Graduation Project
Urban Parking
Social housing
Center for Mentally Disabled People
Community Center and School
Personal Projects
Urban lanadscape park
Educational 01
Landscape villa
House extension
Villa Dabouq
Basma Clinics
Savanna complex
Professional B
Aqaba Villa
Motasem Al Jazzazi / Portfolio
GRADUATION PROJECT Individual Design of Production Spaces (Grad) First and Second 2015 SABE, GJU
This project includes waste to energy plant, research facility , and visitor center. The goal is to raise awareness about recycling and industry in Jordan. The main idea behind the project is interpreting the industrial components into organic ones. Energy from Waste plant with an Awareness Center and a Research Facility. This plant burns municipal waste and filters the resedues and produces electricity and hot water that Jordan needs, at the same time creating an initiative for people to be more commited to waste managment and industry awareness .This project combines the cold industrial productivity with the vernacular understanding of space people have, it seeks to synthesize the seemengly non combinable experiences into a manumental awareness journey. Figure 1.1 shows the facade is made of perforated steel sheets that are arranged in such a way that would filter day light differently through every space inside the buildling.
Motasem Al Jazzazi / Portfolio
Figure 1.1
Figure 1.2
Figure 1.3
The first consideration was for the machines themselves and how can I design around it as shown in figure 1.3. Then there was the issue of connectors, the chimney was the symbolic connector between industy and community. I used interiors of the machine to envoke specific senses in visitors and users. Using Semiotics as a system of signs/ language, linguist Ferdinand de Saussure argued that language is not own thing but a collective understanding, this makes it a medium of communication. For example tree as sygnified, arbor as sygnifier. Signifier refers to the concept or the idea but not to a thing. Meaning is important because it is what is actually remembered, and not the actual word or element. This translated to my manipulation of industry with humane. Figure 1.5 shows the initial contact of the visitor with the machine, figure 1.6
Figure 1.7 shows the symbolic chimney as a visiual attaction point.
They are attracted to exterior steel structure and are placed in front of the curtain walls that are equiped with shading devices on the interior. Figure 1.4 shows the site plan with the garden that situated at the heart of the project provide additional activity for the public and blur the veil between industry and green space.
shows the last encounter of the visitor with the machine. Motasem Al Jazzazi / Portfolio
\\experience\\ The project will be situated just north of a residential space, but still in an industrial land, it will provide cheap electricity and heat for the living district, and motivate people to recycle. as shown in figure 1.2. The experience is felt more through the journey and not the goal. by providing the visitor with not only demonstrative awareness facilities, but also interative ones the design creates a suitable environment for a deeper and better understanding of what is going on. By manipulating the space around the user, indirect communication is achieved, with that layering of abstract space and demonstrative aprocach better awareness is achieved. Other environmental changes
Figure 1.4
Motasem Al Jazzazi / Portfolio
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Figure 1.8
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Figure 1.10
Figure 1.5
Motasem Al Jazzazi / Portfolio
\\progression\\ The wall that is between the plant and this part is made out of glass is able to change opacity on command, by aligning the glass in cubes it is possible to switch them on and making them transparent only the ones that have sun rays hitting on them, thus allowing the metaphorical renewable energy which is symbolized by the sun to penetrate into the plant. The office building shows the labs and light wells that enhance the environment inside. Figure 1.8 shows the sections for employees and the visitors contrasting with the plant itself. Figure 1.9 shows the phosphorus coating on the electricity wires that act as a lightpath at night towards the plant. Figure 1.10 shows the lighting for workers, it is hanged from the ceiling and has a daylight comfortable glow.
