4 minute read
Your Journey to Weight Loss and Improved Health
Want to be healthier and live a more fulfilled life?
There’s no time like the present to embark on a journey to weight loss and improved wellness.
Consider the word “journey” to describe your state of wellness. You’re on the path to weight loss and improved health. It doesn’t happen in a day.
You’ll speed up, slow down, turn the corner, get lost, go back, travel in a circle. You’ll set a destination – your weight loss goal number.
After that you’ll keep on traveling!
Let’s begin your journey to weight loss by talking about what stops you.
As a busy person, finding time for health and fitness can seem like a daunting challenge. Each day is filled with activities, and none of them happen to be exercise.
Why not?
The truth is that we make time for whatever is important to us.
Right now, let’s think of a few reasons why health and fitness should be important, and made a daily priority in our lives.
Looking good.
Who doesn’t think back to their youthful years and wish they could have retained their trim and slim physique? Believe it or not, lots of people manage to regain the looks they had when they were younger (some end up looking better than they ever did in their entire lives) by focusing on healthy weight loss and fitness.
Feeling fit and strong. Another reason to lose weight is the desire for a strong and fit body. As the years go by, we realize that we must work harder to maintain the physical fitness that we once took for granted in our youth. But the sedentary lifestyle does not have to be for you if that’s not what you want. Working out regularly nearly always yields a positive payoff for your level of physical fitness.
Avoiding chronic disease
as you age.
No one wants to be a burden on their family, loved ones or society in general. Maintaining a healthy weight means that you can preserve your health and wellness into old age. You’ll also be able to enjoy your favorite activities and keep up with the younger crowd.
Those are some really good reasons to prioritize weight loss for good health. What are your reasons for wanting to be healthy, fit and well? Write them down. When you put it on paper, you’re more likely to get series about weight loss and healthier living. Let’s do it!
Finding Time for Health and Fitness
Ready to stop procrastinating your health and fitness? Let’s explore some tools and ideas on how to fit weight loss into your busy lifestyle
In most cases, it doesn’t take long for the majority of people to give up on their weight loss plan before they ever really got started.
Maybe for a few weeks we make it all about salad, and head out in our best exercise gear to snap selfies on our nightly run.
But then inevitably something comes up, and our exercise routine takes a back seat to other, seemingly more pressing matters.
So how do we find time for health and fitness when our days are already full to brimming?
The simple answer is to stop thinking of fitness as something to “make time for” in the first place. Instead, reach the point where you’ve incorporated health and fitness into your daily routine, and it’s a non-negotiable part of your day.
This is definitely something of a Jedi mind trick to pull off. But once you make the mental shift, you will no longer need to give yourself that nightly pep talk just to fit exercise into your day tomorrow.
Fitting exercise into your schedule is really about turning a goal into a daily habit. It’s a lot like brushing your teeth. It’s just what you do.
But you didn’t always brush your teeth, right? Your mom or dad showed you how, and then every day they reminded you… and every morning and night you had to remember to brush your teeth.
Then, gradually… you just started brushing your teeth.
This the same approach that you can take when making an effort to fit exercise and healthy practices into your daily life. It’s a slow mental shift. But it will happen if you keep at it.
To make health and fitness a priority, schedule it in.
Once you decide that you’d like to make fitness a part of your daily routine, the next difficult thing is to put it into action. Prioritizing requires that you actually schedule your workout and plan what you eat.
Why schedule in your health and fitness?
If you don’t schedule, you’re likely to procrastinate. Then, exercise keeps getting pushed to the last priority in favor of things like watching the kids, paying a bill, answering a call, getting distracted by what’s on TV, and pretty much everything else that has nothing to do with you getting healthy. And if you don’t plan something nutritious for dinner, hunger is likely to sneak up at a time when you’re busy. That’s the moment you’ll find yourself choosing the unhealthy food that got you wanting to lose weight in the first place.
Reprogram your mind, and good health will follow.
Once you program your mind to accepting health and fitness as par for the course, you will find it surprisingly easy to devote a portion of your day to your weight loss goals.
So how do you reprogram your mind? It’s a gradual process that unfolds much like your lifelong toothbrushing habit. The best thing to do is to stop overthinking it. Instead, just do it.
Another way to reprogram your mind is to follow along with others who share your commitment to weight loss, exercise, good nutrition and improved health overall.
Join a healthy recipe swap group online. Sign up for healthy eating tips from your favorite nutrition expert. Make an appointment with a fitness coach. You have many options for surrounding yourself with people who set inspiring health goals.
What else can you do? If it helps, get your phone involved just like every other aspect of your life.