2 Inspire Health & Fitness Magazine #4 - December 2019

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FOAM ROLLERS Guide to Foam Rolling for Better Fitness and Health 6 Common Questions about Foam Rolling 5 Tips for Using Foam Roller Effectively Using the Foam Roller to Improve Your Strength Foam Roller Workouts for the Legs Foam Roller Exercises to Ease Pain

2Inspirenutrition.com December 2019 FREE

Exercise and Training Programs for Weight Loss How to Prevent Workout Injuries Treating Workout Injuries

INSIDE THIS MONTH�S ISSUE How to Prevent Workout Injuries - pg. 3 Treating Workout Injuries - pg. 7 Guide to Foam Rolling for Better Fitness and Health- pg. 8 6 Common Questions about Foam Rolling pg. 13 5 Tips for Using Foam Roller Effectively pg. 15 Foam Rolling Exercises for Fitness - Using the Foam Roller to Improve Your Strength - pg. 16 Foam Roller Workouts for the Legs - pg. 18 Foam Roller Exercises to Ease Pain pg. 19 Guide to Post Workout Stretching pg. 20 Exercise and Training Programs for Weight Loss - pg. 22


How to Prevent Workout Injuries

Workout injuries can happen at any time, anywhere. Depending on the severity of the injury, it can sideline you anywhere from a few days to weeks or even months. Typical workout injuries include: • Sprained ankle • Shoulder rotator cuff tear • Knee injury • Shin splints • Tendinitis • Wrist sprain And while you can’t protect yourself 100% from getting an injury, there are things you can do to lessen your risk of injuring yourself from working out.


See a Healthcare Professional

core temperature and get the blood flowing a little faster. For example, ride a stationary bike, jump rope or jog in place for 5 to 10 minutes.

than when you first started way back when. So, to get the maximum calorie burn and to work all your muscle groups equally, switch things up occasionally.

Follow that by doing some dynamic stretching of the muscles that you plan to work out. Getting the blood warm from the increase in core temperature circulating to the muscles in the extremities will get them ready to exercise where they will further generate warmth of their own.

The change can be as simple as doing the same exercises, but in a different order. Or increase the difficulty of the exercise. For example, if you typically do lunges and squats using just your bodyweight, try doing them once in a while weighted by holding a dumbbell in each hand.

If you are not used to working out or have not in a long time, enlist the help of a personal trainer. In just one session, they can show you how to use the machines in the gym safely and based on your goals, set up a workout program for you. A followup session every six months or so can help evaluate where you are in regard to your goals and if any changes should be made to better align your workouts with your fitness goal.

Of course, the same is true after working out – cool down. From working out, your blood is warm and you want to cool it down a little before stopping. Again, some light cardio like walking at a slow rate for 5 to 10 minutes will help cool you down. Follow this with some static or dynamic stretching of the worked muscles. This helps increase their flexibility which will lessen the risk of an injury in the future.

To take it one step further when doing a lunges for example, push the dumbbells up when you put one leg forward. Bring the dumbbells back down when you push back to the starting position.

Warm Up/Cool Down

Periodically Switch Routines

This is a must if you are not used to working out. Get a checkup and tell your Doctor, Nurse Practitioner or P.A. that you plan to start working out. They can check you out and based on their evaluation, recommend what you should and should not do and some tips on exercises or workouts that would be better suited to you. Schedule a Session with a Personal Trainer


It is never a good idea to exercise muscles that have not been properly warmed up first. Usually some light cardio is enough to increase your body’s

If you always do the same routine, over time your body will get more efficient at doing it. Consequently, it will burn fewer calories

