BUILDING KIDS WITH CHARACTER Licensed Child Care Registration
JOE AND MARY MOTTINO FAMILY YMCA a branch of the YMCA of San Diego County
760.758.0808 2012-2013 CHILD CARE 1
locations & hours
page 3
grades & schedule
page 4
minimum days & holidays
page 4
program standards
page 5
safety standards
page 6
registration standards & fees page 8 REGISTRATION & PAYMENT
registration forms
for more information:
page 11
For Youth Development: Nurturing the potential of every child and teen. For Healthy Living: Improving the nation’s health and well-being. For Social Responsibility: Giving back and providing support to our neighbors. 2 2012-2013 CHILD CARE WWW.MOTTINO.YMCA.ORG
You love your kids, and helping them grow is a high priority to you. That’s why we’re here! We believe that when you register your child for a YMCA Child Care program, you are making an investment in your child’s character and future. Every day, before and after school, we’re here to provide experiences for your child to learn new skills, build deeper friendships, play silly games, celebrate fun holidays and explore the world. With healthy snacks, homework time, arts & crafts, community service projects, sports, & more, kids in our programs are happy, healthy and well-adjusted. And that’s our goal! We focus on three things at the Y - Youth Development, Healthy Living, and Social Responsibility. We’re committed to nurturing the potential of your child because we know he/she is a champion that can change the world! This booklet contains general information about our programs, as well as information on registration and payment. It also contains information about the camps that we offer when school is not in session. I hope that you’ll find it helpful as you launch your child into a school year of exciting new adventures. And, we’re here if you have any other questions - Nicole Ketcher (Child Care Coordinator) - or 760.758.0808 x.122 or Rosa Aguirre (Child Care Payment Tech) - or 760.758.0808 x.145 Here’s to a great school year,
YMCA CHILD CARE TEAM LOCATIONS SITE LOCATION LICENSE # Ivey Ranch 4275 Via Rancho Road • Oceanside, CA 92057 Site Cell Phone: 760.687.5712
Christa McAuliffe 3701 Kelton Drive • Oceanside, CA 92056 Site Cell Phone: 760.484.4601
Reynolds 4575 Douglas Drive • Oceanside, CA 92057 Site Cell Phone: 760.687.3499
Empresa 4701 Mesa Drive • Oceanside CA 92056 (@ YMCA) Site Cell Phone: 760.529.1298
HOURS - 6:30AM-6:00PM We’re here for you every school day! (And when there’s no school, we offer Y camps!) From as early as 6:30am to as late as 6:00pm, we’re ready to accommodate your work schedule and care for your child. We operate on all minimum days and even offer Kindergarten classes!
GRADES: K-5th Kindergarten can be a bit tricky because of kids’ AM or PM schedules, but we do our best to provide care when you need it. Our staff takes time to understand your kindergartener’s schedule, and they will always walk with your kindergartener to and from the YMCA classroom. Kindergarteners in the AM kinder class at school will eat lunch and have a rest time at the YMCA. We recommend that parents keep a couple blankets and a change of clothes in our YMCA classroom to help your child feel comfortable. Kids must be potty trained in order to participate in YMCA Childcare. 1st-5th Grades: we offer before and after care for elementary-aged kids on all school days. Kids will be given a nutritious snack, homework time, sports, games and more!
Each day and each program varies a little bit, but generally these are the activities kids get to do on a daily basis: - Nutritious Snack - Homework/Study Time - Free Play - Cooperative Games - Fitness Fun Time/Sports - Arts/Crafts On special days, kids will participate in celebrations, community service projects, cooking classes & more!
MINIMUM DAYS All of the schools we service have minimum days. During the school year, whenever there is a minimum day, we will start care as soon as school gets out.
HOLIDAYS & CAMPS We do not offer Childcare on these holidays, but we will offer day camps at the Y! Look for flyers at your sign-in/out area or visit www. September:
Labor Day
Veteran’s Day, Thanksgiving
Winter Break
Winter Break, Martin Luther King Day President’s Day
President’s Week
Spring Break
Memorial Day
Teacher In-Service Days
We serve a healthy snack every day! Snacks contain at least two of the four food groups each day. On special occasions, we may serve “goodies.” Please let us know if your child has any food allergies or special food needs. If your child has a big appetite, you may send an extra snack from home to be eaten in a designated area during our snack time. Unhealthy foods like cookies, chips and candy are highly discouraged, as we stand for Healthy Living!
