Lewis County Community Guide. July 12, 2019 Grand Jury Indictments

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CHRISTINA C. FLANIGAN Prosecuting Attorney ef Lewis , 117Court Avenue Room zot Weston, West Virginia 26452

Bryan S. Hinkle, Assistant Treml Williams, Assist:il1lt

Phone 304¡269¡8240 Fax 304"269-8250 Email: Icpa@lewiscountywv.Qr~

PRESS RELEASE The July, 2019, term of the Lewis County Grand Jury convened July &, 2019, in Weston. The Grand Jury returned forty-eight (48) True Bills. While those individuals indicted are presumed innocent until proven guilty, the Grand Jury returned indictments against: ***The following indicted individuals should report Friday, July iz, 2019, at 9:00 o'clock A.M. to the Lewis County Judicial Annex Circuit Courtroom, 117 Court Avenue, Weston, West Virginia. 'MCCARTNEY, Jeremy Allan

1 Count 2 Counts

Grand Larceny, a felony Driving While License Revoked for DUI, Second Offense, a misdemeanor

PACK, Jacob Matthew

1 Count

Weston, WV Age; 23

1 Count

Shoplifting, Third Offense, a felony Possession of a Controlled Substance, Marihuana, a misdemeanor

EL WELL, William Garrison Clarksburg, WV Age: 43

I Count 1 Count 1 Count

Felon in Possession of a Firearm, a felony Prohibited Person in Possession of a Concealed Firearm, a felony Possession of a Controlled Substance with Intent to Deliver, Methamphetamine, a

felony ,MILES, Donald Thomas (Jr.) Weston, WV Age: 41

GREGORY, Sarah Justice Bridgeport, WV Age: 21

2 Counts 2 Counts

Child Neglect Creating a Substantial Risk of Death or Serious Bodily Injury, a felony Conspiracy to Commit Child Neglect Creating a Substantial Risk of Death or Serious Bodily Injury, a felony

8 Counts

Fraudulent Use of Access Device, a felony

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MCDOUGAL; Brian Shane Camden, WV Age: 41

1 Count 1 Count 1 Count

BLAGG, Robert


Sexual Abuse in the First Degree, a felony Use of a Minor in FUming Sexually Explicit Conduct, a felony Distribution and Exhibiting of Material Depicting Minors Engaged in Sexually Explicit Conduct, a felony

Elkins, WV Age: 35

1 Count 2 Counts

Grand Larceny, a felony Failure to Provide a Change in Information under the Sex Offender Registration Act, a felony

RINEHART, William Nicbolas

1 Count

Mount Clare, WV Age: 23

1 Count

Shoplifting, Third Offense, a felony Possession of a Controlled Substance with Intent to Deliver, Methamphetamine, a felony

ALDERMAN, Richard Todd (.Jr.) 1 Count 1Count

Grand. Larceny, a felony Conspiracy to Commit Grand Larceny a felony

SOMERS. Theresa Weston, WV Age: 19

1 Count 1 Count

Grand Larceny, a felony Conspiracy to Commit Grand Larceny ~a felony

LATTEA, Brittany Donielle Weston, WV Age: 25

2 Counts

Delivery of a Controlled Substance, Methamphetamine, a felony Possession of a Controlled Substance with Intent to Deliver, Methamphetamine, a felony Conspiracy to Possess a Controlled Substance with Intent to Deliver, Methamphetamine, a felony Child Neglect Creating Risk of Injury, a felony

Weston, WV Age: 29

I Count

] Count

I Count

BURGER, James Robert (III) Salem, WV Age: 28


1 Count

Shoplifting. Third. Offense, felony

1 COlU1t 1 Count

Obstructing an Officer, a misdemeanor Possession of a Controlled Substance, Methamphetamine, a misdemeanor

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JOHNSON, Ronald Lee Weston, WV Age: 29

