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Proud Mama Reader’s Photo Gallery
Group Sales Director and proud mother of two, Kausar Syed was officially the first mum to DM our Instagram with her favourite pictures of her ‘cutie pies,’ hoping to be picked in our new reader feature. And it’s YOUR turn next! For a chance to be featured, DM us on our Instagram with your pics showing us what makes you proud! Details are on page 50.
Big sis Jannah and the little bro she affectionately calls ‘Baby Boss’ on his 1st birthday!

My Little Boss Baby, Eesa, turned 1 today! Our first picture as a family of four.

Jannah painted a heart for her little brother. Jannah's learning about Coronavirus at school.

Jannah dressed up as Goldilocks for her school play. So cute! So proud!

Seeing my babies cuddling was magical. The big moment - Eesa crawling for the first time!