Culinary Culture Communities
Dashboards Saddlebags and
The Destination Magazine ™ Issue 46
We Tell You Where To Go!
A Nationally Recognized Treasure Just Up the Road Page 14
Fonta Flora Is Back On The Map Road to Nowhere and Waterfalls in the Great Smoky Mountains Find More Than 1,000 Furniture Lines Under One Roof Best New Whisky of 2013 Born in the Cradle of Moonshine Five Finds in the Foothills Challenging Rides and Good Times in Southwest Virginia The Best Crap In The South
Dashboards and Saddlebags The Destination Magazine™
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JANUARY 2015 Issue 46
e Tell you where to go! Whether you are a long time resident or new to the area, you’ll find destinations here that will have you saying “I never knew that was there.”
We a r e v e r y s e l e c t i v e o f o u r m arket ing par t ners a s well a s our editor ial content. If we cannot be proud of the content submitted to us we will not put it in Dashboards and Saddlebags Magazine, period. If you are looking for new destinations to explore on your ow n, or ideas for things to do with friends and family you will find something new each month in your destination magazine.
We know we are on to something! Lisa & Andy Jay Publishers Produced by: LLC Sales: Lisa Jay, Steven Shober Contributing Writers: Lisa Jay, Jim Stallard, Project 543, Visit NC, Craig Distl,, Blair Rumley Cofield Contributing Photographers: PhotodudeART. com, Bill Russ, Paul Newton, Cover: Johanna Stern
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CONTENTS Unique Destinations Less Than 200 Miles From Home
A Nationally Recognized Treasure Just Up the Road
Road to Nowhere and Waterfalls in the Great Smoky Mountains
Fonta Flora Is Back On The Map
Find More Than 1,000 Furniture Lines Under One Roof
Best New Whisky of 2013 Born in the Cradle of Moonshine
Five Finds in the Foothills
Challenging Rides and Good Times in Southwest Virginia
Along The Way
The Best Crap In The South
The list of events in this publication is compiled from various sources dates & times are tentative & subject to change. Dashboards and Saddlebags The Destination Magazine™ is published by LLC 369 Dovefield Drive Summerfield, NC 27358 (704) 706-2365 ©2014 All rights reserved. LLC Publisher, Agents & Advertisers do not necessarily condone any activities or advertisement listed in this magazine. The Publisher and its officers, employees, agents, volunteers, and sponsors are not responsible for any loss or damage which might be associated with patronage of any party named in this publication, and is not responsible for any Act of God such as inclement weather, fire, flood, natural or man-made disaster, etc., that are out of the control of the Publisher, which affect the publishing of this magazine.
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Unique Destinations Less Than 200 Miles From Home WinterFest Jan 10 – 12, Beech Mountain, NC, Enjoy a full slate of events that will please snow lovers and music lovers with ever-popular Cardboard Box Derby, the WinterFest Rail Jam, live music and much more. Grand Opening of Beech Mountain Brewing Co. Sun, Januar y 11, 10 07 Beech Mountain Park way, Beech Mountain, NC 28604. The celebration will highlight tastings and brewery tours, complemented by live music from Dr. Bacon. Following the grand opening, If Birds Could Fly will play at 5pm in the Beech Tree Bar and Grille! The grand opening is being held in conjunction with the Beech Mountain Resort’s annual Winterfest Weekend The 16th Annual Freeze Your Balls Of f Scooter Rally Fri Jan 16th - Sun Jan 18th. Bull McCabe’s Irish Pub - 427 West Main Street, Durham, NC 27701. Hosted by the Incriminators Scooter Club, which advocates for keeping vintage scooters in use, the Freeze Your Balls Off Scooter Rally is a wintry celebration of the Incriminators’ favored mode of transpor tation. It includes rides for those with their own two-wheeled vehicles (motorcycles, mopeds, and more are welcomed as well) in addition to dance par ties, musical per formances, bar meet-ups, and other event s. freezeyourballsof Signature Series Blending Part y at Round Peak Vineyards! Sat Jan 17th 2015 Round Peak Vineyards - 765 Round Peak Church Road, Mount Air y, NC 27030. Come out for the Signature Series Blending Par t y at Round Peak Vineyards! Create your own uniqure case of wine! Sample from 8 of our best 2013 red wines, then play mad scientist until you create your perfect blend! Two sessions, 11-3 pm or 3-7 pm. Limited seating, reservations required. Continued On Page 8
