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The Director – Exclusive interview with Khadija Al Bastaki, Executive Director of d3


The Director

Khadija Al Bastaki, Executive Director of d3, discusses the mandate to position Dubai as a global fashion capital and what it takes to deliver results

What do the first 30 mins of your day look like, your morning routine? They say that your best day begins the night before. I live by this motto and ensure that I plan each day the night before. That way I start fresh in the morning. It is important to be ready to listen to and work with the members of the creative community, which is why I make sure I speak to the community and tenants each morning. I also like to plan some quiet time for myself for about 15-30 minutes a day which gives me a chance to go through my to-do list. I keep a clear mind in the mornings, so ideas and inspirations flow organically, which energizes me for the whole day and ensures I complete all my tasks. What is at the heart of d3, the values and the DNA? As a key contributor to the creative and design ecosystem in Dubai, d3’s vision is to provide a strong platform for creativity to cement Dubai’s position as a leading international hub for innovation and talent in line with the Dubai Creative Economy Strategy. Driven by the value to support and inspire the design community in the region and beyond, d3 has become the Middle East’s premier creative platform dedicated to design, fashion, architecture, art, and retail. Our dynamic community caters to the myriad needs of local and international companies through empowering talent and facilitating networking and business opportunities. Today, we are proud to be home to some of the world’s leading design entities and talent that collectively shape the emirate’s knowledge and innovation-based economy. Can you tell us about your role at d3 and how you support the mandate to position Dubai as a global fashion capital? Our vision for Dubai Design District has always remained the same: ensuring the creative community maintains its status as the epicentre of art, architecture, fashion, design, and retail in the region. Dubai

has firmly cemented its position as the region’s retail capital and How do you see the menswear market emerging across the Arab has a dynamic fashion industry that continues to see homegrown region and how does this di er to womenswear? Historically, the companies find fame on the global stage. menswear market has been small due to the limited number of

As a creative platform for a plethora of industries, our district menswear designers regionally and globally. However, over the last has reinforced Dubai’s status as a UNESCO City of Creative Design. few years, we have seen a shi in demand for both fashionable and The district is positioned as the first-of-its-kind creative ecosystem creative menswear. The industry has also seen an increase in the that enables people and businesses to grow and co-create, while si- number of fashion designers producing tailored collections for men. multaneously providing a strong platform for creativity. It is home to Perspectives and dynamics are changing as the menswear marover 40 retailers o ering a variety of multi-brand boutiques, fashion ket, especially in the Arab region, has become an important one to brands, art galleries and showrooms, in- tap into. From creating trendy authencluding the likes of Dior, Burberry, Zaha tic wear to bringing a mobile atelier, Hadid Architects and Foster + Partners. the industry players are doing it all to

Moving forward, we would like to showcase the importance of this marsee d3 continue to attract leading global ket and move the needle. In 2018, the companies and welcome more home- Dubai Chamber of Commerce revealed grown start-ups and entrepreneurs to that menswear dominated the UAE apour business district. parel sector amounting to $12.3 billion in Can you tell us about the strategic part- sales. While the market might have been nership with the Arab Fashion Council and impacted by the pandemic, we are confihow this further drives towards this goal? dent that it is set for immense growth. At d3 has been the strategic driver of Dubai d3, we are honoured to be a part of this Design Week since its inception in 2015. process and contribute to the industry We are very honoured to partner with the through our strategic partnership with Arab Fashion Council and become the of- The Arab Fashion Council and establish ficial home of the Arab Fashion Week. the region’s leading creative hub as the ofThe event truly epitomises what the ficial home for this landmark event. business community stands for, which How has d3 shaped its events calendar is to provide a premier platform for the post Covid19 and how does this di er to region’s design community to bring their previous years? d3 was the proud host to creativity and talent to the world. Dubai Design Week last year, the world’s

