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Lose Weight This Summer: Try These Tricks

The main weight loss tactics have been drilled into our heads for years: drink plenty of water, eat more veggies and exercise regularly. You’ve probably tried all of them. But did you know there are some surprising ways to help you lose weight you may not have heard of? Here are 5 of them.

1. Keep a diary. A food diary is good as is a workout journal. But another option is to keep a diary of how you feel or some important personal issue.

This fifteen minute writing exercise helps you deal with emotional eating issues. It allows you to see when emotions are causing you to overeat and find other ways of dealing with stress and uncertainty.

2. Reorganize the food on your plate. Instead of making protein your main food, change it up. Vegetables should be the biggest helping on your plate at both lunch and dinner.

Proteins should look more like the sides as does whole grains.

3. One way to curb mindless snacking is to chew sugarless gum. Chewing gum for 45 minutes decreases your level of hunger, appetite and cravings.

It makes you feel fuller so you can control your cravings.

4. Find ways to reduce your stress. Stress is one of the leading causes of weight gain.

We eat when we are worried, anxious or dealing with loss. Stress affects how your body holds onto calories leading to weight gain and other health issues. Learning how to combat stress before it becomes a problem is key to the problem. Tackle problems head on when they arise instead of putting them off, worrying about the outcome or the whatifs.

5. Drink your tea.

Green tea is one of the healthiest beverages you can drink. Loaded with antioxidants and beneficial plant compounds, it can increase fat burning and lead to weight loss. Another beneficial tea is Pu-Erh tea. This fermented Chinese brew lowers your triglyceride levels, literally shrinking fat cells. And it tastes earthy and robust.

The tried-and-true forms of weight loss advice are still good options. But adding in these 5 surprising tips to help you lose weight might be the ticket to get your metabolism moving in the right direction.

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