Editor’s Desk... Small steps are only the beginning...
always find just how much one can learn and experience in a short period of time surprising. Over the space of one summer, one can learn so much about themselves, and can have their eyes opened to a whole world of possibilities they could never have imagined. I have had my eyes opened in such a way, not just to my own endeavours, but to those in the wider community around me. Earlier this year, I had the privilege of campaigning with my fellow members of the UCC Student Journalism community to make the future of media in UCC brighter not just for us, but for those who will come to study here in future years. The UCC community (that’s all of you) came out in droves, and showed their support not just in spirit, but with their voices. That is the point I want to drive across here as I sit on my bed penning my first editorial of the year; those students made their voices heard very clearly. They showed their support for student media, for freedom of thought and expression, and most importantly, they stood up for every person’s right to have their say. In my opinion, as an editor it is my responsibility, no, my pleasure, to treat every person with the respect they deserve, and ensure that their voice can be heard by the wider community.
Photo Credit: Ronan O’Shea
I feel that this brand new issue of Motley is representative of everything unique and special about the students of UCC. In our Current Affairs section, find students discussing and debating contemporary events such as the impact of gun ownership in the USA, and the merits of the Good Friday Agreement. In Features and Opinions, you will be treated to a unique behind the scenes perspective of a volunteer at Electric Picnic 2019, a key event of the year for many. In Entertainment, find out what our team thought of Dublin Comic Con this year, and read our interview with Christy Leech from everybody’s favourite, Le Boom. Finally, in our Fashion section, continue to enjoy the rich visual experience that is our monthly fashion shoot. This is only scratching the surface of what we have on offer this month in Motley. If you enjoy what you are reading and have something you want to say, then I encourage you to get involved! If you have an idea for an article or piece, please do not hesitate to contact me via email at Remember, all it takes is the courage to take that first step. After that, the world is your audience!