Figure 1.6
Figure 1.7
Motasem Al Jazzazi / Portfolio
Figure 1.9
Motasem Al Jazzazi / Portfolio
URBAN PARKING Group Urban Regeneration First 2015 SABE, GJU
After detailed research about the urban aspects that affect parking situation in a region in Amman, this project was made. Multiple scenarios where done to expect how and by whom the parking will be used. It was designed to make the parking adapt to the needs of the sorroundings , after carefully making scenario designs it was decided that the best path would be to turn the empty public land into multistory parking facilities .This particular parking was designed with different users in mind.This parking allows public and students use the car .parking during different times of day according to their daily needs. Figure 2.1 shows the way light travels inside the parking. Figure 2.3 shows the overall design of the parking. Light well/courtyard makes the space inviting and not solely vihicular space but a landscaped ventilated daylit place. It also connects upper and lower streets which would make the traffic on the junctions be lower. Some recreational facilties for students on the top floor was also designed to attract more students to park there. Figure 2.2 shows the connection between the upper and lower street. Figure 2.4 shows the access for vehicles.Figure 2.6 shows the amount of parking space the will be accomodated if some empty lands would be turned into multistory parking. Figure 2.5 the classification of empty land. Figure 2.7 shows the view of the ramp with the rest of Jabal Amman. Figure 2.1
Motasem Al Jazzazi / Portfolio
Figure 2.2
Figure 2.3
Figure 2.4
Figure 2.7
Motasem Al Jazzazi / Portfolio
Figure 2.5
Figure 2.6
SOCIAL HOUSING Group AIDIP Design Course First 2014 TU Berlin Architektur
A project in TU Berlin made after an extensive study of an existing social housing. Intergrating commercial activity with high density residency in a lower middle class naighborhood. The decision was to make the shops and public spaces face the main street and the public transportaion stations. They also work as a barrier for the private courtyard for residents. The site is located near metro station, therefore the commercial spaces would benefit from the incoming pedestrians, the commercial spaces where design in way the ramp would connect the street level with the upper level that has the shops, underneth the ramps there are community service space like sport facilities. Apartments that are devided by size are vertically stacked and have five vertical courtyards to facilitate communal aspects in addition to providing sunlgiht and ventilation. They also have a horizontal coutyard in that is sorrounded by the ramp yet it is still private and used only by the residents of the building.
Motasem Al Jazzazi / Portfolio
Figure 3.1
Figure 3.2
Figure 3.3
Figure 3.1 shows the distribution of the shops on the ramp and the restaurant at the end f the ramp. It also shows the entrance to the apartment. The exit of the ramp is the entrance, this will keep the activity stable on the commercial level.
Figure 3.7 shows the ground floor plan alond with all four elevations and their interaction with the ramp. Figure 3.4 shows the project than has been used as a case study. Figure 3.5 shows the pedestrian relation with the ramp and the privacy of the central courtyard. Figure 3.6 shows the the pedestrian amound in the studied project and the ramp in our project. It shows how the functions where distributed according to the site.
Figure 3.2 shows the street level along with the communal activities with the sport halls and auditoriums, the entrance to them are from the street level. It also shows the courtyard and the apartment building connection.
Figure 3.3 shows a paper model that shows the commercial layer that is connected to the metro and the apartment buidling.
Figure 3.4
Motasem Al Jazzazi / Portfolio
Figure 3.5
Figure 3.6
Motasem Al Jazzazi / Portfolio
Figure 3.7
Motasem Al Jazzazi / Portfolio
CENTER FOR MENTALLY DISABLED Individual Design of Mixed-Use Buildings Second 2013 SABE, GJU
The themes are consious and subconsious mind, the public part is the embodiement of the consious mind where more rational tasks take place. While the private areas are the embodiment of subconsious thinking that is more pure and naive. A healthcare project aimed at providing the mentally challenged adults with comfortable life and social interaction. The project is made of two spaces, one is a cluster of units which houses its residents and the other a public space for visitors and visiting teachers. Figure 4.5 shows the inside of the dwelling unit, particularly the living room with its connection to the ourside garden. Figure 4.1 shows the entrance of the facility from the main street. Figure 4.6 shows the aerial view. Figure 4.3 shows the divisions inside the dwelling unit. Figure 4.4 shows the circulation difference between the two opposing functions.
Motasem Al Jazzazi / Portfolio
Figure 4.1
Figure 4.2
Figure 4.3
Figure 4.5
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Figure 4.4
\\progression\\ Two opposing functions form spaces between them where the people inside could enjoy their being inside. The environments created inside accomades different people and functions. Figure 4.6
Motasem Al Jazzazi / Portfolio
COMMUNITY CENTER & SCHOOL Individual Design of Cultural and Civic Buildings First 2013 SABE, GJU
Culturally and educationally sensetive project. It explores the flows of information that form unity and cohesion of society. Being a community center with museum and library it is meant to be a manifest of unity through knowledge. The school and kindergarten are also part of this project and are aimed to give the student a non typical education experinece. Adding to their privacy the students also get the maximum daylight and educational environment.