If you train most days per week, you should have at least two different routines that work different muscle groups. That way your muscles used one day have a day to repair and rebuild before you train them again. Some ways to do that is on Day 1, run; on Day 2, lift weights; on Day 3 swim or cycle Also working the same muscles over and over

eventually can lead to common conditions called shin splints or tendinitis. Don’t Overdo It Sometimes we tend to think we can do more than we actually can or even should do. This is a recipe for disaster as your mind is telling your body to do something it might not physically be ready to do. This can lead to injuries ranging from strained muscles to an actual tear, which can sideline you for months depending on where it is. Achilles tendon tears take a long time to heal. The fix is to start out slow and know your limitations. If you have a bad knee, choose exercises that will not overwork it to the point of aggravating it or risking an injury. A personal trainer can help with this. As you get stronger and more fit, you can slowly ramp up your workout sessions by adding time, intensity, duration or weight to your normal routines depending on what you do. Wear the Proper Attire You probably see it in the gym too – people working out wearing flip-flops; not a 5

good idea. The other thing that is not a good idea is if you can’t remember the last time you bought your pair of cross-trainers, then it is time to go buy a new pair … but not just any pair. To reduce your risk of a foot or ankle injury, go to a sports specialty shop where they can properly fit a pair of shoes to your feet. Some people have arch issues; others may have a supination or pronation in their feet and require footwear that can compensate for these common foot issues. If you like to exercise outdoors, dress according to conditions. For example, if it is cold where you are at, you will want to dress in layers so that as you warm up from exercising, you can take off layers to prevent from getting overheated. As far as clothing, wear an outfit made from one of the newer moisture-wicking materials so that the sweat is removed off your skin. This prevents chafing and overheating also. Stay Hydrated It is really, really important to stay hydrated before, during and after you work out. With the moisture

being wicked away from your skin, you may be losing more water than you think. Hydrate 2 to 3 hours before working out by drinking around 20 ounces of water. Follow that up by drinking about 8 ounces around 20 minutes before starting your workout. Carry a water bottle with you while working out and drink another 8 ounces about 20 minutes into your workout. Finish up by drinking another 8 ounces within a half-hour after your workout. Dehydration can cause a whole host of issues that can lead to an injury also. Eat a Proper Diet There are all kinds of theories on this one, but the bottom line is that most people do better working out if they have something to eat about two hours before working out – something with protein and carbohydrates in it. Here is what The American College of Sports Medicine says about diet and hydration, “Adequate food and fluid should be consumed before, during, and after exercise to help maintain blood glucose concentration during exercise, maximize exercise performance, and improve recovery time.

Athletes should be well hydrated before exercise and drink enough fluid during and after exercise to balance fluid losses.” A commonly accepted diet on a workout day includes:

eating some complex carbs and protein that take longer to digest. The carbs will resupply your muscles with glucose used up during your workout and the protein will start the muscle rebuilding process.

recently. But what we are talking is having pain on well used muscles. When you have reached this point, you are an accident waiting for just the right time to happen.

Your body will give you • Two hours before signals when it is time to exercising, eat some Add in Strength Training back off on your training healthy, easily digestible routine. You just need to Cardio is fine for burning carbs like whole-grain listen. If you experience any calories and losing weight, cereal and some low-fat of these symptoms, then it but if you want to build a yogurt. Or eat some fruits is time for rest and recovery strong core, it requires doing and vegetables. Avoid and maybe change your strength training at least a saturated fats and even a routine to something less couple times per week. Be lot of protein as they take demanding: sure your routine works each too long to digest. muscle equally to prevent • Overly tired after a injuries from a muscle • During exercising, stop workout overbalance situation. If one frequently to hydrate • Soreness that lasts over muscle is stronger than its with plain water. If your 48 hours opposite, the weak one can’t workout will be an hour • Something just doesn’t compensate for the stronger or less, you most likely feel right in one of your one, which then overtaxes, will not need any food joints like your knees. and you end up with an during your workout. injury. For example, if you But if you do extended When you exercise, your are working your biceps, be workouts, eat 50 to actually create micro-tears sure to work your triceps 100 calories per half in your muscles. The body equally. If you are working hour over the one hour needs a rest day or two per your calves, work your workout mark. Lowweek to repair those tears hamstrings too. fat yogurt, raisins or a and rebuild the muscle. banana are all good Once rebuilt, it will come Listen to Your Body choices. back stronger and larger (up to a point) than before. Remember the old adage • After your workout, but Without the proper rest, all “No pain, no gain”? Don’t within 20 to 60 minutes, listen to it, because it is bad you are doing is tearing the rehydrate with water. You advice. Yes, you may have muscle down further and can even mix in some some soreness the first time further until at some point it orange juice for a fast hit you do a routine that uses will fail, and you will end up of easily digestible simple muscles that haven’t been with an injury. carbs. Then finish up by exercised or at least not


Treating Workout Injuries

Regardless of how careful you are, at some point you will most likely suffer an injury. If you do, follow the RICE method of treating it:

R: Rest the injury. I: Ice the injury to lessen

swelling and inflammation.

