Motivation Letter Requirements Colleges and universities require applicants to write a letter of motivation, especially in the US and Europe. They are looking for applicants with a clear and specific motivation to apply for a certain course and field like Medicine. The motivation letter should be focused on your goals and motivation for the course for which you are applying. Check out the following for schools requiring this type of letter from their applicants. Motivation Letter Requirements 1. ERASMUS UNIVERSITY Rotterdam School of Management They want to know what action or actions you have taken in order to prepare for the master’s programs. The committee also wants to know about the things that have attracted you to apply and reasons you are in the program. 2. EMECS They want to know why you are motivated to apply and take up the program for Embedded Computing Systems. You must focus in writing a short letter of only one page to show your motivations for choosing the program and things you did going to this path. 3. Radboud University In this motivation letter, applicants must be able to explain reasons they want to enroll in the program. The committee also wants to know if you are fit for it. You must attach this with the application resume with photo, along with two reference letters from professors. An interview will be conducted via Skype if you are accepted and before enrolment. 4. International Bachelor in Psychology EUR The admission wants to know your motivation in applying for a program. They will select applicants based on their answers to the following prompts for the letter of motivation.
- Why have you chosen to study this particular discipline? - Why do you choose to study this discipline at Erasmus University Rotterdam, as opposed to other universities? - Why does Problem-Based Learning appeal to you? - Demonstrate international orientation and experiences through your CV/ life story/ interests and explain why you choose to study in English and in an international environment. 5. Leiden University It is a personal statement that explains why applicants want to be accepted at the university. They want to know what attracted you to pursue the program. They want to know your qualities and assets to contribute to their program. Your letter must be from 700 to 1500 words. 6. Tilburg University The university asks their applicants to submit a short letter of motivation for why they want to apply for international business administration. They also want to find out why you are interested to study in their school. The following are the questions to address. - Why did you decide to apply for International Business Administration, and why particularly at Tilburg University? - Consider why you are applying for International Business Administration and not, for example, Economics or Mathematics. - What makes you a suitable candidate for the program? Applicants can look into their competencies and qualities. They may also include their class contributions and relevant experiences or projects done. Additional questions to address: - Describe an experience you had in an international setting. What did you learn from it? - What do you hope to learn, or what side of yourself do you hope to develop by studying International Business Administration at Tilburg University? - Which additional information would you like to share with us? Applicants may also talk about ambitions, future plans and ambitions. MOTIVATIONLETTERWRITING.COM
7. Saxion Aside from the CV, diplomas and school records, they are interested about knowing you about an applicant through a good motivation letter. They want to determine your fitness for the program by reviewing the things you have done to reach this point in your life and what makes you want to study in their school. 8. UTWENTE The admissions committee wants to know your clear motivation for applying in the course. However, they require you to write only up to two pages of a motivation letter. 9. Graduate School Industrial Design TUE They want to know your fitness for the program with a good motivation letter written in English. It must be only half a page and must not go beyond one page using normal font size. The questions to answer in the letter are, - How did you first hear about Industrial Design at TU/e? - Why do you apply to the Master's program Industrial Design? - What are your main qualifications to be admitted to the Master's program Industrial Design? - If design is not your background exemplify your interest in product design as adequately as you can (not only in your letter, but also in your portfolio). 10. International Education Network They want to know your motivation about future studies. This essay must be of 500 words in length. You should tell them why you want to study in their school and things that made you decided to pursue this career. They want to know your background – including actions you have taken to reach this decision in your life.
Why Write A Good Motivation Letter? The admissions board wants to know the person behind the successes. They are looking for things that have made you decided to pursue such a career, particularly in their university. They also want to see if you are fit, based on your past experiences, future plans and ambitions, to study in their school. Each of them has a certain culture, values, mission and vision. Through your motivation letter, you will learn about those qualities that they are looking for potential students. It is very important that you check on their official websites to know how to write your letter and tailor it based on what the admissions are looking to read in the essay. Are you ready to write a motivation letter? Make sure to conduct a research and find out what essay prompts or questions you need to address, if given. They usually list that in the admission requirements sections of their websites. Take time in figuring out the things to include and not to include in your letter and edit your letter for structure, flow and word count requirements. Start writing a stellar university motivation letter today!