moving motors forward
Motor-CAD link a perfect fit for STAR-CCM+ Motor-CAD EMag ready for beta tests
Now available: Motor-CAD v7.5
Issue 2 : August 2013
The front cover of MDLTORQUE illustrates MDL’s aim to ensure that its products fit perfectly with customer needs and with other products in the marketplace.
Our new Motor-CAD EMag module is designed to take motor design to the next level by incorporating a faster and more accurate electromagnetic capability. We’re now looking for partners to beta test Motor-CAD EMag prior to its launch. This is a new direction for us, and one that will bring many challenges, but we’re confident of the exceptional qualities of our new tool and convinced it’s the best way forward for BPM machines.
have a long-standing relationship, so it feels natural to take this to the next level by linking Motor-CAD with their STAR-CCM+ software.
As always, MDL’s success depends on its dedicated team of professionals. I’d like to welcome James Goss to the team, who previously worked with us as part of his EngD project, but has now joined us as a permanent member of staff, and Martin Hathaway, who also came here as a student and whose expertise in mathematics will be a huge asset.
I’d also like to acknowledge the contribution made by MDL’s longest serving member of staff, Lilo Bluhm, Motor-LAB is receiving excellent who first joined me when the reviews and is set to become business was in its infancy. I know another MDL world-leading the whole team will agree when I product. You can read about the say that, in more ways than one, Lilo latest enhancements in this issue. has been the mainstay of MDL and we are grateful for everything she Another exciting development is has done in the past, and still does, our new partnership with to keep things running smoothly. CD-adapco. Our two companies
As predicted in the last issue of MDLTORQUE, 2013 has been a year of change here. With new products launched and in the pipeline, new partnerships being formed and new staff joining the company, MDL is definitely moving forward with its ambitious programme of reform.
Having implemented the corporate identity and launched the revamped website, we’re now focusing on sales and marketing. Preparations for the launch of the new electromagnetic module (Motor-CAD EMag) are well underway while Motor-LAB is already firmly fixed in the global marketplace. I’m looking forward to MDL’s new partnership with our friends at 2
CD-adapco where l’ll be working closely with their marketing team to pool ideas. The link with their STAR-CCM+ software is another big step forward for MDL and one which will bring many rewards for us all.
Many thanks to everyone who shared their views about the first issue of MDLTORQUE. It was good to know that you enjoyed it and to receive your feedback.
If you have anything you would like us to publish in the next issue, or you have any news that you think would be of interest to our readers, please let me know. I look forward to hearing from you. SHIRLEY CARNEGIE COMMUNICATIONS MANAGER
4 Scotland Street Ellesmere Shropshire SY12 0EG, UK www.motor-design.com
media@motor-design.com +44 (0) 1691 623305
+ 44 (0) 1691 623305 info@motor-design.com
w w w. m o t o r - d e s i g n . c o m
The Electric Machine Thermal Management (EMTM) Forum is now in its third year. The 2013 event took place on Thursday 12 September at The University of Nottingham (UK).
BMW i3 LAUNCH IN LONDON The new BMW i3 with eDrive was launched at a gala event in London on 1st August. Driven by an emission-free electric motor, the BMW i3 “guarantees mobility wherever you need it” and MDL CEO, Dave Staton, was there to check out the vehicle’s green credentials.
MDL are committed to supporting emerging green technology and renewable energy. Motor-LAB’s unique combined electromagnetic and thermal modelling tool aids the design of hybrid and electric vehicles while
Motor-CAD is used by electric vehicle and aircraft manufacturers worldwide to optimize the design of motors, minimizing size and weight and ensuring that green alternatives have the correct cooling.
To further reinforce MDL’s commitment to green alternatives, Dave Staton has already placed an order for one of the new electric vehicles. As a result, he was invited to the international press launch of the vehicle in London. He was accompanied by his wife, Sarah, and daughter, Alice.
MDL tutorial at IECON 2013 MDL CEO, Dave Staton is one of only 12 speakers to be invited to present a tutorial at the IECON 2013 event in Vienna.
Organisers said they had an “extraordinarily high number of highquality tutorial proposals” this year. His tutorial, entitled: Modern Design of Electric Motors looks at easy to use and computationally efficient methods to carry out multi-physics analysis of electric machines with an emphasis on thermal analysis. It also goes through
The purpose of the EMTM Forum is to discuss the common interests thatmachine designers and specialists face in the thermal management of electric machines. It was the brainchild of Dr. David Howey from the University of Oxford and Dr. Dave Staton from MDL. It is now being pushed forward by Dr. Gareth Gilson from Cummins Generator Technologies (CGT).
The event was sponsored by CGT in partnership with the Cummins Innovation Centre. Leading experts from Industry and Academia attended, some of whom were presenting. Neil Brown from CGT was the keynote speaker.
