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5 Back to Work Tips

5 Back to Work Tips

Heading into the workplace or committing to freelance work after a long leave of absence can be quite hectic for moms. Discover expert tips and first-hand advice from moms in the city

Did you know that when fewer women participate in the workplace, the global economy operates without the talents, skills and abilities of 51% of the world’s population? To seamlessly ease your way back into your career, here are a few tips from moms who did:


“Take the time to decide what you want and the time commitment you want to make. This is critical to working out the workplace that suits you. Do you want to rejoin the traditional workplace in a full time 9-5 role, or looking for flexitimings that allow you to still do the school runs? Alternatively, you could work from home and choose freelance jobs and hours on your own terms,” says Hiba Sabra, co-founder and Communications Manager at Maharati (an online platform that helps women enter the workforce)


“Absence makes the heart grow fonder. While it may seem completely counterintuitive, time apart can be beneficial for both mum and baby. Spending time apart from your child will only make reuniting with them after a long day more special. I honestly feel that spending time apart means that I return excited and ready to play,” says Rosa Bullock, Founder of PR agency Sociate


“Re-entering the work place after a long maternity absence is a key milestone for any mother, leaving the apple of your eyes at home in the care of someone else. Ensuring you have a home care assistant with the right level of care and focus is more important than anything. Make sure you monitor and coach her for a period of time before leaving your child and home, so that she understands your child and is prepared for their social behaviours and needs,” – Amina Khan, Client Relations Manager at Elite Babies and Tots)


“From nursing bra and sweatpants to power suit and heels... or at least a slightly more formal attire, post-natal identity crises are all too common. While a challenging tightrope act, being a working mom keeps me relevant in my own eyes and I keep my identity. Prior to having my daughter, SOCIATE was my baby. It fills my heart to care for them both. Doing it in killer heels makes it even better!” says Rosa


“Read & Reskill. This is going to be one of the most rewarding and future-proofing steps you can take. Automation will eventually take over 30-45% of the world’s current jobs. Get up-to-date, use your skills or find something you are passionate about and start your side hustle,” says Hiba

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