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four-cylinder. If you target a niche you can have a V-twin or even a V3, but we have a bigger ambition than Ducati and other European manufacturers. We are convinced that the prototype we have built is the most successful solution. “We’ve had the time of the GS, the time of the cruiser and the time of the C1; now is the time of the supersports. It’s a fantastic product which no-one expects from BMW.”
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IT’S testament to a dozen years of intense and wellmanaged marketing effort that no one is smirking at the concept of a BMW superbike. Instead we’re all rather excited, and while we’re wondering if the Germans really can match the Fireblade and the rest, we won’t be too surprised if they do. But it’s not just the Germans’ technology that’s moved on, it’s BMW’s image that’s undergone a sea change. It’s not an accident either, although it nearly didn’t happen. The catalyst for the transformation from worthy but dull Bavarian biking backwater to creator of individually-styled, high performance machines started back in 1993 when new design chief, American David Robb, asked one of those retrospectively obvious questions: why does BMW only make tourers? He didn’t get a convincing answer so he began the process of breaking out from BMW’s ultra-conservative image, one that anyway conflicted with the sporting credibility of the car division. The first visible consequence was the launch in 1997 of the K1200RS, very radically styled and far more distinct from BMW’s LT alternatives than RS models had been before. It also tore up BMW’s 100bhp-maximum rule, shredding it with a much juicier 130bhp output.
But if this one bike hadn’t succeeded, a stillnervous BMW would have deemed the experiment a failure, drawn in its horns and gone back to being boring. And we wouldn’t now be looking at S1000RR. It was close too: we didn’t like the bike much in the UK and a few other countries agreed, but just enough said it was cool, and after
‘It was close, too – we didn’t like the new RS in the UK’ much internal debate, BMW stuck to its plan. The company went for distinctive rather than beautiful bikes quite deliberately: beautiful is not only very difficult, but classically good looking motorcycles tend to be styled in the same way, where the Germans
wanted individuality. Hence the Lego-block looks of the GS series. Did it work? There is a bottom line answer: sales have doubled from mid1990s figures. But BMW is not finished yet. True vindication of any firm’s capabilities only comes with a credible superbike, and for BMW, with that will come the missing tile in the brand mosaic: sexiness. The S1000RR will be the first BMW since the ’70s R90S which won’t look silly with last week’s show babe Rachel Wheatley draped over it. And in true German fashion, zis iss all part of ze plan... What we have to hope now is that BMW can also finally say goodbye to its deplorable habit of releasing beta versions of its bikes for the public to finish developing. Cleverly retaining old brand traditions has helped it get away with this to date, but that won’t rub with the superbike crowd.
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KTM’s 170bhp RC8-R: a superbike at its best, and as brutal as a Cantona kick to the chest jh[leh$\hWdab_d bdidgXnXaZcZlh#Xdb
T’S a big challenge trying to make sense of an awesome track like Portugal’s Portimao circuit on KTM’s latest superbike – and an even bigger challenge as it’s sodden with rain. The KTM RC8-R produces a claimed 170bhp at the crankshaft, but I would cheerfully swap a good chunk of that horsepower for more water-clearing treads on Pirelli’s Diablo Supercorsa SP tyres. Despite these otherwise storming tyres not getting near operating temperature, the lunging throw of two 105mm pistons ends up stomping the rear Pirelli’s mid section into the tarmac. After just one tentative, visor-steaming lap, it’s already a game of gentle steering through turns before getting the RC8-R bolt upright and then nailing the throttle open. There are many reasons for not riding £15k of Austrian-made 1195cc V-twin in the wet – most of them concerning my safety and health. Even so, I’m actually enjoying the ride, despite the river of water flung from the rear tyre running down my bum crack and backs of my legs. The race-like riding style of point-and-squirt is easily done with the RC8-R. Firstly, the new 10-spoke forged aluminium wheels are lighter (1.05kg combined weight) than the standard RC8’s cast
I]Z @IB G8-"G VcY gVXZ igVX` iVgbVX \d id\Zi]Zg a^`Z iZV VcY W^hXj^ih Ä VcY ^iÉh _jhi Vh iVhin versions and this turns awkward, cautious steering input into a seamless flow of man and machine. For all the lumbering movements of this 15-stone, heavy-breathing lump on the KTM’s back, it steers a lot more gracefully than my attempts to aim for the toilet first thing in the morning. As for the ‘squirt’ of things… bang! From early in the rev range a sodding great heap of torque twangs the drive chain tight and makes for an explosive leap forward. Impromptu wheelies and
‘A sodding great heap of torque twangs the chain tight’ controllable slides are the order of the day. If this was a road test, we’d all be complaining about the RC8-R’s harsh power delivery. Ordinarily it’s hard to notice on a dry track, because the engine’s revs sing between 5000rpm and the