James Goss, MDL’s Senior Design Engineer, renowned for his revolutionary software Motor-LAB, presented a paper entitled: Computationally Efficient Combined Electromagnetic and Thermal Analysis for Traction Machines.
Other speakers included Peter Connor and Herve Morvan, The University of Nottingham; Dave Howey, Oxford University; Martin Shanel, Dupont; and Keith Pullen from City University.
an application example of the use of multi-physics analysis to compare a copper rotor induction motor with an interior permanent magnet motor for a traction motor application.
The objectives of the conference are to provide high-quality research and professional interactions for the advancement of science, technology and fellowship.
The IECON 2013 conference will be held at the Austria Center Vienna on 10-13 November 2013. MDL TORQUE MAGAZINE
For more information about future meetings of the EMTM Forum, email: carol.eastwick@nottingham.ac.uk donna.astil@nottingham.ac.uk ISSUE 2
NEW FEATURES FOR MOTOR-CAD v7.5 Major new features include a transient DAE solver which is up to 10 times faster than the previous solver. This allows complex transient duty cycles to be solved in minutes.
MDL have announced the latest version of their flagship Motor-CAD software.
Building on Motor-CAD’s renowned features, Motor-CAD v7.5 incorporates a series of major enhancements that have been specially designed to meet the needs of customers and retain the software’s position as the industry leader for thermal analysis of electric machines and generators.
Also, a new insulation lifetime model allows the analysis of machine life expectancy based on the machine temperature.
The latest version also includes options to couple the different cooling systems in series, and in parallel, to enable modelling of integrated cooling systems. A spray cooling model has also been added to the latest version.
A cuboidal element winding model gives more detailed analysis of winding temperatures. Users can benefit from
new airgap heat transfer methods where axial flow is featured.
Motor-CAD v7.5 also includes split stray load losses definition between stator and rotor as well as added loss scaling options. The option to call internal scripts during steady state and transient calculations has been incorporated so that parameters can be changed dynamically. A new Matrix export option allows matrices to be used in system simulation. There are also new slot geometries, square slot bottom, VShape and top/bottom coil dividers.
To find out more about the latest Motor-CAD release, visit the website at: www.motor-design.com or email sales@motor-design.com.
Improved custom conductor placement editor for detailed FE analysis
New FE winding calibration interface to enable the validation and calibration of winding model vs FE slot results to take into account conductor placement.
Drawing of slot water jacket ducts now added. MDL TORQUE MAGAZINE
Improved TVent flow display with indication of flow rates.
Through ventilation radial duct cooling.
New blown over leakage display.
MOTOR-CAD A PERFECT Motor Design Limited has teamed up with CD-adapco to create a link between Motor-CAD and CD-adapco’s world famous STAR-CCM+ software.
The move is a bid to help meet new efficiency regulations for electrical machines that are placing greater demands on electrical machine designers. Now, alongside an optimized electromagnetic design, the thermal analysis has also become increasingly important in the design process.
The collaboration between MDL and CD-adapco aims to improve the accuracy of a fast analytical approach while simplifying the modelling process of the CFD computation. This will result in a streamlined simulation process from Motor-CAD to STAR-CCM+ .
The geometry from a Motor-CAD model, seen in the top left example,can be transferred automatically to STAR-CCM+ as shown in the image below it.
The project is the culmination of a longstanding relationship between the two companies; both of which share the same ethos and customer-orientated approach to business.
A fan is added to the model as shown in these two images so that the flow can be calculated in more detail.
Motor Design Limited and CD-adapco are both privately-owned independent companies with a similar work ethic; a fact which is hugely beneficial to every customer.
When the link is complete, users will benefit from the combination of Motor-CAD’s fast analytical air flow and heat transfer transient calculations with the impressive detail and accuracy of STAR-CCM+ flow calculations.
A simple interface will enable the user to transfer the Motor-CAD geometry into STAR-CCM+ within seconds.
Rather than using a broadbrush approach to model the machine’s driving cycles, the link will enable customers to calculate activity in minute areas with far greater detail and accuracy and then use these results to calibrate the Motor-CAD model.
Markus Anders from CD-adapco said: ‘Coupling our software with MotorCAD will speed up the design process, improve the customer’s knowledge and reduce costs. This will help to increase the accuracy of the thermal calculations in Motor-CAD and, at the same time, will increase and ease the use of STAR-CCM+ for thermal designs of electrical machines.’
He added: ‘The scripting we use in STAR-CCM+ has been evolving over many years, so the project is already well ahead of schedule. We are now at the stage of bringing the results from the virtual prototype back into the Motor-CAD simulation.’ MDL TORQUE MAGAZINE
Dave Staton from MDL said: ‘CFD models have complex geometries. This link allows the customer to build their model quickly and accurately while capturing all the information they need. It allows for more flexibility in the design process because the designer can work on a machine simulation.’