Motasem Al Jazzazi / Portfolio
Figure 5.1
Figure 5.2
Figure 5.3
Library is the main connector between the public facilites and the educational ones, both users have strong visual connection but no hanging classes.Seperate entrance is provided only for students and staff.Figure 5.1 shows individual cubes of knowledge which are dows are designed in a way to let more daylight in but less sun heat. In winter the shading systems may be removd easily and it wi
Motasem Al Jazzazi / Portfolio
Figure 5.4
physical one as shown in figure 5.3. School, underneath it is a shaded playground as shown in figure 5.4, students learn in the e classrooms and that make the structure of unity towards the library.Figure 5.2 shows the public entrance to the library, the winill let sun heat in.Auditorium for students and for visitors alike, it can be rented according to the timetable.
Motasem Al Jazzazi / Portfolio
URBAN LANDSCAPE PARK Group Landscape Design First 2015 SABE, GJU
A public and safe space with untypical spatial distribution in the middle of Amman aimed at variety and farming. Each cafe and public user can use the public farm to grow vegetables and fruits. The project is multifunctional as it is adaptable to its future uses, be it a festival or public gathering, in summer or winter it is ready because of the removable shading devices. The project also integrates a bus station in it as it is shown in figure 6.3 becausethere was no proper bus station on site, visitors are free to cross the street from the underground tunnel and go shopping while they wait for their bus.
Motasem Al Jazzazi / Portfolio
Figure 6.1
Figure 6.2
Figure 6.3
Motasem Al Jazzazi / Portfolio
Motasem Al Jazzazi / Portfolio
AQABA VILLA Group Work ASEZA Residential
Schematic Proposal for villa district. I researched Islamic design environmental mechanics and designed the contemporary framework for upper-middle class families. The houses use passive environmental systems like mashrabiyya and malqafs to improve cooling , and I also took advantage of the shape of the land to facilitate the cooling elements of the house, small partitions will keep some parts of the house envornmentaly isolated from the rest to conserve energy. Figure 1.3 shows the main street elevation, the beginning of the malqaf is visible, along with mashrabiya on the staircase. Figure 1.4 shows the photovoltaic panels on the roof. Figure 1.1 shows the ground floor plan, it contains the guest facilities and sitting and kitchen spaces. Figure 1.2 shows the first floor, more private spaces are placed there along with winter and summer terraces.
Motasem Al Jazzazi / Portfolio
Figure 1.1
Figure 1.2
Figure 1.3
Figure 1.4
Motasem Al Jazzazi / Portfolio
After careful site analysis many natural constraints where taked into consideration when arranging the residential and industrial areas. The land had slopes ranging from the mountain range to the east and the main road to the west, the area has a rain hazard during winter months, therefore careful water managment in shape of water canals had to be designed. The area was not completely empty, it has an active military base , which was used as a guidline for the grid, another guidline was drawn along the canal, and the final guidline was drawin along the mountain range. This way the area would provide an amount of variety to the users and at the same time has an effecient grid that will have effecient infrastructure and transporation lines on the future. The lands where parcelized in order of size, the larger parcel are on the higher altitide of the land and have a view of the rest of the city and the sea, while the smaller parcels are situated on the lower slopes. Every block is varied and has its own self sustaining facilities. The whole districs has a center in a form of an open market/park.
Motasem Al Jazzazi / Portfolio
Figure 2.1
VILLA DABOUQ Group Work S.M Dudin Office Residential
Elite Villa in Amman, Jordan. It is located in Dabouq, the western most location in Amman. The villa is made of two wings, each or one family with some common space and a swimming pool. It combined the typical Amman facade with unique massing. It contains very comfortable and delux spaces for indoor and outdoor activities.
Motasem Al Jazzazi / Portfolio
Figure 3.1
Figure 3.2
Figure 3.3
Figure 3.4
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Figure 3.5
\\levels\\ It is made of a basement floor, a ground floor and a first floor, top two have entrances from different levels of the street, that shows how the house connects and uses the contour for its advantage. 60
Figure 3.6
\\details\\ It contains some unique details for the pool and the facade articulations. The walls are thick and contain two types of insulation. Motasem Al Jazzazi / Portfolio
Figure 3.7
Figure 3.8
BASMA CLINICS Group Work S.M Dudin Office Medical
Highrise clinic project located on the third circle. It is unique with the way it treats the horizontal circulation spaces that are located in between the clinics by utilizing high ceilings and natural lighting from double volumes and skylights.
Motasem Al Jazzazi / Portfolio
Figure 4.1
Figure 4.2
Motasem Al Jazzazi / Portfolio
SAVANNA COMPLEX Group Work S.M Dudin Office Residential
Housing complex near the city of Fuhais, a rural area with natural vistas and agricultural background. The complex is situated on the slope and three pieces of land. The massing is based around the center in which the vertical circulation core is situated. It contains multiple terraces looking into different directions.
