Lewis County Community Guide July 3, 2019

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Day Tripping in Summersville ideas

Summersville, WV LEWIS COUNTY COMMUNITY GUIDE Serving all of Lewis County, West Virginia

PLAN YOUR DAY TRIP 1. Battle Run Beach Summersville Lake Marina Inc. Copyright2.2019 3. Adventures On the Gorge 4. Sarge’s Dive Shop 5. Mountain Lake Campground & Cabins 6. Summersville Lake Lighthouse 7. Carnifex Ferry Battlefield State Park

DAY TRIPPING SHOPPING & DINING 1. Kirkwood WineryJuly 3, 2019 Wednesday, 2. Gauley River Pottery 3. Maloney’s Pub 4. Country Potpourri/Gauley River Rustics 5. Appalachian Coffee House


Fourth of July New mayor and council get to work events planned SUMMERSVILLE IS ALWAYS IN SEASON!

Centrally located in the mountains of West Virginia, Summersville offers endless opportunities for fun-filled days enjoying beauty, adventure, history and relaxation. The city is the home of the state’s largest lake, Summersville Lake, which is a beautiful clear water lake stretching over 60 miles of shoreline and 2800 acres of water. Water temperatures are warm and visibility is 20-45 feet. Come on over...it is almost heaven! Boat rentals are available at Summersville Lake Marina and Summersville

By John CliseEnjoy pontoons, kayaks, Lake Retreat. canoes. And, speaking of the lake, Editorand the fish are jumping! Hook large and small mouth bass, walleye, panfish, cat-

“The Little Bahamas of the East” by Skin Diver Magazine. Divers will marvel at the aquatic life darting among the underwater formations and will want to search for the three boats at the bottom of the lake. And, what about rock climbing? Summersville Lake has become internationally famous for the enormous number of vertical cliffs available to climb or rappel. The rock is composed of Nuttall Sandstone and the cliffs range from 30-80 feet in height and the walls range from slightly overhanging to extremely overhanging. Be sure to save time to climb the 122 steps to the top of the Summersville Lake Retreat Lighthouse, overlooking beautiful Summersville Lake. Who would have thought a land locked state would have a lighthouse? And it is a

fish and trout stocked in the spring and WESTON - With the Fourth of July falling on a Thursfall. day this year, all activities have been set for Friday, July 5. Summersville Lake is the perfect place This year’s andcalled other city related events have for scuba divingparade and has been been planned by the Weston Volunteer Fire Department, and include a number of fun, free, family activities. This year’s schedule of events includes: -4:00 pm Parade Lineup at RLBMS -4:30 pm Flame Queen Coronation -5:00 pm Parade -10:15 pm Fireworks Immediately following the parade, enjoy free admission to the activities at the RLBMS Field. The WVFD encourages all fire departments to join the parade and to participate in the firefighter games. Members hope to see more departments participate in this year’s events. All departments are welcome and encouraged to be part of the holiday events. Contact WVFD at 304-269-2349 for more information. All city, county, state, and federal offices will be closed in observance of the Fourth of July, as will many businesses. In regards to setting fireworks off within city limits, Councilman Gary Foster addressed the issue with Weston Police Chief Lt. Josh Thomas. “We are keeping people up that have to be at work,” Foster said. “We are scaring veterans, pets. What can we do to address this situation? ” “You have to call us and let us know,” Thomas said. “So call 911,”Foster said. “Yes, call 911,and let us know so we can respond,” Thomas said. It is illegal to discharge fireworks within the City of Weston. The penalty for discharging fireworks in the city is a $100 - $500 fine. Weston law enforcement officials ask that people refrain from discharging fireworks in the city, as it’s not only illegal, but can pose a safety issue to the community.

working lighthouse, with a light at the top that stretches 30 miles over the lake.

After spending a day at the lake, spend the rest of your vacation hiking one of the many trails or maybe golfing on one of the nine-hole courses. Or, take the kiddos for a round of miniature golf at Mountain Lake Campground and Cabins. Enjoy some Civil War History and visit the Patterson Museum at Carnifex Ferry Battlefield State Park. Take a tour of Kirkwood Winery and the Isaiah Morgan Distillery and taste some of the 30 different wines. There are many beautiful overlooks to see and save time to bring home a few souvenirs. There are primitive shops, antiques, retail, and even an old-fashioned hardware store, Hardman’s Hardware, in downtown Summersville. If you are a quilt enthusiast, stop by the Quilt Shoppe for some supplies and

Weston youth struck by police

WESTON - According to reports from over the weekend, an unidentified Weston youth was struck by a West Virginia State Police vehicle. A press release from the West Virginia State Police Major Reginald Patterson noted, the 13 year-old male was struck in a slow speed situation as the trooper searched for an unnamed suspect Saturday morning at approximately 11:30 a.m. According to witness accounts from the scene, the youth entered the intersection area at George Street and Minden Road without stopping for the stop sign The youth was transported by Lewis County EMS to Stonewall Jackson memorial Hospital for treatment of non-life threatening injuries. According to reports, the trooper was not injured. A thorough investigation is being conducted, according to reports.

Today is deadline for open BOE seat

WESTON ­­— The Lewis County Board of Education is soliciting Letters of Interest from individuals interested in serving as a member of the Lewis County Board of Education after the resignation of President Debbie Clem. This position is a vacant position for the remainder of a term that will begin immediately upon appointment and end June 30, 2020. To be considered qualified for the position, individuals must reside in one of the following magisterial districts: See BOE on Page 2



Walnut Grove Antiques or Country Potpourri and Gauley River Rustics for some fantastic antiques.

