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Fun Facts

Groundhog Day, celebrated on February 2, came about because of a German superstition. They thought if a hibernating animal cast a shadow on February 2nd that winter would last for another six weeks. If there was no shadow, spring would come early.
• Feb 2, 1653 - New Amsterdam (now the City of New York) was incorporated. • Feb 4, 2004 - Facebook launched as “TheFacebook.com”. • Feb 6, 1952 - Queen Elizabeth II succeeded to the British throne. • Feb 7, 1964 - The Beatles first arrive in the United States. • Feb 8, 1998 - The first female hockey game in Olympic history took place.
Finland defated Sweden 6-0. • Feb 11, 1928 - The La-Z-Boy reclining chair was invented by Ed
Shoemaker. • Feb 14, 278 - Valentine, a priest in Rome in the days of Emperor
Claudius II, was beheaded for performing (illegal at the time) marragige ceremonies. • Feb 18, 2001 - Race car legend Dale Earnhardt was killed in a crash in the last lap of the Daytona 500. • Feb 22, 1956 - Elvis Presley debuted on the music charts with Heartbreak