C: Apply a compression

bandage to minimize swelling.

Use common sense. Once your injury starts to feel better, it is a natural tendency to pick up where you left off. Don’t do it. Until you are fully healed, refrain from doing the activity that caused your injury in the first place or any activity for that matter that will put strain on the injured area.

For example, if you sprained your ankle, exercise your arms instead. If you hurt your shoulder, work out your legs by walking, but avoid swinging your arms. Once you have fully recovered from your injury by being pain-free for more than a week, start back slowly and cautiously.

There is nothing more frustrating than injuring yourself and have to sit on : Elevate the injury to the sidelines while you are reduce swelling. Just because you are injured healing. Use the tips in this guide to reduce the risk of though, doesn’t mean you Most workout injuries will heal on their own in 4 weeks have to stop exercising; you suffering a workout injury. just have to do it differently. or less. If the injury has not



improved within a week, or if it gets worse, see your healthcare professional.

Guide to Foam Rolling for Better Fitness and Health Whether you’re sore from exercising, lacking the mobility and flexibility that you want, or you’re training and want better results, foam rolling is the answer. You may have seen these devices online or in your local gym. Heck, you probably have a friend who has one at home. They’re super useful, they provide powerful results, and they’re cost effective. 8

In this guide we’ll explore what a foam roller is, along with the different types of foam rollers and what they’re specifically used for. You may be surprised how many different foam rollers there actually are. You’ll learn when and how to use a foam roller and how to integrate a simple practice into your day. We’ll talk about specific foam rolling exercises that you can do to get into great shape, and we’ll look at some tips for getting the most from your foam roller. First, though, we’ll talk about the benefits of foam rolling. What is a Foam Roller? A foam roller is a tool. Generally speaking, it is a tube of compressed foam. The foam may vary in density and we’ll talk about why later in this guide. Foam rollers also vary in length, with some being just a few inches long and others being several feet long.


They’re used for many reasons, including increasing flexibility, reducing soreness, and eliminating or reducing muscle knots. You can foam roll just about every muscle in your body, including your calves, your back, and even your arms. But this is just the

beginning. There are many benefits to using a foam roller.   What are the Benefits of Foam Rolling?

tight and even fixed to your muscles. Myofascial release is a method that works to loosen the tissue and adhesions to muscles. Often, when you feel a knot or a tightness or restriction in Understanding the benefits your muscles, it can be due of foam rolling will help you to fixed fascia. stay motivated to use your Using a roller loosens the chosen foam roller. It’s not tissues and helps improve always comfortable to use, circulation and mobility to especially if your muscles the area. Many massage are sore. However, gentle therapists incorporate use can and will help you myofascial release into their feel better and recover more massages as they work over quickly. Having background the muscles; they can tell information on the benefits where there are adhesions will help you stick to your and can use trigger point routine. pressure to help alleviate it. You can use a foam roller to Improve circulation - Foam much the same effect. rolling helps bring blood to your tissues, much like Reduced muscle soreness a massage. Gentle surface You might be surprised to strokes with a foam roller learn that using a foam roller or rolling device activate can reduce muscle soreness. your cells and improve We’ve already discussed circulation. You may notice improved circulation and slight redness coming to the myofascial release; both surface when you roll. This of these benefits lead to is the increased circulation reduced muscle soreness. to your tissues. Improved They get the tissues loose, circulation means that your relaxed, and remove waste cells are getting what they products from your muscles, need to recover, and waste which helps you recover products are being cleared more quickly. away. Better mobility and Myofascial release - The movement - Fixed muscles, fascia is the collection of and sore muscles, restrict tough membranes that movement. By using a wrap, connect, and support foam roller you’ll be able to your muscles. Over time and lengthen and loosen tissues. with use they can become Consider an experiment to

