3 minute read
Surviving the Holidays
We all know the holidays are filled with many things….
Celebrations, family, feasts
But they can also bring
Stress, frustration, high emotions.
To help you stay focused, keep your energy up and fight burnout so you can continue to show up, here are some tips that have helped me over the years.
Get a game plan ahead of time. Even though there can be last minute surprises, do your best to lay out a calendar with all the important dates and event ahead of time. This will allow you to see what is coming up and set aside the right amount of time. One things that causes a lot of stress is over-booking ourselves. When you can look ahead you can see where you have time, and where you do not. For me this helps to allocate my energy as well; I know if there are going to be days where I will need more focus and energy than with others so I can plan accordingly.
Be honest with people. It is easy to agree to attend every party and event, even when we know it is not the best for us and we may not want to. Do not attend things out of obligation; the holidays are busy and (most) people understand this and do not take offense if you cannot show up or need to leave early. Simply tell them you have another commitment. If it is someone or an event you do not feel you can get out of, talk with the host and see if there is a way to attend part rather than all of it. Trust me, one the other side of that event is another women who is stressed out too – she will understand.
Make new traditions. I know, I know – some of you are throwing eye daggers at me right now. But the truth is you CAN change how you do things! For me, the people, the memories and being present are more important that running myself into the ground and resenting others around me. I have taken to doing some non-traditional things to make the season easier and more enjoyable for me:
• Go out for dinner or order in
• Instead of presents, make plans for a trip to create an experience
• Celebrate on a different day – this is a big one for me with a blended family. We celebrate as we can which may be
before or after the actual holiday.
• If hosting a party, make it a pot luck
• Have a holiday coffee rather than dinner – easier to get ready and most only stay for a couple hours.
• Have a pancake breakfast on New Years day rather than a big party.
Go on vacation – if possible, take a trip over the holidays. This way you do not have to worry about anything except getting there. It is fun, others understand why you cannot make an event and it creates a lasting memory. Plus it builds in some down time for you and your loved ones that come with you. One year we went on a family cruise, and it was AWESOME! I still remember it and loved it. Never once did I worry that Santa was not going to find me or I was missing my friends.
Take it in stride. In the end, this is just a few days or weeks out of the year. Work to be present, laugh and find something funny in every day. Know things may go wrong, you may have an argument and plans will change…. AND you will get through it. Breath through it and refocus your energy back to being present. Afterall, everyone has the best intentions to make the holidays fun and memorable. Enjoy time you have together, even when it is crazy. One day you will laugh at all those crazy times.
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