The ease and appeal of remote working in the UAE From new visa rules to a robust vaccination programme, there are a long list of factors drawing overseas professionals to relocate to the country, explains Shai Zamanian, U.S. Licensed Lawyer and Migration Specialist at The American Legal Center, based in Dubai
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eads of state from many western nations have proclaimed for their citizens to “come back home” and stay in isolation, while riding out the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. As the west continues lockdown measures, there is a sect of society that refuses to spend all their time reluctantly indoors. Many yearn for the drone of the passenger jumbo jets and the excitement of passing through passport control in search of the next adventure. Notwithstanding the will and desire of passengers, countries hoping to attract lost revenue in tourism have turned to the appeal of longer stay travellers that could benefit from working remotely and escaping from what some perceive to be repressive lockdown measures. Islands and remote destinations ranging from Antigua, Barbuda, Barbados and Bermuda to Estonia, Georgia and Mauritius have all launched remote work visas to attract long-term guests seeking an outdoor life while staying connected to the office via Zoom and other online plat-