He continued: ‘The partnership also demonstrates MDL’s new approach to working which includes exploring joint projects to help make the design process easier for customers.’
To find out more about the link between STAR-CCM+ and Motor-CAD, visit www.motor-design.com and www.cd-adapco.com.
To find out how your company can benefit, from the partnership, email info@motor-design.com.
Dr. Dave Staton and Dr. Markus Anders will be speaking at the Motor & Drive Systems 2014 conference in Orlando, Florida on 29-30 January 2014.
The title of their joint presentation is: Enhancements in the Electric Machine Cooling Analysis.
MOTOR-LAB USED IN ICA PROJECT Motor-LAB has played a crucial role in the analysis of traction motor alternatives in a ground-breaking joint project with the International Copper Association.
The software was used to investigate the advantages and disadvantages of a permanent magnet or induction motor in a hybrid electric vehicle application.
Motor-LAB was used to plot efficiency maps for both the PM and IM designs and to analyse energy use across three leading drive cycles. Motor-CAD was used to design and size an induction motor with equivalent thermal performance to an existing IPM design. The impact on material costs, battery sizing and inverter rating were also considered during the project.
The analysis concluded that an induction motor could be the better choice, particularly for a hybrid electric vehicle. This option also protects the OEM from price fluctuations of rareearth PMs.
Permanent Magnet Efficiency Map
Power Factor Analysis of PM motor
The findings have been presented in Germany, the US and Japan in recent months and have been well received.
Malcom Burwell from the ICA said: “MDL’s unique set of skills and modelling capabilities have enabled this novel analysis to be undertaken. MDL’s work showed the costeffectiveness of induction motors in automotive traction applications, as well as their performance-match to similarly-sized permanent magnet motors.” James Goss, MDL, added: “Deciding which motor topology to adopt in an electric vehicle is a complex problem that involves many system aspects. Motor-LAB clarified the strengths and weaknesses of the various options to aid the decision-making process.”
Induction Motor Efficiency Map 8
Full details of the analysis are available on the ICA website at: www.coppermotor.com/designresources ISSUE 2
Motor Design Limited is looking for development partners to beta test the new electromagnetic capabilities in its flagship software, Motor-CAD. The electromagnetic module for Brushless Permanent Magnet motors (Motor-CAD EMag) is based on the Finite Element method of calculation, which combines the speed of Motor-CAD’s existing analytical methods with the accuracy of FEA.
Optimum winding automatically set up for any slot pole combination
The software automatically sets up the optimum winding for a particular slot pole combination as shown on the top right. The image below shows one of the calculated performance curves: in this case, the back EMF. This is one of the many characteristics calculated, such as torque, currents and voltages.
The software uses FEA to calculate the machine’s magnetic performance. The bottom image shows loss density shading. The MotorCAD thermal analysis tool is a world-leading software designed by motor designers for motor designers.
The new electromagnetic calculations in Motor-CAD have been developed by MDL’s team who have once again brought their unrivalled experience to the table to ensure that the new module meets customers’ needs.
One of the calculated performance curves
The module is for BPM machines and allows for multiphysics analysis of electromagnetic and thermal performance. This module will soon be followed by modules dedicated to Induction and Switched Reluctance machines. Motor-CAD EMag includes a comprehensive material database for electric steels and magnets. It also enables harmonic analysis of waveforms and the calculation of losses in conducting regions. Core losses are estimated with Steinmetz and Bertotti models.
The new electromagnetic module is now linked to Motor-LAB and will be fully functional in the coming months.
MDL now hopes to beta test the new product with up to twenty development partners prior to its launch in the coming months, thus ensuring that the product is fully market tested and validated when it goes on sale.
Loss density shading
To find out more, visit the website at www.motor-design.com or email info@motordesign.com.
The MDL technical team followed a hectic schedule at the IEEE IEMDC 2013 conference in May.
With two papers presented and a tutorial entitled: Practical Aspects in the Design and Analysis of Electric Machinery for Power Traction Applications, the conference proved extremely worthwhile.
MDL’s recent trip to Tokyo, Japan, was hugely successful with both Motor-CAD and Motor-LAB being very well received by local companies. CEO, Dave Staton and Senior Design Engineer, James Goss, are pictured above with MDL’s local distributor, Morihiro Saito. Communications Manager, Shirley Carnegie, who also joined the trade mission, commented: “Japan is a huge marketplace and a perfect fit for MDL products and services. The cultural differences and language present
interesting challenges, and we are fortunate to have an excellent distributor, Saito-san, who is based in Tokyo. Saito is very well-known and respected in Japan and was the perfect host during our trip. We will now be working closely with Saito to introduce our products to new customers.”
