PowerTorque Issue 68 DEC-JAN 16

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ISSUE 68 DEC/JAN 2016 RRP: $8.95 (NZ $9.95)





POWER Betts Bower Haulage Group takes the heavyweight option


“Although from my side our family business had been sold, I had a low-loader background and Chris owned a low-loader himself, so that’s what we did and started Betts Bower Haulage.

With 17 prime movers and upwards of 40 specialist trailers, the core of the business is based on very heavyhaulage operations, backed by the high capital cost of investment in heavy-duty equipment.

“You make a living and it’s what you love. The challenge is what keeps it interesting over normal transport. Having been associated with heavy haulage all my life I don’t know anything different, although with the complexity of the industry there are some days I wish I did.

just six years of operation, Singleton NSW-based Betts Bower Haulage Group has established a solid reputation as being the heavy-haulage operator with the right equipment and the expertise to handle the big jobs in road transport.

“We specialise in the transport requirements of the mining industry, and, although that industry is probably going through its toughest period in years, we know that it will continue to need our services and we plan accordingly,” said Daniel Bower. “Being successful in the heavy-haulage business all comes down to relationships,” said Daniel Bower. “Anyone who comes into this industry thinking that it’s just a job is doing it for all the wrong reasons and is extremely unlikely to be successful,” he added. Daniel Bower and Chris Betts joined forces back in 2009 to found Betts Bower Haulage Group, but their families had known each other for several generations. “Both our families have a background of owning their own transport companies. My father owned a crane and heavy-haulage business and decided to sell his company a few years ago. Chris’s family still operate Betts Transport of Walcha, where it specialises in general freight and livestock.

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“My wife Michelle runs the business and does a great job. I basically just jump in a truck and head off, leaving her to make all the hard decisions,” added Daniel. The Betts Bower fleet is predominantly based on Kenworth, with T508, T908 and T909 prime movers and 250-tonne-rated K200 cabover models. The fleet line up also includes several Western Stars plus one Mack MP10 Titan with an mDRIVE automated manual transmission (AMT). “I was interested to see what Mack came up with. We had a good relationship with the local Mack dealership when previously the salesman found us an older V8 Super-Liner. Volvo has always had good product and the diffs were good. At 685 hp it’s the largest capacity engine in the fleet. There’s not a great difference in how it performs its job. It’s a big heavy truck and the only non-manual gearbox in the fleet. All other transmissions are 18-speed Fuller Roadrangers.


“Kenworths are built for this type of work here in Australia and they last and they work. They’ve proven time and time again how strong they are,” said Daniel. “Except for the Mack engine at 685 hp and a 560 hp Detroit DD15 in a Western Star 4800, our engine choice is always Cummins with 600 hp. The Detroit is only five months old and is running well. If we have a problem we are located right opposite Penske Power Systems, the Detroit agent. We’ve always found Detroit to be very easy to deal with. “With Cummins we have both EGR engines and ISXe5 SCR engines. With the ISXe5 it’s a good engine. Cummins has got it right. It’s good on fuel and it’s driver friendly. That said, although some of the EGR engines have had their moments (with turbochargers), they have now settled down. We have three EGR engines that have never been back to Cummins because of a concern. “Fuel economy in what we do is basically irrelevant, and fuel capacity on our trucks is not critical. We have to unhook anyway to refuel so it’s not as though you have to have the capacity to get to a fuel location large enough for entry of the complete load.

Operating at top weights means running only the very best equipment with safety always the controlling factor.

“Although we run SCR engines, our AdBlue use is minimal because our trucks are so big. With the engines working hard at high revs the emissions levels are under control almost without the need for AdBlue. “In terms of vehicle annual distances, our heavyhaul units would probably only average 50-60,000 km, increasing to 150,000 km for those more on linehaul work.

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ase ourmet er s has evelope into a ma or supplier to spe ialist restaurants an oo provi ores evelope rom an ori inal i ea y ane assallo as her amily loo e or a point o i eren e in armin throu h whi h it oul e pan their amily nursery.

s the reputation o ourmet er s rew ane s son James joined the business and today he has realised a li elon ream o rivin tru s as he elivers 0 i erent types o her s rom the arm to wholesale outlets su h as lemin ton ar ets an spe ialist restaurants. y passion or tru s starte when was in hi h school. I used to sit in class and draw my dream truck. s a i always reame o a enworth. we passe tru s on the hi hway e tellin my parents what type of truck it was,� said James “I got my truck HR licence back in 2012 as soon as starte wor in on the arm rivin an enworth 00 that our amily ha ori inally ou ht rom apoli Transport. That was powere ya hp Cummins with an spee oa ran er an it ma e me realise how mu h love rivin sai ames.