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Destinations Continued From Page 6
The 150th Annivers ar y of the Bat tle of For t Fisher Sat Jan 17th - S u n J a n 18 t h . F o r t F i s h e r H i s t o r i c M u s e u m , 1610 S o u t h F o r t Fisher Boulevard, Kure Beach, NC 28449. This year’s anniversar y celebration is truly unique and will begin Nor th Carolina’s of ficial 2015 commemoration of the momentous event s that brought the Civil War to an end 150 years ago. The Civil War Sesquicentennial obser vance will focus on the struggle to capture and defend the for t during the at tack of Januar y 5, 1865. Some of the highlight s for the weekend include a re - creation of the Januar y 1865 Union at tack on For t Fisher with hundreds of Civil War living histor y actors, the unveiling of a new museum exhibit, an “above the scenes” tour and more. w w 7th Annual Cold Stroke Classic 9:30am - 5pm Sat Jan 17th. Blockade Runner Beach Resor t - 275 Waynick Boulevard, Wright sville Beach, NC 28480. Coastal Urge’s 7th Annual Cold Stroke Classic will be held on the beautiful Intracoastal Water way of f Wright sville Beach. With 2 divisions, paddlers can opt to do the 3.5-mile Recreational course or the 7-mile Elite course. Cash prizes will be spread across the top finishers in each division. See website for fur ther details. Throughout the day, there will be an exhibitor’s expo open to the public with free demos. w w Four Seasons Winter Wine Tasting Dinner 6pm - 9pm Sat Jan 17th. Raf faldini - 450 Groce Road, Ronda, NC 28670. Join vineyard owner Jay Raf faldini for the next wine tasting dinner held at our beautiful Tuscan-st yle Villa Raf faldini. We have created the per fect menu to feature four seasonal food courses alongside four specially-chosen Raf faldini wines to embody the winter months. Classical music will be per formed by a violinist soloist during the evening to enhance your dining pleasure, and Jay Raf faldini will provide culinar y and wine descriptions for each course. w w w.Raf
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Dashboards and Saddlebags The Destination Magazine™
Destinations B l o w i n g R o c k W i n t e r f e s t T hu J a n 2 2n d . M ain S t r e e t , Blow in g R o c k , N C 28 6 0 5. D o n ’t h i b e r n a t e ... c e l e b r a t e ! E n j o y t h e f u n side of winter with event s that include the Polar Plunge in C h e t ola L a ke, C hilly C hili C o o k- O f f, W in t e r F e a s t , W in t e r Paw s D o g S h o w, W i n t e r F a s h i o n S h o w, k i d s a c t i v i t e s a n d m o r e ! w w w.blowingrock winter Asheville Fringe Arts Festival Thu Jan 22nd - Sun Jan 25th. Variouse Lo caions - 20 Commerce St re e t A sheville, NC 288 01. It ’s luck y number 13 for the Asheville Fringe Ar t s Festival! This true Asheville oddity has been happening for 13 years, of fering local and impor ted p er forming ar tist s t he opp or tunit y to create and showca se new, unique work. The Asheville Fringe provides artists with opportunities to explore the ar tistic edges of their work, collaborate across genres and bring new, innovative per formances to culturally adventurous audie nce s. Eve r y ye ar, t he fe s tival fe at ur e s a varie t y of ar tis t s, including actors, dancers, installation artists and theatre companies, Butoh dance, pup p e t r y, alternative t heat re, mo d ern dance, and per formance ar t. w w 5th Annual Jolly Skull Beer Festival 2:30pm - 6pm Sat Jan 24th. Greenville Convention Center - 303 Greenville Boulevard Southwest, Continued On Page 9
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Destinations Continued From Page 9