prove this benefit. While standing, bend at the hips and try to touch your toes. Pay attention to how far you can reach and what your muscles feel like. Then, foam roll the backs of your legs, your hamstrings, and your calves. Spend a couple minutes on each side and then repeat the toe touching exercise. Notice the difference? Because you can foam roll all major muscle groups, a morning foam rolling exercise can Decreased recovery time help you feel more flexible - Foam rolling before and and in control over your after a workout can mean body. the difference between two days of soreness and Better range of motion potentially no days of Range of motion means soreness. It’s that effective. that you get more from your And if you are sore, you can joints. For example, if you reduce the soreness and the extend your arms overhead duration of your soreness can you get your arms next with some gentle foam to your ears or are your rolling. shoulder joints limited? For many, they’re unable to Decreased risk of injury achieve this movement. We’ve already talked about But with regular foam rolling improved range of motion, to your rotator cuff area, improved mobility, and you may be able to improve myofascial release. All of your range of motion. This is these benefits help support important because people you to move your body in often get injured when they a more powerfully aligned push their range of motion. way. This means when you run, If you gain full range of for example, you’re likely motion in your shoulders, running with better form. knees, back, and hips (your When you lift something major joints) you’ll feel overheard, you’re likely stronger and more capable. doing so with better form. 10

This reduces your risk of injury. If your muscles are tight and you’re restricted, it’s a recipe for injury. Improved fitness - Finally, you may be excited to learn that while your foam roller is absolutely a great device for pre-workout preparation and post-workout recovery, you can actually get a really great workout using your foam roller. The benefits of foam rolling have to be experienced to be appreciated. Once you try your foam roller, you won’t put it away. Chances are, you’ll always have it within reach and you’ll quickly want to make it part of your day. Before you head to the store or shop online to buy your foam roller, it’s a good idea to know about the many

different types of foam rollers and what they’re used for.   Types of Foam Rollers and What They’re Used For The traditional foam roller, old school, was a solid cylinder of medium density foam. From those early days there have been many different adaptations and inventions. While you can’t go wrong with the old school foam roller, and it may be the perfect place to start, if you have specific issues or areas that you want to address, you may want a different type of foam roller. Let’s look at the major types so you can decide. Rumble Roller The Rumble Roller is a brand name. There are other types of rollers with a similar design and function. The Rumble Roller is a medium density foam cylinder covered with a textured surface. This texture consists of “bumps,” each about 3/4 of an inch tall. These bumps work much like a massage therapist’s hands to “knead the contours of your body, gently stretching soft tissue (muscle and fascia) in multiple directions.” (RumbleRoller.com). 11

It’s good for reducing muscle soreness, improving flexibility and even reducing common types of muscle pain. Rumble Roller also offers a roller with a lower profile texture that is designed to provide a crossfriction massage, moving the muscles and tissues in different directions. Traditional foam roller with various densities The old school traditional foam roller is still one of the best investments. They generally come in soft, medium, and firm densities. You can often identify the density based on the color. Black is often the firmest, while green, blue, or even red are lighter. Density matters because the more firm a roller, the deeper it is going to go into your muscles. However, too firm of a roller can leave you bruised. That’s not the goal!

For your first roller, consider getting a light to medium density roller. You’ll get a good benefit, and once you improve your technique and familiarity with the roller, you can increase the density. We should also talk about the length and the width of a foam roller. Shorter rollers are easier to use in smaller spaces and they may be easier to manipulate, while a longer roller can be used on larger muscle groups. For example, you can roll your back or both legs at the same time with a longer roller. As for width, if you’re striving to get into smaller spaces like your lats or neck, then you may want a smaller width. Wheel The wheel is a roller designed for a very specific purpose, rolling, stretching, and massaging your back.