You’ll be shocked by how quickly lost and found items pile up. Most of these items are unmarked clothes or personal belongings. We recommend that you mark all of your child’s things with his/her name. Also, encourage your child to put everything back in his/her backpack when it’s not being used and encourage him/ her to check the lost and found often. The YMCA is not held responsible for lost or missing items. Because we have limited storage space, unclaimed lost and found items are donated to charity on a regular basis.
HOMEWORK We are committed to providing homework time and homework help so kids can succeed in school! During homework time, kids sit in a designated area to work on assignments. Please encourage your kids to use this time wisely, as we can provide time and support but we can’t force your kids to do their homework. Our team will work closely with your child to help with homework, but we cannot provide one-on-one tutoring.
PARENT INVOLVEMENT You’ve heard it said “It takes a village;” we believe it. We cannot reach our goals of strengthening your child and your family without your teamwork. We encourage you to come to our special events, to give us your input and ideas for activities, and to share your unique talents with the kids in our program. We put together a special committee just for parents who want to help steer our program; it’s called our Parent Advisory Committee or PAC. Talk to your Site Supervisor about how you can get involved.
LATE PICK-UP If you are going to be late (after 6pm), please let us know so we can tell your child. There will be a $5.00 charge for every 5 minutes your child stays after 6:00pm. This will be billed to your account. If a parent is late to pick up and we have not been notified, we will start calling emergency contacts at 6:05pm. All authorized contacts will be called until the child is safely checked out. If we are unable to get in contact with any authorized contacts, YMCA executives will be contacted and by 7:00pm Social Services will be notified. If late pick-up becomes a pattern, the child may be dismissed from our program.
SPECIAL NEEDS INCLUSION We encourage ALL kids to participate in YMCA Child Care programs, including those who may need special accommodations. If your child has special needs, talk to your YMCA Child Care staff. We would love to make your child comfortable here.
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- State licensing regulations require that you sign your child in and/or out of our program every day with a full signature. - Please do not drop your child off; instead, make sure to escort him/her into the building and sign him/her in. - If you pick your child up from school before Child Care starts, please call your YMCA Child Care cell phone and let them know not to expect your child. - Please put the correct time and your full signature (not initials) when checking your child in/out. We use this signature for to keep track of your child’s attendance and to maintain our state license for Child Care. - Our staff will sign your child into our program at the end of the school day. Make sure your child knows to go straight to the YMCA meeting place. Tell your Kindergartener that we will be picking him/her up in the classroom. - If your child doesn’t show up within a reasonable amount of time, and we have not been called about an absence, we will report the child as missing to law enforcement. - We only release kids to people who are authorized, in writing, to pick them up. Staff will require a photo i.d. from anyone picking a chid up. Whoever is picking up a child must be 18 years or older, be on the authorized pick-up list, and present a valid driver’s license.
If your chid gets sick while in Child Care, we will contact you to pick him/her up. We are not set up to handle sick kids, so please make sure we have current emergency phone numbers to reach you.
We can only administer prescription medication if the parent/guardian has given us written authorization to do so. We store all medication out of reach of kids. We can acomodate refrigerated medication at some of our sites, but not all. Please note: - Bring medication straight to staff. Do not leave it in your child’s backpack. - Complete a Medication Release form & give it to YCMA staff before meds can be given. - All prescription medication must be in original containers with clear, dated, unaltered labels, as prescribed by doctor.
Call the Child Care site cell phone, not the school office, if your child will not be coming to YMCA Child Care that day. The school does not let us know who is absent, so it is your responsibility, for your child’s safety, to keep us informed.
Keep your kids at home if... -They have a fever or had one within the last 24 hours. -They have a cold with heavy nasal drainage. -They have a constant cough. -They have contagious symptoms (an active cold, sore throat, vomiting, sniffles, coughs, fever, rash or head lice). Your kids may come if... - Their cold is done and has only a minor nasal drip left with no mucus. - Chicken Pox can return if all blisters have developed into scabs. - Mumps- swelling is gone, or subsided - Measles - rash only - Strep Throat, Scarlet Fever & Ear Infectionsymptoms and soreness gone. Child has not been on medications for 48 hours. - Lice- child is able to return with school nurse’s note indicating child is nit free.