There are a host of festivals in the summer and fall and check out the event schedule at the Summersville Arena & Conference Center. Summersville is easy to navigate and offers a large selection of lodging to match any budget. Restaurants range from fast food to fine dining. Winter, spring, summer or fall, Summersville has something to offer couples, families, adventure seekers, historians, or just those seeing relaxation. For more information, download a Visitor’s Guide or call 304-872-3722 for a free guide and coupon for a free tee shirt. Courtesy of www.summersvillecvb.com

JOHN CLISE/Lewis County Community Guide

New Weston Mayor Kim Harrison takes her oath of office from City Clerk Kristen Droppleman with Ward 1 City Councilman Steve Weaver waiting to take his oath of office. By John Clise Editor

Weston Mayor Kim Harrison and Council members Steve Weaver, Randy Bohan, Gary B. Foster, and Herb Curtis wasted little time getting to work on city business after being sworn into office by City Clerk Kristen Droppleman. Councilmembers shared some of the top concerns of citizens they have spoken to over the past few months. Those issues primarily concern the maintenance of roads, removal of dilapidated property and cutting grass on abandoned properties. The new council is seeking to relocate their monthly meeting location from the Weston Volunteer Fire Department to the courtroom in the Historic Lewis County Courthouse to better accommodate the physically handicapped. Council members are also seeking to give citizens better opportunities to offer input into city government by relaxing the requirements to sign up to speak before council. Council members had a first reading of a new ordinance to enact these changes. A second reading and approval could follow at next month’s regular meeting. Council members are moving to allow citizens and employees to speak during this time to inform council of issues or concerns they may have in regard to city operations. As part of the change, speakers may sign up to speak up to 15 minutes before the meeting and will be allotted five minutes to present their concerns to council. If the issue is not on the agenda, councilmembers may only listen but not make any

THURSDAY Sunny 87/66

decisions related to the request. It would have to be placed on a future agenda under new business to allow the public to gain knowledge of the issue at hand. Councilmembers tabled the reappointment of City Manager Chad Minnick, City Clerk Kristen Droppleman and Finance Director Dodie Arbogast until next meeting to investigate the budget and other issues. Councilman Foster was appointed vice mayor to oversee meetings should Mayor Harrison be absent from a meeting. Councilmembers tabled a presentation from Weston Chief of Police Lt. Josh Thomas until further research could be made on the issue. In his presentation, Thomas noted that given the current rank structure, an officer could potentially be promoted to the rank of lieutenant within six years of their career beginning. As a general rule of thumb, according to Thomas, it takes a police officer about five years before they are truly confident in the job and know the job well. Thomas proposed a system that would include patrolman, corporal, sergeant, lieutenant, and chief deputy. The Fairs and Festivals committee requested an audit of their finances among other requests as the group moves forward with the new council. As part of the meeting, David Carpenter led the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance followed by a moment of silence for Lou Ella Clem. Council will be having an open house on July 11 from 6-8 p.m. to allow people to get to know the new mayor and council and get acquainted.

FRIDAY Sunny 90/66

Fairs and Festivals group buries time capsule


Members of the Weston Bicentennial Committee met to bury the Weston Bicentennial Time Capsule on Saturday, June 29, 2019 at the Louis Bennett Library. Pictured above are, left to right, Betty Brooks, Fay Bell, Patty Ramsey, Brenda Reed; second row, left to right, County Clerk Cindy Rowan, Weston Mayor Julia Spelsberg, and Bruce Adler. WESTON - This past Saturday, members of the Weston Fairs and Festivals Committee gathered in the front lawn of the Louis Bennett, Jr. and War Memorial Public Library to bury a time capsule, honoring the recently observed Bicentennial of the City of Weston (1818-2018). The capsule contains numerous artifacts, such as the Bicentennial Calendar (noting the parsonages, outstanding buildings, and key events that defined the City’s character over many years); the Town

SATURDAY Sunny 86/67

Cow Board Game (its playing pieces based upon the lives of several upstanding Westonians from the late 19th century); newspaper clippings of the main celebratory events held last year (the April 14th Bonfire and History Show, the June 9th Birthday Bash, the Recreation of the Bailey House, and the Historic Photo Display featuring Weston’s outstanding houses and also the several local factories that made “Weston See Time Capsule on Page 2

SUNDAY Chance of Thunderstorms 83/64

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BOE from Page 1 Courthouse/Collins Settlement or Hacker’s Creek/Skin Creek. The Letters of Interests must be submitted to Dr. Robin J. Lewis, Superintendent, on or before July 3, 2019 by 4:00 p.m. Letters can be delivered in one of three ways: hand delivered to the Lewis County Board of Education office, mailed to Dr. Lewis at 239 Court Avenue, Weston, WV 26452, or emailed to rjlewis@k12.wv.us The letter must contain the individual’s residential address, qualifications and an explanation as to why you wish to serve on the LCBOE. The letters should be in sealed envelopes clearly marked “Board of Education Member Letter of Interest.” All qualified individuals are asked to attend to the LCBOE regularly scheduled meeting on Monday, July 8, 2019 at 6:00 p.m., held at the Lewis County Board of Education building for interviews. The LCBOE reserves the right to reject any and all submissions. Time Capsule from Page 1 Glass” a nationwide product); the 1965 Sesquicentennial Booklet; a number of historical photographs; Bicentennial painted rocks; and other knickknacks. The time capsule will be recovered and opened in 2068. Asked later what thoughts he had about the past year and its significance, Bruce Adler said, “It was an honor to help with the Bicentennial. But I also felt a sadness that my father wasn’t here to be a part of it. He would have reveled in it as a culmination of all his dedicated research into Weston’s pretty amazing history. I saw it as that, too, of course, but also as an opportunity to try to instill hope that the City can achieve a new heyday. Back in the 1880s, when the City was still a number of years away from achieving its first one, becoming a commercial center in the state for many years into the 20th century, Westonians took to saying ‘Boom the Town!’ and ‘Boom the County! and ‘Boom the State!’. Maybe now is the time to start invoking those lucky chants again. At least, as with the Bicentennial itself, they can’t help but leave one with a greater sense of hope and possibility for the City.” The members of the Fairs and Festivals Committee wish to extend their grateful thanks to the Library for its generous support.


Wednesday, July 3, 2019


2nd Fireworks 5K Set for Saturday

Racers are beginning to sign up for the 2nd Annual Fireworks 5K Trail Walk Run at Stonewall Resort on July 6 beginning at 9 a.m. The event is organized by Stonewall Jackson Memorial Hospital employee Rachelle McIntyre-Nicholson. It will be a scenic event over a trail at Stonewall Resort. Dogs are allowed but there will be no t-shirts or trophies awarded. The cost is $15 pre-registration and $20 on the day of the race. Racers can go to https://www. webscorer.com/register?raceid=166775 to register This race is part of the Lewis County Circuit created by in-

terested parties and Stonewall Jackson Memorial Hospital (SJMH) which is the primary sponsor of the 2019 Pace Yourself Lewis County Circuit. The goal is to provide opportunities for the community to participate in healthy activities. This circuit is a combination of prior existing races such as the Weston 5K and newly formed races. Kevin Stalnaker, Assistant CEO at SJMH stated “The Community has directed us in our community assessments over the years that the obesity epidemic is something critical to our area. As such, we want to encourage healthy life-

styles and continued physical activity opportunities are key in those efforts.” These races are for the competitive and noncompetitive individual. Walkers are always welcome and encouraged. This Circuit will include unique opportunities and partnerships in the area. For Example, the January event held on the campus of SJMH included a partnership with the Lewis County FRN for “a cold weather gear give away” and a free flu clinic. Dates and times for some of the events are still being finalized and will be published as completed. The current

schedule is as follows: Lewis County Wellness Tentative List of Monthly Walk/Runs July 6 – Fireworks Trail Run/Walk at Resort August 17 – US Public Health Service/Military Museum September 29 – Relay for Life of Lewis County Color Walk/Run WVU Airstrip October 13 – 4-H Clover Run at WVU Jackson’s Mill November 22 – Gobble Gallop in downtown Weston December 15 – Cookies and Cocoa Walk Run at SJMH