1 Count


1 Count

Possession of a Controlled Substance with Intent to Deliver, Methamphetamine, a. felony Conspiracy to Possess a Controlled Substance with Intent to Deliver, Methamphetamine, a felony Possession of a Controlled Substance, Hydrocodone, a misdemeanor

HERRON, Jonathan .Iohn Buckhannon, WV Age: 33

1 Count

Possession of a Controlled Substance with Intent to Deliver, Methamphetamine, a felony

CHAPMAN, Barbara Jane Lew, WV Age: 44

I Count

Financial Exploitation of an Elderly Person, a felony Taking the Identity of Another, a felony

2 Counts KETRON, Brian James Weston, WV Age: 27


Delivery of a Controlled Substance, Methamphetamine, a felony

MAXWELl,.,; Dylan Lee Jane Lew, WV Age: 27

1 Count

Grand Larceny, a felony

MCCUE, Stephanie Ann

2 Counts

Delivery of a Controlled Substance) Methamphetamine, a felony

1 Count

Delivery of a Controlled Substance, Methamphetamine. a felony Delivery of a Controlled Substance, Methamphetamine, a felony Conspiracy to Deliver a Controlled Substance! Methamphetamine, a felony Fleeing or Attempting to Flee By Any Means Other Than the Use of a Vehicle from any Law Enforcement Officer, a misdemeanor

Weston, WV Age: 36 BUCKHANNON,

Lucas Wayne

Camden, WV Age: 37 1 Count

1 Count

1 Count

MARSH, James Richard

2 Counts

Delivery of a Controlled Substance) Methamphetamine, within. 1000 feet of school, a felony

1 Count

Grand Larceny, a felony

Weston, WV Age: 23

KING, Benjamin Alvin Cross Lanes, WV Age: 60

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BAILEY, Ashley Lynn Weston, WV Age: 31

1 Count

1 Count 1 Count

Delivery of a Controlled Substance, Methamphetamine, a felony Delivery of a Controlled Substance, Methamphetamine, a. felony Conspiracy to Deliver a Controlled Substance, Methamphetamine, a felony

LEWIS, Darlan Craig Clarksburg. WV Age: 29

2 Counts

HEATH, Brian Scott

1 Count

Delivery of a Controlled Substance,

Methamphetamine, a felony

Weston, WV Age: 40

1 Count

Possession of a Controlled Substance with Intent to Deliver, Methamphetamine, a felony Conspiracy to Possess a Controlled Substance with Intent to Deliver, Methamphetamine, a felony

***The following indicted individuals should report Tuesday, July 16,2019, at 9:00 o'clock A.M. to the Lewis County Judicial Annex Circuit Courtroom, 117 Court Avenue, Weston, West Virginia. WHITE, David Lee West Milford, WV Age: 49

1 Count

Forgery (If Registration) a felony

BRIGJIT, Lester Dale Jane Lew, WV Age: 39

1 Count

Driving While License Revoked for Dl.Il, Third Offense, a felony

REYNOLDS, Megban Hope

2 Counts

Child Neglect Creating a Substantial Risk of Death or Serious Bodily Injury, a felony Conspiracy to Commit Child Neglect Creating a Substantial Risk of Death or Serious Bodily Injury, a felony

Weston, WV Age: 29 2 Counts

WILLIAMS, Kenneth Clark (.Jr.) 1 Count

Counterfeiting, a felony

Weston! WV Age: 21

HUGHES, Billy Eugene (Jr.) Weston, WV Age: 26

1 Count

Failure to Provide a Change in Information under the Sex Offender Registration Act, a felony

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ELMOND, Christopher Lewis Clarksburg, WV Age: 39

1 Count 1 Count 3 Counts

Driving While License Revoked for DUl, Third Offense, a felony Reckless Driving, a misdemeanor Duty Upon Striking Unattended Vehicle, a misdemeanor