SAFETY STANDARDS HOLDING STANDARDS IN PLACE SO YOUR CHILD IS ALWAYS SAFE CHILD ABUSE PREVENTION Every YMCA staff member has been through an extensive Child Abuse Prevention training, and we place a high emphasis on prevention, identification and reporting of any abuse. We are legally-mandated reporters of suspected abuse. On occasion, your child will get “normal” cuts, bruises, marks or injuries. We will keep an eye out for suspected abuse, so please make sure to let your Site Supervisor know of any existing injuries so that we do not have unnecessary concern about how your child got these injuries.
service is interrupted due to the emergency, please listen to the radio for direction instead of trying to make it to the YMAC immediately. Rest assured, we will do everything possible to take care of your child during this entire time.
DISCIPLINE Discipline - behavior which allows students and staff to perform effectively in a Child Care setting. Here are our standards for behavior:
BATHROOM USE Children will be accompanied by a staff member at all times. Staff must inspect the restroom and stay inside the doorway to protect from intruders or inappropriate behavior of other children. Children will either go in alone or in groups of three or more, never will two kids alone together in a restroom. No staff members or volunteers are allowed to be alone with any one child at any time.
ACCIDENTS & INJURIES Every YMCA staff member is CPR, First-Aid and AED certified. We do everything in our power to prevent accidents and injuries in our programs. If an injury does occur, first-aid will be administered on site. If the injury is more involved than basic first-aid, we’ll call the parents. If the injury is life-threatening, our staff will do whatever is necessary to get emergency medical treatment, and every effort will be made to contact the parent immediately. Please note that parents are responsible for all medical care charges.
EMERGENCIES & DISASTERS We regularly hold emergency drills so everyone knows what to do if a real life emergency occurs. Our staff are trained to deal with emergency situations. If you are near one of our Child Care sites during a drill, you may be asked to participate. If an emergency occurs, all staff members will remain with the kids until every child is safely united with his/her parent/guardian. If phone
- Respecting the authority of staff. - Behaving in a manner that does not disrupt or interfere with the rights of other students and staff. - Attending the Child Care program on contracted days and on time.
Parent - Accepting and respecting the right of the Joe and Mary Mottino Family YMCA to require discipline standards of behavior for all students.
Staff - Modeling appropriate behavior. - Redirecting negative student behavior. - Offering opportunities for students to succeed at behaving appropriately.
TERMINATION A child can be removed from our program if he/she cannot adjust, since this causes disturbances with other children and our staff members. A child may be terminated from our program if their monthly payment is more than 15 days late, if they have chronic late pick-ups, or for any other reason. We cannot refund that month’s money if your child is terminated.
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REGISTRATION STANDARDS HOLDING STANDARDS IN PLACE SO YOUR CHILD IS ALWAYS SAFE ENROLLMENT & PROGRAM FEES Kids must be fully enrolled before they can start participating in our Child Care program. Enrollment consists of submitting all forms and fees. Make sure everything is filled out completely so there is no delay in your enrollment. Also, please make sure to keep us updated if any of your information changes.
PAYMENT Upon registration, families are required to pay an annual $50.00 non-refundable registration fee as well as a $100 deposit. After July 1st, full payment will be required. All payments must be paid by Automatic Transfer System from a checking account on the 10th of the month or Automatic Transfer System from a credit card on the 15th of the month. Fees will be calculated on a set rate based on the 180-day school year, over a 9-month calendar period (September - May). Day Camp is available for most holidays and teacher in-service days and these fees are not included in the monthly child care fees. You must register and pay for day camp separately. We don’t accept partial payments. If your draft is returned to us for any reason, there will be a $15 service fee added to the charge, and you will be responsible to pay the amount due within the following 72 hours. We do not provide credits or refunds for days that your child is absent from the program.