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In March 2015, with the Gourmet Herbs brand now well established throughout NSW, the Vassallo family ordered a new enworth T 0 ri i tru fitte with a pallet curtainsider body by Austruck Truck Bodies, direct from Mildura Truck Centre through salesman Leigh Fallon. owere y a Cummins e o hp an fitte with a spee aton T 6 manual transmission its hi h spe ifi ation in lu es ual e haust sta s sportin the ourmet er s name with l oa Dura ri ht polishe rims an inte rate sleeper e ternal air leaners an anti lo ra in system . in e ta in elivery the SAR has also been embellished with additional stainless steel ustomisin omplete y amo n ustries of Freemans Reach. Prior to ordering the new Kenworth SAR, James and his irl rien lly a ups ha spent hours is ussin olours hemes an spe ifi ation an with lly s input they settle on a ar reen paintwor or oth the a an sleeper an the urtainsi er o y. Unfortunately, tragedy struck and just a week after or erin the tru lly was involve in a sin le ar a i ent rom whi h she was not to survive. ow some ei ht months later lly s name is ommemorate written on the ront o the that ames rives alone. lly an an a wee

ha een seein ea h other or a while e ore she passe away we ha ma e our relationship o ial. was tal in to her about buying the truck and we oth pi e olours. The time o the a i ent was a very har time.

GOURMET HERBS “She is with me wherever I go, it’s like a dedication. I was 23 and she had just turned 18. Driving is like a comfort thing. It’s my place to think, where nothing else really matters. It’s what has got me through the past few months as I am out on the road with her. Her father, Bradley, also drives trucks for SMB Australia Car Transport at Seven Hills, spending his time on the road carrying cars to Orange and Canberra,” said James. James and Elly had met some 18 months previously, after the death of Philip Vassallo (no relation), who, at the age of 17 years, was also killed in a car accident. Phil was well known and liked in the area, attending The T409 SAR rigid makes one of the best looking Kenworths in the Sydney markets, TAFE college and regularly complete with Cummins ISXe5. seen at the wheel of his blue Datsun ute. He was killed when Called the Blue Datto Foundation, it has been formed his car collided with a Toyota HiLux ute, driven by one of to promote safety programmes for students, their parents the teenager’s friends. and the wider community in memory of Phil. The aim is to educate to protect lives and to keep young people safe by At the time of Phil’s death, Chief Inspector Mark Cook providing education, guidance and support programs to of the NSW Police Force said the fatal crash was a safeguard young people and the community. reminder to young motorists to take extra care. At that time, 35 people aged between 17 and 25 had died on NSW Co-founders of the Blue Datto Foundation, Erin and roads so far that year. Colleen Vassallo, said at the launch of the foundation that its aim was for all NSW students in Year 10 to have the “They need to take their time, be rested, not travel too opportunity to undertake a peer-based driver education close and don’t use a mobile phone or text or even drink program by 2020. and drive,” Chief Inspector Cook said. After Philip’s death a foundation was established to promote road safety to schoolchildren in the area.

“We are supporting peer-based driver education aimed at Year 10 students based on a whole car approach, highlighting that every person in the car has a role to play: the driver, their driving teacher and the passengers.

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HERBS Carrying herbs to market has a special meaning for James Vassallo PowerTorque ISSUE 68





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started his career in the timber industry at the age of 15 years, Bruce Eddy has stayed with what he knows best throughout his working life of over 40 years.


“I got a truck licence at the age of 19 and I’ve been driving ever since,” said Bruce. “We still do the same things today as we did back then, ut now we o it more e iently an a lot sa er. “Around 1983 I was working with my grandfather and my father. Today I can be working with my father and my son, maintaining three generations of the family working together in the timber industry,” he added. hat ma es ru e s approa h to lo in a little i erent from the normal application is his choice of an IVECO Stralis cabover, coupled to an Elphinstone B-double timber jinker, rather than running a conventional bonneted truck.