Greenville, NC 27834.The festival will focus on 60+ American craf t and regional micro breweries with over 150 beers being of fered. w w /jollyskull/ 8th Annual Winter Warmer Beer Festival 3pm - 7pm Sat Jan 24th. US Cellular Center - 87 Hay wood Street, Asheville, NC 28801. We are “movin’ on up” for 2015’s event - the festival will be held on the main arena level of the Civic Center, allowing for a handful more brewerie s and more elb ow ro om, but t he s ame unique intimate fe el, providing qualit y fo od, music and t astings that the “repeat o f f e n d e r s ” h av e c o m e t o e x p e c t ! A d m i s s i o n: $ 45 + p e r p e r s o n w w w.ashevillebeer Wilmington Wine & Chocolate Festival Fri Jan 30th - Sun Feb 1st. 503 Nutt Street, Wilmington, NC 28401. Friday Night: Grand Tasting Pick your pleasure as participating regional vintners and chocolatiers offer their best for sampling and sale! Indulge yourself in the delicious abundance of hors d’oevres and relax to live music per formed by The Schoolboys while shopping ar tisan exhibit s. The Grand Tasting will preview the Marketplace (held on Saturday & Sunday) and guests will experience a few special surprises that will ensure a light and ef fer vescent evening. Enjoy enter t ainment, food demonstrations, raf fles and of course more chocolate all overlooking the gorgeous Cape Fear River front! Queen City Brewers Festival Sat Jan 31st. Bojangles’ Coliseum, 2700 East Independence Boulevard, Charlot te, NC 28205. Roughly 2,000 at tendees will enjoy unlimited beer and food samples. Brewers are encouraged to bring one “super” flavor or st yle of beer especially for QCBF, as the Super Bowl takes place the following day. Works by local ar tist s and live music will be on hand during each of the t wo tasting sessions: 1- 4 p.m. and 6 -9 p.m. w w w.qcbrew Sixth Annual Yadkin Winter Reds Food & Pairing Event Sat Jan 31st - Sun Feb 1st. Enjoy a weekend of wonderful wine and food in Yadkin County. Looking for a day trip or a weekend getaway, then come visit Yadkin Count y and enjoy the annual Yadkin Winter Reds. This is a great oppor tunit y for you to visit Yadkin Count y wineries and taste the excellent wines that are being produced. w w w.visit 35th Annual NC Ja zz Festival Fri Feb 6th - Sun Feb 8th. Hilton Rive r sid e H o t el, 301 Wat e r St r e e t W ilming ton N C 28 401. This is one of the largest traditional jazz festivals in the S o u t h e a s t a n d a To p 20 E v e n t . To s e e a f ull li s t o f m u si cia n s an d ac t ivit ie s ple a s e s e e t h e we b sit e. w w w.n cja z z f e s t ival.c o m Continued On Page 13
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Destinations 11th Annual Krispy Kreme Challenge 8:30am - 10am Sat Feb 14th. Memorial Bell Tower, North Carolina State University, North Campus, 2011 Hillsborough Stre et , Raleigh, NC 27607. The mantra of the Krispy Kreme Challenge epitomizes the test of physical fitness and gastrointestinal for titude. What st ar ted as a challenge among 10 friends has transformed into a nationally publicized charity race, and the number one tradition to complete before graduating from Nor th Carolina State Universit y. w w 2nd Annual All Ale to the Queen - Beer C arnival Sat Feb 28th. A “one of a kind” event and a “must do” for craf t beer lovers in the region. All Ale to the Queen – Beer Carnival takes a dif ferent approach by focusing on the unique aspect s of beer, with a lit tle WOW factor mixed in. At tendees can expect outrageous fun at this event including music from DJ Allen Rockhouse, ama zing aerial per formers from Aerial Charlot te, Hula Hooping from the Beer Cit y Hoopers, belly dancers, jugglers, contact ball per formers, costumes and more. This is what makes the Beer Carnival a must see. And of course, a Beer Carnival wouldn’t be a Beer Carnival without a King and Queen Competition. w w
Complete listings of all the events are available at
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Photos by Johanna Stern
A Nationally Recognized Treasure Just Up the Road
umber one Park in the state and chosen one of top twenty most stunning parks in the USA according to USA Today.
Hanging Rock State Park in Stokes County was selected as the North Carolina 2012 Park of the Year by the N.C. Division of Parks and Recreation. With hiking trails, vacation cabins, interpretive nature programs, picnic areas, waterfalls and pr icele ss panoramas of the piedmont plateau, Hanging Rock lends an endless list of activities no matter what your interests. Cast a line out into the lake or simply relax by the shore, plan a picnic with your family or explore the surrounding mountains, whatever type of adventure you choose you’re sure to learn something new about North Carolina’s grand landscape.