10,500rpm redline. All the same, KTM’s answer to this is to supply two different handlebar throttle tubes – one for race use (the standard fitment), the other for road use (see right). The latter works brilliantly, making the take-up of the throttle cable much smoother. Wet weather riding on a circuit says a lot about a bike. On the RC8-R, I soon learn the WP suspension is uncomfortably firm for the conditions. Where you want supple movement to smoothe over excited/jerky
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throttle action, the RC8-R’s 43mm forks and shock exaggerate the effects of gentle braking and on/off acceleartion. Slip, slide, spin, tuck... and not necessarily in that order. Heavy surface water on the start/finish mixed with the occasional bump cause the revs to rise with anger when the rear wheel loses traction with every upshift. Impressive and scary when the rear wheel kicks sideways. Then the rain stops and it’s not long before a thin dry line appears before giving way to a few hours of summer-like pleasure: the sort of riding where tyres, knee and toe sliders are tortured, and engines, brakes and suspension are given a hard time. There’s no denying the RC8-R has a serious amount of bottom-end stomp and healthy top-end horsepower. The one thing that stops
torque making a smooth transition into horsepower is a slight hesitancy if the throttle is held at 4000-5000rpm before giving the bike the berries. Blame this on driveby noise emmisions testing and KTM maddeningly sticking to the rule book by building into the fuel/igniton map a minute ‘glitch’ to ensure a pass (see right). KTM likes to use the expression ‘Ready to race’ and, arguably, the RC8-R is its road bike that best epitomises the phrase. The bike’s cylinder bores have grown by 2mm and now measure 105mm. The new pistons have a different top profile to boost compression to 13.5:1. Details like these, along with different camshaft timing, might not instantly turn your head, but the overall result will. When you think you’ve twisted the throttle enough
– the point where engine noise, vibrations and acceleration tell your brain to shift up a gear – there’s always another 10mm of throttle twist to come. Use it and be surprised by the way the RC8-R again punches forward. It’s a rough-arsed engine in my book, but bloody exciting all the same. Where Ducati’s 1098 and 1198 engines deliver the goods in a rev-happy, easy-to-livewith sort of way, the RC8-R’s engine delivers with the subtlety and grace of an in-bred street fighter. It calls for precise throttle control in wet weather, but demands to be abused regardless of rider. I’m inclined to say the KTM’s LC8 engine isn’t quite as powerful as Ducati’s 1198 Testastretta Evoluzione, even though both are claimed to make 170bhp – the 1198S speedo showed a
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slightly higher top speed on the same track on its launch. Head to head, the KTM will take the flag because its chassis and handling rocks… like a race bike. The new curved screen makes it easier to get out of the wind blast at the serious speed generated before Portiamao’s turn one. With the brakes and WP forks working at their best, the KTM’s speed is halved in metres and turn one is taken with a shift of bodyweight. Push harder and the standard supension settings that caused consternation in the wet now become soft for the increase in speed. The front end dives further under braking and the rear starts to move around. Down the main straight again, and the bike starts to shake its head. A grabbed turn of the WP steering damper’s adjuster helps mask
the problem. Lack of time means suspension adjustment isn’t possible. Other riders get to make adjustments of stiffening front and rear by a WP technician, but by only small amounts. Claims that handling is 100% improved to
‘It’s a rougharsed engine, but bloody exciting’ the point of spot-on enforces my belief the bike is suspension-sensitive and rider weight and riding style make a big difference to how the RC8-R behaves. Good job the suspension is more than capable of satisfying every variable… like a race bike. And ‘race bike with lights’
is exactly what KTM’s RC8-R is. Even though it’s a track tool, it has all the ingredients to search and destroy roads with ease. It might take a little careful set-up of suspension and geometry – like the RC8, the RC8-R’s supension and front and rear ride height are fully adjustable. There’s plenty of room to move around on the seat and the riding position isn’t uncomfortable at all – adjustable footpeg and subframe height helps here. KTM’s RC8 caused a frown at the Ducati factory because its chassis was so good. Now KTM has introduced a proper grunt-filled engine in a tweaked version of its chassis, Ducati might want to fit the 1198S’s optional mirror extenders as standard from now on, because the RC8-R could prove serious competition. 9edj_dk[i el[h
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ÈLZÉaa WZ Vi i]Z [gdciÉ New Suzuki gives Loris the confidence to scrap with Rossi cWjj^[m$X_hj bdidgXnXaZcZlh#Xdb
ORIS CAPIROSSI confidently boasted that Suzuki’s impressive new GSV-R could become a consistent podium contender in 2009 as he came within 0.2s of a giant-killing act in Sepang this weekend. Having stunned the paddock by topping the timesheets on the all-new GSV-R on the opening day, the veteran Italian was never outside the top three throughout the test. And he was only 0.219s away from toppling dominant Ducati rider Casey Stoner, while he was only 0.125s away from defeating compatriot Valentino Rossi. Capirossi’s bold prediction about race wins and podiums may seem optimistic in the extreme given Suzuki’s 2008 GSV-R was ‘terrible’, by the veteran Italian’s own admission. But the triple world cham-