It looks like a giant ring or a wheel. So it’s generally hollow inside and varies in diameter. They also vary in the outer texture. Like a roller, some are textured, and some are smoother. If you are seeking a more flexible back, hip flexors, chest, and shoulders then the wheel may be the right device for you. It can also help you improve your flexibility and strength in your back. Double roller or Peanut - The double roller is also often referred to as a peanut. It’s two foam or rubber balls connected in the middle. The roller can be used to loosen the fascia along your spine. You can also use it in your calves and the muscles along your sides. You can also put it on the floor and roll the arch of your foot over the top of one of the balls. Like rollers, some peanuts are textured, and some are smooth. Grid The grid roller is a foam roller with a textured grid on the surface. Like the Rumble Roller, the theory is that the texture helps get deeper into muscle tissue for better results. Grids are generally gentler than the trigger point effects of a Rumble Roller while also providing a

similar benefit. Stick A stick roller is a lot like a rolling pin used in baking. It’s a stick that has pieces on it that roll as you push or pull it over your muscles. This type of device is fantastic for those easy to reach areas like your legs. (It’s perfect for major muscles in your legs.) However, because you need two hands to use it, it can be difficult to use on your arms or even your back. It can be used on your neck quite effectively. Some stick rollers are hard, and some have a softer coating with some texture.

between you and a hard surface like a wall or the floor and work a small area. Lacrosse balls are good for rotator cuff areas, feet, and your glutes. You can sit on the ball, cross one leg over the other and get deep into those muscles. Tennis ball A tennis ball works just like a lacrosse ball but it’s more forgiving. They do compress, so if you’re new to rolling or have especially sore muscles, a tennis ball may be a good place to start.

Textured balls Lacrosse balls are smooth. Textured balls, like textured rollers, offer the additional Hard cylinder benefit of working the If you really like to work tissues in different directions your muscles deep then and with different depths. you might consider a hard There are, as you can see, plastic cylinder roller. These tons of choices when it tools look like a large piece comes to choosing a foam of PVC piping. They’re roller. You just can’t go usually 12-24 inches in wrong by investing in a length and about 6 inches medium density foam roller. in diameter. Good for major From there, once you have muscle groups like your legs an established practice, you but may be too hard for can add devices for your arms, back, and sides. specific needs. Lacrosse ball You might be surprised how effective a lacrosse ball can be to alleviate trigger point soreness. Lacrosse balls are hard rubber. They bounce, but they don’t compress. You can put the ball

6 Common Questions about Foam Rolling While foam rolling isn’t a new practice, it’s new to many people and it can be a bit confusing. Before we dive into “how” to foam roll, let’s address the common questions and make sure you’re starting off with the best information.


1. Can Foam Rolling Be Harmful?

Yes. And before. Before a workout you can use a foam roller to improve circulation. Quick rolls over Yes. Foam rolling can be harmful. You should always your muscles that don’t go start out with a gentle roll too deep are ideal for preworkout warmups. You’re and gradually work into improving circulation deeper rolls over time. and getting your muscles If you jump right in and ready for your workout. smash your tissues you could bruise your muscles. After a workout, you can slow down the roller and actually stop and 2. Does Foam Rolling press into the more Work? uncomfortable areas. Get We talked about this a bit deeper after a workout and work out those knots. in the benefits section. It works a lot like a massage. 4. When Should I Foam It brings blood to the tissues and improves your Roll? circulation to the area, We just talked about which helps your body foam rolling before and repair itself more quickly. after a workout. You can It improves flexibility by also foam roll between stretching tissues and working on adhesions and workouts or really any time during the day. Some fixed fascia. people find that it’s a great way to start the day. Think about it this way; Others like to foam roll you stretch before and after a workout to improve while they’re watching circulation to the muscles television at night. You should foam roll when you’re going to use and it suits your lifestyle and to help reduce muscle your goals. tightness. Foam rolling works in a similar fashion, 5. How Long Should I but you’re able to often Foam Roll? get deeper. 3. Should I Foam Roll After A Workout? 14

It’s difficult to answer because it depends on your goals, how your

muscles are feeling, and why you’re foam rolling. Generally speaking, a few minutes on each muscle group should be fine. For example, when you’re foam rolling your IT band, the first few passes will feel fine, then it’ll start to hurt and you’ll probably find sticking points along your band that feel worse than others. As you roll and relax and breathe, the discomfort will start to lessen. Then you know that you’ve accomplished your goal for the day. 6. How Can I Tell It’s Working? Earlier we talked about that toe touching exercise. Depending on your goal for foam rolling, you can test and retest to evaluate any improvement. For example, if you’re foam rolling to improve flexibility, range of motion, or to reduce tightness you can test the area before and after you roll. If you’re rolling to reduce muscle soreness, the best answer is to see how you feel the next day.

