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Mount Celebrates 208th Commencement
Speakers Call for Persistence through Adversity
On May 15, the Mount hosted the 208th commencement exercises for the class of 2016 at Knott Arena. The graduating class included 435 undergraduate and graduate students.
In his opening address, Lawrence J. Hogan Jr., governor of Maryland, reflected on his first months in office, characterized by social unrest in Baltimore and his own battle with stage three non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. Hogan reminded students to expect the unexpected and rely on family and faith to see them through challenges.
In her keynote address, Carolyn N. Everson, vice president of global marketing systems at Facebook, also emphasized the theme of perseverance through adversity.
“We need to choose courage over fear and have hope. We need to have courage to see the path forward, to connect more and not less,” Everson said. In recounting her early professional struggles—including being fired from her own internet startup company— Everson reminded students not to be discouraged by what may appear to be failures and to use these opportunities to cultivate resilience.
She closed her speech with a rousing call to action. “Be the person the world needs. Be the change. Be the best you, you possibly can be.”
See where the Class of 2016 is now! To Learn more, visit www.msmary.edu/classof2016.
THE FUTURE IS BRIGHT / (L–R) Students applaud Everson on her commencement address / Everson snaps a selfie for Facebook / MBA students celebrate the end of a journey / Families join graduates after the ceremony / Hogan shares his struggles with cancer and the historic Baltimore riots.