“The cabover gives me much better manoeuvra ility when travellin o roa in the forest areas. Much of my work these ays is with plantation tim er either wor in in an aroun l ury or urther south own to enalla. ither way tra tion an steerin ontrol is what rules the ay when you are travellin o roa with ross wei hts o up to 6 tonnes he a e . ru e pur hase his urrent C tralis two years a o rom Tai ros o hepparton throu h salesman Don ills repla in an C 00 that was powere y a Detroit Diesel eries 60. ith its hi h roo the a is . metres wi e an . metres lon eaturin leather air suspen e seats twin un s an a oor mounte ri e unit that sli es un er the lower un . The tralis is powere y the litre C Cursor en ine with 60 hp rather than the 00 hp o the 00. a imum tor ue o 6 6 l t 00 m is rate at 000 00 rpm. The Cursor oes o etter than the previous Detroit also returnin etter uel e onomy sai ru e. hen am wor in in the area aroun enalla an an aratta it is returnin a onsistent avera e uel onsumption o . . m litre. hen am wor in urther north aroun l ury that fi ure re u es to . . m litre.

An Air CTI tyre pressure management system is fitted to the drive axle tyres to maintain the correct pressures in all operating conditions. Air-operated winches also ensure load security at all times.

ver a typi use woul wor ilometre roun usin an e tra

al istan e o runnin 00 m the lue out to e 0 litres. n an avera e 00 m trip ea h ay some o my ounterparts are 0 to 00 litres o uel ru e sai .

To a ess the renewa le pine plantations the lo in tru s must traverse steep mu y an i ult terrain at slow spee s. Cross a le an inter a le i erential lo s are stan ar fitment on the tralis an or e tra tra tion an sta ility ru e an e ate his tyre pressures to 0 psi in o roa on itions to ive etter tra tion an steerin ontrol. hen returnin to the itumen the tyres are rein ate to psi y usin the ir CT tyre pressure mana ement system that s fitte to the rive a les.

Bruce Eddy has built his career on the logging industry, and it runs in the family PowerTorque ISSUE 68




the Australian economy stretches and retracts to conform to the ever-changing constraints of the iron and steel industry, companies involved in metal recycling are showing that by implementing an entrepreneurial focus it s possi le to a hieve new oals that enefit oth the industry and the environment. IMMIX Integrated Metal Management describes itself as providing a solution to metal retrieval, and by doing so it has een a le to si nifi antly streamline the onventional approach to dealing with scrap metal. Based in Albury, IMMIX investigated the constraints of the metal recycling industry on a global basis, rather than working to a local domestic application. In this way the company developed a global approach to how metal recycling should operate as an adjunct to the iron and steel industry.

What set the company apart from other established metal recycling businesses was how IMMIX researched the background to metal manufacturing and formulated a process to interact in all areas, from collection to buying and selling and then to exporting.

In the production of every tonne of steel there is a requirement for 33 percent of material content to be comprised of scrap metal. The iron and steel industry needs scrap metal to make steel, and IMMIX set out with the objective to create and develop a more sustainable supply chain that could operate globally, rather than just domestically.

Markets vary daily. Companies using metal for production were buying and importing steel, and much of the requirement for scrap metal came from recycling operations based overseas. As IMMIX investigated further, the company gained a deeper understanding of the market through which it created its own relationships with the o shore re y lin in ustry.

A MATTER OF TASTE IMMIX metal recycling shows its environmental credentials

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A MATTER OF TASTE DAF trucks are proving an important part of the IMMIX approach to present the metal recycling industry as a responsible environmental partner to the community.

“We collect all modern non-ferrous and ferrous metals with the aim of maximising the returns for our lients. they have i erent ommo ities we put in more bins to each location to enable the customer to pre sort their s rap prior to olle tion. t s easy or the ompany an they ain finan ially rom hi her returns sai a ompany spo esperson. n arrival at our pro essin plant we have a alin ma hine that uts an presses the material an puts it into in ivi ual ales. These are then pa e in ontainers or shipment to oun ries in ustralia an o shore su h as n onesia an alaysia an n ia the spo esperson a e . n enterin the mar et the ompany new it ha to operate totally i erently rom the e istin stan ar s reatin a leaner more environmentally ons ious approa h an then uil on that e pertise throu h ran evelopment an ustomer servi e. applie the same approa h to its vehi le eet hoosin the D pro u t as its pu li ima e an apitalisin on the tru ran ta line o D with a i eren e. rom very small e innin s o a a a li ht tru with ten s rap metal re y lin ins has rown to operate a eet o five late mo el D tru overin the our states o i toria CT an outh ustralia with su ontra tors operatin in Tasmania an ueenslan .


e ame up with the olour s heme oran e rey an white. The oran e olour represents molten metal urin a pour an the rey olour or the bins came from the base colour of iron and steel. The om ination o these olours has playe a si nifi ant part in our overall orporate ran in plus we have the a vanta e that rey ins are very servi ea le the spo esperson sai .