5 Tips for Using Foam Roller Effectively

Using a foam roller is pretty easy. But there are ways to improve your results and to avoid injury.

3. If it hurts, ease back You’re going to have sensitive areas. Try your IT band and experiment, you’ll likely find those areas. When you hit a sore 1. Start slowly spot, ease up a bit and roll slowly at first. This gradually deepen the gives you time to get a pressure to a level that you feel for your muscles and can manage. This isn’t a to find the sensitive/sore “no pain, no gain” practice. places. As your muscles If it hurts too much, pull begin to warm up, you can back. Think of it like a increase both the pressure massage; you don’t want a and the speed you roll. massage to make you cry. 2. Let your body create the pressure Gravity is your friend with the foam roller. As your muscles relax and you’re able to go deeper, simply allow your body to sink into the roller. 15

4. Roll in both directions - Make sure you move the roller both up and down your muscle. Many people make the mistake of only rolling in one direction and missing half the benefit.

5. Roll surrounding muscles Let’s say that your glutes are sore, so you roll your glutes and then get on with your day. You would be better off rolling your hamstrings, hips, and even your low back in addition to your glutes. Your muscles rarely work in isolation and if one muscle is sore, it’s a good idea to look to the surrounding and supporting muscles as well. These tips will help you get the most from your foam rolling routine. As you become familiar with the tools and the practice, your technique and awareness will improve.

Foam Rolling Exercises for Fitness - Using the Foam Roller to Improve Your Strength

Plank You’re familiar with the plank movement, right? This is a movement where you balance the weight of your body on your toes and your hands or elbows. Keeping your core tight, the plank is a movement that works your entire body. 16

You can kick it up a notch by balancing your hands or forearms on a foam roller. Like planking on a balance ball, having to stabilize the foam roller adds a degree of difficulty to this basic movement. You can make it even more challenging by doing a side plank with the foam roller.

and pressing your back into the wall. It’s a good leg workout because you have to hold the position for as long as possible.

accumulate time holding this bridge.

Standing Lunges With the lunge movement, your front foot will go on Now you can add difficulty the roller as you lower your back knee to the to the movement by ground. The trick for this placing the foam roller movement is stability as behind your back and you stand and lower. Make pressing into it as you sure you’re able to perform slowly stand to upright and then slowly lower into a lunge on the ground before you try this on a Pushup a squat. (This is a similar foam roller. From your knees or your movement to using a toes, use the foam roller balance ball behind your Add these foam roller as the foundation for back for wall squats. It exercises to your current your hands when you’re requires you to stabilize fitness routine and fast performing a push up. You your core.) track your results. You’ll can also place the roller get great abs, a strong under your feet to elevate Glute Bridge core, and the strength Lying on the floor on them and add a bit of an and stability you want. your back, place your incline to your pushups. Between strength, feet on the foam roller. flexibility, muscle recovery, Wall squats Tighten your glutes and and decreased soreness, A wall squat or wall sit lift your hips, keeping you’ll want to make foam is performed by getting your shoulder blades rolling a part of your day. into a sitting position (like pressed into the ground. you’re sitting in a chair) You can perform reps or


Foam Roller Workouts for the Legs Looking to use your foam roller on your legs? Here are some moves you should try doing. #1 Quadriceps Lying face down, place the foam roller at the top of your thighs. With your forearms on the ground supporting your body and your feet risen off of the floor, slowly roll your body back. Don’t roll over your knees. When you hit a tender area, pause for static pressure. Keep it for a few seconds as you keep your hips off the ground. Don’t allow your hips or stomach to sink. You can stack your legs for added pressure, rolling one at a time.

bone” projects outward from your Levis. With your feet and forearms on the ground supporting you, you can increase the pressure by bending your knee to one side. Roll up and down or side to side to roll out the muscle in this area. #3 Shin On your hands and knees, place your foam roller underneath one shin. You should position it right below the knee. Engaging your core, keep your back straight. Put as much weight onto the roller as tolerable and then slowly roll towards your ankle. Pull your knee up towards your hands, keeping your hands in the same place.

and your hands behind you to support your body. Adjust so that he roller is right underneath where the back of yours legs connect to your buttocks. As you roll it towards your knees, pause on any spots that feel tender and hold for a few seconds. You can stack your legs and roll one at a time to increase the pressure.

