2019 Year in Review

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Saturday, February 1, 2020


January 7

Non-discrimination ordinance fails

BUCKHANNON — The Buckhannon City Council voted down a much-debated non-discrimination ordinance at the last meeting on Jan. 3. The vote was a narrow 4 to 3 after hours of discussion, but in the end ordinance number 434 was defeated on the first reading. The ordinance was described as “promoting a city-wide policy of all inclusiveness.” This proposed ordinance was meant to protect people from being discriminated against based on their sexual orientation. The ordinance said Buckhannon has always championed all inclusiveness, regardless of a person’s race, color, ethnicity, religion, national origin, gender, age, disability, marital status, familial status, sexual orientation or veteran status. Council members Pam Cuppari, Colin Reger, Robbie Skinner and David Thomas voted against the ordinance and Mayor David McCauley, and council members CJ Rylands and Mary Albaugh voted in favor of the ordinance.

ment that adorned the shirts of many Upshur County teachers, administration and service personnel on Tuesday in response to the statewide work stoppage and school closures opposing Senate Bill 451, dubbed the omnibus education bill. Teachers believe the bill is retaliatory action for last year’s strike, and they feel if charter schools are approved in the fashion presented in the bill, it will take funds away from already hurting public schools. Additionally, teachers are concerned about the provision regarding home schooling which isn’t clearly defined, nor regulated enough to be certain those students will receive a quality education. Upshur County Superintendent of Schools, Dr. Sara Stankus stated, “Our teachers want to be in the classroom and I know our families want their children back in the classroom, as do I.” Dr. Stankus added, “We are trying to be patient as we wait for the folks in Charleston to make decisions and we hope that those decisions reflect a value for what we are doing in public education because we cannot forget that we have to put children first and they have to be our top priority.”

School levy passes

BUCKHANNON — Upshur County schools will continue to count on the school levy after voters approved it, once again, on Saturday by a vote of 1,717 for and 854 against. One ballot was blank. “We as a school system are excited and thankful,” Superintendent of Upshur Schools Dr. Sara Stankus said. “The passage of the levy exemplifies the trust that people have in the schools of Upshur County.” Dr. Stankus pointed out the importance of the levy to the children of Upshur County. “Our children are the future,” she said. “Who could be more precious and important. We take this investment seriously and are going to work hard to continue to earn our community’s trust in our educational system.”

February 27

New Pre-K classes coming this fall

BUCKHANNON — Upshur County will see the addition of five new Pre-K classrooms in the 2019-20 school year. Each class will accommodate 20 students under the instruction of a West Virginia Department of Education certified teacher. Most of these Pre-K teachers will have early childhood specializations and each class will also have an aide with WVDE Early Childhood Classroom Assistant Teacher certification. Superintendent Dr. Sara Stankus explained that the Upshur County Board of Education currently has a great partnership with local daycare centers for blended classrooms. However, those programs are not required to employ certified teachers and are not always conveniently located for many people living on the outskirts of the county. Dr. Stankus stated, “What we’re really focused on is bringing these young children to their home schools and keeping them in their community.”

February 11

BCT pledges $25,000 to Colonial Theatre renovation

BUCKHANNON — Imagine going to dinner downtown, followed by a show at the Colonial Theatre (perhaps with an ice cream scoop at intermission) and a chat with friends over your favorite beverage or sweet treat afterward. The Buckhannon Community Theatre (BCT) and the City of Buckhannon share a vision for a community arts center on Main Street, housed at the historic Colonial Theatre, surrounded by our many shops and restaurants downtown. Thursday, during the Buckhannon City Council meeting, BCT pledged $25,000 to the Colonial’s renovation in honor and memory of Jim Knorr, BCT founder, theatre and music arts educator, and former mayor. The restored theatre will provide a space for theatrical performances, music, dancing, and an art gallery, while providing our B-U children with arts’ options galore. February 20

Teachers skeptical of legislative intent

BUCKHANNON — “Our Students First” was the state-

ROCK CAVE — The Southern Upshur Business Association (SUBA) named its Business and Citizen of the Year at the recent annual dinner held at the Rock Cave Civic Center. Clyde Campbell was awarded the Citizen of the Year honors for his commitment to southern Upshur County and the community. He was presented this award by Kevin Campbell, who noted Clyde’s eagerness to step up when the community and members are in need. Owners of the Gaines Diner, Janice Chidester and her mother, Francis Chidester, were honored as the SUBA Business of the Year for their commitment to the community. Glen Hawkins noted when presenting the award, that Janice and Francis bring many years of restaurant experience to the community. It’s more than their great food and friendly service that makes them so special to the community.

B-UMS has nothin’ but love for Ollie

Upshur Schools celebrate Art Teachers of the Year

January 21

SUBA names Citizen and Business of the Year

March 22

January 11

BUCKHANNON — Upshur County Schools can boast not just one, but two West Virginia Art Education Association Art Teachers of the Year. Heidi Thompson, art teacher at Buckhannon-Upshur High School, and Virginia Hicks, art teacher at Buckhannon-Upshur Middle School, were honored Tuesday night by parents, administrators and board members for their accomplishments. Thompson is being honored by the WVAEA as the Secondary Art Educator of the Year and Hicks as the Middle Level Art Educator of the Year.

