February is Spay/Neuter Awareness Month

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6B — Saturday, February 15, 2020

NOW OFFERING PET GROOMING In addition to our exceptional medical care for all your pet’s needs, we now offer dog and cat grooming within our facilities. Shave downs De-shedding Baths Touch ups and more! Breed specific haircuts Call for an appointment today! Lion cuts

1577 Old Weston Road Buckhannon, WV 304-472-6575


At what age should I spay or neuter my pet? According to the Humane Society, pets should ideally be fixed by the age of 4 months to prevent accidental litters. Cats can go into heat and become pregnant by 4 months and dogs by 5 months. Whentospay.org reports that female dogs and cats who have gone through their first heat are 16 times more likely to develop the animal form of breast cancer than animals spayed before their first heat. Surgeries are also faster and easier to perform on puppies and kittens, which means less time under anesthesia and quicker recovery.

Did you know? Why spay or neuter?

Dogs can have 2 litters in a year, with an average of 6 to 10 puppies in a litter.

10 million homeless animals enter overcrowded shelters every year.

Cats can have 3 litters in a year, with an average of 4 to 6 kittens in a litter.

90% of these animals are not spayed or neutered. 4 to 6 million are euthanized.

Source: The National Council on Pet Population, Study and Policy (NCPPSP)

Source: American Pet Products Association

Spaying and neutering helps prevent pet overpopulation and euthanasia in our shelters. It also helps eliminate behaviors like spraying, roaming, yowling and fighting!


The Record Delta Presents…

Cutest Pet Contest

people state for surrendering an animal to a shelter • Moving • Landlord does not allow pets • Too many animals in the household • Cost of pet maintenance • Owner having personal problems/illness/death • Inadequate facilities • No homes available for litter mates • Having no time for pet • Pet illness(es) • Biting For cats, the same reasons were stated, with the addition of: • Cat allergies in the family • House soiling • Incompatibility with other pets


To enter, mail below, e-mail (kkeller@therecorddelta.com), or upload your photo on the link on our facebook or website (therecorddelta.com) by 12 pm Feb 29, 2020. A photo album of the photographs will appear on website & facebook links every day, and in The Record Delta newspaper every Saturday edition. Don’t forget to visit the website or facebook link and vote for your favorite by 12 pm Feb 29, 2020!

To enter your pet by mail: Cutest Pet Contest The Record Delta P.O. Box 550 Buckhannon, WV 26201

Findings based on research from the NCPPSP from 12 selected animal shelters in the U.S. and published by the AAHA (American Animal Hospital Association).


Lost & Found

Address: Many shelter animals are picked up and brought in by animal control or strangers. A found pet may have escaped a yard or home without identification and should be brought to a shelter, so owners have a chance to locate and reunite with their pet. Microchipping and keeping a visible ID tag on pets will help ensure their safe return should they ever become lost.

Phone Number: Email:

Now accepting new patients! Therapeutic Laser Call today to make an appointment! Digital X-ray Dental Cleanings (304) 472-0323 Ultrasound • Exotics In-house Lab Diagnostics Buckhannon Buckhannon Animal Clinic 57 Vicksburg Road, Buckhannon www.buckhannonanimalclinic.com

Hours: MON, WED, FRI 8-5 | TUES & THUR 8-6

Animal Clinic

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