Motasem Al Jazzazi / Portfolio
Figure 5.1
Figure 5.2
Figure 5.3
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Figure 5.4
Figure 5.5
LANDSCAPE VILLA Group Work Hasan Mahadin Office Landscape
A house with spatious entrances and a courtyard, it has a mechanical pool and parking. These features where the backbone of the landscaping in it. The courtyard was covered with pergola for a comfortable seating experience as shown in figure 6.2. The mechanical pool was connected with the fence rustic fence design as shown in figure 6.1. The project has many low gradient ramps to make up for the topographical difference.
Motasem Al Jazzazi / Portfolio
Figure 6.1
Figure 6.2
Figure 6.3
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Figure 6.4
HOUSE EXTENSION Group Work Hasan Mahadin Office Landscape
This is an extension to existing multistory family house in the outskirts of Amman overlooking a forest. It is multileveld and is oriented towards the view. The extension took advantage of free spaces and a bedromm with guest room were added. Shaded pool has been designed instead of the present open one as shown in figure 7.3. Figure 7.1 show the supports that hold the terrace above for large gatherings. Figure 7.2 shows the bedroom and guestroom extension.
Motasem Al Jazzazi / Portfolio
Figure 7.1
Figure 7.2
Figure 7.3
Motasem Al Jazzazi / Portfolio
Motasem Al Jazzazi / Portfolio
This museum of science fiction takes inspiration from the movies about extraterrestrial space ships, here the pyramid is suppose to envoke a sense of wonder in the visiotrs at it gives the impression of being never ending under the ground, just like an alien structure that goes all the way underground. It is sorrunded by a ramp that goes to the lower levels and eventually enters the pyramid itself. Figure 1.1 shows the initial sketch and impression the sorrounding structure should make on the pyramid and also shows how different functions inside interact with each other.
Motasem Al Jazzazi / Portfolio
Figure 1.1
FREEHAND PAVILION Individual Design of Civic and Cultural Buildings First 2013 SABE,GJU
This project was a freehand pavilion based on a book of H.G Wells The Time Machine. After reading the book my interpretaion of time came to this project, two wings are set to symbolize past and future while the center piece shows the present. The project is very symolic and is filled with references to time frim the inside, outside and especially the road when one can see what the two wings truly stand for. It is visually connected to the context of Amman, one can see from the rood the historical and moden city. Figure 2.2 shows the site plan and the relation of the building to the site, it is orientated in such a way that overlooks the old and new monumnets of the city symbolizing past and future. Figure 2.3shows the ground floor with past and present wings, the first floor shows the present space and how it overlooks both wings. Figure 2.1 shows the stairs that connect the ground level with the roof. Figure 2.4 shows the past interior design with star decorations symbolizing the possibilities. Figure 2.5 shows the future decoration.
Motasem Al Jazzazi / Portfolio
Figure 2.1
Figure 2.2
\\progression\\ Figure 6.1 shows the site plan and the relation of the building to the site, it is orientated in such a way that overlooks the old and new monumnets of the city symbolizing past and future. Figure 6.2 shows the ground floor with past and present wings, the first floor shows the present space and how it overlooks both wings. Figure 6.3 shows the stairs that connect the ground level with the roof. Figure 6.5 shows the past interior design with star decorations symbolizing the possibilities. Figure 6.6 shows the future decoration.
Figure 2.3
Motasem Al Jazzazi / Portfolio
Figure 2.4
Figure 2.5
RESIDENTIAL LANDSCAPING Individual Landscape Design First 2014 SABE, GJU
This landscape freehand project is aimed at designing a more private variable garden with different activities in it. Figure 3.1 shows the built house, I added some elements to the house to make a new connection physical connection between the ground level and the first floor. Figure 7.1 shows the concept sketches emphasizing the connection between ground and first floor levels. The vegetation is distributed organicaly and makes shades during the summer and lets sunlight in during the winter, the trees and shrubs where chosen accordingly.
Motasem Al Jazzazi / Portfolio
Figure 3.1
Figure 4.1
Figure 4.2
Motasem Al Jazzazi / Portfolio
\\concept\\ Figure 4.1 and 4.2 shows traditional Islamic Souq as a touristical attraction. Utilizes common Levantine themes and enclosed shaded spaces for commercial use. Figure 4.3 shows Arabic Language Internet Revival Center in Amman. Figure 4.4 shows Multi-Level commercial node in Berlin.
Figure 4.3
Figure 4.4