March 8

BUCKHANNON — There’s a special new Buccaneer at Buckhannon-Upshur Middle School this year and his name is Ollie! The oneyear old Sheepadoodle has found his fur-ever home with the students and staff of B-UMS. Ollie is an Old English Sheepdog and Standard Poodle mix. His owner/dog mom, Deborah Shapiro purchased him from a breeder in Ohio when he was just nine weeks old last year on St. Patrick’s Day. She quickly realized that Ollie was very special and decided that he was destined to become a therapy dog. Shapiro is the Alternative Learning teacher at B-UMS, as well as the Athletic Director. She envisioned Ollie’s natural ability to help others being put to use at school, so she began to pursue getting him certified by the Alliance of Therapy Dogs (ALD). There’s no doubt that Ollie has fit right in at B-UMS and definitely found his purpose. Counselor Tanya Zickafoose adoringly stated, “He’s part of my heart. All the kids say Ollie is the most important part of our school.” March 29

B-UHS, GSC announce early degree programs

March 4

Fasnacht celebrated in Helvetia

HELVETIA — Folks gathered in Helvetia this past weekend to celebrate the pre-Lenten festival of Fasnacht, a Swiss celebration of making homemade masks, parading through the streets of Helvetia by candlelit lampions, dancing at the masquerade and burning an effigy of Old Man Winter. The Swiss of Helvetia celebrate the end of winter and start of Lent in this traditional festival. The Helvetia Fasnacht Mask Museum preserves the history and artifacts of Fasnacht, an end-of-winter celebration similar to Mardi Gras. At Fasnacht, participants wear hand-made masks to scare away Old Man Winter, who is burned on a bonfire at midnight after a candlelit parade and square dance.

BUCKHANNON — A new partnership forged with Glenville State College promises to provide Buckhannon-Upshur High School students with a head-start over their peers. A Memorandum of Understanding between Upshur County Schools and GSC was officially announced and signed on Thursday at B-UHS. The document, entitled “Home Grown Teachers”, outlines a solution regarding the concerns surrounding the teacher shortage in West Virginia. The Memorandum of Understanding states: “To promote teacher education enrollment, retention, and career opportunity in critical teacher shortage areas in the state of West Virginia, strengthen connections and linkages, and to broaden P-16 student experience and horizons, Glenville State College and the Upshur County School district proposes to foster positive and supportive collaboration.” The second component of the partnership involves an opportunity for B-UHS students to earn dual credit while in high school toward an Associate Degree from GSC, conferred upon graduation. This is also the most affordable option to earn college credits that has ever been offered. Students who qualify for the Pell Grant can get the courses for free. In a nutshell, eligible B-UHS students interested in pursuing a college degree can enroll in the Dual Enrollment Program and earn credits for college at the same time they are earn-


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ing high school credits during their junior and senior years. Upon graduation from B-UHS, they will have also earned an Associate Degree from GSC. April 3

JesterLine hosts Grand Opening

BUCKHANNON — JesterLine was bustling with a packed house on Monday to celebrate their Grand Opening with a ribbon cutting ceremony at their Main Street location in Buckhannon. Refreshments were served and they offered a two-hour open house with free gaming for anyone who wanted to try out their services and virtual reality stations. Rhett Dusenbury appeared and read a letter to the crowd on behalf of Congressman Alex Mooney, congratulating the Ramsey’s on the Grand Opening of JesterLine. He said, “I regret that I am unable to attend your ribbon cutting ceremony, but after my personal tour of your facility, I know that it is going to be a huge success and benefit to the community. Opening any small business requires a lot of hard work and dedication. I understand that opening this business required extra perseverance to create the specialized virtual reality gaming environment. I applaud you for your persistence in success.” Representatives from the Small Business Development Center (SBDC) also attended the Grand Opening and proudly recognized JesterLine as their Small Business of the Month. Lacy Ramsey graciously said, “It’s been a fantastic resource working with SBDC to help us get what we had on paper to come to life. We appreciate everything you’ve done for us and we never would’ve made it this far if you wouldn’t have been that extra little push for us and we appreciate it.” Opening JesterLine has been a whirlwind for the Ramsey’s and they are very pleased with the community engagement they have already experienced.

topic and are happily educating others on the countless uses of hemp and how its cultivation and processing will benefit consumers, as well as West Virginia’s economy. Jason and Jamie Queen are two of those local people who are eager to pave the way for Upshur County to gain its share of this rapidly growing market. The Queens are very excited to announce that they will be opening their cutting-edge business venture, New Harvest Botanicals, LLC (NHB) later this summer. NHB will be one of the very few industrial hemp processing facilities in the entire state and thanks to them, it’s coming to Upshur County. In addition to their processing facility, they are also launching New Harvest Farms for their own hemp production this year. Their entrepreneurial mindset and business expertise will definitely be an asset to other local farmers. April 22

Evening of the Arts at B-UHS

BUCKHANNON — Buckhannon-Upshur High School recently hosted an “Evening of the Arts” under the direction of Heidi Thompson, who was dubbed 2018 Secondary Art Educator of the Year by the West Virginia Art Education Association. Thompson’s school club, the National Art Honor Society, helped to organize the annual event. While admiring the great turnout and opportunity to share her students’ impressive work, Thompson said, “I’m very pleased. We work really hard in the classroom and fortunately we produce a product that people can see, but if it doesn’t go outside the classroom, then nobody else can enjoy it. I try to hang stuff around the school and downtown and I like to brag on them because they do work really hard.” Sometimes the arts don’t really get noticed or rewarded the same as athletics, but Thompson stated, “They are just as talented.” May 1

WVWC provides BFD Gitzen Teacher of the Year with training opportunity April 12

BUCKHANNON — “Mike Gitzen is Upshur County Teacher of the Year,” Principal Eddie Vincent proclaimed during a surprise visit to his physical education class on Wednesday morning. Gitzen’s class paused their wiffle ball game in the gym for the spontaneous announcement and erupted in applause when they heard he’d won. Gitzen had this to say in his essay: “Through my teaching philosophy my goal for each of my students is for them to acquire the knowledge necessary to be able to live and maintain an overall healthy lifestyle as teenagers and as adults in the future.” His essay also provided several examples of his efforts to change the culture of his school by teaching students responsibility, persistence, service and communication.

BUCKHANNON — The Buckhannon Fire Department got an excellent real-world training opportunity this week thanks to West Virginia Wesleyan College. WVWC allowed the BFD to conduct practice exercises in some of their properties that are scheduled for demolition on Randolph Street. Since the houses are scheduled to be completely dismantled and removed, the department was able to actually practice some destructive scenarios that are occasionally required, such as when a victim cannot be removed through a window and they have to cut out a larger opening to drag the person out. Hands-on trainings where firefighters get to literally act out potential situations are invaluable teaching tools. Kimble said, “It’s a great benefit that they [WVWC] are allowing us to practice these rescue techniques here, because we’ve never been able to do this kind of training before.”