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Road to Nowhere and Waterfalls in the Great Smoky Mountains
he Road to Nowhere i s a quick eight-mile drive outside Bryson City. Before you go, have breakfast and coffee with the locals at the Everett Street Diner or at Mountain Perks, both on the way to Nowhere.
issues stopped construction. With no resolution, now decades later, the road still goes nowhere.
Deep Creek Waterfalls Now that you’ve gotten a taste of the serenity of Great Smoky Mountains National Park, turn around and go see some beautiful and relaxing waterfalls. From the Road to Nowhere, make your way back to town and take a left on Depot Street. Follow the signs to Deep Creek Campground, making sure to follow West Deep Creek Road.
After breakfast, head straight up Everett Street out of Bryson City and don’t make any turns. On the map, it’s called Lakeview Drive, but the road signs are marked Fontana Road. You’ll pass Swain County High School and eventually see a sign that reads, “You have entered Great Smoky Mountains National Park.” Three miles after leaving the center of You’ll also see a more intriguing sign: town, you’ll come to the Deep Creek “The Road to Nowhere – A Promise entrance to the Park. Well-marked Broken.” The road ends at a barrier with trail signs lead you to three waterfalls: the tunnel beyond. Juney Whank, Indian Creek and Toms Branch. The Juney Whank and Indian The road got its name from a dispute in Creek trails have moderate slopes, the 1930s and 40s when Swain County while Toms Branch is the closest to gave up the majority of its private the trailhead. land so the federal government could create Fontana Lake and the Great The Road to Nowhere is a real road Smoky Mountains National Park. in Bryson City that ends at a tunnel inPeople had to move, family cemeteries side Great Smoky Mountains National were cut off, and the former road Park. If you want to venture farther, was buried beneath the waters of the you have to do it by foot. When you’re lake. The federal government made finished exploring, visit waterfalls in an agreement with Swain County the Great Smoky Mountains National to build a new road along the lake’s Park and get a taste of small town north shore, but environmental mountain life.
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Bryson City After your hike, park in town and walk to any one of Bryson City’s great lunch spots such as Jimmy Mac’s on Main Street, The Filling Station on Everett Street, or Anthony’s on Depot Street. Spend the afternoon browsing the shops and galleries of Everett, Main and Depot streets. You’ll find stores full of antiques, artwork and crafts. Tour working artists’ studios at Elizabeth Ellison Watercolors and Heath Creations Studio and Gallery or see work from mountain artisans at The Cottage Craftsman. Finish off your in-town day with d i n ne r at Pa s q u a l i no’s It a l i a n Restaurant or The Station Restaurant, both on Everett Street.
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Fonta Flora Is Back On The Map
or over a century and a half, the rural hamlet of Fonta Flora (first known as Linville) lay snugly at the mouth of the rugged Linville Gorge in Burke County, North Carolina. After the construction of Lake James in the early twentieth century, the hamlet and the name disappeared from the area. Following renewed local interest in the 1960s, perhaps spurred on by the unusual name, much lore was resurrected concerning its great beauty, fertility, racial harmony and mysterious origins. This lost community is where one of the most unique and quaint water’n holes in Western North Carolina draws its name. Fonta Flora Brewery
317 N Green St Fonta Flora Brewer y integrates Morganton, NC, 28655 the soul of agriculture with the artisanship of zymurgy (the study of fermentation) to create a menagerie of rustic and savory libations. With an emphasis on seasonal flora, Fonta Flora brings English tradition and Belgian inspiration to the Appalachian mountains of North Carolina. Fonta Flora utilizes local artists to help conceptualize the notion that fermentation is yet another medium for creating art. This uniquely artisan approach to beer yields a sustainable product filled with culture from our very own community. 704-706-2365
Find More Than 1,000 Furniture Lines Under One Roof
