4 minute read
How the Busy Working Woman gets it all Done
As busy working women, I know we desire and strive to get it all done. Sometimes we can, and at other times it can seem overwhelming. Here are some tips to help Working Women get things done:
Mind dump. One of the things I like to do at the beginning of the week is a huge mind dump. Many of us have a to-do list, and it starts here. What you do I simply take a sheet of paper and just write down all the items you need to do and focus on for the week. Everything. Items can include calls to clients, work on proposal, clean office, organize database, send out reports, go to grocery store.
The Mind-Dump is important because it gets all the items out of our head so our minds freer to think, process and focus. When we have too many ideas, our brain becomes overworked and confused; this causes us to be busy but not productive. It can also cause us to spin and freeze in our ability to move forward. After we list all the items, we can then start to prioritize and schedule when we will do them based on your needs of each day. I like to take it day by day and identify my “Big 3” – these are the three items I must do each day; the Big 3 doesn’t mean I only do 3 items, but what it does is helps me gain clarity on what truly MUST get done and it keeps me from getting overwhelmed and more items get completed.
Look to others. Success leaves clues. That is a mantra I follow. When I am struggling to be more purposeful and productive, I look to others who I feel are having success in those areas. Maybe they are having success with time blocking, delegating or leveraging relationships. It is important to look at the patterns of successful people because they can teach us how to grow in our areas of challenge.
One area I think many women in business struggle is in delegation; it is hard to both identify the needed items
to delegate and trust that when you off load items things will get done. I find it to be helpful to ask others how they got started. What were some of the first steps they did and how did they grow the skill of delegating? If you nee to hire someone, ask others for help in hiring and looking for an assistant.
People like to help, and many are happy to share their journey to make it easier for others. Do not be afraid to lean in and ask for guidance.
Track your time. Time can get away from us. We need to do a better job of learning how we are “investing” our time. When you look at time as an investment, you protect it more. You start to ask – am I getting a return back on this investment?
I encourage you to track your time. Take 2 minutes in the day to assess: how many hours did you work that day and how you invested that time. Ask questions like:
Did I really work during this time, or just show up?
Did I work on activities to build my business? What actions did I do to take care of today’s business? Plant seed for Tomorrow’s business?
Get honest about how you are investing your time. The truth is that none of us has more time, its all in how we use it. When you focus on how you are showing up and if you are using your time to its highest and best use, you will see the return of your investment.
Step away. Just as much as we need to work, we also need to step away. When I start to feel overwhelmed, confuses, or burned out, I find it is best to step away. This allows me time to reflect and re-energize. It gives me time for a fresh perspective and renewed energy.
Stepping away can be a day off or vacation but it can also be turning off your computer or phone, taking a walk, working out or playing with your kids. Just taking time to step away from the stress and noise of the moment.
We do a lot. And in many ways we love that and want to keep giving our all. Just remember that there is a cost to giving. Protect yourself from burnout and set yourself up for success. You are destined for greatness – go after it the right way.
Clara Capano “Strategist for the SMART Woman” is an Best Selling Author and Award Winning Educator. Executive Producer/Creator – the Working Women’s Channel https://www.youtube.com/ channel/UC7HkFgvq4S9bdB3LygEo0Sw Clara has been featured on: NBC, ABC, CBC and FOX. She is contributor with Forbes.com and the Forbes Coaching Council. Watch Clara on Season 3 of AmazonPrime’s Speak Up. Visit Clara’s website at www.claracapano.com