Saturday, February 1, 2020

May 15

Horse and Carriage Parade has record attendance

BUCKHANNON — Despite some rainy conditions early on Saturday, the weather cleared up and cooperated for the 2.5-mile-long WV Strawberry Festival Horse and Carriage Parade. The highly anticipated annual event, which marks the festival’s beginning, garnered impressive attendance this year, according to pleased festival coordinators. The parade also had record participation with 85 spectacular entries making their way down Strawberry Lane. A collection of thrilling equestrian performances that took place across from the Bicentennial Inn before the parade were another welcome addition to this year’s festival. Renee Hoffman of Hodgesville served as the announcer, then later rode in the parade representing Freedom Hill Farm. Special thanks were extended to Mike Miller, DDS for sponsoring the event and making it all possible.

May 27

B-UHS Class of 2019 graduates

BUCKHANNON — The 132nd Annual Buckhannon-Upshur High School commencement ceremony was held at Rockefeller gymnasium on Friday, May 24. More than 240 students filed into the Rockefeller Center as the ceremony processional started with the Buckhannon-Upshur High School Band playing Pomp and Circumstance. The National Anthem was sung by the Buckhannon-Upshur “Sound Waves” choir. The keynote address was given by Chris Wallace, recruiter for the Memphis Grizzlies NBA basketball team. He is graduate from the B-UHS class of 1976. Wallace had some advice for the graduates saying it was their responsibility to serve their community any way they could. “Whether it be in the military, through teaching, mentoring, volunteering or in some other line of work, serve,” said Wallace. B-UHS Concert Choir, under the direction of Mr. Jeremiah Smallridge, performed A Million Dreams with soloists Iris Kolenich, Will Selauder, Gauge Ware and Chelsea Humphrey. He’s Never Failed Me Yet was performed next with a solo by Destiny Babbitt. Presentation of Diplomas was made by Dr. Sara Stankus, Dr. Debra Harrison and the Upshur County Board of Education members. Closing remarks were made by senior class President Carter Glover.

May 13

Trick Riding at WVSF

BUCKHANNON — Eme Martin is an eight-year-old Trick Rider from Ohio. She gave a thrilling performance on her horse Thunder at the WV Strawberry Festival’s equestrian events on Saturday.

April 17

June 21

BUCKHANNON — With hemp farming on the rise, many questions and a lot of confusion surround the subject. As a result, quite a few locals are quickly becoming experts on the

BUCKHANNON — The Upshur community is in uproar in the wake of yet another Route 33 wreck on Wednesday. The two-vehicle accident occurred at the Childers Run intersection

New Harvest Botanicals offers hemp farming solutions

Another wreck stirs community, Mayor takes action

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shortly before 5 p.m. This year alone, two other tragic accidents with fatalities have occurred within that same vicinity of the highway. One of those deadly crashes happened just three days prior, on Sunday. The severity and frequency of wrecks in that area have prompted local officials to take action. At Tuesday’s City Council meeting, Mayor David McCauley informed those in attendance of his latest request with the West Virginia Department of Transportation. McCauley said he contacted the WVDOT with urgency to commence a traffic study along portions of U.S. Route 33 in Upshur County with regards to the numerous accidents occurring on the stretch of the corridor spanning from approximately the Fink Run Road exit and continuing on to the Kesling Mill Road crossing. June 24

FirstEnergy contributes to Colonial Theatre’s renovation

BUCKHANNON — The FirstEnergy Foundation donated a check in the amount of $10,000 for the furtherance of renovations to the Colonial Theatre in downtown Buckhannon. The contribution was presented to Mayor David McCauley, ART26201 and other city representatives in front of the Colonial on Friday afternoon. Tim Pingley of the FirstEnergy Foundation was the presenter. The Colonial Theatre will offer classes, theatrical productions, performing arts and music concerts. The possibilities for the Colonial are endless. After the presentation of the generous donation by FirstEnergy, those present were provided a guided tour of the theatre by the Colonial’s architect Bryson VanNostrand.

new center in that will be taking a new approach has finally opened its doors in Buckhannon. The 180 Center opened their first recovery home, the Lazarus House, on July 1 and the community wants to know how it works, now that it is open. Outreach and Recovery Pastor Doug Spears chose the name for the house. He stated, “When a person is living in addiction, they are dead, but they are given life through Christ, and that is where the name came from.” In the Bible, Lazarus was raised from the dead by the healing touch of Jesus Christ and the Lazarus house promotes the principles of Christ through the faith-based program. July 12

Vietnam Veteran finally receives high school diploma MARTINSBURG — U.S. Army Vietnam Veteran and Purple Heart recipient Floyd Nimrod Covey, age 78, received his high school diploma during a small ceremony at the Martinsburg VA Medical Center (VAMC) on July 8. Covey, wearing a cap and gown, finally received his high school diploma from Superintendent Dr. Sara Stankus and Assistant Superintendent Dr. Deb Harrison, of Upshur County Schools. Covey’s brother, fellow Veterans and employees of the Martinsburg VAMC were in attendance to cheer him on and lend support. Covey was drafted to serve in the Vietnam War before he had a chance to graduate. While at the medical center, he expressed to a staff member that his mother was disappointed that he never finished high school. The staff member took action and with the help of the West Virginia Department of Veterans Assistance they were able to fulfill that wish—for Covey and his mother. “During a time in his life while others were graduating, he was unable to,” said Stankus, “It is our honor to award his well-deserved diploma.”