#5 Calves Similarly to the hamstring roll, you’ll want to sit down with your legs straight out in front of you. Hands on the ground to support you and foam roller placed just below your knees on the back side of your legs. Roll it towards your ankles, pausing on any #2 Hip Flexors tender spot. Stack your Lying face down, place #4 Hamstrings legs if you’d like to slightly the foam roller under your Sitting down with your increase the pressure you front hip crease. This is legs straight in front, place are feeling on the muscles right below where the “hip the roller under your legs as you roll your calves out. 18

Foam Roller Exercises to Ease Pain

While nothing can beat a good massage from a professional trained physical therapist, foam rolling can come quite close if you know the right techniques. In fact, foam rolling has quickly become a coveted method for relieving pain at home and also helping to improve blood flow, reduce inflammation, and help speed up recovery from exercise. You can use foam rolling on multiple parts of your body to ease pain, how you go about it will depend on the area that’s bothering you.

certain area. Experts recommend not rolling the same area for more than 30-60 seconds at time. Failing to follow this rule could actually lead to adverse results. Of course, you can still foam roll every day and even multiple times a day, just make sure you’re rolling more than one area to get the best results.

#2 Lower Back Pain You can also get relief from lower back pain with your foam roller. The key is to focus on the tight hip flexor and other areas #1 Knee Pain that are often connected If you have pain in your to lower back pain. You knees, you can use foam can also roll the lower rolling to relieve it by back itself, starting from targeting a few different under your hip flexor and areas. You’ll probably want going upward, focusing to start with your IT band on the tight spots. Static and quads. You should pressure is key here, also work on your hip stopping in areas where flexors, too. Stretching out you feel a muscle spasm these areas will help you and pausing until it stops relax your knees, just make spasming. sure you follow the golden rule: never overwork any 19

#3 Neck and Shoulder Pain Probably the secondmost common area for foam rolling, the neck and shoulders are a common culprit for pain and discomfort. It may be caused by slouching, poor posture, or certain activities. But, whatever the case may be, the right foam rolling technique can help you find relief. You should work on your upper back first to help you find release from any tension you have in your shoulder blades and upper spine. You should also stretch out your chest. #4 Achilles Pain Do you have pain in your achilles or the back of your heel? This is often a result of calf pain, which is usually felt less in the calf itself and more in the areas above and below those muscles. So, if you have achilles pain, consider rolling out your calves and even upper leg. You can also try connecting muscle groups, like your shin.

Guide to Post Workout Stretching If you were to look up 100 articles on workout tips, in pretty much all of them you would see the same piece of advice: “stretch before a workout.” Stretching before a serious workout is second nature to anyone who exercises regularly and it’s also common sense. You don’t drive a car in the winter without letting the engine warm up first, so why would you put your body into high gear without letting it do the same? However, something that is too often ignored, especially among workout bloggers 20

and fitness gurus, is the crucial importance of postworkout stretching. As you can see from the title, this article aims to rectify that. You are going to find out the importance of post workout stretching, as well as some good ideas for post workout stretches.

workout something worth doing? On the surface, it doesn’t make a lot of sense, after all, you are already done the workout, so what use is there in lubricating your muscles?

Well, there are quite a few benefits to be had by doing some light Why Post Workout stretching after you finish Stretching Is Good your workout. First off, it can significantly help with We all know why post-workout pain. To be stretching before a more specific, stretching workout is good (it gets after you finish a workout your muscles ready to can help to really reduce handle the great stress and the feelings of fatigue and exertion that comes with sharp pains that can linger a serious workout), but in your muscles for days why is stretching after a after a workout. How does

stretching do this? Well, it helps to loosen up your muscles and keep them in a somewhat “lubricated state.” Some of the pain that you feel after a workout is due to the fact that after a hard workout, your muscles tighten up. The stretching helps to loosen your muscles, which means that you feel a bit less pain and fatigue in them.

ideas for post workout stretches. These stretches can be done regardless of what specific exercise routines you did. It doesn’t matter whether you did hardcore cardio or if you lifted weights, these stretches will be useful. Obviously you do want to try to tailor your stretches to hopefully target the muscles that you used in your workout.