OCEANSIDE: Before Care: $241 After Care: $321 Before & After Care: $456
VISTA: Before Care: $160 After Care: $374 Before & After Care: $435
AM Kinder Before Care $241 After Care $504 Before & After $628
AM Kinder Before Care $160 After Care $540 Before & After $600
PM Kinder Before Care $505 After Care $321 Before & After $644
PM Kinder Before Care $382 After Care $374 Before & After $620
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Child Care is a member program. So, your child will need to be a member in order to receive care. You can purchase a Youth Membership for just your child, or you can include him/her in your Family or One Parent Family Membership. Just make sure to have an active membership when you register for Child Care, and make sure to keep it active all school year. If your membership expires, you will have 10 days to renew it before your child will be asked to stop coming to our Child Care program.
Every year, our YMCA staff and volunteers work hard to raise funds for our Financial Assistance program. So, if you are in danger of not being able to participate because of financial reasons, please apply! Applications for Financial Assistance are available on the membership page of our website. Please bring your completed application to the Service Center along with appropriate documentation of income, and we will process it within two to three weeks of when it is received. If you need assistance for the coming school year, please make sure to apply two to three weeks before you register your child for YMCA Child Care.
DROPS OR CHANGES IN ENROLLMENT If you need to make changes to the number of hours your child attends Child Care, or if you need to drop out of the Child Care program, we will need a written two-week notice by the 15th of the month prior to the month the change is going to occur. Without a two-week written notice, you will be billed for the regular monthly fees and will need to submit for a refund or credit, which may take up to three weeks to process, if approved.
RECEIPTS & TAX STATEMENTS It’s pretty common for parents to need receipts or proof of payment, and we are more than happy to provide these for you! Please give us two weeks to process your request. Also, at the end of each year, we will send you an email with proof of all fees paid. You should receive this email by the end of January. Help us, and make sure we have your current email address on file!
THIRD PARTY ASSISTANCE We are contrated to receive payment from these Third-Party Agencies: - Child Development Associates (CDA) - YMCA Child Care Resource Service (CRS) - County of San Diego and Military Subsidy Program through NACRRA In order to receive Third-Party Assistance, you will need to provide a current Notice of Action and/ or Child Care Certificate listing the Joe and Mary Mottino Family YMCA as your authorized childcare provider. Also, you will need to meet with the Child Care Payment Tech before your child starts care to review and sign our Third Party Policy Letter. For questions, please contact our Child Care Payment Tech at 760.758.0808 x.145.
Year On Site Start Date ID # Type of Care Payment Method FA % & Expiration YMCA Rep. Initials/Date
PERSONAL INFORMATION School: Grade: Name: Age: Birthdate: Gender: Address: City/St./Zip: Parent 1: Home/Cell: Cell/Work: Email: Parent 2: Home/Cell: Cell/Work: Email:
HEALTH INFORMATION Is your child currently taking any medication? Y N Medication(s)/Dosage(s): (Medications administered during program require a complete MEDICAL RELEASE FORM and must be delivered to site staff in the original container with a doctor’s prescription for your child.) Are your child’s immunizations current?
Let us know of any ALLERGIES, serious injuries, chronic illnesses, medical conditions, operations, restrictions on physical activity, accommodations, and/or special needs: Name of Health Insurance Company/Policy Number: Family Doctor Name/Phone Number: Dentist Orthodontist Name/Phone Number:
CHILD RELEASE AUTHORIZATION/EMERGENCY CONTACT Persons other than the above Legal Custodial Parent(s)/Guardian(s) authorized to sign child out of YMCA program: NAME RELATIONSHIP PHONE(S) 1. 2. 3. 4.