BUCKHANNON — The West Virginia Farm Bureau just celebrated its 100th anniversary and is proud to be “100 Years Strong.” Upshur County is home to a regional office where they were proud to roll out the red carpet in appreciation of local farmers last Thursday. Approximately 225 people came out to help the Farm Bureau celebrate their impressive milestone on June 20. The extravaganza was open to everyone and lunch was provided by Jaws BBQ. Lewis County Blues (LCHS’s bluegrass band) provided entertainment and The Mountaineer was there to mingle with the crowd while he posed for photos and even participated in the cake walk. Farm Bureau is for everyone, not only farmers. It is important for consumers to be members as well, because everyone eats, so everyone should have a part in improving the quality of life for farmers and all of those who depend on them. The Farm Bureau cares about feeding families, the environment, educating our children and speaking out on issues of concern. It is the organization’s goal to provide leadership, education, information, training and economic services to enhance the quality of life for members. July 3

WVWC demolishes Camden Complex

BUCKHANNON — A West Virginia Wesleyan College campus landmark will soon be nothing more than a memory. The long-standing Camden Complex that has housed countless students over the years is presently being demolished. Originally envisioned to meet the demand for suite-style housing and a growing student body in the early 1980’s, the Camden Complex became a popular choice among students for 37 years with its bigger rooms and quiet study atmosphere. However, WVWC representatives reported that the complex became increasingly expensive to maintain with a significant portion of the general maintenance budget devoted to its upkeep. Thus, a decision was made to demolish the complex and create a green space for the College, directly facing Wesley Chapel. Although current students and alumni will miss the buildings on Camden Avenue when they return to campus, a broad range of living options will still be available that will serve current students. WVWC Chief Financial Officer Scott McKinney stated, “We hope friends of the College will take time to visit the green space that will be developed in the Camden area for the purpose of cherishing memories of the past, while eagerly supporting the Wesleyan experience that continues to positively impact so many lives.”

July 10

Lazarus House opens

BUCKHANNON — Addiction and recovery are two words that as a society, we hear on almost a daily basis. A

MORGANTOWN — The Record Delta’s editorial staff captured second place General Excellence and advertising staff brought home third place General Excellence in the West Virginia Press Association Better Newspaper Contest. The editorial contest awards were announced Saturday at a banquet held at Lakeview Resort in Morgantown. The Record Delta competes in Division IV and all divisions are based on circulation. Thirty-two newspapers submitted nearly 1,451 entries this year. The awards are based on content generated in the 2018 calendar year.

Youth Livestock Show and Sale

TENNERTON — Upshur County youth proudly presented their livestock projects that they have worked tirelessly on throughout the year over the weekend. The 2019 Annual Upshur County Youth Livestock Show and Sale was held in the lower part of the Upshur County Recreation Park August 2 – 4. Youth of all ages participate in the program, which features agricultural exhibits of honey, beef, hogs, lambs, goats, rabbits and poultry that are sold at auction to conclude the projects.

August 14

Mayor of the Year June 26

WV Farm Bureau is “100 Years Strong”

Saturday, February 1, 2020

July 22

Relay for Life

BUCKHANNON — Upshur County joined the fight against cancer by participating in the 22nd Annual Relay for Life event held Saturday in Jawbone Park. This year’s theme was Party Gras and teams decorated their tents with green, purple and gold Mardi Gras themed decorations. A total of 13 Relay for Life teams participated in the event to raise funds for cancer research. Many Buckhannon businesses were corporate sponsors for the event. July 31

Jenkins Automotive gives SYCC $25K

BUCKHANNON — Another member of the Buckhannon community has stepped up to bat for Stockert Youth & Community Center! On July 30, Jenkins Ford and Jenkins Subaru-Hyundai, collectively Jenkins Automotive, donated $25,000 toward the facility’s expansion so that it may better serve area youth through access to healthy recreation, educational and arts opportunities, and nutritional services. Regarding their contribution, Jenkins Automotive president John Jenkins remarked, “The city of Buckhannon has been near and dear to my family and me for decades. Our family and business were built here. I have high hopes for our children in Upshur County–they are our future. The kids in our community are at the heart of our gift to the Stockert Youth & Community Center, which is such a valuable asset for improving children’s lives in our area.”

HUNTINGTON — Our very own Mayor of Buckhannon Dave McCauley was recently recognized as Mayor of the Year at the West Virginia Municipal League Conference held August 8 in Huntington. As a man so well known for giving recognition and making local proclamations, McCauley was very humble to be on the receiving end this time. “It’s really about the town, not any individual,” the Mayor stated. “It’s a good group. We’ve got good employees and great citizens that support our initiatives and engage with us.” When asked what he feels makes Buckhannon stand out as a success, McCauley stated, “I think we have several things going for us. When you have a super college on one end of your town and a really good small-town hospital that happens to be part of the biggest health network in the state on the other, and then you tie together this pretty little downtown in the middle, we’ve got some pretty good ingredients going for us. It’s just a matter of sustaining it.” August 16

Smokey Bear turns 75

BUCKHANNON — Smokey Bear has been helping prevent forest fires for 75 years and the Collins family donated a life-size statue to the West Virginia Division of Forestry to commemorate his birthday on August 9. WV DOF’s Regional Forester Jason Jones said the Collins family are loggers and wanted to bring their kids along for the donation as a field trip to learn about Smokey Bear and how to do the right thing to prevent forest fires. He explained the history by saying, “The Smokey Bear program started in 1944 in New Mexico’s Lincoln National Forest. In that forest, there was a fire and long story short, the firefighters saved a bear. The president heard about the story and decided they could make a campaign out of it to prevent wildfires and help wildlife.” Thomas Collins said it took him 32 hours to create the Smokey Bear statue out of white pine. It stands over six feet tall, complete with a shovel and fawn. He is a logger for his family’s business, SecondHand Traditions, Ltd. from Birch River. Stop by the WV DOF’s regional office located on 5th Street in Buckhannon to see Smokey Bear and learn more about preventing forest fires. The foresters there are all very knowledgeable resources if you need assistance with timber management or anything forestry related.

