Mother, Baby & Child - August 2021

Page 30


ENTING R PA THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS A PERFECT PARENT! Teaching essential life skills to children; a look at common skin conditions in babies; and a reminder that it’s okay that parents aren’t perfect!

It’s very common for parents to compare themselves to other mothers and fathers, or feel guilt for something they did as a parent. If this rings a bell with you, then it’s worth remembering that there is no such thing as a perfect parent!

While the summer break is great for kids, it can be hard going on parents who are juggling work demands with keeping the children entertained all summer long. Some parents will find themselves frustrated, tired, having less time to themselves, in need of a break from the kids - all of which can lead to guilt and self-doubt about their parenting. And yet, it seems so easy for other mothers to ‘get it right’, right? Wrong! Many parents sometimes feel the pressure to be like those other parents who seem to have a perfectly smooth ride at parenting, with perfect kids. It doesn’t help that TV shows and movies all seem to have smart, smiling, well-dressed, close-knit families who make it look so easy. Even in the mall or supermarket, you see parents whose children hold hands, walk beside their parents, stay next to them in the checkout line and even cooperate when asked to help out. The reality is that they have the same challenges and frustrations as you, and every parent is working it out as they go along. Here are some things to keep in mind...


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