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I, the undersigned parent/person having legal custody/guardianship of the above said minor, give permission for the minor to participate in all YMCA programs. The minor is physically able and mentally prepared to participate in all activities as described in the announcement for the program. In consideration of said minor being permitted to enter any branch of the YMCA of San Diego County (“YMCA”) for observation, use of facilities and/or equipment, or participation of the above in any program, I, on behalf of myself (as parent, guardian, coach, aide, spectator or participant) hereby:
1. Acknowledge that (i) I have read this document, (ii) I have inspected the YMCA facilities and equipment, (iii) I accept them as being safe and reasonably suited for the purposes intended and (iv) I voluntarily sign this document. 2. Release YMCA, its directors, officers, employees and volunteers (collectively “Releasees”) from all liability to me for any loss or damage to property or injury or death to person, whether caused by releasees or otherwise and while such minor is in or near any YMCA branch. 3. I agree not to sue Releasees for any loss, damage, injury or death described above and I will indemnify and hold harmless Releasees and each of them from any loss, liability, damage or cost they may incur due to said minor’s presence in, upon or near the YMCA’s branch; whether caused by the negligence of Releasees or otherwise. 4. I assume full responsibility for, and risk of, bodily injury, death or property damage due to the negligence of Releasees or otherswise. 5. I do hereby authorize the YMCA as agent for the undersigned, to consent with respect to said minor, to any x-ray examination, anesthetic, medical, dental, or surgical diagnosis or treatment, and hospital care which is deemed advisable by, and is to be rendered under general or special supervision of, any physician and surgeon licensed under the provisions of the California Medical Practice Act on the medical staff of any hospital, whether such diagnosis or treatment is rendered at the office of the physician or at the hospital. I understand that the YMCA is not responsible for costs incurred for medical care.
I intend this document to be as broad and inclusive as is permitted by the laws of the State of California; if any portion hereof is held invalid, I agree the balance shall continue in full force. I give my permission to the YMCA of San Diego County (YMCA) to use my picture or other likeness, or a picture or other likeness of any of my child in the YMCA’s general publicity and campaign materials. If no, please check:
Contracted Parent Signature Date Printed Parent Name YMCA Rep. Initials/Date
I understand that ONLY the legal custodial parent(s)/guardian(s) and “Child Release/Emergency Contacts” listed on the
registration form will be able to sign my child out of the program AND I understand they will be able to do so
at any time.
I understand that ONLY I can make changes to my child’s child care schedule and/or payment plan. I would like to give
permission to the following legal custodial parent(s)/guardian(s) to do the same: (1)
(2) (Please note however, that the above person(s) will not be able to make any
that affect payment if you use our bank draft option and the above person(s) name(s) is(are) not on
the account)
I understand that ONLY I can make changes to my child’s child care registration form. I would like to give permission
to the following legal custodial parent(s)/guardian(s) to do the same: (1)
I agree that I or the other legal custodial parent(s)/guardian(s) or “Child Release/Emergency Contacts” listed on the
child care registration form will notify the on site child care staff whenever my child is absent from the program.
I agree to sign my child into the program when I drop him or her off and out of the program when I pick him or her up.
I understand that all persons authorized by me to do the same MUST be at least 18.
I agree to always bring my I.D. upon signing out and taking my child from the program (and to notify all adults
authorized by me who sign out and take my child from the program to bring their I.D.)
I understand that the YMCA is not responsible for my child until YMCA staff sign him or her into the program.
1st-5th graders must walk from their class to the YMCA program on their own after school (Except for the Empresa
program. These students meet staff on campus at the blue tables outside of the cafeteria and walk with staff to the
YMCA trailer.)
I agree to notify on site program staff and/or the Site Supervisor or Child Care Director immediately should I have
any questions or concerns regarding the program.
I have received the Parent Handbook and I agree to comply with all written policies concerning admission,
financial obligations, and program operations.
I understand that YMCA Child Care rates did not increase; they have simply been restructured in order to make it
easier for parents to plan - each month will be the same rate. I understand that fees will now be calculated on a set
rate based on the 180-day school year, over a 9-month calendar period (September - May).
I understand that if I have qualified for YMCA branch financial assistance I must reapply three weeks before my
financial assistance expires; my monthly child care fees will automatically default to regular non-assistance full
monthly child care fees after my expiration date if I do not reapply in a timely fashion or if I no longer qualify.
I Understand that the Child Care program DOES NOT operate on holidays and teacher in-service days.
I understand that Day Camp is available for most holidays and teacher in-service days and that these fees are NOT
included in the monthly Child Care fees. I understand that I must register and pay for Day Camp separately.
I have read, understand and agree with the following documents that were reviewed with me at the time of my child’s
admission: Program Registration and Child Care Admission Agreement Form, Personal Rights Form, Parent’s Rights Form, Branch Waiver and Payment Contract.
see reverse for additional standards 760.758.0808 2012-2013 CHILD CARE 13
I understand that the YMCA does not send out a monthly bill.