August 2

Rotary gives back in a big way BUCKHANNON — The Buckhannon Rotary Club is currently going through some major changes. In recent days, it has been reported to the community that the club lost its charter, effective August 1, 2019. The club is now in the process of distributing their assets and paying all outstanding obligations and commitments. On July 31, the Upshur County Fire Board held their meeting at the Buckhannon Fire Department and members of the Board of Directors of the Buckhannon Rotary visited and provided very generous donations to all the volunteer fire departments in the county, as well as the Buckhannon Fire Department, Buckhannon City Police, Upshur County Sheriff’s Department, and Upshur EMS. August 5

TRD captures General Excellence Awards

August 26

Festival Friday finale

BUCKHANNON — With a great crowd, dynamic music, and lots of good eats, the season of Festival Fridays has come to an end for the summer season of 2019. Free Indeed, the opening act for the night, had the lawn packed at 5 p.m. with people swaying and singing with the music. Youngsters frolicked and laughed while enjoying lawn games like tug of war, cornhole and bowling. The pavilion walk was filled with happy festival goers enjoying all of their favorites like Lions Club hotdogs, CREATE Buckhannon’s chicken, Ruby’s Corner dinner eats, and special treats from Sweet-A-Licious and Strawberry Essence. All the crafty vendors were selling their jewels, painted rocks, and other handmade goodies.

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Donnie Tenney from Appalachian Acres Farms had a beautiful array of sunflowers and garden-fresh foods for sale. World’s End had a huge line and sold out of their Tai food with jasmine rice. Emmalea Deal, the main act of the night, sang a mixture of genres along with her drummer. During her intermission, little Abby joined CREATE’s own Sir Clucks-a-lot, aka Scott Preston, to draw and announce the 50/50 winner, Christine Miller. It was a good evening to be outside with a fall chill in the air and great fellowship among the community.

As the Children’s Festival offered fun activities and entertainment, many support groups and Upshur County organizations were also set up to help teach kids and families the importance of health, safety, and education.

Saturday, February 1, 2020

are intended to recognize honor and exemplary service to the community. The bench is located on the corner of the lawn closest to Goodwill and stands out with the crafted City of Buckhannon seal on the top of the bench. Each BEST Award Winner has a plaque on the bench with their name and the year they were acknowledged. The City of Buckhannon will continue to honor those in service to their community and will add new name plaques as necessary.

September 2

3rd Annual Riverfest

BUCKHANNON — Saturday was a beautiful day for the 3rd Annual Riverfest, organized by April Keating and the City of Buckhannon. The Riverwalk Trail seemed fitting for the venue since Riverfest is a celebration of natural water, geared towards raising awareness of how little pure water there actually is on the earth. When people look at a map, they mostly see blue, signifying ample water sources. But unfortunately, it is estimated that only .006% of that water can be purified for drinking, watering plants, bathing and other human needs, according to information provided at Riverfest. Several vendors were set up at the festival to provide information on the scarcity of water and the importance of understanding just how limited water actually is throughout the world. In keeping with the natural resource theme, Keating arranged for live music to play peacefully in the park using only solar power for each bands’ needs. Food and drinks were provided for patrons, while Day Trippin’ Adventures was on board with kayaks and tubes for float trips down the river, which enhanced the fun side of what water sources have to offer.

September 11

Cpt. Hildreth’s homecoming surprise

TENNERTON — What better way to start off this patriotic week than a soldier reuniting with his family. Monday morning at Tennerton Elementary School, a big surprise was waiting for first grader Kara Hildreth, as she was unaware that her dad had just made an early and unexpected return from his six-month deployment in Romania. Captain Michael Hildreth of the Army National Guard was elated to finally be back with his family. Hildreth specializes as a Physician Assistant in the 1092nd Engineer String. His wife Lisa explained, “As a Physician Assistant, his deployments are shorter, thankfully. His time in Romania made it six months since he last saw his family in person. He actually returned early Saturday morning around 1a.m. and surprised me. I was not expecting him to arrive earlier than what was planned.” Hildreth’s daughter, Kara, was thrilled to extend a very heart-warming welcome home to her father.

Skateland reopens for 70th season BUCKHANNON — Skateland will be reopening for the season this Friday, celebrating their 70th anniversary. Many residents of the town know the nostalgic feeling when it comes to the local skating rink and sharing the wonderful memories it has created. It’s been quite some time since Skateland first opened back in 1950. The building was built for a skating rink and has always remained true to its purpose – a place for families and friends to enjoy roller skating. September 16

Family fun at the annual Children’s and Truck Fests

BUCKHANNON — Families gathered joyfully for an abundance of festivities downtown on Saturday. The annual Children’s and Truck Festivals were held in conjunction at the Stockert Youth and Community Center and Public Safety Complex. The festival had lots of activities, crafts, games, door prizes, music and entertainment to keep kids occupied. A favorite among the many children was the rock wall, which allowed kids to safely climb a simulated rock wall while getting some exercise.

October 25

FETC hosts first “Tech or Wendling’s holds Annual Treat” BUCKHANNON — Over 600 community members enSafety Rodeo joyed a “Tech or Treat” Tuesday evening, hosted for the first September 20

BUCKHANNON — Wendling’s Food Service held their 10th Annual Safety Rodeo and Cookout on Saturday at the Wendling’s Complex in Tennerton. The rodeo gives this local family owned business the perfect opportunity to show their employees how valued they and their families are to the company. The safety contest also allows family members to see what their loved ones do on the job and enables the employees to engage in some fun and friendly competition. The forklift and truck rodeo competitions are among the favorite activities of employees each year. The rodeo also serves a functional purpose by “Balancing safety, accuracy and efficiency in one event,” according to Keith Buchanan Corporate Development Director for Wendling’s. Winners of the contests are awarded during the family dinner after the rodeo. Safety is a key component of the Wendling’s company; the owners and administrators want to ensure that their employees are safe on the job and go home to their loved ones each day. September 23

O’Connor awarded Officer of the Year

BUCKHANNON — CREATE Buckhannon had their weekly luncheon meeting Thursday and in true CREATE fashion, the community minded group recognized Corporal Marshall O’Connor for his excellence as a valued local police officer. Buckhannon Police Chief Matt Greggory and Lt. Doug Loudin attended the meeting with O’Connor, his wife Tiffany and their five-month-old son Jaden to accept the award. September 25

time by students and staff of the Fred W. Eberle Technical Center. Many festive Halloween activities were provided for local families such as a haunted house and hayrides ran by teacher Tim Turner. Visitors were also able to receive prizes and free goodies along with plenty of games and candy. The First Community Church also volunteered their time to help supply free hot dogs and refreshments during the vocational center’s event. FETC Director Rebecca Call explained, “This was the first time for the tech school having something for Halloween that the community could enjoy.” Director Call went on to recognize that all the students had a part in the event and were driven to give back to the community by planning the event.