The reasonin ehin our operation has ha a ow on e e t. There is another ey player with the paintwor provi er Chris ur e o uther len Complete o ywor s. e has emonstrate a real passion or our vehi les. The D pro u t has een very oo or us. t e ame a hea turner an as we put the ran an the pro u t to ether to reate a uni ue point o i eren e we use the emer en e o the ran in ustralia to len the two enefits to ether. The first tru ot Truck of the Year recognition from D an sin e then the ran in has a van e throu h our intention to o thin s i erently in the in ustry a e the spo esperson. operates five D s all ou ht rom Twin City Tru Centre o l ury o on a with one D two D C Day Ca s one D C leeper Ca an the latest unit a D 0 Com ort Ca whi h is the first twin steer hoo li t to ome into ustralia rom the D factory in Holland. The new D ri i is powere y the . litre CC si ylin er en ine. ith ma imum power o 0 hp pro u e at 00 00 rpm an pea tor ue o 0l t 00 m rate at 000 0 rpm the o 000 is omplimente y a C o 0 000 . n its role as a hoo li t with the D 0 is ouple to a si a le o trailer uni uely esi ne un er onfirmation with rei hter Trailers a ivision o a iT . The om ination has a net wei ht o tonnes with an overall ross wei ht o 6 tonnes see TrailerTorque 6 or urther etails .

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pride of PROFILE


road and rail network around Australia, especially in country areas, could never have developed without the close involvement of the timber industry. The amazing timber bridges that carry both road and rail links remain standing, sometimes after more than 100 years, a tribute to the engineering skills of the early pioneers. The same experience in longevity applies to the hardwood timbers used in the construction of wharves where the rail and road met the sea. 40 PowerTorque ISSUE 68

The increasing use of reinforced concrete has changed the face of major constructions, but the timber industry remains a vital part of Australian infrastructure, supplying selected specialised hardwoods for use as power poles, cross arms, bridge girders, heavy wharf timbers, bridge decking and wharf decking. oastin a history that ates a throu h five enerations o the Carthy amily Co s ar our ar woo s o lenrea h C re ently ele rate 51 years of continuous operation, working with government and industry and reinforced by formal agreements with Forests NSW.

f place


Kenworth’s 8x4 twin-steer finds its niche with Coffs Harbour Hardwoods

“Forestry is a regenerative product,” said Garry McCarthy, general manager of CHH. “What we do is very specialised and includes selective logging for power poles. With the proper controls in place we have been selectively logging the area west of Co s ar our or over hal a entury. you sele tively log correctly, in many instances the overall appearance of the forest doesn’t change, enabling the forest to regenerate with the regrowth coming through for the future to be sustainable.

“The timber industry is what we live by. You have to protect and preserve it or you have no future,” added Garry. As an adjunct to the timber industry, CHH has developed its own transport division, headed by Scott McCarthy.

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IVECO ACCO is a truck that needs no introduction. For over 40 years the ACCO has been a common sight on our roads, and has proven popular due to its strength, simpli ity an a apta ility to many i erin roles. From the early International days of the “butter box� cab, to its current incarnation bearing the IVECO badge, the ACCO has been a solid sales performer and proven the value of local design and manufacturing. While it was once a popular highway truck (a long time ago now), the ACCO is now aimed squarely at vocational roles, primarily the waste collection and concrete agitator markets. Through all the changes, updates and improvements over the years, the remarkable thing is that the ACCO has been rolling out of the same Dandenong factory since day one.

The current-day ACCO still survives on the same qualities that made it so popular back in the day. The basic cab structure has remained the same for many years, a testament to its strength and versatility, and all the panels are still pressed on-site at the plant. Needless to say, what sits beneath the cab has changed a little over the years, with local manufacturing meaning the factory can tailor tru s spe ifi ally to suit the lo al mar et. Don t let the old-school cab fool you, the ACCO is well and truly up to date, as I learned recently while driving an 8x4 agitator model.