Car show

Mustang Orange takes Championship By Wyatt Burns Sports correspondent BUTCHERSVILLE — Last Tuesday, Lewis County Baseball Association hosted the Mustang Division Championship. The Mustang Division is for nine and 10-year-old kids. This is the first age division where kids begin pitching to each other. The Lewis Blue competed against Lewis Orange. Before beginning the game, teams met together at the pitcher’s mound, where they locked arms, kneeled and prayed. A gesture many felt heart-warming. Orange took control of the game in the second inning and took off from there, leading 11-6 after four innings of play. After all, six innings were played and orange was on top 1610. Orange collected large production from a few players. Izaac had four hits, one double and scored three times. Alex had three hits and scored twice. Eli had two hits and scored three times, and Daniel had two hits and scored both times. Blue had production from Sam who recorded three hits and scored four times. Levi had three hits and scored twice. JOHN CLISE/Lewis County Community Guide

T&L Hotdogs in Garton Plaza sponsored a car show over the weekend with the next one scheduled for August24 from 6-9 p.m.

Mini golf event brings out competitors

REPORTER WANTED The Record Delta newspaper has an immediate opening for a general assignments reporter.

According to organizers everyone had a good time at the 1st Annual George Whelan’s Whack’um Mini Golf Tournament. Organizers appreciate all of their sponsors, Lewis County Park, the contestants and all that helped. Here are some pictures, more to follow. With the money raised, they can pay the insurance and some maintenance for Whelan’s Field Winner of adult division first place tied by Charlie and Michelle Allen, second place Gene Edwards, and

third place Donna Wyman. First place team division were Michelle and Charlie Allen, Rod and Donna Wyman. Second place team were Bill and Sue Erickson, Gene Edwards and Kim Harrison. Third place team division were Ray Smith, Brittney Barlett, Dusty Metzgar and Erico Cardelli. First place kids division was Landen Bonnett, Josiah Bennett, 2nd place and third place Lily Garton. Dusty Metzgar earned honors for most holes in one for the tournament.

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George Whelan takes to the course in the First Annual George Whelan’s Whack’um Mini Golf Tournament over the weekend at Lewis County Park’s mini golfcourse.

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JOHN CLISE/Lewis County Community Guide

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Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Page 3


David H. Kurtz David H. Kurtz, a long-time former resident of Weston, WV passed away peacefully on Monday, June 24, 2019 surrounded by his loving daughters. Born July 19, 1931 in Weston, WV to Kenneth S. Kurtz and Virginia Reay Kurtz, “Dave” lived a full life during his 87 years throughout a variety of experiences. He was preceded in death by his parents and the love of his life, Pauline Whelan Kurtz, with whom he celebrated 63 years of marriage before her passing in 2015. He is survived by his two daughters, Constance (“Connie”) S. Kurtz and Laura (Kurtz) Kuhns and son-in-law Don Kuhns; his only grandchild, Sarah Boyd Fallon; his great-grandchildren, Abigail Knopp, Emily Fallon, and Josh Fallon, all residing in North Central WV; and his only brother, Kenneth R. Kurtz of Lexington, KY. Also surviving are several nieces and nephews and Grand-dogs. Always athletic, Dave played baseball and basketball at Weston High School, graduating in 1949, and also played both sports while attending West Virginia University to study business. While still a teenager, he obtained permission from his widowed mother to race stock cars in the 1940’s, having a storied career during the pre-NASCAR era, racing dirt tracks around the tri-state area, including Clarksburg, Pennsboro, Shinnston, and Kerens near Elkins, where in 2017, he was inducted into the Elkins Motor Speedway Wall of Legends. He was the only surviving driver from opening night at Elkins in the 1950’s. While still a newlywed, Dave enlisted in the US Army, where he served in Germany in the signal corps and played baseball for the army’s traveling team. Pauline joined him in Germany where they enjoyed numerous adventures. He received military recognition for his expert marksmanship and became interested in firearms, leading to his life-long love of collecting and selling/trading guns. He and Pauline became active in skeet, earning numerous state and other championships, and helped to found the Piney Ridge Skeet Club. He was inducted into the WV Skeet Shooter’s Hall of Fame in 2012. He was owner and operator of Dave’s Sport Shop in Weston (“Buy-Sell-Trade”) beginning in the early 1960’s-1985, but still managed to find time to join a local bowling league, fish, and golf throughout his beloved WV—and even take a few fishing trips to Canada with his buddies. He was a founder

of Deerfield Country Club near Jackson’s Mill. He and Pauline also loved to camp while fishing, and later enjoyed salt water fishing while wintering in Marco Island, FL. After a brief “retirement”, he and Pauline operated Eli’s Restaurant in Weston, which was a local favorite for nearly 10 years. A lifelong member of the National Rifle Association, he continued to collect and trade firearms and was an avid coin collector well into his “retirement”, managing Mountain Traders Gun & Pawn Shop until health issues forced him into his final retirement in recent years. During his relocation to Morgantown following Pauline’s passing, he was able to enjoy his beloved WVU Mountaineer sports close by with other fans, some of whom remembered Dave from his racing days (“No. 99” and the “Grey Ghost”). Staying active, he enjoyed his final years as much as possible, still beating his daughters and others at pool, putting and chipping golf balls, and playing cards with new and old friends. He loved to share happy memories of his racing days among other activities, and mostly appreciated the loving company of his family and many dear friends. At 6’4” (plus), Dave’s lanky frame fit his larger than life personality and kind heart. He will be sorely missed by his surviving family and friends, who are grateful for their time with him and happy that God has reunited him with Pauline. Family and friends gathered at Hardman Paletti Funeral Home 730 N. Main Avenue Weston on Friday, June 28, 2019. Funeral services were held on Friday from the Hardman-Paletti Funeral Home chapel with Reverend David Krum officiating. Interment followed services in Forest Lawn Memorial Gardens of Jane Lew, WV. Full military honors were provided by the United States Army and the Lewis County Honor Guard. Hardman-Paletti Funeral Home of Weston is honored to serve the family of Patriot David Harry Kurtz.