Crumrine search continues

SUMMIT COUNTY, Utah — The search continues for 69-year-old Carl Crumrine, the Buckhannon man who went missing from his elk hunting trip in Utah. The active ground searches had to be suspended after large amounts of snow fell and the temperature dropped earlier this week, but air efforts were scheduled to resume on Thursday, according to his son Paul Crumrine. Missing since Monday, October 14, Crumrine was last known to be headed in the direction of Lyman Lake. When he never came back to the campsite, his hunting group went looking for him. When they didn’t find him, they searched for cell phone service and called the Summit County Sheriff’s Office. The search began by air around 9:30 p.m. that night, to see if there were any noticeable light sources. However, none of the light sources discovered turned out to be Crumrine. Multiple agencies searched for days for any sign of Crumrine, including Summit County Utah Search and Rescue. By Saturday, October 19, the Garrett Bardsley Foundation had organized a volunteer search effort. Authorities reportedly attempted to initiate a recco search on Wednesday, but weather conditions prevented them from doing so. Family and friends remain hopeful that Crumrine is found quickly and can safely return home to Buckhannon. November 1

Community PrayerWalk Zombies invade BUCKHANNON — Many individuals and several local Buckhannon churches came together to participate in the annual community prayer walk last Sunday. This was the eighth year in a row the prayer walk has commenced. The walk began at the City Park, and folks strolled down to the Courthouse lawn for a praise and worship service gathering. Pastor Ed McDaniels has organized the event for the last eight years. It is clear to see there are many people in the community who love coming together and sharing their faith, regardless of their religious denominations. McDaniels stated, “We have a common denominator in Jesus.”

BUCKHANNON — The City’s Zombie Walk was quite the spooky spectacle, as many came out for a couple nights of fright earlier this week. Monday night was the children’s time to show their best zombie impersonation and adults had their chance on Tuesday night. The zombie invasions started at the Colonial Theatre and made their way down Trader’s Alley, ending the walk at Jawbone Park.

October 2

B-UMS threat deemed a “prank”

BUCKHANNON — The Monday morning lockdown at Buckhannon-Upshur Middle School caused massive chaos but was later determined to be a “prank”, according to Superintendent of Upshur Schools Dr. Sara Lewis-Stankus. Upshur County Schools released a statement Monday afternoon, indicating that the lockdown was a precautionary measure in response to several threats, which were received via voicemail. At least two students are believed to have been involved in leaving the series of threatening voicemail messages to B-UMS Principal Michael Lynch. Stankus said the situation is still under investigation, so the nature of the threats could not be released at this time and names of the juvenile suspects could not be disclosed. October 7

BEST of the BEST honored

BUCKHANNON — The Second Annual Community Unity and Kindness Day was a great way to kick off the fall season in the great city of Buckhannon on Saturday. Community Unity and Kindness Day was observed at Jawbone Park and over 100 volunteers went out to show their unity and kindness in efforts all around the county. The volunteers broke off into small groups and went to various places such as the Lewis-Upshur Animal Control Facility, the City Park, the Community Gardens, and various other locations that the groups performed tasks of cleaning and enhancing. Matt Kerner’s group from the Opportunity House performed clean up along the Buckhannon River. After the volunteer work was done for the day, Mayor McCauley dedicated the BEST of the BEST Bench at Jawbone Park. The BEST Awards, handed down by McCauley,

November 8

B-UMS teacher surprised with $25K Milken Educator Award

BUCKHANNON — A local teacher got the surprise of his life Thursday morning when a top-secret assembly convened to present him with a $25,000 award. Buckhannon-Upshur Middle School sixth grade social studies teacher Brian Allman was the only West Virginian to receive the prestigious Milken Educator Award this year. The Milken Educator Award has been described as “the Oscars of teaching” and is given to instructors showing exceptional educational talent, which has been shown in the school, educational accomplishments, potential for long-term leadership and noticeable impact on students, staff and even the community in which they work. Allman looked astonished and high-fived students on his way down the bleachers to accept his $25,000 award. “I am going to start just by saying how much I truly love this school. I truly believe that this is the best school in West Virginia and probably the best students in this state,” Allman said. “We have a lot of challenges here in West Virginia, but this state is full of the best people in this entire country.”

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November 15

Tierney helps tackle hunger

BUCKHANNON — Local business owner Kelley Cartwright Tierney surpassed her goal of raising 3,000 cans of soup to help feed Upshur County middle and high school students. Tierney kicked off her second annual Canned Soup Drive in October and sponsored the project to stock the shelves of the food pantries at B-UHS and B-UMS. In a heartfelt delivery, Tierney emphasized, “Over 350 kids a week are accessing the food pantries.” The care and compassion shown by Tierney and the community as a whole was astonishing. Tierney’s main lobby was filled with a whopping total collection of 3,667 donated cans of soup. Tierney matched the cans that were donated by the community and various organizations from both schools loaded up the cans and delivered them to the middle and high school food pantries. There, they were unloaded and stocked on the shelves for the less fortunate youth of the county to utilize when needed.

