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MND Support Group Meetings & Education Sessions
We welcome people with MND, their family and informal carers to join our MND Support Group Meetings and Education Sessions. In our Support Group Meetings you’ll get to meet other people who are experiencing their own MND journey so that you can share and learn from one another. During our Education Sessions you’ll hear from the MND Queensland team of experts as well as special guests about a range of topics to help people live better with MND. We’re hosting both in person meetings and some are a hybrid of both in person and online. To RSVP, get more information or a Microsoft Teams invite (or support to join online) email supportgroups@mndaq.org.au or call 07 3372 9004. Please refer to our website or social media for exact location details and education topics.
Upcoming sessions
Gold Coast Support Group, Broadbeach Community Centre, 10AM-12PM, 3rd August.
Gold Coast Support Group, Gold Coast Business Hub, 1PM-3PM, 8th July and 9th September.
Brisbane North Support Group, Strathpine Library, 10AM-12PM, 3rd August.
Education Session (MND Queensland presenter), Online and at our Oxley office, 10AM-11AM, 13th July, 10th August and 14th September.
Education Session (External presenter), Online and at our Oxley office, 10AM-11AM, 20th July, 24th August and 28th September.
General Discussion Support Group, Online and at our Oxley office, 10AM-11AM, 27th July, 17th August, 31st August and 21st September.