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Heart Health is Affected by the Type of Fat You Consume
In addition to helping you lose weight, focusing on fat will definitely affect your heart. A few decades ago, so-called health experts of the day kicked off a major low fat and no fat trend, with major food brands following suit. If you wanted to drop some pounds and trim your middle, you were told to only eat low-fat no fat or reduced fat products.
With a little more information at our disposal these days thanks to the internet, our fear of fat has evolved to a greater understanding that fat is an essential nutrient that our body needs to perform at its best. The types of fat that consume and in what quantities, play a part.
Our endocrine system is nourished when we eat foods that contain fat. But everything should be in balance and it’s likely that if you consume the typical American diet then you are overindulging in the harmful types of fat.
Saturated fat that comes from animal products, and hydrolyzed vegetable fat otherwise known as trans fats, are the worst kinds of fats to consume in excess. These fats alter your blood chemistry and can lead to high blood pressure and eventual hardening of the arteries.
If the arteries are not flexible it becomes more difficult for our body to pump blood to our extremities and deliver oxygen to our cells. We are at increased risk of heart attack and stroke if this happens.
Studies have found that Mediterranean people who consume omega-3 fats such as those found in fatty fish like salmon, tuna, mackerel, and sardines, as
well as omega facts from olives, nuts and seeds, end up healthier for longer.
What Types of Foods are Best for Your Heart? Blood tests show that those who consume a Mediterranean type of diet show up with healthier blood work, lower cholesterol, and live longer than those whose diet consists of more saturated fat such as that which comes from red meat, bacon, sausage, ham, hot dogs and other salted fatty meats. In combination of an active lifestyle that includes regular, moderate exercise, many live into their nineties.
Whole grains.
Anytime you can switch from enriched processed white flour-based foods to whole grain-based foods, you’re doing your heart a favor. You’ve probably noticed on a box of Cheerios that this cereal is said to contribute to heart health. Cheerios are made from whole grain oats, but just because the maker of the food didn’t shout it out on the label doesn’t make other whole grain foods any less heart healthy.
Cereals that are prepared from whole grains have proven beneficial because they help to flush LDL (bad) cholesterol from the blood.
A colorful variety of fruits and vegetables.
Fruits and vegetables of all kinds, including broccoli,
cabbage, dark green lettuce, green leaves such as spinach and chard, are high in nutritional value including vitamins and minerals. These are excellent for our health, and the better-quality soil that these plants are grown in, the more nutritional benefit they carry.
Fill your plate half of the way with fresh vegetables. Divide the other half of your plate between a low-fat protein and a whole grain starch. This is excellent policy for getting a balance of nutrients into your diet each day, and you’ll find more information about it on the CDC (center for disease control and prevention) website.
Where does the hearthealthy fat come in? Maybe you’re used to pouring bottled dressings over your salad. Some of these are cheaply made using plant oils that are not particularly beneficial.
They also likely contain additives to prolong their shelf life and improve the taste so that people will crave them.
A homemade dressing prepared with extra virgin olive oil, apple cider vinegar, salt and some of your favorite flavorings like mustard or raspberry or garlic makes the perfect heart healthy dressing, just two tablespoons will do for an average size serving of salad containing mixed vegetables.
You can even use the same heart-friendly mixture, healthy oil and acidic vinegar, to drizzle over lean meats such as chicken breast. This will work to enhance flavor, aid digestion, and deliver boost of extra nourishment to your body. Beans and legumes. Be sure to add a variety of beans, lentils and other legumes to your hearthealthy diet as well. A bowl of seasoned lentil soup supplies protein while giving a serving of iron to your body. Soup made with beans or lentils makes a great healthy start to your dinner. You might even end up consuming less meat because the protein-packed beans will fill and nourish you. Fresh food, colorful plate, and a variety of foods with the majority being vegetables, is the way to go. Mediterranean people have a track record of living into their 90s and beyond. Feeding your body a general diet that is rich in vegetables and fruits, contains whole grains, goes easy on the meat and incorporates healthy fats as well as a few servings of seafood a week, are the keys to improving your heart health in a very delicious and enjoyable way.