November 29

Lions love giving

BUCKHANNON — Fourteen years ago, under the leadership of Lion Rob Sylvester and along with member Vicki Walton, the group put into action their idea of a skating Christmas party. The public-spirited idea benefits less fortunate children in the Tennerton and Washington District communities. The group sends five forms to each teacher at both Tennerton and Washington District Elementary schools and upon return, the group purchases a gift for each child. In December, the Tennerton Lions Club reserves the rink at Skate Land and provide pizza and drinks for all the children they are supporting. Santa also makes a festive appearance to see the children and hand out their gifts. The Lions members report that they thoroughly enjoy this part of the year and watching the children come and have a good time. Ann Slaughter stated, “It is so much fun watching the kids that have never skated, especially the little ones that get out there.” December 16

HES unveils new construction

BUCKHANNON — A ribbon cutting ceremony was held at Hodgesville Elementary on Friday afternoon, celebrating the Grand Opening of the school’s new addition and remodel. The $2.2 million project was funded completely by the School Building Authority. Upshur County Schools Superintendent Dr. Sarah Lewis-Stankus opened the ceremony by thanking and honoring all those who play a role in advancing the lives of our new generation and those who contributed to the school’s new addition.

November 27

Classic wheels rolls out donations

BUCKHANNON — West Virginia Classic Wheels Car Club (WVCWCC) raises money all year long from car shows and donates that money back to the community each year in an effort to help the children of Upshur County. Jim Gifford, President of the WVCWCC, stated, “Kids are my heart, and making sure they have a good Christmas is my passion. When I was growing up, we were lucky to get an apple. One year, we got BB guns and we thought we had died and gone to Heaven! So, making sure that kids less fortunate have a little extra means everything to me.” The club donated a bountiful $1,000 to The Parish House on Friday afternoon. Parish House Director Kristi Wilkerson stated, “This is just wonderful, we are so grateful! The community is so giving and supportive and to use this money for children, I know just what to do with that!” Wilkerson will undoubtedly use the money in the most special way to support the children of the community as Gifford and the car club intended. The Buckhannon-Upshur Christmas Store also received a generous $500 donation from WVCWCC that will be used to buy items for the children of Upshur County.

and his helpers walked door to door with a bundle of gifts for each child in every home they visited. After Santa dispersed gifts to each home, he would ask if he could pray with the families and share that Jesus is the meaning of Christmas. The “Santa Cause” initiative was developed many years ago in California as an outreach to the homeless, gang members and prostitutes. This outreach program is a wonderful form of giving back to the community.

Santa’s Village of fun

BUCKHANNON — Buckhannon-Upshur Retail Merchant Association (BURMA) hosted a revised version of Adventures in Toyland at Stockert Youth and Community Center (SYCC) on Thursday evening. Children had an opportunity to view Santa’s Village as he prepares for his Christmas Eve trip around the world. First stop in the village was the post office, where children could write a letter to Santa. Children also visited the art center, where they created a small project to take home with them. Next door to the art center was the pet center, where the little kiddies learned all about their pets and had an opportunity to adopt a small stuffed animal. Sweet A Licious was also on site with seasonal ice cream treats, while Pro-Start students from Buckhannon-Upshur High School were set up in Mrs. Claus’s kitchen with cookies, handmade ornaments and much more. Children and parents alike were seen having a joyous time as they traveled around the village.

December 20

Looking for local lottery winner

BUCKHANNON —West Virginia Lottery is looking for the person who recently purchased a winning Mega Millions ticket in Buckhannon. The drawing was held on Tuesday, Dec. 17, but nobody has come forward to claim the fortune yet. The $1 million ticket was reportedly purchased at Speedway #9218 on Green Street in Buckhannon, and matched five numbers – 22, 30, 53, 55 and 56. The winner only missed the Mega Ball, which was 16. Drawing Manager Randy Burnside said the winning ticket holder has 180 days from the drawing on Dec. 17 to claim the prize or it will be added to the unclaimed prize fund, which funds prizes for promotions and goes back to West Virginia Lottery players. West Virginia Lottery officials are urging the ticket holder to sign the back of the ticket and call (304) 558-0500 for more information on how to claim the prize.

December 23

Restoring HOPE shares “Santa Cause”

December 30

VIPS recognized for service BUCKHANNON — Members of the Volunteers In Police Service (VIPS) Program were acknowledged and awarded at the last City Council meeting for their selfless duties and service hours provided to the community this year. Since VIPS is still a young program, people of the community may not yet know who they are or understand exactly what they do. The VIPS Program originally held their first meeting on October 23, 2014 but have grown over the past five years, with both members and their training. The program’s volunteers assist the community and the city’s police officers, allowing them to carry out their duties and tasks more effectively.

BUCKHANNON — For four years now, Restoring HOPE has provided a festive and heartwarming outreach known as “Santa Cause” to those less fortunate in the Upshur County community. On Saturday, Santa Claus made an appearance to several local homes, delivering gifts, candy and prayers. Santa

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2019 Year in Review THERECORDDELTA.COM

Jan. 14

Copyright 2019



Testa named new head football coach at West Virginia Wesleyan

Tennis ‘Cats down Fairmont State for MEC regular season title

Just days after the announcement that Del Smith had resigned as head coach of the West Virginia Wesleyan football team, the college wasted little time in announcing his successor. Tony Testa, a native of Parkersburg, was a four-year letter winner at Wesleyan and was a part of the 2002 and 2003 WVIAC championship teams. Testa served as Wesleyan’s offensive coordinator prior to being named the head coach.

The West Virginia Wesleyan tennis ‘Cats clinched another MEC title after beating Fairmont State by a 7-0 score. The ‘Cats ended conference play with a perfect 7-0 record. They ended the regular season with a 13-5 mark.

Jan. 18

Bucs cap historic 17-point comeback with overtime win against Bees

May 8

Isaac Stankus wins Big 10 Conference title at No. 2 for tennis Buccaneers Buckhannon-Upshur Isaac Stankus won the No. 2 seed Big 10 Conference Tennis Championships held at Lincoln High School. Stankus defeated Lincoln’s Justin Vance by an 8-2 score for the conference title.

The Buckhannon-Upshur boys basketball team had a historic comeback in their contest with the East Fairmont Bees. The Bucs were down 17 points heading into the fourth quarter of their contest with the Bees, but erased that deficit to force an overtime period. They went on to win the game by a 78-73 score. “We knew if we kept fighting, something good would happen at the end,” remarked Buckhannon-Upshur head coach Travis Foster.