pion’s faith has been restored by a radical new GSV-R. The 2009 bike features a raft of major changes (see below) including a new chassis and V4 motor. He ended with a best time of 2:01.262, which knocked a massive 1.7s off his best 2008 Malaysian GP lap time. He also did a 19-lap race simulation – two short of full Sepang GP distance – and all but one was faster than his best ’08 race lap. He also did the simulation on the softer compound tyre at a time when the track temperature hit a scorching 57 degrees, having wanted to complete a long run on the harder tyre for more endurance. Nothing could take the gloss off Capirossi’s performance though and he told MCN: “This result is not a fluke and I think we will be competitive for the whole season. This is a great start to the year for us because everyone is at Sepang and
ready to go fast and I have always been near the top level on times. Last year we started with a new bike and it was terrible and we had to start from zero, with a lot of ideas, to try and improve
‘This result is not a fluke. This is a great start for us’ BEH?I 97F?HEII? that bike and that work has paid off. If you check the times I am doing every lap easily in the 2:02s easy and when I push I can do a 2:01.
If the race was tomorrow then maybe Casey (Stoner) has a problem to do the race distance with his wrist, so I think that the fight would be between Valentino (Rossi) and me. But already I know we will be fighting at the front.” Capirossi, who will start the season at Qatar in April on 99 career podiums, confirmed the new competitiveness of the GSV-R when he enjoyed a mock three-lap battle with Rossi on the second day of the Sepang test. The old friends and rivals had lots of fun according to Capirossi, but for him it was also a valuable exercise to check Suzuki’s progress against last year’s championship-winning bike. “It was a great fight with Valentino for a couple of laps. I could easily stay with him and I could pass him on the brakes and this is why I am so confident because I was fighting with the 2009 model of the world champi-
onship-winning bike. I could see our bike has improved a lot because last year I had no chance of staying with Valentino,” said Capirossi. Capirossi’s only quibble with the new bike was a lack of top end speed, which remains one of the GSV-R’s big weaknesses. He added: “Suzuki has done a great job but we have to work a little bit more on the engine side because we need more power. We still struggle a little with the engine, it’s better but we still need more top power. The torque is better and the throttle connection smoother. But top end power is still not enough.”
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Hjoj`^ hjgeg^hZ l^i] cZl <HK"G SUZUKI’S new factory GSV-R produced the first major surprise of 2009 as Loris Capirossi and Chris Vermeulen both finished in the top six in Sepang. Following a hugely promising debut 800cc campaign when the GSV-R claimed seven podiums and a maiden four-stroke win, last year’s bike mustered only three rostrums as the Japanese factory failed dismally to
bennetts.co.uk *Based on Dec 08 prices.
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capitalise on its ’07 success. The latest generation GSV-R, though, has under-
‘It has a new chassis, fairing and engine’ 9>H?I L;HC;KB;D gone something of a radical makeover, with new chassis, bodywork, seat unit, fuel tank, silencers, swingarm and V4 motor making up the 2009 contender. Vermeulen and Capirossi had three chassis and two swingarms to test in Sepang and the bike was instantly competitive out of the crate. Aussie Vermeulen said: “It’s a new bike, basically. It has a new chassis, fairing design, electronics and new engine so they have been working really hard. I did back-toback comparisons with the old bike and the new bike is a step forward. We have a good direction and I’m going a lot quicker.” Vermeulen finished sixth quickest with a best time of 2:01.666, which shaved a massive 1.7s off his best 2008 Sepang GP race lap. Vermeulen gave MCN an insight into how the GSV-R has been transformed in less than six months.
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F7::E9A =EII?F Despite his ‘factory rider’ status, Toni Elias won’t get extra support from Honda unless his satellite Gresini squad stumps up the cash for new parts. The Spaniard has an almost identical RC212V to factory team duo Dani Pedrosa and Andrea Dovizioso and impressed by clocking the fifth best time in Sepang of 2:01.560 – the top Honda rider. Frenchman Randy de Puniet had a torrid debut on the pneumatic valve V4 Honda, with the satellite teams all receiving their engine upgrade from the spring valve motor in Malaysia. His biggest issue was a lack of confidence in Bridgestone’s front tyre. Factory Honda rider Dovizioso has ditched a new RC212V chassis and will start the season on an older version having completed back-to-back tests in Sepang. The Italian, who finished the test with the ninth best time on a track where he scored his only premier class podium last season, said: “I had problems with the rear squatting.” Dani Pedrosa needs an operation to rectify a haematoma on his left thigh, resulting from a crash in the ’08 Australian GP, although after the race, he claimed pole in Sepang, a podium in Valencia and did two winter tests. He was seventh fastest in Sepang this week.