Anna Marie Cunningham Anna Marie Cunningham, 74, of Buckhannon, WV and formerly of Bulltown, WV passed away Monday, June 24, 2019 at her home. She was born on December 13, 1944 in Bulltown, WV. Anna was the daughter of the late Fay and Ruth Skinner. Anna was also preceded in death by sister, Pauline Skinner and brother, Paul Skinner. She is survived by her son, John Cunningham and daughter, Beverly Reynolds, both of Braxton County, WV. She was blessed with five grandchildren and five great grandchildren. Also surviving are sisters, Sally Skinner of Buckhannon, WV and Linda Jenkins of Lynchburg, VA. Anna graduated from Burnsville High School in 1963 and was a long time employee of the Dixie Club in Weston before her retirement. She

enjoyed watching westerns on TV and a few of her favorites were Laredo, Gunsmoke and the Lone Ranger. Above all she enjoyed spending time with her dogs, Shadow and Rusty and her family. Family and friends were received on Thursday, June 27, 2019 at the Stockert-Paletti Funeral Home, 378 Flatwoods Corner Road, Flatwoods, WV 26621. Funeral Services were held on Friday, June 28, 2019 at the Stockert-Paletti Funeral Home Chapel with Pastor Jason Allen officiating. Interment followed in the Little Kanawha Memorial Gardens, Heaters, WV. The Stockert-Paletti Funeral Home of Flatwoods will be assisting the Cunningham family in honoring the life of Anna Marie Cunningham.

Bonnie Petrosky Schnably Bonnie Petrosky Schnably, 64, passed away in the comfort of her home on Sunday, June 23, 2019, at 9:55 a.m. She was born February 8, 1955, in Johnstown, PA, to the late James and Helen Petrosky. Bonnie was married to John “Pete” Schnably May 17, 1975, and gave birth to three daughters Jamie, Casey, and Amber. Blessed with a large, loving family, Bonnie had five grandchildren: Donny and Georgia Stroud, Bella and Joy Bailey, and Henri Jowaisas. In addition, Bonnie was survived by five siblings and their spouses: Patricia Jones and her husband Cary, James Petrosky and his wife Becky, Diane Wilson and her husband Steve, Nancy Fetzer and her husband Ernie, and John Petrosky. Bonnie also had many surviving nieces and nephews: Jennifer Jones O’Sullivan, Rena Cutlip Mason, Todd Fetzer, Caroline Menighan Stallings, Carrie Jones (Goddaughter), Jill Fetzer Brant, Dana Wilson, Ashley Petrosky Spaid, David Fetzer, and James G. Cultip. Bonnie was also survived by her aunt, Patricia Wolfhope and brother-in-law Dave Cutlip and his wife Lynn. She had two sonsin-law Matthew Stroud (Casey’s husband) and Tommy Bailey (Amber’s former husband). Bonnie also had thirteen great nieces and nephews, as well as many close friends who felt like family, including Janice Woofter and her late husband Richard. After graduating from Johnstown Vocational Technical School in 1973, Bonnie and Pete were married and settled in Weston, WV, where they raised their three daughters. Over a decade later, they moved to Vienna, WV, where the children completed high school and the family attended Good Shephard Episcopal Church presided by the Reverend Art Bennett. Bonnie and Pete retired to Barbour County, WV, and built a beautiful log home on Pete’s family farm. Here, Bonnie loved sitting on the front porch, playing games with her family, and taking her

grandchildren fishing. Bonnie was passionate about her involvement in Martial Arts. She started taking classes in 1983 under the instruction of Bill King in Weston. After rising in the ranks and moving to Parkersburg, she decided to open her own karate dojo, where she taught many students from white belt to black belt. Recently, she became the first woman to earn the rank of Master Instructor in the art of Karate as a member of the USA Martial Arts Federation and was awarded the rank of 6th Degree Black Belt. Her dedication to the Martial Arts as a student, competitor, National Referee, and a senior instructor was unwavering. In honor of Bonnie, a Celebration of Life Ceremony was held Saturday, June 29, at 1 pm, at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church.A luncheon followed. Family and friends gathered at the church. St. Paul’s Episcopal Church is located at 206 East 2nd Street, Weston, WV, 26452. Her remains have been donated to the WVU Human gift registry and will eventually be cremated. Bonnie always strived to make a difference to those around her. In lieu of flowers, donations can be made to a local organization to use for their community outreach - the Brushy Fork Community Center (in care of BC Bank Inc. P.O. Box 370, Phillipi, WV, 26416). This group of individuals continuously supported the family in this difficult time.

Allison Ann Hull Allison Ann Hull, 54, of Buckhannon, WV, passed away unexpectedly in her home on Wednesday, June 26, 2019. She was born May 6, 1965 in Weston, to James and Susan Hull of Weston. She was a Baptist by faith. During her youth, Allison was a very active horsewoman. She and her American Saddlebreds, Sony and Squeak, won multiple adult class championships throughout West Virginia, Pennsylvania and Virginia. Allison graduated from Lewis County High School in 1983 and went on to attend Wesleyan College where she was a member of Alpha Delta Pi sorority. Her hard work was rewarded when she received a Bachelor of Science Degree in 1987. She continued her education at West Virginia University and in 1989, earned her Master’s Degree in Exercise Physiology. After living and working a number of years in Baltimore, MD and Pittsburg, PA, Allison returned to her “home” of Wesleyan where she was an instructor in the Biology department for the past 11 years. Additionally, she was an advisor to the Alpha Delta Pi sorority and active in college athletics. Allison served as the faculty representative to the softball and women’s soccer teams. Allison’s greatest joy at Wesleyan was the success of many students who attended professional schools and graduate programs upon completion

of their undergraduate studies. She was a devoted Washington Capitals fan, but for Allison every day was not simply a good day but rather a great day to be a Bobcat! In addition to her parents, Allison is survived by one brother and sister-in-law, Jonathan and Christina Hull of Spotsylvania, VA; the nieces she was so proud of: Kelsea Hull of Alexandria, WV and Katherine Hull of Fairfax, VA; as well as many aunts, uncles and cousins across the nation. Friends and family gathered at Pat Boyle Funeral Home and Cremation Service located at 144 Hackers Creek Road in Jane Lew on Saturday, June 29, 2019. Funeral Services were held in the Pat Boyle Funeral Home Chapel on Saturday with Bob Skinner officiating. We, at Pat Boyle Funeral Home and Cremation Service, are honored and privileged to serve the family of Allison Ann Hull.




