2Inspire Health & Fitness Magazine #27 - December 2021

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issue, we shared 15 habits of highly fit people. We also talked about some simple lifestyle tweaks to help you lose weight while also discussing weight-loss shortcuts that never work. To help inspire movement, we covered signs that your body is craving exercise, ways to get more active when you work in an office, and 10 ways to make exercise part of your daily routine. One of my favorite tips from this issue was from the article covering 10 ways to make exercise part of your daily routine:

“... [F]ocus on a goal or end result, not the exercise itself. Pretend you decided to do some body-weight exercises today—10 lunges, 10 sit-ups, 10 pull-ups and 10 push-ups. If you simply stare at the wall and count off repetitions, you can get bored and distracted before you even get started. Instead of thinking about the exercise or physical activity you are performing, picture a mental image of your body and your mindset when you are fit and in shape. Think of how you are going to look and feel, the compliments your friends and coworkers are going to shower you with. In other words, keep the goal of your physical fitness in sight at all times.”

July Not everyone has a lot of time or experience exercising, so in July we talked about the best types of exercise for sedentary people and provided some ideas for effective 10-minute workouts. We also discussed some heart-healthy foods and researched whether caffeine can boost workout performance.

August As the 2021 summer breathed its last, we reviewed the top 12 outdoor exercises to replace the gym and discussed why outdoor exercise boosts mood more than indoor exercise. We also talked about overcoming common struggles to start exercising when you’re obese and finding your “why” for getting fit.

My colleague and fellow fitness devotee Kevin Schoen stopped by to talk about attaining workout consistency and simplicity. During our interview, he gave a couple of tips for those who struggle to make fitness a consistent part of their lifestyle:

I also sat down with BossUp Babe, weight loss and wellness expert Karissa Adkins, to talk about fitness, and she helped me understand what “bossing up” means to her:

“First, get into the habit of actually holding yourself accountable. Come up with some kind of plan. Are you going to go to a gym? Are you going to work out at home or some kind of combination of those? Figure out what that’s going to be. Then secure your gym membership or your home equipment, set it up, and figure out what exercises you’re going to do.

“Bossing up is doing anything that scares the living crap out of you. Bossing up is that moment when you’re like, ‘Should I, or should I not?’ It takes courage, but it’s our job. It’s our responsibility in life to boss up. We can either choose to stay stuck or to boss up and become the best version of ourselves, whether that’s with our health, our personal lives, our businesses—it doesn’t matter, the choice is yours.”

September As colder weather enters “Next, try to work out at the the scene, we know it can same time every day. When- be more difficult to mainever you do it, whether tain exercise motivation. that’s three days a week or So in September, we talked five days a week or six days a about why a sedentary week, do it around the same lifestyle is bad for your mentime.” tal health and how to bust past a fitness plateau. We also discussed whether it’s

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