a n D ac K n ow l e D g e menT
evenT SITe branDIng
& sampling
branD ProFIlIng & PromoTIon
• publicity campaign • partnerships opportunities • web-site • ac r o S S T h e m u lT I - Fac e T eD
Through evenT meDIa
b e-S P o K e l e v e r ag e h e av I ly v I S I T e D
• •
D I r ec T S I z e a b l e Ta r g e T e D
• experience •
e xc lu S I v e c o r P o r aT e
c o m P l I m e n Ta ry
Contact details We would welcome the opportunity to meet with you to explore opportunities and tailored packages appropriate for your business. Please contact Corporate Engagement & Development Executive, Emily Barton. Contact Details: +353 (0)1 6763205 St. Patrick’s Festival St. Stephen’s Green House Earlsfort Terrace Dublin 2.