6 minute read
Phenomenal Feminine Entrpreneurs
One of the most exciting and inspirational benefits of interviewing people for SHOTCALLERS magazine and Motivation and Success TV is that I constantly get to talk to some of the most uplifting and creative people on the planet. This has become especially important for me as the past year or two have brought unique challenges to our ability to connect. Through the monthly interviews I do, I found myself enjoying the same kinds of intimate connections and uplifting conversations as I had before the pandemic.
I remember in 2020, when study after study showed a creeping rise in loneliness—an offshoot pandemic we hadn’t anticipated—I would feel almost guilty because I spent each day completely fulfilled after making yet another important connection and constantly tapping into an incredible abundance of positivity.
One common thread among the entrepreneurs I spoke with throughout the year was that they were determined to bring positivity to the world, even during the pandemic. Honestly, I knew 2020 would be a hard year to follow, but 2021 has brought me a wealth of new connections that are realigning my understanding of abundance and teaching me about resilience in a way I hadn’t experienced before.
A good part of this is thanks to my close friend Meredith Allan (whom you might remember from the very first issue of SHOTCALLERS), because this year she introduced me to a woman who I immediately connected with. Her name is Edwina Murphy-Droomer, and she just completed a book, “Phenomenal Feminine Entrepreneurs.” Once I began to read it, I was in awe of the powerful message I saw on every page, and I knew that together, we could really make a substantial impact on the world.
What Edwina has done with “Phenomenal Feminine Entrepreneurs” is amazing. She’s interviewed women business owners all around the globe who are doing extraordinary things in the world. This book gives us a peek behind the scenes at their journeys and insights into gaining their successes. It’s a powerful interview series that is perfect for any entrepreneurial woman who, in her gut, knows she is meant for more. As I read through this immaculately designed book, I lost myself in a series of life-changing insights into taking control of your prosperity, your freedom, and your future.
In today’s world, we’re constantly pulled in different directions, and that can make it difficult for us to isolate our role from day to day. But the minute I saw this book, I knew the one role I was meant to fulfill was to amplify not just the content of the book
but the voices of all the women involved.
That’s why this month, I’m turning the SHOTCALLERS issue over to 14 of the phenomenal feminine entrepreneurs featured in Edwina’s book. Now, that’s about enough from me. Let’s kick off this pivotal issue by talking to Edwina!
We’ll start off this month’s special feature with wisdom curator Edwina MurphyDroomer. She is the author of “Phenomenal Feminine Entrepreneurs,” the book that brought together all the amazing women we’re highlighting this month. Edwina is an interviewer, vision-building mentor and transformational coach.
Dennis Postema: Tell me about your new book, “Phenomenal Feminine Entrepreneurs.”
Edwina Murphy-Droomer: The book contains interviews with 20 women all answering the same 20 questions. It wasn’t intentional, but somehow it’s come out as the magic number: 20 questions, 20 women, over 20 days.
Each woman was asked the same questions, which allows the reader to get multiple perspectives on any single issue or concern. It’s a beautiful way of planting seeds differently and changing how we see things in our minds.
Dennis: What made you decide to gather all these successful women together for a book?
Edwina: The idea came from my love of Oprah’s book, “The Wisdom of Sundays.” Inside is a collection of powerful takeaways from visionaries like Tony Robbins, Elizabeth Gilbert and Brené Brown.
While I am having my morning coffee, I often pick it up to find a nugget of inspiration that fires up my heart and mind for the day ahead. It got me thinking—I wanted to create something similar for my audience. So I did!
The difference is that I wanted to interview women who live in a world that feels a little more relatable. While we look at the people in Oprah’s book with awe and wonder and certainly relish the wisdom they share, it is not easy to envisage ourselves living in their shoes.
So the women I chose to feature in “Phenomenal Feminine Entrepreneurs” are at varying levels of success on their entrepreneurial journeys and are women who, not long ago, were standing exactly where you are now.
My intention for the viewer is to think, “If she can do it, so can I.”
Dennis: What role do vision boards play in what you’re doing?
Edwina: Vision boards play a pivotal role both for myself and for my clients. But trust me, when I started my entrepreneurial journey, I never imagined becoming a vision-
After my first show, “A League of Extraordinary Mothers,” aired in 2018, I heard from the women in my community that their greatest struggles and frustrations lay in having lost their sense of purpose and excitement for life. They had no clear direction for where they were heading, just a vague sense of frustration with where they were and a knowing that they were meant for more.
I knew then how powerfully vision boards, when done right, could fill the gap for these women between where they were and where they wanted to be. To highlight how this works, I use the analogy of planning a wedding. Whether we have been married or not, most people can identify with the feeling of becoming engaged and how, women especially, start dreaming about their perfect day. We plan every detail. We know what we are going to wear, what we will eat, who we want to be surrounded by, what car we’re going to ride in, and the perfect location. We even envisage how we’re going to feel. What we have done is created a super compelling vision. Some will create a physical vision board, or it might be on Pinterest or simply in a notebook—regardless, what we do is create a vision of our dream day. Once it’s clear, we set about bringing that day to life. The vision unfailingly pulls us up and forward, even when the going gets tough.
We put all this effort into that single day. The question then is, why don’t we apply this same passion and dedication to becoming super clear about who we want to be, what we want to do, and what we want to have in the rest of our life? Taking the time to get super clear about the life you want to live is a no-brainer if you want to feel empowered and in control of where you are heading.
When I started my entrepreneurial journey, I imagined utilizing my studies in naturopathy and functional nutrition. However, as my journey unfolded, I found that my skills in interviewing, vision building and coaching have pulled me in a completely different direction. I learned from this that you have to be in motion, taking steps with what you know now before your authentic purpose will reveal itself.
What I did know when I started was that I wanted to enliven, embolden and empower other women. What I didn’t know was how I was going to do it. That part has revealed itself over time and continues to evolve the further along my journey I go.
Never feeling ready is a sticking point for many entrepreneurs. It is normal to want to know everything with certainty before starting, but sadly that day simply won’t arrive until we dare to take imperfect action. Starting with a clear picture of what the end goal is and knowing WHY you want to achieve it is the perfect next step forward. Helping women with this and providing the support and accountability to make it happen is my zone of genius.
As they say, a picture is worth a thousand words. Getting crystal clear about what you want and then combining that with getting the support and accountability you need to stay on track truly is a winning formula.