While there, James attended the TechnoFrontier Exhibition as part of a presentation by the International Copper Association (ICA). MDL and the ICA also met with Nissan to highlight the joint project.
The team also managed to fit in a tutorial at the University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, on Modern tools for the analysis of BPM + European programs for aerospace R&D, CleanSky.
An important part of MDL’s strategy for growth was a series of meetings with CD-adapco and other potential partners who can help promote and extend the new and enhanced MDL products in the coming months.
But perhaps most important of all, was the opportunity to meet with existing customers who are already using MotorCAD and who have also expressed an interest in Motor-LAB which was launched earlier this year.
Dave Staton, Mircea Popescu and James Goss will be attending the fifth anniversary of the IEEE Energy Conversion Congress & Expo in Denver, USA. The event will be held on September 15-19 at the Colorado Convention Center.
Dave Staton will be presenting one of 12 half-day tutorials from 1-5pm on Sunday 15 September. His session - The Role of Thermal Simulation in Electric Machine Optimization - explains the different methods available for modelling the heat transfer, flow and losses in electric machines.
James Goss and Dave Staton will be joined by Phil Mellor and Rafal Wrobel from the University of Bristol on Wednesday 18 September for an oral session on Brushless AC Interior-Permanent Magnet Motor Design: A Comparison of Slot/Pole Combinations and Distributed Vs. Concentrated Windings. The talk will take place from 8am to 8.25am. That same day, from 8am to 9.40am, Mircea Popescu will be chairing the Oral
Technical Session: Non-Conventional Electric Machines. He will also be discussing Skin effect and Proximity Losses in High Speed Brushless Permanent Magnet Motors with David Dorrell from the University of Sydney, Australia, on Thursday 19 September 4.20pm to 4.45pm.
The event, which promises to be “the best technology party the west has ever seen” is dedicated to the energy conversion practitioner. MDL’s technical team play a crucial role in helping to fulfil the ECCE 2013 goal which is to help “attendees solve problems, be they short-term, mid-term or long-term.
Dr Mircea Popescu told MDLTORQUE that the event is a perfect venue for skillsharing: “MDL have many years’ experience in their field and are often called upon to give talks and presentations. This annual event enables us to share our expertise with fellow professionals and also learn more about energy conservation from experts and speciailists from around the world.” MDL TORQUE MAGAZINE
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SPEED AND MOTOR-CAD SPEED is used in conjunction with Motor-CAD for thermal problems, but the relationship between the software doesn’t stop there.
The partnership between the worldrenowned experts continues to this day and was most recently demonstrated by the joint collaboration between Dave Staton and Tim Miller on a book entitled: Electric Machine Design using SPEED and Motor-CAD.
The book has been warmly received worldwide with one review calling it a “unique practical guide for designing as many as 11 types of electric machines” and commenting on the “remarkable clarity, depth and insights” of the book. MDL has a special relationship with the world-famous SPEED software and a long, distinguished history.
SPEED was originally developed at the University of Glasgow by Professor Tim Miller with MDL's own experts, Dr Dave Staton and Dr Mircea Popescu, instrumental in its development.
SPEED is a CD-adapco product. It is distributed by MDL in the UK as well as Ireland, South Africa, New Zealand and Australia.
SPEED is a specialized analysis tool for the design of electric machines, such as motors, generators and alternators. It now has more than 1500 international users, including leading manufacturers, designers, developers and users of electric machines. Thousands of machines have been designed with SPEED, and millions produced.
Now, the Miller/Staton partnership is exploring the possibility of presenting a unique collection of theoretical principles for various types of electric machines.
SPEED is a simple, intuitive, fast and efficient tool for sizing and preliminary design of new prototypes. It is also capable of the characterization of new and existing products, performance study and quick assessment of the effects of parameter changes.
Its highly organized data in both numerical and graphical form facilitates communication between company sites, and often between supplier and customer. MDL TORQUE MAGAZINE
The collection will develop the theory of application of the embedded PC-FEA solver which is unique to SPEED. It will also complement the link work with STAR-CCM+ and the GoFER and GoTAR.
Professor Tim Miller ISSUE 2
As with the previous publication, the new material will be published and available from MDL.
MDLEVENTS www.motor-design.com
IEEE Energy Conversion Congress & Expo, ECCE 2013
15-19 September 2013 Denver, USA www.ecce2013.org
Science and Innovation Investment Fund Phase II (MAGEF Project)
16-18 October 2013 University of Zagreb, Croatia http://magef.eu/en/events/workshop-01/
Annual Conference of IEEE Industrial Electronics Society
10-13 November 2013 Vienna, Austria www.iecon2013.org
SAE 2013, Electric Powertrain Technologies Symposium
20 November 2013 Stuttgart, Germany www.sae.org/events
SPEED and Motor-CAD Seminar
9-13 December 2013 Munich, Germany www.maccon.de