I understand that the YMCA does not automatically send out receipts for payments. If a receipt is required
monthly, I understand that I must request this and allow 2 weeks after the payment has been made for
I understand that the YMCA has an automatic draft policy and that it is mandatory that my monthly child
care fees are drafted from either a bank account or a credit/debit card.
I understand that if my payment is returned to the YMCA unpaid for any reason, a $15 service fee will be
I understand that the YMCA does not except partial payments.
I understand that no refunds or credits are given for days missed for any reason including suspension or
termination due to behavioral issues (unless a child is out 5 or more days with a dr. excuse and with
director approval).
I understand that if I need to make changes to the number of hours my child attends Child Care, or if I need
to drop out of the Child Care program, I will need to submit a written two-week notice by the 15th of the
month prior to the month the change is going to occur. Without a two-week written notice, I understand that
I will be billed for the regular monthly fees and will need to submit for a refund or credit, which may take up
to three weeks to process, if approved.
I understand that I am responsible to pay a $100 non-refundable holding deposit at the time of enrollment
and that this fee will be credited towards my first month child care bill. I understand that after July 1st, full
payment will be required.
I understand that I am responsible for paying a $50 non-refundable registration fee at the time of
I understand that I am responsible for tracking my own expiration date for my child’s youth membership
and financial assistance (if applicable).
I understand that a year end summary of all fees paid will be emailed to the email address on file
(contracted parent only) by the end of January 2013.
I understand that my child care fees will only cover when school is in session.
I understand that camp may be available when school is not in session and I have to register and pay for
camp separate and apart from my monthly child care fees.
I understand that I must call the YMCA site cell phone to notify staff that my child(ren) will be absent from
program. If we have not confirmed an absence within a reasonable amount of time we will file a missing child
report with the local law enforcement agency.
I give the YMCA permission to speak with my child(ren)s teachers and school staff regarding homework, or
other relevant information in order to work as a team with the school to provide the best care possible.
Child’s Name Contracted Parent Signature Date Printed Parent Name YMCA Rep. Initials/Date
YMCA CHILD CARE PAYMENT CONTRACT Name of Child Contracted Parent/Guardian Child Care Site: IVY MCA REY EMP
Grade: 1
K (AM or PM)
Care: AM only
PM Only
Membership: Child Care is a member program. You MUST purchase a youth membership (or your child must be part of a family membership) before your child can attend the child care program. Membership fees MUST be kept current. You are responsible for keeping your membership current and tracking your expiration date. If you have not renewed your membership 10 days after expiration, child care services will be suspended and you will have 72 hours to bring it current or child care will be terminated. Monthly Fees/Refunds/Days of Operation: Monthly fees are distributed over a nine-month calendar (September -May). We do not send out a monthly bill. Monthly fees MUST be paid via a bank draft on the 10th of the month or via a credit card draft on the 15th of the month. A bank draft/credit card draft form must be filled out and submitted at the time of registration. If your bank account or credit card information changes or expires you must notify the billing dept of the change and provide the updated information two weeks prior to the first of the month change is to take place. Fees must be paid in full each month as we do not accept partial payments. No refunds or credits will be given for days missed for any reason (unless child is out ill for 5 or more days with a doctor’s excuse). The Child Care Program operates on the 180 days schools are in session. The Child Care Program and schools are closed the following Observed Holidays: Labor Day, Veteran’s Day, Lincoln’s Birthday, Presidents’ Day, Martin Luther King Jr. Day, and Memorial Day. Payment is expected for holiday closure dates. Day Camp is available for some holidays and teacher in service days, but must be registered and paid for separately. Non Sufficient Funds Fees and Policy: “Non Sufficient Funds”/Bad Debt Fees are $15.00 and will be assessed for any returned bank /credit card draft, closed account, or stopped payment for any reason. Once notified of the dishonored draft, payment MUST be received within 72 hours or your child care services will be terminated. In the event that you are terminated for non-payment of your child care fees and want to re-register you will be required to pay any outstanding balances, applicable late fees and the $50 non-refundable registration fee. In addition to the $15 bad debt fee, you will also be charged a $25 late payment fee. If fees are not paid by the termination date, your account will be placed on a financial