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The CC a itator spe is not a one si e fits all truck that has been adapted to suit the task. It is actually a purpose-built model, with the needs of operators built in at the design stage. The 5.1-metre wheelbase and low tare weight mean the best possible weight distribution for legal axle weights, even with a full 7.5-cubic-metre payload. The low 7.9-tonne tare weight (cab/chassis) is achieved usin spe ifi a itator spe omponents that in lu e alloy hu s aluminium i arriers li htwei ht Centri use ra e drums and Alcoa alloy wheels. The truck I drove was a standard agitator spec ACCO, powered by a 9.0-litre Cummins ISL engine that provides 320 hp (239 kW) and 996 lb-ft (1350 Nm) of torque to a sixspeed Allison automatic transmission. The transmissionmounted PTO drove a Cesco 7.5-cubic-metre barrel, which was loaded with 6.5 cubic metres of aggregate. hile a re ate oesn t sti to the si es o the arrel the way concrete would, it is a good way to get a feel for driveability and stability. On the topic of stability, the CC was fitte with air suspension all aroun including the optional Hendrickson Airtek suspension up front, which provided surprising results.


After a brief rundown on how to operate the PTO and agitator bowl, it was time to hit the streets around Melbourne’s south eastern suburbs. The agility of the 8x4 was evi ent e ore even leavin the C hea o e with a ti ht reversin manoeuvre re uire to e tra t it rom the parking lot. Surrounded by various other brand-new IVECOS and well maintained gardens, and with various IVECO mana ers loo in out throu h their o e windows, the pressure was on. Thankfully, the job was made easy by great vision from both side mirrors and through the rear window, so we managed a ra e ul e it without mishap.

avin an automati transmission also meant no lut h pe al to worry a out an spee ontrol via the throttle pedal was simple. ein a vo ational tru the CC oesn t have all the lu uries one mi ht asso iate with a lon istan e prime mover. The interior trim is asi low maintenan e an user rien ly ut still om orta le or the river. oise levels insi e the a are reasonable, with the engine, transmission and a itator hy rauli s all audible but not deafening.

The strength of the ACCO comes from generations of development based on an impeccable understanding of the intended use of the vehicle.



ACCO Dave Whyte drives the latest version of a trucking legend PowerTorque ISSUE 68


heading DRIVEN

off the highway

Dave Whyte takes the Zetros off-road to compare its potential for the all-wheel-drive market 72 PowerTorque ISSUE 68



have no shame in saying that my experience behind the wheel is almost entirely made up of time spent on sealed roads. The vast majority of that time has been behind the wheel of a highway spec truck, and, more recently, towing trailers with minimal ground clearance. With this in mind, imagine how I felt when I found myself sitting in the cab o a tru an loo in own a narrow an rutte fire trail. t was with mi e emotions that hea e o into the s ru aboard a brand new Mercedes-Benz Zetros, to see just where this truck could take me. The Mercedes-Benz Zetros is an imposing piece of en ineerin . vaila le in an 6 6 onfi urations it is er e es o erin to those who are loo in to o places that big trucks shouldn’t go, including military, fire fi htin an remote a ess appli ations. t s a lon way rom its a ship tros hi hway tru ut the o s the Zetros is intended for, and the terrain it’s designed to cover, would likely stop most highway trucks in their tracks. In saying that, what lies beneath the Zetros is also available under an Actros cab, but the Zetros has a few tricks up its sleeve. There are a few places the Zetros will go that a 6x6 Actros won’t, including the belly of a Hercules military plane. In fact, that was one of the design riteria an is the reason or the o ly shape roo ine that angles down at either side. While the vast majority of buyers will never test this for themselves, those that buy in big numbers will likely take this into consideration. The etros is a fine e ample o a manu a turer pullin together readily available parts to make a specialised machine. It is powered by the same OM 926 LA 7.2-litre in-line six-cylinder engine that can be found under the Axor cab, and the dash panels from the Axor and Atego range are used inside the cab. While the cab itself is spe ifi to the etros the oors are ta en rom the Unimog parts list. What this means for the buyer is that parts are readily available, and any Mercedes truck ealership an o er servi in an support.