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HE coming season looks certain to be another epic MotoGP title scrap between fierce rivals Casey Stoner and Valentino Rossi. The pair have won the last two world titles, shared 29 of the last 36 MotoGP wins and been involved in some of the most thrilling races of the 800cc era. Last week’s opening winter test in Malaysia proved again why most pundits are predicting another Rossi and Stoner domination this season with just 0.094s splitting them. MCN caught up with both to gauge their early expectations for 2009.
HIDC:G H6NH### AUSSIE Stoner was in imperious form in Sepang, topping the timesheets with a best lap of 2:01.043, which
hammered Rossi’s best race lap last October by 1.2s. The 2007 world champion was reeling off 2:01s laps with unerring ease and said he was already certain he’ll be a serious contender to deny Rossi a seventh MotoGP title in 2009. “To challenge for the championship, yes, we’ve got what it takes. We learnt a lot last year and we are going to start on the right foot this year. Considering the situation I’m in at the moment with my wrist [see box, right], to be as fast as we are is like a dream,” said the Ducati rider, who refused to name Rossi as his chief rival despite their 2008 battles. “I expect nothing and just have to fight my way through. Whoever is going to be my toughest rival will become obvious on race day. If it’s everyone it’s everyone but if it’s one in particular you just have to beat him. I
just need to do the best job I can and try to use these tests to get my fitness and understand the new bike and start the season strong like last year. It would be nice to stay in with a fight instead of trying to chase it down.” Stoner reckons the only
‘I feel like crap on the bike but I’m still there on the times’ 97I;O IJED;H question mark over his title credentials is the recovery of his wrist, which he said was a major handicap in Sepang. He’s confident the carbonfibre chassis GP9 is competitive enough to fight Rossi’s formidable Fiat Yamaha YZR-M1, which won 10 races last season.
“Out of the six days testing this bike has done it has been quickest every day except one which we were very close on. We can take a lot of positives from this – we have been to three completely different circuits, with different characteristics and temperature ranges and the GP9 works everywhere.” Stoner was shocked to have been such a prominent figure in the Far East, with his impressive performance far exceeding his pre-test expectations after such a long lay-off. “To be honest it is the strangest feeling because I’m going out riding the bike and I don’t even feel like myself, I can’t ride like I want to. I feel like crap on the bike but I’m still there on the times. “At times I was just ashamed of my riding, it was just disgusting to me and then the time sheets came out and I was quickest!”
GDHH> H6NH### THE reigning world champion named Ducati rival Casey Stoner as his biggest opponent after shrugging off a crash on only his fifth lap of 2009 to finish a close second behind the Aussie. Rossi crashed at the slow second corner on the opening morning but finished the test with a best time of 2:01.137. Blaming his early blip on a small piece of new tarmac, Rossi said: “There is some new Tarmac in turn two, very dark and I don’t know why, but I arrived slow and I lost the front. I crashed at 30mph. It was the first flying lap after I had stopped so maybe the tyre was cold.” Having narrowly missed out on defeating Stoner though, Rossi was clear where his main 2009 threat would emerge from. “I think Casey will be the big rival. We have to wait for
Dani (Pedrosa) when he is fit and I think Jorge (Lorenzo) needs some more miles but for the first race he will be competitive. But I think Casey is already fast.” The Italian also kicked off some early mind games by doubting Stoner’s claims that his left wrist injury was such a physical limitation. “I think to make that lap time you don’t have a lot of pain. I don’t think it is the reality,” said Rossi. Since the start of 2007, Rossi has won 14 races and Stoner 16, and the factory Yamaha rider said it was obvious that the stats proved why the duo were favourites for the title. “The numbers say we are the most competitive with this type of bike and I am ready for the battle. Dani is fast but Casey is stronger. Dani has to demonstrate his speed. He is competitive but he wins less than us.”
As well as judging the merits of Stoner’s title credentials, the Sepang test also gave Rossi his first serious chance to assess the performance of Yamaha’s new YZR-M1. “The new engine is faster than 2008, we have a bit more acceleration so for the first step it is good. But we can improve the engine and acceleration and we expect to improve in the next tests. The chassis also is very good. Last year we had to adapt a Michelin bike for Bridgestone, this year Yamaha have changed the size, the weight and it looks good.”
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