The West Virginia Department of Agriculture has again this year received funding for the Senior Farmer’s Market Nutrition Program. The program will be offered in all 55 counties of West Virginia. Vouchers will be distributed to eligible seniors (age 60 and over) who meet the income guidelines. Eligible seniors will receive $28 in coupons per household to be used to purchase fresh fruits and vegetables at any of the state’s approved farmer’s markets or produce stands. Eligible seniors can pick up vouchers at the Lewis County Senior Center on weekdays between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. For more information, call the Center at 269-5738, or the West Virginia Department of Agriculture at 304-558-2210. HOUSEHOLD SIZE Monthly Income (before taxes) . 1–$1,926 2- $2,607 3–$3,289 4–$3,970

Monday, July 8 - Sauerkraut, Wiener, Mashed Potatoes, Fruit, Whole Wheat Bread Tuesday, July 9 - Pork, Scalloped Potatoes, Green Beans, Biscuit, Iced Cake Wednesday, July 10 - Pinto Beans, Oven Browned Potatoes, Spinach, Cornbread Thursday, July 11 - Cheeseburger, Baked Beans, Tossed Salad, Vanilla Pudding w/ Bananas & Vanilla Wafers Friday, July 12 - Stuffed Peppers, Mashed Potatoes, Fruit, Whole Wheat Bread


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Page 4

Wednesday, July 3, 2019


Calendar of Events is provided as a public service by The Lewis County Community Guide to publicize upcoming events of community interest. The editorial staff reserves the right to edit or change any submission. No bingo, personal yard sales or for-profit events will be included. To ensure publication, submissions should be received at least one week prior to event — faxed to 304472-0537, emailed to news@therecorddelta.com or mailed to Calendar of Events, P.O. Box 550 Buckhannon, WV 26201.

July 4

All city, county, state, and federal offices will be closed in observance of the Fourth of July, as will many businesses. Happy birthday to Clay Mick.

July 5

Fall and Christmas committee will meet at 7p.m. at Wendy’s to discuss this year’s events. Meet your Weston city government open house from 6-8 p.m.at Thyme Bistro located on Main Avenue in Weston. Everyone welcome to attend from in or out of Weston.

July 12 and 13

July 6

Fireworks 5K Trail Walk-Run at Stonewall Resort at 9a.m. $20 entry

The Record Delta 2B Clarksburg Rd. Buckhannon 304-472-2800 therecorddelta.com

July 8

July 11

Parade line up at RLBMS 4p.m. Flame Queen Coronation at 4:30 p.m. Weston Fourth of July parade 5 p.m. Fireman’s games at RLBMS athletic field at 6 p.m. Weston fireworks at RLMBS athletic field 10 p.m.


fee. The event is organized by Mon Health Stonewall Jackson Hospital.

2019 Akro Agate/ Westite Convention at the West Virginia Museum of American Glass beginning at 9:30 a.m.



The Lewis County 4-H Leaders’Association will not meet in July. The next meeting will be held Aug. 5 at the Vandalia Community Center. There will be no Lewis County 4-H Teen Leaders’ meeting in July or August. Be on the lookout for more information regarding LITES’ activities and events It is illegal to discharge Fireworks within the City of Weston. The penalty for discharging fireworks in the city is a $100 - $500 fine. Weston law enforcement officials ask that people refrain from discharging fireworks in the city as it’s not only illegal but can pose a safety issue to the community.