The driveline from the engine back consists of an Allison 3000P six-speed automatic transmission, which is driven through a two-speed Mercedes transfer case. Power is then sent to the front and rear wheels, with the standard on-road program sending 40% to the front and 60% to the rear wheels. n e o roa mo e is sele te the power is spread evenly, 1:1, between the front and rear wheels. This also engages a lower 1.69:1 ratio in the transfer case, giving much better speed control and engine braking per orman e. Di lo s a to the tra tive power an are easily activated from inside the cab. Suspension comes in the form of parabolic springs all round, with the three-leaf front setup rated to 9.0 tonnes, and the four-leaf rear up to 9.0 tonnes per axle (depending on wheel and tyre size). lanetary hu re u tion i s with a orementione i locks) put the power to the ground through huge 14.00 R 20 tyres. All of this is mounted to 9.5 mm thick chassis rails that provi e oth stren th an e i ility as was evi ent over the drive. The heavy-duty hardware is certainly that – heavy. In cab/chassis form, the 4x4 Zetros 1833 A weighs in at just over 8.0 tonnes, while the 6x6 2733 A tips the scales at 10.5 tonnes. This may not seem too bad to those who operate heavy-duty road train prime movers, but the Allison automatic does limit their GCM, and these trucks won’t pull 130 tonnes. A manual gearbox is available for those heavier GCM tasks though. That said, they are still easy to operate, and agile enough to get where most big dollar 4x4 wagons won’t. hile the etros is esi ne or o roa use it is also uite river rien ly on the tarma . The o roa rivin activities for the day were planned to take place out the back of Anglesea, about an hour’s drive west of Melbourne. The hour-long drive involved freeways and some B roads, before hitting the Great Ocean Road for the last few Ks. This was a great opportunity to get acquainted with the dynamics of the Zetros, including steering and braking, e ore hittin the rou h stu .

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concept Kennedy Trailers expands its product range with new ideas and new solutions Words by Dave Whyte.



so often, someone comes up with an idea that changes the way we do things. Usually, it’s something that seems so simple you wonder why no one had thought of it before. Take the curtainside trailer concept for example, and the way it changed the face of transport forever. Once upon a time it was commonplace to tarp, or even double tarp every load to keep it out of the weather. Now it’s just close the curtains, do up the buckles, and away you go. Sure it has its limitations, but for the most part the curtainsider has become the mainstay of Australian transport. Imagine if someone came up an idea just as revolutionary for bulk freight – sand, soil, gravel etc – that could spell the end for the humble tipper.



Kennedy Trailers has a great reputation among the logging industry for the quality of their trailers, but there is more to Kennedy’s than just building log jinkers. They build a variety of trailers, including custom-built units to suit any task. They recently gave us a glimpse of the new EjeKTa concept, which o ers a sa e an pra ti al alternative or those who urrently use tipper trailers. The design, which was developed as a joint project between Kennedy Trailers and Whelans Group Investments, allows for rapid unloading of bulk commodities without the need for a tipping body. End-tipping trailers, as are most commonly used in transporting bulk freight, are highly unstable when the body is in the air presentin a si nifi ant rollover ris . t s asi physics really – the higher the load, the higher the centre of gravity – and any uneven surface or strong wind can be enough to cause the trailer to fall over to one side. Should any material stick in the front of the trailer, which is not uncommon, that weight also increases the risk of a trailer coming down sideways.



The EjeKTa trailer works with the body in its most stable position – horizontal and low to the ground. Of course this o ers hu e enefits in wor pla e sa ety as was re o nise by WorkSafe Victoria when they presented Whelans with the Health and Safety Invention of the Year Award for 2015. While the design was born out of a desire for improved sa ety it oes o er up many other enefits in lu in the a ility to wor in onfine areas su h as tunnels eneath power lines and on uneven ground.

The trailer itself is actually lighter than a conventional tipping unit. We are working hard to reduce the EjeKTa tare weight, but at the moment it sits at just under 8.0 tonnes”. This tare weight is for a 25-cubic-metre body, constructed of Hardox and Domex steel to ensure greater wear resistance and prolon e servi e li e. This parti ular trailer was also fitte with some extra technology, including Airtec load scales with the capability to display your weights – net, gross and individual axle groups – on your smartphone.