Lady Buc swimmers take second at regionals; Zuliani seeded first May 13

Three Lady Bucs win track titles at regional championships

Audrey Gaudet selected to play in North-South basketball game

Julius Hobbs and Tyler Cutright won Big 10 Conference championships for the Buckhannon-Upshur Buccaneers. Hobbs won the 120-pound weight class while Cutright won the 138-pound division. As a team, the Bucs finished runner-up at the event. It was their best conference finish since 2011. Hobbs and Jacob Smithson would later go on to win regional titles for the Bucs.

Feb. 18

Buckhannon-Upshur’s Dawson Lilly scores 39 points against Spring Mills

Buckhannon-Upshur senior guard Dawson Lilly scored a career high 39 points in a 77-57 victory over Spring Mills in his final home game of his career. He was 8-for-15 from the floor with three treys and 20-25 from the free throw line for his 39 points. “Dawson had a great game,” noted B-U head coach Travis Foster.

State Board elects to add a fourth classification to basketball

The West Virginia Board of Education voted by a 7-2 margin to expand add a fourth-classification to the high school basketball ranks for a two-year trial period. The vote was to add another class, Class AAAA, to both the boys and girls basketball ranks. The change will go into effect at the start of the 2020-21 season. Both the Buckhannon-Upshur Buccaneers and Lady Bucs will now be Class AAAA for basketball.

July 17

MEC adds three new colleges to conference after losing two

Patella hired as new men’s head basketball coach at WVWC

June 3

Hobbs and Cutright win Big 10 titles for Buccaneer wrestling program

July 12

Sept. 2

Catherine Oliveto, Kennedi Lewellyn and Cameron Zuliani all won regional titles for the Buckhannon-Upshur Lady Buc track and field team. Oliveto won the 400-meter dash, Zuliani won the discus while Lewellyn won the pole vault. As a team, the Lady Bucs finished third at regionals.

Feb. 6

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The Mountain East Conference welcomed three new members to its ranks as the conference formally admitted Davis & Elkins, Frostburg State and UNC-Pembroke. Davis & Elkins and Frostburg State will become full members of the league while UNC-Pembroke will become an associate member for women’s swimming, wrestling and men’s and women’s indoor track and field. They will compete in football starting in 2020. The additions replace UVa.-Wise and Shepherd who both left the conference.

Feb. 6

The Buckhannon-Upshur Lady Bucs swimmers claimed second place at regionals which were held at the West Virginia Wesleyan College pool. Freshman Cameron Zuliani won the 50-yard freestyle and took second in the 100-yard butterfly. She had a time of 25.21 in the 50-yard freestyle which set her up as the top seed in the event at the state championships.


Buckhannon-Upshur’s Audrey Gaudet was selected to play in the North-South All-Star Basketball game. The senior forward was named to the All Big-10 Conference First Team and earned a berth on the All-State team on the Honorable Mention list. She scored three points for the North as they won the outing by a 84-60 score.

An old face returned to the West Virginia Wesleyan sideline today as Nick Patella was named the new head coach of the Bobcat basketball program. Patella replaces Jack Meriwether who recently resigned from the position. Patella served as a graduate assistant from 2007-09 and then followed as an assistant coach the following season. “Returning to Wesleyan to lead this program is a dream come true,” remarked Patella.

Oct. 23

B-UHS inducts five individuals and one team in Hall of Fame

The Buckhannon-Upshur Athletic Hall of Fame committee inducted five individuals and one team into the Hall of Fame during a ceremony at the high school. Inducted into the Class of 2019 were Denny Crouso, Tom Hasbrouck, Greg Hill, Randy Kirchberg, the late Tappan Squires and the 1993 state champion Buckhannon-Upshur cross country team.

June 5

Robinson repeats as softball Big 10 Conference Player of the Year Alli Robinson of the Buckhannon-Upshur Lady Bucs was named as the Big 10 Conference Player of the Year. It was the second straight season Robinson earned Player of the Year honors. She owned a .457 batting average and hit 11 home runs and knocked in 48 RBI’s, the most ever for a B-U player in a single season. Robinson, a few days later, would be honored on the AllState First Team, and selected to play in the North-South All-Star Softball game.

Oct. 30

B-U’s Vincent qualifies for state cross country championships

Buckhannon-Upshur freshman Cadence Vincent earned a berth in the state cross country meet after finishing 10th in the Region I Championships held at University High School. Vincent ran a time of 19:54.84 to qualify for the state championship meet. She had a strong performance at the state meet finishing 20th.

Nov. 20

Hurst, Samargo Earn First Team All-State Soccer honors

March 29

Wesleyan’s Arthur Assfeld named MEC Male Swimmer of the Year West Virginia Wesleyan’s Arthur Assfeld was named the MEC Swimmer of the Year. The sophomore from France had the fastest time in the conference in four events during the 2018-19 season. He won the 50-yard freestyle at the GMAC/MEC Championships to go along with a runner-up finish in the 100-yard freestyle. Head coach April Gitzen was named as the MEC Coach of the Year.

June 14

Lewellyn, Greene named to WVSLA All-State Lacrosse First Team The Buckhannon-Upshur Lady Buc lacrosse team was well represented on the WVSLA All-State Lacrosse Team. The Lady Bucs placed five players on the All-State team, including Kennedi Lewellyn and Miranda Greene who were named to the First Team. Joining them were teammates Haylee Rice on the Second Team and Mya Tenney and Emileigh Ryan on the Honorable Mention Team. All five girls were selected to play in the All-Star NorthSouth Game.

Buckhannon-Upshur’s Ryan Hurst and Kennedy Samargo was named to the All-State Soccer First Team. Hurst led the Bucs in scoring with 44 goals and added 12 assists. He was previously named as the Region I Player of the Year. Samargo, who split time in the backfield and as an attacker, scored 11 goals and had two assists.

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