•My Crazy 8 Fitness Program •My 4 Key Core Moves + 4 Key Stretches •My 8 Daily action steps •My 8 Motiv8n U – isms •BONUS – My top 8 clean food choices
Staci Boyer – Author and creator of Motiv8n U Personal Training & Wellness Coaching presents her Crazy 8 program for you to take back to your students. 8 exercises spanning from the fundamentals to functional plyometrics are woven together to create a unique interval based circuit. You will also be provided with 4 key core moves along with 4 key stretches to create an all encompassing workout covering all bases. Finishing touches are put on the session with 8 daily action steps for you to teach your students to have an overall healthy and fit day – Last but not least you will take with you my top 8 Motiv8n U isms to give yourself and your students that extra motivation that we all need!
The 8 Key exercises – in this order (see next slides for pictures)
y y y y y y y y
(S) Squat (S) Jump Squat (T) Frog Jump (S) Push-up (T) Crab walk (T) Speed Skate (T) Chunky Monkey (T) Lunge into the thinker or Elbow to Knee
T=Traveling exercise / S = Stationary
Pictures of Exercises y
Jump squat
Frog Jump
Pictures of Exercises y
Crab Walk
Speed Skate A speed skater can be a traveling move
Chunky Monkey
this is the frog jump but the hands are placed on the ground to aid in
the traveling of the movement.
Lunge into thinker or Elbow to knee the lunge move will take practice
4 Key Core moves
(see next slides for pictures)
Plank Hold y The basic crunch – the right way y In & Outs y The Bicycle y
Each done for a goal of 1 minute
The 4 CORE moves that just might change your life! •Plank hold 1 min.
•Basic Crunch •Up for 3 •Down for 3 •Draw navel into spine •Let your eyes follow your body
3 •In & Outs for 1 minute
•Bicycle to the right •For 1 minute
•Bicycle to the left •For 1 minute
4 Key Stretches
(see next slides for pictures)
Hamstring y Quad / hip flexor y Upper body combo y Cobra /child pose combo y
Improve Flexibility – Improve your life! Hamstring stretch Hold for 12 seconds Quad/hip flexor stretch Hold for 12 seconds
Upper body combo Hold each pose for 12 seconds
Cobra into child’s pose Hold each for 12 seconds
The process for a 25 min class y
2 exercises for 30 sec each
30 sec rest (Total 1.5 minutes)
4 exercises for 30 sec each
30 sec rest ( Total 2.5 minutes)
6 exercises for 30 sec each
30 sec rest (Total 3.5 minutes)
8 exercises for 30 sec each (Total 4 minutes – Total Activity 11.5 minutes)
The process for a 45 min class y
1 exercise for 1 minute
30 sec rest
2 exercises for 1 minute each
1 minute rest
3 exercises for 1 minute each
1 minute 15 sec rest
4 exercises for 1 min each
1 minute 30 sec rest
5 exercises for 1 min each
1 minute 45 sec rest
6 exercises for 1 minute each
2 minute rest
7 exercises for 1 minute each
2 minute 30 sec rest
8 exercises for 1 minute each
The breakdown y
Typically this can be done in 4 or 8 weeks
You can teach 2 daily action steps, 2 motiv8nU isms, a key stretch and core move along with 2 of the exercises for the 4 week program
Upon completion of the 4 weeks your students should be able to flow through the circuit and perform exercises fundamentally correct along with the key stretches and core moves.
Another option is to work on ½ of the program in its entirety for 4 weeks and the other ½ the second 4 weeks with an end goal of full application of all components.
Starting point can be 30 sec instead of 1 minute for the first 4 weeks then building to the full minute going into the 2nd 4 weeks
The class should be held in a room where there can be free movement – TIP- line students up on each side of the gym so they can travel from one side to the other.
Top 8 Daily Motiv8n U Action Steps 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
Start your day with push-ups - Set the Stage! Have a great breakfast – Protein & Complex Carb Pack a Clean & Healthy lunch & Snack for the day Make a To Do list – decrease stress – Homework, after school activities, chores… Drink plenty of water each day – Not Soda or Juice Be accountable for your health each day Get at least 7+ hours of sleep every night! Take a multi-vitamin EVERY day!
My top 8
Motiv8n U - isms 1. Think about what you WANT.. Not about what you don’t want 2. Know that -Your Destiny is not by chance – it is by choice 3. Know that - Strength is not defined by an absence of moments of weakness, but more in our ability to overcome those moments 4. Know that – your health & wellness means Strength training, cardio, nutrition, & overall life wellness! 5. Say each day – “I will have an attitude of Gratitude” 6. Say each day – “I will be generous” 7. Say each day – “I will laugh at myself!” 8. Say each day – “ I am phenomenal and my gifts will make a difference!” WWW.Motiv8nU.com
My Top 8 Clean Food Picks PROTEIN
Egg Whites Chicken Turkey Burgers
Broccoli Spinach
Oats Ezekiel Bread
ANY Berry!
My suggestion for a clean eating start – 6 meals 6 protein svgs / 6 veggie svgs / 3 complex carb svgs /1-2 fruit svgs per day This is a very small list of clean foods out there – these are just my favs!
Staci Boyer
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