hold and you will be unable to participate in any future YMCA programs until the balance is paid in full. Required Drop or Change Notification Policy: If you need to make changes to the number of hours your child attends Child Care, or if you need to drop out of the Child Care program, we will need a written two-week notice by the 15th of the month prior to the month the change is going to occur. Without a two-week written notice, you will be billed for the regular monthly fees and will need to submit for a refund or credit, which may take up to three weeks to process, if approved. ANY change to your child’s registration paperwork (authorized pick up people, new phone number, address, change in medication or medical history etc.) or other need to be submitted in writing to your site supervisor and must be submitted directly by the contracted parent only. Receipt and Year End Statement Request Policy: We do not automatically send out receipts for payments. If you need a receipt for your payment please contact the child care billing dept and allow two weeks for processing. A year end statement reflecting all fees paid will be emailed to the contracted parent only the end of January. Please ensure that we have your current email address on file. 3rd Party/Alternative Payment Policy: Co-payment and/or family fees are due on the 1st of each month as we do not offer the bank/credit card draft option to our third party families. It is your responsibility to contact the billing dept prior to the first of the month to find out what your fees are for that month. If fees are received after the 5th of the month, a $25 late fee will be assessed and if they are not received by the 10th of the month your child will be suspended for 72 hours and then terminated the following business day. You must meet with the Child Care Program Coordinator prior to your child beginning care to ensure that you understand all of our policies regarding third party payments. Child Care Branch Financial Assistance: Families receiving Applications for Financial Assistance are available on the membership page of our website. Please bring your completed application to the Service Center along with appropriate documentation of income, and we will process it within two to three weeks of when it is received. If you need assistance for the coming school year, please make sure to apply two to three weeks before you register your child for YMCA Child Care. Child Care fees and programs are subject to change. You will be given at least two weeks notice if your child’s program must be cancelled due to low enrollment etc. I UNDERSTAND AND HAVE READ ALL OF THE ABOVE CHILD CARE POLICIES AND AGREE TO ABIDE BY THEM IN FULL.
Contracted Parent Signature Date Printed Parent Name YMCA Rep. Initials/Date 760.758.0808 2012-2013 CHILD CARE 15
Contracted Parent: Cell Phone: (
Home Phone: ( )
I understand that monthly drafts take place as follows: Bank draft 10th & Credit Card draft 15th
I understand that if I want to change my payment method, I must notify the child care billing department in
writing no later than the 15th of the month prior to the change that will take place.
I understand that if I do not give required notice to stop/change the draft, the billing department will
continue to draft my account for the next month’s fees and no refunds will be issued.
I understand that I will be drafted regardless of absences, and that the YMCA does not prorate.
Routing Number:
Account Number:
Address: Type of Card (circle): Credit Card Number:
American Express
Master Card
Exp. Date:
Three Digit Security Code on Back of Card:
Staff Verified Initials/Date:
SIGNATURE I understand and have read all draft policies. I commit, by signature, to allow the YMCA to draft, where applicable, my bank account or credit card for payment of the YMCA Before & After School Child Care Program. I understand that in the event I need to change my back account or credit card info, I must notify the child care billing department in writing no later than the 15th of the month prior to the month the change will take place. I understand that it is my responsibility to make all necessary changes to my account by contacting the child care billing department. I understand that no refunds are given. I understand that it is my responsibility to check my monthly bank statement/credit card statement and report any billing errors immediately to the YMCA. I understand that if I cancel my draft through my banking institution, and/or credit card company and do notify the YMCA, child care services will be terminated immediately.
Contracted Parent Signature Date Printed Parent Name YMCA Rep. Initials/Date 16 2012-2013 CHILD CARE WWW.MOTTINO.YMCA.ORG
Mission Statement The Joe and Mary Mottino Family YMCA is dedicated to improving the quality of human life and to helping all people realize to their fullest potential as children of God through development of the Spirit, Mind, and Body.
Receipt of Parent Handbook I, , acknowledge that I have received the parent handbook for the 2012-2013 school year and that I will notify staff if I have any questions regarding the content. Signature Date ****Please cut off and turn in to Character Builders Staff.***
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