Friday, April 12, 2019 – Page 4B


HELP WANTED Upshur School APTSHigh FOR RENT: 24 hour woman. Pleasenon call for HELP WANTED: Life- more information Camera Security System; 304-473Athletic Building. Apguards, Admissions Work- 7885Secable + wifi and all utilities (4/19/2019) HELP WANTED: plicants must show valid ers, Concession Stan Workincluded. Small pets welrenity Aide 3-11 photo identification ers and an Care, Assistant Mancome; under renovations; in WILL DO: Interior and ager. Buckhannon-Upshur cater to fixed incomes. shift, Housekeeping and order soffit to complete testing. Recreational Park, The exterior painting, Located in Adrian. Phone and past vinyl siding, build 304-439-4216.(RTFN) part-time cook. Right office of the Upshur County Applicants must be no Commission is accept- decks, power wash and Ralph’s Furniture Morgan less Call than 304- 18 years of age ing applications for the stain log homes. FOR RENT: APART269-1143(4/29/19) following positions: Edition. NOlife-PHONE MENTS nor older than FURNISHED 45 years& guards,admission workers, UNFURNISHED – 1 & CALLS Please. ApplyREAL in ESTATE concession stand workers of age per Civil Service 2BR’s. Security Deposit, AUCTION and an assistant manager person (7/19/19) References, & Lease.be No guidelines. Salary will for the 2019 park seapets. Call 472-3021 or Ranch son, beginning mid-May 3 Bedroom Brick based on 472-6711. experience and No Sunday calls. and continuing through Real Estate Auction Thurs- (RTFN) HELP WANTED: Microcertification. day, May 9th at 5:00 PM mid-August. Individuals 227 Evergreen Drive, ElwhoInn worked at the park tel & Suites is looking Individuals may obtain an facility during the previous kins WV , 3BR. 2 Bath FOR RENT: WESTON to hire a night auditor for accepting home, 1248+/SQFT, ARBORS application at theisfollowseason(s) and have returned fireplace, back applications for their 1 bedthe notification ofshift. intent to must 11pm-7am be covered ing address: Upshur Counwork letter do not need to porch & patio1 car heated room apartments, featuring able to pass a background living Law rooms, garage with storage above, spacious complete an application ty Sheriff’s Dept. heated brick storage build- furnished kitchens and 1 unless he orand she is interested check drug screen. Enforcement Division 38 in an assistant manager ing with electric, Amish full bath. They have plenty Please apply in 2 building, closetRoom space, A/C and built storage RE ofSt. position. Lifeguards mustperson W. Main 103 Terms: 10 % down pay- heat, dailey activities with be certified with CPR and North Ridge Dr. BuckhanBuckhannon, WV 26201 First Aid endorsements and ment made day of auction a Resource Coordinator non. (7/19/19) maintenance, at closing 24 hours 8am-4pm concession stand workers w/ balance dueMonday-Friday must have a valid WV Food w/in 60 days. 10 % BP. parking and onsite laundry machines. Applicants must Applications must be REHandlers Card. Applicants JOE PYLE COMPLETE & REALTY be 62 years of age or older with current certifications AUCTION HELP WANTED: ChrisCEIVED in our office no will be given preference. SERVICE WV212 Joe OR be 18 and older with disability . There are R. Pyle, Broker. tine’s Hotspot Reimbursements of re- Lounge laterAlan than aclose of business quired certifications will Heldreth WV2224 5546 income restrictions . For now hiring at brand new (4:00pm) on Monday please be made to employs that Benedum Drive, Shinn- more informationJuly ston, WV (888)15, 875-1599. are available and completer location! Apply within 2019.contact 304-269-7344 or 1-800-855-1155 the 2019 season. Interested (4/12,19,26 /19). at 810 Rt. 20 South Rd. Please doTDD not make Equal Housingphone Opportuindividuals may obtain an nity. HUD (tfn) application from front Buckhannon orthecall FIREWOOD 304- inquiries FOR about this posiOffice of the Upshur CounSALE 641-3723 (7/12/19) tion. Employment with the ty Commission located at HOMES FOR RENT the Upshur County Admin- FIREWOOD FOR SALE: Sheriff of Upshur County istrative Annex located at O A K H A R D W O O D , FOR RENT: 3BR House 91 West Main Suite available qualified withto 1 all car garage and carU PSH UStreet, R C O UFULL N T YSIZEisTRUCK 101, during the normal LOAD OR LARGE 2 port. $800. Mos. plus secuapplicants without regard DEPUTY SHERIFF business hours of 8:00 a.m. AXLE TRAILER LOAD rity deposit required. Call until 4:30 P,m,, Monday SAME DAY DELIVERY; to race, creed, color, na304-472-4110 (4/19/19) POSITIONS through Friday or online MOST CASES; DELIVtional origin, sex, age or at http://www.i[sjircpimtu. ERY ANYWHERE. 924- FOR RENT: COZY 2BR, 1 Sheriff of Upshur County org/Applicaiton%202017. 6352 (12/30/19) disability.BA, Upshur County Laundry room. Fenced The UpshurapplicaCounty Civil pdf. Completed YARD SALES in yard, New kitchen. has established a drug freeoff tions must be returned to Service Commission for street parking. One block the Office of the Upshur YARD SALE:and Fri tobacco - Sat fromfree work en-w/ Main Street. $750 County Commission on or April Deputy Sheriffs is an12 &13 (8 am) ga- deposit, No pets. No calls (7/12/19) before the close of business rage at Candlevironment. Creations nouncing an open period on Friday, April 26, 2019.. Rt 33 Horner. House- after 8pm 304-997-5377 (4/10/19) Office of the Upshur Counfor the purpose to compethold,Tools,Old Glass ty Commission Tabatha and much much more. SERVICES itive examinations. Such Perry , Assistant County (4/12/19) FOR RENT: 3BR House Administrator 91 West with 1 car garage and examinations shall be WILL DO: Interior and Main Street, Suite 101 carport. $850. Mos. plus LAND FOR SALE part of theWVcriteria Buckhannon, 26201. used to deposit soffit required. exterior security painting, 304-472-4110 (4/5/19) Please do not make phone LAND establish an eligibility list FOR and SALE: vinyl 1.3 Callsiding, build inquiries about this posi- on Corr H @ Derico, shell for appointment to entry decks, tion. Employment with bldg, utilities, wash (cabin?power FOR RENT: 3 BR and House Upshur County is available level positions of Deputy m/home? Bsns?) 304on the Buckhannon River stain log homes. Call 304to all qualified applicants 823-2533 wvgreen@fron- includes garage and storage Sheriff. without regard to actual tier,,com. (4/24/19) 269-1143.building. (tfn) Deck overlooks or perceived race,creed, the river. When you call The date for the physical color,national origin,sexIF I DO NOT PICK UP HOUES FOR SALE agility test Usphur and written ,age or handicap. PLEASE LEAVE FIREWOOD FORYOUR County has established a H O Mfor E / FA R M F O R N A M E A N D T E L E examination is set SALE NUMBER. I drug free and tobacco free SALE: 45 Acres for sale PHONE Saturday August 10, 2019 work environment. with 2 beautiful homes, WILL CALL RETURN (4/ 8:00am 15,19,22/19)at the BuckhanCALL.SALE: The rent is free gas to one dwelling, YOURFOR FIREWOOD at HELP WANTED


OAK FOR RENT: APARTtoll free 1-877-FTC HELP. FOR SALE:HARDWOOD, 1996 Oldsmobile Achieva Car. 4 FULL SIZE TRUCK MENTS FURNISHED & (Budget) SERVICESIN THE OFFICEAOFpublic service WV message THE Buckhannon, Upshur County Commission Levy Estimate 26201 CLERK OF THE COUNTY Attorney: door, automatic, Has lots 2019-2020 Fiscal Year LOAD LARGE 2 UNFURNISHED – 1 & Delta COMMISSION, from The MarkRecord H. Reed of new parts, OR runs great , ALL STATE PAVING” UPSHUR COUNTY, WEST PO Box 310 STATE OF WEST VIRGINIA body in realTRAILER good condi- LOAD AXLE 2BR’s. Security Deposit, and the Federal Trade VIRGINIA Buckhannon, WV 26201 County of: Upshur, West Virginia tion. $3000. or OBO. call – parking lots Estate: (tfn). MARK COLET NOTICE OF ESTATES SAME DAY DELIVERY; References, & Lease. Driveways Commission. 304-613-5057 and leave a In accordance with Notice is hereby MULLENS WV Code §II -8-I 0, as amended, the Upshur County Commission proceeded – Basketball courts – message. MOST(TFN) CASES; DELIVNoof pets. Call 472-3021 to make an estimate the amounts necessary to be raised by a levy of taxes for the current given of the following named Personal Representative:

estates, the Upshur County Kathy Miller year, and doth determine and estimate the several amounts to beresurfacing old Asphalt ERY ANYWHERE. 924- or 472-6711. No Sunday as follows: Commission has granted 403 Skelton Road E.S. ASPHALT PAVING: Letters Testamentary or of Buckhannon, WV 26201 – patch work - sealcoatLOIS L. OLDAKER Administration to the person(s) Estate:Parking Driveways, Lots, Estimated ing – MACHINE LAID named. Any interested person Personal Representative: Revenues Bradley R. Oldaker objecting to such notice, shall Patchwork, Resurface Old 481,207 AND ROLLED All file–such objection with Carol PO Box 436 4,790,949 WESTON work is Guaranteed & Seal Coating. WV 26452 J. Smith, Upshur County Clerk, Weston, 220,000 –Over Asphalt the address of which is Room Fiduciary Commissioner: Tax Penalties, Interest & Publication Fees ARBORS is accepting 40 years of110,000 Over 30 years Experience. Daya Masada Wright 101, 40 West Main Street, experience– Property Transfer Tax 160,000 HOME FOR SALE: JackNorthInsured. Kanawha Street Buckhannon, West Virginia 12 FOR SALE: A Cort Acous- Gas and Oil Severance applications for their 1 Licensed 120,000 License and Tax 26201, within & 400 Insured – sixty (60) days Buckhannon, WV 26201Seson St.with Weston. Wine & Liquor tic Guitar hard-shell Updated Estate: ZANE after the date of the first bedroom apartments, feanior, Veteran, &ROBERT Church Tax Hotel Occupancy Tax case $400. 1 CallBath 304-704Competitive6,800 prices andor within publication thirty (30) SHIPMAN 2 BR home on of Taxes Payment in Lieu turing 4,538 1273 (tfn) Representative: spacious living FREE ESTIdays of service ofDiscounts. the Notice Personal Building Permits 13,000Estimates discounts Free Double lot. New kitchen, of Personal Representative, Lounett Faye Shipman Miscellaneous Permits 20 rooms, furnished kitchens 304-472-8097 WV014137 MATES. McCartneyDiscount Drive whichever is later. The 89 30% Federal Grants I Federal Payment in Lieu of Taxes 142,173 newSALE paint in and New FOR – Land Prideout, names and addresses of the Buckhannon, WV 26201 and 1 full bath. They have on all paving. All 155,467 5’ finishing mower, 3 years State Grants Estate: DONNA R.work STARR Personal Representative and (tfn) Thermo windows, New of Process 19,000 Personal Representative: the Personal Representative’s old asking $2800. Call 304- Sheriff's Service plenty of closet space, A/C guaranteed. No surprise Sheriff's Earnings 5,000 Carl J. Starr Attorney are set forth below. 704-1273 (tfn) water hearted, gas hot County Clerk's Earnings 100,000 Mick Hill Road laid All interested persons are 238Machine and heat, daily activities charges. Circuit Clerk's Earnings 30,000 Buckhannon, WV 26201 notified that: flooring, 2 fireplaces, TAYLOR’S KITCHENS SERVICES Prosecuting Attorney's 1,000 withEarnings a Resource Coordinarolled. Estate: References DONALD GAY Anyand interested metal roof, front Motor porch Vehicle License Fee 5,000 person seeking to impeach or WAMSLEY, I AND FURNACES Kraft tor 24 hours maintenance, available. 304-622-4744. Clerk Deed Fees 500 Personal Representative: establish a Will must make a ALL STATE with riverPAVING” view. $23,500 and Kitchen Fees complaint in accordance with Alpha Hope Wamsley Driveways – parking lots Parks & Recreation parking and onsite laundry maid, Saco 45,000 WV Lic. #014237 & Concessions 13,878 the provisions of Chapter 41, 364 Lick Run Road best offer, may –orBasketball courts –Seller re- Rents Kompact Cabinets Franchise Agreement 115,000 Articleand 5, Sections 11, 12, or Buckhannon, WV 26201 machines. Applicants (A1/17/19)) surfacing old Asphalt – IRP Fees (Interstate Registration Plan) this 5th day of April 13 of the West Virginia Code, Dated (tfn) 15,000 pay closing costs. Call Vanities, Formica Counter patch work - sealcoating Fines, Fees & Court 2019. as amended. Costsbe 62 years of age or 50,000 must –304-269-5542. MACHINE LAID AND (7/15/19) Regional Jail Operations Partial Reimbursement 45,000 Outside Any interested Carol J. Smith tops. Aqua-Therm County Clerk of Upshur County person objecting to theSTORAGE 200 ROLLED – All work is Interest Earned older OR be 18 and older qualifications of the personal West Virginia Wood Burners, 6,500 Pumps, Guaranteed –Over 40 years Miscellaneous Revenue with a disability . There are representative, venue, or #1029 (4/5,12 /19) Sheriff's Commission Commissions 15,000 of experience– Licensed Partsof this COUNTRY jurisdiction Court are ORDERCLUB HInsured O M E– /Competitive FA R M Gaming F OIncome R income restrictions . For Fans, Chemicals 40,000 and CLIOF PUBLICATION & required to file their objections IN THE FAMILY COURT OF Video Lottery 55,000 for most outside wood prices and discounts Free for SALE: 45 Acres sale with this Court within sixty CONTROL MATE OfferRefunds/Reimbursements (External Sources) 29,000 more information please UPSHUR COUNTY, WEST Estimates 304-472-8097 Sale of Fixed Assets (60) days after the date of VIRGINIA 1,000 with 2 (tfn) beautiful homes, special $25.00 first publication oring thirty10 (30)x 10 contact 304-269-7344 burners. 