Another way that stretching after a workout can really help you is by making regular movement a lot easier. Think about it for a moment, most of you probably don’t go to bed right after a workout. Depending on when you do your workout, you may have to face the entire day with sore muscles.

Hamstring Stretches

Doing some stretches after a particularly intense workout can be useful because it makes doing regular activities like walking, reaching for things, lifting objects, etc., a lot easier and a lot less painful. Some Post Workout Stretches That You Can Try


Alright, so now that you know why post workout stretching is a good idea, you are probably anxious to give it a try. To help you out, here are some good

Your hamstrings and calves always seem to take a beating during a workout, regardless of what you actually do during the workout. So, doing stretches that target these areas is helpful. To stretch out these areas, sit flat on your butt and extend your legs out as far as they can possibly go. Next, move one leg so that it is touching the inside of the other at a roughly 90-degree angle. Now, extend and grab your tiptoe and pull it back. Hold for half a minute and then switch to the other leg. This stretches both your calf muscle and hamstring. Triceps If you have lifted weights during your workout, then your upper body may be sore. This makes

even basic things like reaching for stuff in a cupboard painful. To help lessen the discomfort, you have to stretch out your triceps and lats. To do this, stretch one arm over your shoulder until it is touching the center of your back (you should be stretching your arm as far back as it will go). Now, take your free arm and push on your elbow until you feel a stretching sensation. Again, hold this half a minute and then switch arms. Shoulder Stretches Finally, let’s address your shoulders. Nobody wants pain in their shoulder and neck area; it’s hard to deal with, to say the least. To help with this, grab an object like a long cloth or even a towel. Grasp the object firmly with both hands and raise it above your head. Now, move the object behind your head and down towards your back. Do this until you feel something in your shoulders. Hold this for 30 to 45-seconds to stretch out the muscles. Feel free to repeat as necessary to loosen the muscles.

Exercise and Training Programs for Weight Loss Weight loss and getting into shape can be a continuous battle for a lot of people. Dieting is not enough for most people, and implementing an exercise program is typically needed.


The primary focus in a weight loss based exercise program should be to find a regimen you enjoy. This makes it more likely that you would stick with the exercise program, instead of leaving it behind due to distain. If you do not like to jog, why put your mind and body through it? By finding exercises that you enjoy, you will be more likely to stick with it.

the time to warm up properly before you begin exercising. Warming up before working out helps you avoid muscle and tendon injuries, and results in a lower risk of developing strains and sprains.

While you are exercising, make sure you have plenty of water. It is essential that you keep plenty of room temperature water on hand while you are Before you start an exercising. This is because exercise program, you cold water can cause should check with your stomach cramps while primary care doctor to you are working out, and ensure you are healthy your body is hot. Keeping enough for the level of activity required. After you yourself hydrated at all have established that you times will keep your are healthy enough for the muscles performing at their best, and prevent activities you plan to do, them from becoming set your long-term goal and short-term goals. After extremely sore the day after your workout. determining your longterm goal, break it down During your exercise into more manageable, smaller tasks. For example, routine, it is important that you switch between if your overall goal is to cardio exercises and lose thirty pounds, you weight training exercises. can break the goal down further by saying you want By switching up your to lose two pounds per exercise, your body will week. experience maximum When you are involved in any weight loss based exercise program, it is important that you take

tired during your exercise, take a break. When your body is tired, you are more likely to become injured. If your goal is to lose weight and get back into shape, the last thing you need is to put yourself in a situation where you can become injured. Some people who have developed a weight loss exercise program have found that it is better to exercise in groups. If you are someone who is more likely to push themselves when you are in a group, joining a gym or exercise club may have great benefits. And when you are working out with other people, is possible that you will have more motivation, which will translate to more overall success.

If you are trying to lose weight, do not depend on diet alone. It is essential that you make a total lifestyle change for future success. Exercising to lose weight is one of the best methods to shed extra pounds. Not only will you results, and you will be able to burn more fat than feel better because of the exercise, you will be able if your body can predict to build lean muscle mass what will happen next. At any time, if you become and look better too.




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