LARSEN, Kasie Arianne Weston, WV Age: 23

12 Counts

Fraudulent Use of Access Device, a felony

HARTMAN, Christopher Lynn Weston, WV Age: 33

1 Count

Driving 'While License Revoked for DUI, Third Offense, a felony Possession of a Controlled Substance, Methamphetamine, a misdemeanor Driving While License Revoked for DUl, Third Offense, a felony Fraudulent Use of Access Device, a felony Forgery.a felony Uttering, a felony Conspiracy to Commit Uttering, a felony Grand Larceny, a felony Taking the Identity of Another Person, a felony Petit Larceny, a misdemeanor Obtaining Money by False Pretenses, a felony Obtaining Money by False Pretenses) a misdemeanor

1 Count

I Count

15 Counts 3 Counts 3 Counts 1 Count 3 Counts 1 Count

11 Counts I Count 1 Count

COTTRILL, David KyJe Weston, WV Age; 30

ICount 1 Count

Uttering, a felony Conspiracy to Commit Uttering, a felony

FERGUSON, Joseph Lee Ireland, WV Age: 29

2 Counts

Sexual Assault in the First Degree, a felony Sexual Abuse by a Patent, Guardian, Custodian, or Person in a Position of Trust, a felony

BENNETT, William G. (II.)

1 Count

2 Counts

Weston, WV Age: 55 1 Count 4 Counts 1 Count

Unauthorized Use of Purchasing Card, a felony Conspiracy to Commit Unauthorized Usc of Purchasing Card, a felony Unauthorized Usc of Purchasing Card, a felony Embezzlement, a felony

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1 Count

Weston, WV Age: 57 t Count

Accessory Before the Fact, Unauthorized Use of Purchasing Card, a felony Conspiracy to Commit Unauthorized Use of Purchasing Card, a felony

RADCLIFF, Brent Edwin (II) Weston, WV Age: 35

1 Count

Grand Larceny) a felony

.JENKINS, .John Shane Flatwoods, WV Age: 47

1 Count 1 Count

Shoplifting, Third Offense, a felony Possession of Banned Substance By Inmate, a felony Possession of Banned Substance By Inmate,

1 Count

a misdemeanor

PARKER, Richard Charles (III) Weston, WV Age: 34

1 Count 1 Count

Child Abuse Resulting in Injury, a felony Domestic Battery, Second Offense, a misdemeanor

STUTLER, William Carson Lost Creek, WV Age: 31.

1 COWlt

HICKS, Bruce Wayne

1 Count

Delivery of a Controlled Substance, Methamphetamine, a felony

1 Count

Entry of Building Other than Dwelling, a felony Grand Larceny, a felony

1 Count

Destruction of Property, a felony

BACKUS, Daniel William (Jr.) Weston, WV Age: 35

2 Counts

Delivery of a Controlled Substance, Methamphetamine, a felony

DUNCAN, Matthew Jackson Weston, WV Age: 22

2 Counts

LANDIS, Shyla Lorene

2 Counts

Burnsville, WV Age: 49

Delivery of a Controlled Substance, Methamphetamine, a felony

Buckhannon, WV Age: 31

Delivery of a Controlled Substance, Methamphetamine, a felony Delivery of a Controlled Substance,

SUDER, Thomas Ray Jane Lew, WV Age; 28

2 Counts

FISHER, Keisha Lynn

I Count

Grand Larceny, a felony

1 Count

Grand Larceny, a felony

Methamphetamine. a felony

Weston, WV Age: 30 QUIGLEY, Lindsey Ann

Buckhrutnon, WV Age: 30

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LOUK, Michael Lawrence

1 Count

Weston, WV Age; 49 1 Count 1 Count 1 Count 1 Count

Possession of a Controlled Substance with Intent to Deliver) Methamphetamine, a felony Prohibited Person in Possession of a Concealed Firearm, a felony Prohibited Person in Possession of a Firearm, a misdemeanor Burglary, a felony Petit Larceny, a misdemeanor

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