furniture shopping experience that is definitely unique to North Carolina, Hickory Furniture Mart in Hickory is a mix of factory outlets, custom showrooms and private galleries with more than a thousand manufacturers on display in one place and discounts of up to 80 percent off retail. Each year, more than 500,000 visitors come to the Hickory Furniture Mart from nearly all 50 states and several other countries, drawn by North Carolina’s history as the nation’s furniture manufacturing c apit a l a nd by t he M a r t’s reputation for quality, variety and pr ice. The Mart also fe at ure s several sale s event s throughout the year as well as Project 543 tells the story of its annual Furniture Festival unique spots across North du r i n g t he l a st we e k e n d i n Carolina we hope will become July. The Mart is also home to some of your favorite places. the Catawba Valley Furniture Why 543? Because that’s the Museum and offer group tours number of miles from Manteo, on the coast, to Murphy, in the of the facility. Visitors can also mountains, and is traditionally take advantage of shop and stay considered to be the width of pack age s fe at ur i ng lodg i ngs our state. The entries in this as well as a personal shopper project are in no particular program. order, and we’ll add to them each week. Check in often to 2220 US Highway 70 SE find inspiration for your next trip, or start planning today at Hickory, North Carolina 28602
Dashboards and Saddlebags The Destination Magazine™
Best New Whisky of 2013 Born in the Cradle of Moonshine
he Defiant way is not bound by barrels or recipes or tradition. The best ingredients, Mother Nature and our intuition, guide the distilling crew. Only four parts and nothing more, create the Defiant experience – Premium American white oak, toasted to perfection; specially cultured yeast, selected by Ferris; two-row, premium brewer’s barley; and pure water from the aquifer under the distillery. At the core of the evolution are oak spirals. The American white oak spirals used are made from premium cuts of wood. They are more efficient than barrels, and create a much smoother finish. Enjoy a guided tour and culminate your visit with a sampling of Defiant Whisky; bring a camera to capture photos of the distillery and our breathtaking surroundings. Blue Ridge Distilling Co. 228 Redbud Lane Bostic, NC
“For a single malt whisky aged for only 60 days, Defiant is indeed revolutionary.”
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Five Finds in the Foothills
hat could be better than rolling topography and family and friends that the Fowlers gently curving roads in the decide to go at it full time. North Carolina foothills? Since that time, the wines have won numerous awards. And a neat thing How about rolling topography and about Lake James Cellars is that it gently curving roads leading to five includes an antique mall with relics wineries? from more than 20 antique dealers. For your next getaway, make an excursion to Burke County, a scenic Journey another 15 minutes or so region where wineries are taking root westward on country roads along the southern perimeter of Lake James and in the foothills soil. you’ll come to the town of Nebo. Once A good starting point is Lake James you’ve found Nebo, head southeast a Cellars, about 15 minutes west of few miles to South Creek Winery. Morganton in Glen Alpine. It’s a short jaunt out U.S. 70 to the winery, located The winery and vineyards are situated in a refurbished textile mill. And the in a bucolic setting on a century-old peaceful little town of Glen Alpine farm. Wine tastings take place in the Italian Renaissance farmhouse or on provides a great setting. the large outdoor patio. At Lake James Cellars, folks can taste from a selection of 8-10 wines and Owners James and Mary Rowley learn the story of how Mike and Betty produce Bordeaux-style wines in Fowler started making wine years ago a place “where people gather and in the cellar of their Lake James home. become friends.” The wines became so popular with Continued On Page 30
Dashboards and Saddlebags The Destination Magazine™
Let us take you to the next level with our team of talented artists
Challenging Rides and Good Times in Southwest Virginia
on’t m i s s t he S out hwe st Virginia Trails this year! Back of the Dragon is an unforgettable driving excursion across three mountains at elevations up to 3500 feet. The route is available anytime. Go to www.backofthedragon. com for full information.
Ridge Herb Farm, and Big Walker Mountain scenic byway with BW Country Store featuring live music Saturday and Sunday May – October. The Marion area is home to the restored Lincoln Theatre, where the nationally syndicated “Song of the Mountains” public TV show is filmed. Hungry Mother State Park features one of the area’s best lakes, while the Museum of the Middle Appalachians i n c l u d e s a Wo o l y M a m m o t h d i spl ay a nd a rcheolog ic a l site.