So how does it work? In simple terms, the headboard an ront se tion o the oor are hy rauli ally operate an sli e alon the oor to push the loa out throu h the rear of the trailer. Spring loaded panels on the outer edge of the pushing blade ensure all the product is emptied from the trailer, with the result being cleaner than most tipping bodies I’ve seen. While a walkingoor trailer oul provi e the same rear unloa in enefits the unloa time o the e Ta whi h an e as fast as 30 seconds, means quicker turnaround times an hi her pro u tivity. leaner finish lower noise levels and fewer moving parts also set the EjeKTa apart rom its wal in oor ompetitors. Having been heavily involved in the design process, it s no surprise that the first e Ta trailer has one to work with Whelans. Built as a four-axle dog trailer, the EjeKTa is currently towed behind one of Whelans’ Kenworth T409 rigid tippers and was hard at work when TrailerTorque called by the worksite to see it in action. On this particular job it was carting crushed rock, and spreading it over uneven ground while unloading. Watching the trailer rock and roll over the uneven surface as the load was being spread gave a very good example of why the low centre of gravity is so important, and how easy it would be to get into trouble with a standard tipper. As you might expect, the EjeKTa is slightly heavier than Kennedy’s conventional tippers, but as Cory Kennedy explained, “Most of the weight is attributed to the EjeKTa mechanism.




CLOSE Associations For Muscat Trailers, the forging of a strong relationship with North American trailer manufacturer, E. D. Etnyre, means instant access to proven technology and ability


two strong companies join forces the result can be awesome, and, for customers of Muscat Trailers, the company association with E. D. Etnyre has resulted in an expansion of pro u t o erin with proven a ility rom ay one. Earlier this year Muscat Trailers of Narellan, NSW, became the o ial ustralian istri utor or the tnyre ran e an has move ui ly to intro u e the eatures an enefits o the live ottom is har e on ept to the ustralian mar et. us at Trailers has over years history o provi in a wi e ran e o trailer an o ywor alternatives o erin esi ns that in lu e tru an o trailers si e an en over tippers plat orm tippers onverter olly ou le an roa train appli ations. The Etnyre Company was founded by Edward Etnyre in at whi h time it evelope pro u ts su h as the horse rawn water sprin ler the first roa oiler a street usher an the first itumen istri utor. To ay tnyre is one o orth meri a s lea in spe ialists in the supply o itumen tan ers an asphalt istri ution e uipment. TrailerTorque re ently visite the home o us at Trailers an is usse the ompany s asso iation with tnyre an its re eption in the ustralian mar et. e have always een a ompany that has rou ht innovation to the trailer mar et sai us at s eneral mana er Troy opar i. To ay the ompany employs over 0 personnel an an oast a history o tru an trailer o y uil in that en ompasses over 000 in ivi ual units. e have an impressive ustomer ase that in lu es ma or national eets as well as independent operators. Ta in on the istri utorship o tnyre trailers in reases our pro u t o erin with esi ns li e the tnyre al on live ottom rear is har e trailer. 100


Desi ne to arry a re ate oal asphalt san ravel hot mix asphalt, recycled materials, salt, low slump concrete an other pro u ts the in h wi e elt is har e system provi es superior loa istri ution an hi h levels o sa ety in all terrain appli ation where en over tippers e perien e i ulties a e Troy. anu a turin o the al on live ottom trailer is completed by Etnyre at its factory in Oregon, Illinois. The trailer is fully built in the US, painted in the appropriate olours o the ustralian lient an then loa e or shipment into a stan ar 0 t ontainer. n arrival in ustralia us at a s the suspension an runnin ear rear mar er lights and tyres. Muscat Trailers also maintains Etnyre units in sto ma in their ompletion to suit a uni ue ustomer or er availa le in a matter o wee s. ur en ineers o viously wor e losely with those o tnyre in ustomisin the esi n to suit ustralian on itions su h as the re uirement to move ontrols to the opposite si e o the vehi le to suit ri ht han rive operations said Troy.


E s The Etnyre design offers great versatility to carry aggregate, coal, asphalt, sand, gravel, hot mix asphalt, recycled materials, salt, low slump concrete and other products, with discharge through the 42-inch wide belt system

“All the suspension and brake assemblies and other omponents su h as mu uar s an mu aps are obtained through Australian distributors or manufacturers. The only items we send to the American factory are actually Hella LED lights for use in the build,� he added. Having already sold 12 trailers into the Australian market in this year alone, operators can expect full local product support from both the manufacturer and component suppliers. With Hella LED lighting, the axle choice includes Hendrickson INTRAAX with drum or disc brakes, Wabco EBS and ABS systems through Air Brake Systems, or the alternative of load-proportional valves for those companies preferring not to adopt EBS systems due to their spe ifi appli ation.



















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