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Staff Profile - Onolina Moefaauo, Volunteer Manager
When did you commence working at MND Queensland and what attracted you to work with us?
I started with MND Queensland in August 2023. I was in a transition point in my career and wanted a new challenge and saw this advertised and was keen to know more. I have no personal connection with MND but after some research about MND Queensland and learning more about MND via the website, I really wanted to help make a difference and bring more awareness.
Can you please tell our readers a little about your role at MND Queensland?
I am the Volunteer Manager at MND Queensland based at our head office in Oxley, I manage all our volunteers and volunteer programs throughout Queensland. I help to spread the mission of MND Queensland and recruit volunteers for our Volunteer Army that help support all of those impacted by MND throughout the state.
I create meaningful volunteering opportunities through many of our volunteer programs such as our Peer Support Program – social visits, telecare check ins, lawn care services (over 65’s non NDIS clients), the Legacy Program (formerly known as Life Stories), equipment delivery volunteers, admin and office support at our head office, event volunteers, and many other volunteering opportunities. In my role I have opportunities to meet many client’s to connect with volunteers, I also enjoy engaging in the community to help bring more awareness about MND and about our volunteering opportunities supporting the MND community.
What do you enjoy most about working at MND Queensland?
I really enjoy the opportunity to help make a difference in the lives of those impacted by MND. The wonderful team I work with on a daily basis that support and provides services for all impacted by MND. I love the people who I have met on this journey as Volunteer Manager that have offered up their time and dedication to the cause to help make a difference. Without them I wouldn’t be able to do the job I am doing.
Did you know much about Motor Neurone Disease before you started working at MND Queensland and what are the biggest things you’ve learnt about MND since working here?
I did not know much about MND prior to starting at MND Queensland, but probably like many others, I only knew of some information through Stephen Hawking. But since I have been with MND Queensland now for over 14 months I have learnt so much more and one of the big things I have learnt is that when someone is diagnosed, on average another 14 people surrounding them are impacted by their diagnosis.
I just want to bring more awareness in my every day work and to share with anyone who will listen. It is now a cause that has had a deep affect on me since coming to MND Queensland and probably will stay with me even after.
You’ve built up our volunteer program and introduced several new volunteer services that assist people with MND and their families. Can you tell us about some of the volunteer programs and how they benefit people?
All our volunteer programs have a direct benefit for those impacted by MND. As mentioned earlier we have our Peer Support Program with volunteering opportunities as social support volunteers. These volunteers spend time with clients and helps them to feel connected and have other interactions with people outside of their network. This creates meaningful engagement and mutual benefit to the volunteer and client and their families. Other roles in the Peer Support Program include – telecare so volunteers make calls to clients that may live remote areas to check in or have a chat or via online virtually. Our program for our over 65s/non-NDIS clients – Lawn care services, where volunteers may help with basic lawn care, mowing domestic areas, watering gardens or weeding.
What do you see as the benefits for volunteers to get involved in supporting the MND community?
There are so many benefits when a volunteer becomes a part of the MND community. Firstly; they join a group of like minded people wanting to help make a difference, and secondly; they gain valuable connections with other volunteers and with all people that have been impacted by MND so families, carers etc. Thirdly, as a volunteer you see in real time the support you are giving to the clients and families and how meaningful it is. That is just to name a few.
Are you recruiting for volunteers? How can people get involved?
We are always recruiting especially in regional areas throughout Queensland. You can jump on our website to enquire, or Seek, Go Volunteer, Freddy Match, and Google MND Queensland volunteering. You can also reach me via the details below.
What do you get up to in your spare time? Do you have any pastimes or hobbies? Can you tell us a bit about Onolina outside the office?
I am a mother of three. I love to be with my children and enjoy eating out, being outdoors, and the beach. I also have two dogs and a cat ,so they keep me busy. I enjoy movies, reading and the theatre.
Is there anything else you’d like to share?
If you are looking for a way to fill your time or wanting to help make a difference in peoples lives or love community then get involved with volunteering! Come join the MND Queensland Volunteer Army and until there is a cure there is care.
For more information contact Onolina by calling 07 3372 9004 or email volunteer@mndqld.org.au or visit www.mndqld.org.au/page/85/volunteer