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>>> We’ve made a few changes this year, including a minor change to our Wellevate Scheme.
Any Adult or Over 65 Concession ticket can claim one free Junior ticket in the Davie Cooper Stand.
For a full paying Adult or Over 65 in the John Hunter and Phil O’Donnell stands, a Junior ticket can be purchased at the reduced price of £15.
Across all stands, our prices have had to rise for the second time in five years.
With the price of running a match day increasing, we have had to enforce a small increase in pricing.
This season, we are offering season ticket holders discounted hospitality packages.
Season Ticket holders can upgrade to hospitality.
In the Centenary Suite, hospitality will be available for £44 per person for category B matches.
For category A matches, it will be £70 per person.
There is also the option to purchase hospitality in the 91 Lounge.
Alongside a complimentary drinks package, the price will be £77 per person, while category A matches will be £102 per person.
Finally, we’re offering a spot in our Davie Cooper boxes, for the first time which will be available for category B matches next season at £48.
There is also the opportunity for a first-team player to deliver your season ticket card personally this year.
The first 50 people to apply for their season ticket will automatically be entered into a draw for the prize.