This strategic partnership is impor- first cultural event to have taken place tant for the sustainable growth and devel- physically since the global health crisis. opment of the region’s fashion and haute The business community also launched couture industries that, much like many other sectors, need to rethink the regular “I believe that and hosted Dubai’s first architecture festival, the inaugural d3 Architecture Festival to thrive in the post-pandemic world. We all need to look at creativity from a new creativity is in partnership with RIBA Gulf Chapter. We followed up these achievements perspective and we believe the hybrid format of activations for Arab Fashion Week boundless, and we by launching our new global campaign: Rethink the Regular. Supporting the Men’s Spring Summer 2022 will encourage dialogue on the future of fashion. live in a time in life on-ground activation of the campaign, d3 hosted a week-long Rethink Art exhid3 has been successful in building a design value chain through its enabling ecosystem that supports and promotes synergies among established designers, emerging creatives and students in the fields of fashion, architecture, culture, art, retail, production and my other sectors. At Emirates Woman we champion incredible women – many of whom are launchwhere it can truly be enjoyed beyond the physical dimensions of our world.” bition featuring unique installations, art exhibitions, fashion pop-ups, and special food menus celebrating global cuisine for the community. We were pleased with the great participation from the creative community and wider public, proving how, despite the pandemic, the spirit of design and innovation has continued to thrive in Dubai. ing their own businesses. Have you seen d3 is home to some of the region’s growth in the number of women from the region carving out their niche/ most popular and sought-a er events and attracts international growing their own brands? There are so many inspirational women artists and audiences to cultural exhibitions and gatherings, such all around the world, including here in the UAE. Our country is one as the Dubai Design Week. The destination also regularly hosts a that truly empowers women to not just occupy senior positions in the roster of industry talks, workshops, and educational programming, public and private sector but lead their own businesses. I have the accessible to people of all ages. We have a full calendar of events in deepest respect for our wise leaders who have continued to strive for place for the rest of the year to maintain the momentum in our Rethe highest standards of social and economic equality with national think the Regular global campaign. These will be conducted both strategies that promote women empowerment and ensure they are virtually as well as physically, while ensuring all COVID-19 safety able to contribute to the sustainable development of our knowledge and social distancing protocols are maintained. and innovation-based economy. On the role of women leading their How does d3 directly support emerging designers wishing to take own brands, I am extremely proud that our creative district is home their brands to an international level as well as international designto close to 100 Emirati businesses, many of which are led by women. ers wishing to tap into the Middle East Market? d3 is a global creative

ecosystem dedicated to design, fashion, architecture, art, and retail creasingly digital society, design holds the key to innovation because that enables people and businesses to grow and co-create. Attract- it humanises technology and transforms the creative industries. ing, nurturing, and developing creative talent and the design com- What has been the biggest challenge to date and how did you overmunity is a core part of our ethos. We are proud to provide them the come it? One of the biggest challenges so far was the year 2020. It platform that not only stimulates and nurtures their creative talent truly pushed us to what we thought was our limit and beyond. But but helps take their creativity to global recognition. surprisingly, it has also shaped us, made us stronger and brought

On the other hand, d3 has also brought some of the most cre- out the best in us. ative regional and international brands and talent to Dubai. Today, Personally, I believe that challenges are just opportunities to grow. d3 is home to leading companies and talent including architects, in- Whether we fail or succeed, we must take the unique experiences of terior designers, photography studios, product, and fashion design- life as a learning curve and an opportunity for better decision-making ers. The Design Quarter, the central component in the development in the future. Experience in life is indeed the best teacher. of d3, features world-class o ces, studios, showrooms, and retail Last year was a time that saw brands change strategy. Have you had spaces spread across the district. to pivot as a business? As the largest design capital in the region,