What Types of Foods are the Worst for Your Heart? Fat that comes from animals is saturated.
This is the worst offender for heart and cardiovascular health. If you eat a diet rich in foods like bacon, ham, ground beef that is less than 90% lean; processed meats such as pork roll and hot dogs, you are causing stress on the heart muscle by increasing fat levels in your bloodstream. If you go to get your blood work done you may discover high triglyceride and high cholesterol readouts which over time can clog your arteries and cause placque buildup.
This is not to say that you can’t enjoy the occasional meal of sausages or have some bacon with breakfast. But it’s all about balance. If we think of the chemistry of our blood, certain foods can counterbalance other foods which can create health problems when consumed to excess. Fun fact, medicines that doctors prescribe to help protect heart health such as Lipitor are actually acidbased. Acids break down fat.
Consuming foods that are more acidic such as grapefruits and grapefruit juice, apple cider vinegar and cranberries could help your body rebalance itself after a meal that is high in fat. Is that why so many people enjoy orange, grapefruit or tomato juice with breakfast?
As far as weight loss, one concern is having a too high percentage of fat in the body, especially around the organs which can contribute to chronic disease as we age. Reducing the amount of saturated fat that you consume, trading out high-fat meats for healthy fat present in tuna and salmon, or plant-based fats like olive oil and avocado, can help you protect your heart, reduce the amount of fat on your body and improve your health.
Is Being Overweight Really Genetic?
Many overweight people believe that they have inherited their tendency of being on the heavy side.
Genetics may have something to do with our predisposition toward being thin, carrying extra pounds, or being muscular as opposed to slim. Genetic studies have isolated certain genes that predispose people to obesity as well as be more likely to retain fat.
Are You Destined to Be Fat? What Role Does Genetics Play in Obesity? Genetics can also determine if you are more likely to develop diabetes, heart disease and other chronic diseases. But keep in mind that despite DNA, lifestyle choices lead the way. If we evolved into the problematic bodily makeup of who we are today, then we can guide future generations into better quality of health. That starts with healthy eating and living practices. Eating clean is the way to go! In regions where high calorie, high fat foods are celebrated, people tend to weigh more as a general rule. Fattening recipes as mac and cheese, fried chicken, stuffed pastas like pierogies and raviolis, mayonnaise based salads, gravy laden entrees and pasta based meals are handed down from one generation to the next. This certainly does play a part in the likelihood of weather a person might gain weight in the same way that their parents and prior generations of family members do.
Do you come from a family where being overweight or obese is the norm? Here are some simple changes you can make to get yourself on the path to permanent, healthy change.
Read up on nutrition. Find out which foods benefit the body in which ways. Learn about simple versus complex carbs, and why the latter is beneficial for the body.
Investigate processed foods and how they’re stripped of nutrition, as well as what’s added to make them appealing to the consumer.
Master the components of a healthy, balanced meal and correct portion sizes of each.
Get into food prep to to help you stay on track with eating goals. When all of the main elements of a nutritious, balanced plate are readily accessible, you can put together a healthy meal in minutes.
Find a type of exercise that works for your personality and lifestyle. There are so many opportunities to be active, use your muscles, get your heart rate up and burn fat. If the gym isn’t for you, you have other options. Become mindful of how you feel in terms of mood, energy levels, and mental alertness after eating certain foods, eating too much, skipping meals or waiting too long between snacks or meals.
Keep a food journal to help yourself grow in awareness of what it feels like to overeat, what the signs are that it’s time for a healthy snack, and how changes in diet and lifestyle affect how you feel overall.
Surround yourself with people who put their health first. It’s easier to make positive lifestyle changes when friends are ready to cheer you on, celebrate your victories and offer tips and support.
When you do the difficult work of making life changes that support healthy weight loss results, you can determine for yourself just how much the genetic component of being overweight really applies in your unique situation.
Weight loss can happen once we re-learn how to eat for optimal health. It takes a mindset shift and the willingness to change. You can do it!