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Course and Credit Requirements for Graduation

Course Number: 3101 Grades: 9, 10, 11 Credit: .5

Students will generate ideas using the elements and principles of design to create visual compositions. Students will gain skills in drawing, color-theory, and sculpting with emphasis in creating original works of art. Introduction to High School Art is a prerequisite to taking all other art classes with the exception of Digital Photography I. (Grade 12 students take Senior Art to satisfy this prerequisite.)

Senior Art

Course Number: 3135 Grade: 12 Credit: .5

This course has been specifically designed for seniors. Content is differentiated based on previous experience. Students are provided with opportunities to work in two and three dimensional design, with emphasis placed on creating original works of art, development of skills and exploring ideas and interests. Work will be produced in drawing, painting and ceramics.

Digital Photography 1

Course Number: 3124 Grades: 9, 10, 11, 12 Credit: .5 Note: Students in grades 10, 11 and 12 who earn a B or better in class may receive two Articulated College Credits (ACC) through Saint Paul College.

Photography captures moments in time through light and allows us to view the world through different lenses, either as the viewer or the photographer. This project-based course is designed to give students experiences with the creative and technical aspects of photography.

Two Dimensional Art

Course Number: 3103 Grades: 9, 10, 11, 12 Credit: .5 Prerequisite: Introduction to High School Art (3101)

In this course students will create works in the two dimensional format, such as drawing, painting, and printmaking. The course will focus on skill development, generating original ideas, and developing personal styles within an art form. Historic perspectives and contributions of famous artists enhance the art making process. Students are required to work independently on an illustrated sketchbook. Course Number: 3105 Grades: 9, 10, 11, 12 Credit: .5 Prerequisite: Introduction to High School Art (3101)

Explore and understand form and space through various sculptural techniques. Clay work may include: learning the basics of wheel-throwing and hand-built sculptures in the creation of original works of art. Students create works of art in various mediums. Emphasis is placed on incorporating the elements and principles within the design process.

Digital Photography 2

Course Number: 3125 Grades: 9, 10, 11, 12 Credit: .5 Prerequisite: Digital Photography 1 (3124)

Digital Photography 2 is designed for students who are interested in building upon the previous course through an additional exploration into the techniques, processes, and media of Digital Photography. By exploring photographic and digital media with the camera and computer, students will be able to develop a body of work that reflects diversity in problem solving. Projects are open-ended enough for students to develop their own styles and modes of expression.

Advanced Two Dimensional Art

Course Number: 3104 Grades: 10, 11, 12 Credit: .5 Prerequisite: Two Dimensional Art (3103)

Students will continue to develop skills using all of the mediums introduced in Two Dimensional Art. Emphasis will be on finding a personal style and producing portfolio quality work.

Advanced Problem Solving in Two Dimensional Art

Course Number: 3118 Grades: 11, 12 Credit: .5 Prerequisite: Advanced Two Dimensional Art (3104)

This course is designed for the student who wants to pursue more lessons in the 2 dimensional format (i.e. painting, drawing, printmaking) but has already taken both regular and advanced 2D art. Students would have a fair amount of freedom in terms of the types of projects they would work on.

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