We are proud to be located in the heart of Dubai, which is today d3 immediately introduced ways to support the industry during the one of the retail capitals of the world. With state-of-the-art infra- pandemic. We o ered measures to our existing business partners to structure designed to meet the needs of the industry and a business- minimise uncertainty, ensure continuity and maintain financial refriendly framework, the community o ers creative talent the tools to silience during the pandemic. These included flexible payment terms drive innovation that permeates through and simplified procedures to strengthen various areas of Dubai’s economy, further Dubai’s economy and enhance the emirreinforcing Dubai’s status as a UNESCO Creative City of Design. “A powerful lesson ate’s attractiveness to creative talent. To create meaningful change and What were the most valuable lessons you’d learned in business prior to your I have learnt is strengthen the regional design industry, we o ered co-working spaces to Lebarole at d3 and how has this equipped you well in your current role? A er spending that you ‘start by nese start-ups, entrepreneurs, SMEs, and larger companies impacted by the several years as director of business development for Dubai Media City, Dubai starting’. If you want explosion in the Port of Beirut, which caused billions of dollars of damage. Studio City and Dubai Production City – which form the cornerstone of the emir- to do something, Held under our Design for Good initiative, we introduced a three-year proate’s media ecosystem – an incredible opportunity to join d3 arose. Together do it now, not gramme to help companies re-establish a local presence with an opportunity to with a fantastic team of people at d3, we have been able to apply our collective tomorrow, not in network and collaborate with major international companies in d3. learnings in understanding the nuances of solid business forecasts, being goal- the future. How has social media a ected the business and which platform has been most oriented, knowing how to seize opportunities from strategizing them and un- This is how you useful? Design and creativity is so much about visual expression and building a derstanding how to leverage the business network which has aided us in building a accomplish things.” connection with the community. In supporting the incredible homegrown talent strong community in d3. and international brands based within Have you had any mentors along the way d3, we have found that social media has and if so, what has been the best advice they have imparted to you? I really helped the community and all those within it to grow and find have been very lucky to have had some great mentors in my journey. their individual voices in the digital world. We’ve been lucky enough Their rich experience and sound advice have been the guiding light to build a community on several social media platforms leveraging in my career. A powerful lesson I have learnt is that you ‘start by each for its own unique strength, from the visual stories that Insstarting’. If you want to do something, do it now, not tomorrow, not tagram helps us tell, to the community spirit we enjoy on Facebook in the future. This is how you accomplish things. One piece of advice and the sharing of knowledge that Twitter enables. I believe that that resonates with me personally is to always speak up and not be creativity is boundless, and we live in a time in life where it can truly silenced because I’m a woman. Nor should I falter if I fail. In every be enjoyed beyond the physical dimensions of our world. decision, there will be risks, but this should not stop you from mak- This is ‘The Icon Issue’ – who or what to you is iconic? I may be a bit ing decisions. I try to adopt this in my way of working by making biased, but to me what our founding father and current leaders bold decisions and taking risks, because, as mentors have taught have built in this country is iconic. For a young, 50-year-old counme, you learn more from your failures than from your successes. try to become an undeniable economic and creative powerhouse is How do the creative and commercial sides of the business work to- no small feat. I believe that Dubai is well on its way to become one gether and do you feel particularly drawn to one side of the business? of the world’s great design capitals alongside Paris, London, New

Art and design have always been twin passions of mine. While York, and Milan. Our business district is already home to some of creativity nourishes my soul, it is the fact that we are able to create the best fashion and design houses. But, of course, we never rest on opportunities for the talent in the region and beyond that keeps me our laurels. We will continue to work hard to ensure we establish motivated. The commercial side of the business helps to realise the an ecosystem that remains a leader in its field by not only bringcreative side. I am extremely driven by the fact that I can contribute ing together great talents and brands but enabling start-ups and to such an exciting and multifaceted field holding immense cultural, empowering students through our enabling platform, in5 Design, social and economic value. Design matters more than ever before and the Dubai Institute of Design and Innovation, the region’s only in a world that is changing so quickly and so profoundly. In our in- university dedicated to design and innovation.


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