This trail is part of a larger set of trail loops called Claw of the Dragon, which stretches from Wytheville to Galax to Marion Virginia. Many loops are near major Interstates 77 and 81. These loops range from 62 to 224 miles and feature everything from challenging mountain roads to pastoral farmland. Galax is one of the major stops along The Crooked Road, featuring old time The Southwest Virginia mountains and bluegrass music at the Rex Theatre are unparalleled in their beauty, and and the Old Fiddlers’ Convention in include famous Whitetop Mountain, August. one of the highest points in the state. Great shopping, dining and lodging Other attractions in Wytheville choices abound throughout the include the Wohlfahrt Haus Dinner region. Theatre, West Wind Winery, Beagle
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Along the Way
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Dashboards and Saddlebags The Destination Magazine™ 704-706-2365
The Best Crap In The South
he Depot is a tourist destination for “P ic k e r s” of a nt i q ue furniture, household items and mementos from the past. Folks drive in from across the region, and from as far away as New York and Florida, to explore the Depot’s huge 88,000 square feet sales floor.
The Depot has quickly become the largest and most popular antique mall in the Southeastern United States. Gibson Mill had buzzed with activity for decades, becoming a place of employment for generations of proud families in the Cabarrus County area. For 100 years, the historic plant produced fine American-made bedding until the shifting global economy changed the way business was conducted. Manufacturing went overseas to China and India, and the once proud plant was shuttered. Around the back of the mill is AutoBarn Classic Cars and Collector Car Storage & Sales. The AutoBarn was started by a couple of Charlotte, NC car collectors who share the same passion as you. Whether you’re buying a car, selling a car, or need a project car, we handle all the paperwork, phone calls, emails, and negotiations regarding your deal. For more information visit
Daily Specials and Soups The Depot At Gibson Mill 325 McGill Ave., NW, Concord, NC 28026 704-787-9351
4 Years
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Market Male 49% Female 51% Ages 18-34 12.5% Ages 35-54 43.4% Age 55+ 44.1% Household income of $100K+ 44.2% Home Value $200K-$499K 43.8% Home Value $500K+ 16.8%
We Distribute Dashboards and Saddlebags Magazine where the MotoTourist goes. Locations that cater to the MotoTourist as well as events attended by the MotoTourist.
Five Finds Continued From Page 30
A short four-mile drive southeast along the country roads of western Burke County takes you to one of North Carolina’s newest wineries. Silver Fork Winery opened in April 2014 on 32 acres at the confluence of Silver Creek and White Fork Creek.
Valdese, a neat little town founded by Italian immigrants, is home to Waldensian Heritage Winery. The Waldensians came from the western piedmont of Italy to the western piedmont of North Carolina, bringing centuries of winemaking expertise.
Three years ago, Owners Jen Foulides and Ed Wisnieski relocated to North Carolina to open a winery. The land they selected already had several varietals of viniferia grapes grown by the previous owner.
Located a couple miles north of Valdese, a neat aspect of this winery is there are no paid workers. Production, distribution, marketing and tours are handled by volunteers.
In its first season, Silver Fork features seven va r iet a l s, w it h t he most popular being the oak-aged Reserve chardonnay and the Four Dog Red blended table wine. The rustic winery is also home to a regular schedule of events, from live music to movies under the stars. Upon departing Silver Fork, skirt the northwest edge of South Mountains State Park and head eastward into Morganton. From there, continue eastbound and down on U.S. 70 to Valdese.
Continue eastward from Valdese on U.S. 70 and you wind up in Hildebran, the easternmost town in Burke County. Since 2007, Hildebran has been home to Raintree Cellars. Raintree is another winery that began as a hobby and evolved into a fullfledged operation. Ed Yoder creates more than 20 wines at Raintree, many of which carry unique names. Some of Ed’s more colorful wines are: Golden Globe, Big Dog, Torpedo Juice, Oldie Lodie and Blue Jay. – Craig Distl
For complete info on visiting Burke County, go to or call (888) 462-2921.
Dashboards and Saddlebags The Destination Magazine™ 704-706-2365
Where the OLD is the NEW NEW
Ellie’s Diner NOW OPEN Come visit the largest antique mall in the South 88,000 Square Feet • Over 625 Booths Comfortably Air Conditioned 325 McGill Ave. NW Concord, NC 28026 704-787-9351 Mon-Sat 10-7• Sunday 1-6 Find us on Facebook