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Editors’ Note

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Conor Hardy

Conor Hardy

“Tolle, lege” —these words inspired St. Augustine to embark on a journey of faith in pursuit of truth. In 2007, these two words became the cornerstone of our journal. For fifteen years we have sought to inspire students through masterly essays in theology and philosophy written by their Mount peers. With this new issue we continue to offer you, our readers, an opportunity to take up your journey toward truth. This year, our editorial board selected eight fantastic essays on a variety of topics. The prize essay, A Critical Analysis of Antiracism, written by Olivia Prevost, C’22, offers a detailed account of contemporary antiracism literature through the lens of Catholic philosophical anthropology. As in previous years, the editorial board selected essays as the result of a blind review. The essays that appear in the pages that follow stood out to our editors for their contemporary relevance and clarity of argument.

We would like to thank our editorial board for their genuine consideration of each of the submissions, and for their dedication in selecting the essays included in this volume. We will never cease to be amazed by the zealous pursuit of truth exhibited by our peers. May we follow St. Anselm, not understanding in order that we might believe, but believing in order that we might understand.

Publication of this volume would not have been possible without the support of many members of the Mount St. Mary’s community. We would like to thank the provost, Dr. Boyd Creasman, and the dean of the College of Liberal Arts, Dr. Peter Dorsey, for their generous financial support. Furthermore, we owe special thanks to our faculty advisors, Drs. Joshua Brown and Thane Naberhaus, for their encouragement and guidance. Finally, we want to thank all those students whose submissions made this volume possible.

So tolle, lege—take up and read! We hope that through this journal, you will be inspired to participate in a community conversation directed toward the discovery of truth and its revelation to others.

Harry Scherer and Lexi Zambito Editors-in-Chief

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