304-472-7326 WV014137 Emergency 911 Reimbursement 862,114 Casey Earl Mills, days of service of the notice, PETITIONER Dog & Kennel Reimbursement 65,000 free gas to one dwelling, $100.00 after or TDD 1-800-855-1155 (tfn) whichever is later.first month Home Confinement Reimbursements 55,000 VS CASE NO. 18-D-170 TAYLOR’S KITCHENS timber. Any interested Amy Beth Rife, and marketable General School Reimbursements 45,000 that 3 month minimum. Equal Housing Opportuperson filing a claim against RESPONDENT AND FURNACES Kraft Magistrate Court Reimbursements 11,000 the estate must fileClimate within sixty NOTCE The Saco property and Payroll homes maid, and Kitchen FIRST 100725,336 CALLERS Control, SecuriOF HEARING nity. HUD (tfn) Reimbursements (60) days of the date of first TO: Amy Beth Rife Transfers from Rainy Day Fund 164,912 Kompact Cabinets and will not be separated. publication in accordance with PestAddress WILL RECEIVE A 25% ty and Control. UnknownCall 196,464 Vanities, Formica Counter Transfers Assessor1s Valuation Fund Chapter 44, Article 2, Section You are hereby notified that TotalTOEstimated General Fund Revenues 8,923.042SENIOR MUST BEOutside SOLD tops. Aqua-Therm DISCOUNT; 304-290-4085 or 1 or Chapter 43, Article 3-A, on May 28, 2019 at the304HOMES FOR RENT hour of Wood Burners, Pumps, Section 1 of the West Virginia 9:00 o’clock a.m. on sail day, GETHER. Located on Coal Severance Tax CITIZENS TAKE AD- 472-4398. (tfn) Code. Fans, Chemicals and Parts Assigned Fund Balance or as soon thereafter as the The date of the matter may be heard, at the Mtmost Carmel RoadCoalright RENT: 3 BR 1 BA VANTAGE10,000 for outside wood OFfirstOUR Severance FOR Tax 40,000 publication of this Notice Family Court Room on the 3rd burners. 304-472-7326 Interest Earned on Investment 10 is: April 5, 2019 past the Washington Dis- Trailer Located in quiet PAYMENT 50,010 PLAN; SATFloorRUN of the Upshur County (tfn) Total Coal Severance STONEY STOREstate:JAMES E. ALDERMAN Court House Annex in the City trict Grade School on the neighborhood in Hin- ISFACTION TREE Personal Representative: SERBuckhannon, West Virginia, AGE - ofthe New Customer Ronald Joe Alderman II Judge of the Family FIRST 100 CALLERS Tallmansville Road, Up- kleville. No pets, must General COAL 40 Bethlehem VICE LICENSED AND Road Court of Upshur County, West Special! First Month Only WILL RECEIVE A 25% ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES Funds SEVERANCE TAX FUND French Creek, WV 26218 Virginia will conduct a hearing shur County. If you areGOVERNMENT have references. Call 304INSURED; STUMP REDISCOUNT; SENIOR GENERAL Estate: RUTH ANN POLING $20 on any size unit 5x10, in this matter. County Commission 564,589 - CAMPBELL CITIZENS TAKE AD-beautiful looking for some 472-3388 (7/5/19) presence at this hearing MOVAL; 24 HR SER- 10x10 or Your 529,818 - Personal Representative: VANTAGE OF OUR County Clerk is 10x20. required toCall protectToyour Circuit Clerk 352,723 Martin D. Campbell land, wildlife viewing, and VICE; NORTH CENPAY M E N T P L A N ; interests in this matter. day! 472-5622. (tfn) Sheriff- Treasurer 366,684 - 5891 Hall Road Dated: April 9, 2019 SATISFACTION TREECHECK country living Prosecuting AttorneyMISCELLANEOUS 569,233 TRAL WV; OVER - Buckhannon, 15 WV 26201 Brian P. Gaudet Circuit Clerk SERVICE LICENSED Assessor 284,693 - Estate: BOBBY CHARLES for Upshur County, West THIS PROPERTY OUT. AND INSURED; STUMP Assessor's Valuation Fund 196,464 YEARS EXPERIENCE; - CARPENTER Virginia PETS REMOVAL; 24 HR SER- Statewide STORAGE: GARAGE Network 40,000 - Personal Representative: Call 304-472-5609. (tfn)Computer #1034 (4/12/19) ALSO DOING COM113,108 - Kimberly D. Overton VICE; NORTH CENTRAL Agricultural Agent orClerkBUILDING must be Cove View Lane 88,221 MERCIAL TREE - 85 CUTWV; OVER 15 YEARS Elections - County OF PUBLICATION CABINORDER LANE KEN101,293 - Ripley, WV 25271 IN THE FAMILY COURT OF EXPERIENCE; ALSO County Administrator Secure Phone 304-292Estate: CAROLYN PEARL Courthouse 844,624 TING CALL 10,010 APARTMENTS FOR (304) 613NELS Are youCOUNTY, Planning UPSHUR WEST DOING COMMERCIAL Other Buildings 74,800 - CARPENTER VIRGINIA TREE CUTTING CALL Data Processing 0062 (7/8/19) RENT a vacation or a week-end 130,000 5820 “ - Personal Representative: Michael Paul Wagoner, (304) 613-5820 “**** Regional Development Authority Kimberly D. Overton 27,892 PETITIONER get-a-way? Come and 85 Cove View Lane CITIZENS S E N I O R C I T I Z E N S Industrial Development - **** SENIOR 20,000 VS CASE NO. 18-D-179 FORADVANTAGE RENT: OF Very nice FOR SALE: 1996 OldTAKE Airports 164,912 20,000 Ripley, WV 25271 Christian Marie Wagoner, visit our cozy retreat for TAKE ADVANTAGE OF Estate: KATHLEEN WALLS County Clerk Operations 5,428 RESPONDENT OUR PAYMENT PLAN; furnished 1 BR 1 Bath APT CLEAVENGER smobile Achieva Car. 4 OUR PAYMENT Personal NOTCE OF HEARING your pet. Privately owned, PLAN; SATISFACTION TREE Representative: TO: Christian Marie Wagoner TOTAL GENERAL GOVERNMENT 4,454,482 50,010 in Buckhannon. pets, SERVICE LICENSED No G. Walls Owner on premises, door, automatic, 80,000 Address UnknownPerSATISFACTION Phillip TREE AND INSURED; STUMP 41 Mount Vista Drive Smoke free. Rent $575. You are hereby notified that PUBLIC SAFETYmiles,has lots of new parts, Valley Bend, WV sonalized 26293 attention forof REMOVAL; 24 HR SER- Sheriff- Law Enforcement SERVICE LICENSED on April 23, 2019 at the hour 844,013 Estate: GEORGE TAYLOR 9:00 o’clock a.m. on sail day, Mos.NORTH plus CENTRAL electric. 1Sheriffmonth VICE; Service of Process 85,719 runs great, body in real your pet, Affordable rates, DOUGLAS AND INSURED; STUMP or as soon thereafter as the WV; OVERdeposit 21 YEARS Jail 900,000 security andRegional 1 year Personal Representative: matter hours may be heard, the good condition. $2000. 80,356 REMOVAL; 24 -HR EXPERIENCE; ALSO Home Confinement Convenient of atopSERSharon Miller Family Court Room on the 3rd Civil 304Defense 2,150 - 214 Randolph Street lease required. Phone DOING COMMERCIAL call 304-613-5057 and Floor of the Upshur County Kennels feature: CEN- WVeration. 200,098 VICE; NORTH - Buckhannon, TREE CUTTING AND Emergency Services 26201 439-5264(7/5/19) 862,114 - Estate: LOWELL W. ELBON Court House Annex in the City leave a message. (TFN) SNOW REMOVAL CALL Communication Center Heating & air condition; TRAL WV; OVER 21 of Buckhannon, West Virginia, Fire Department 15,000 - Co-Personal Representative: 613-5820 (gtfn) the Judge of the Family Dog Warden/Humane Society 198,191 - David K. Elbon Spacious and YEARS EXPERIENCE; Courtkennels of Upshur County, West Flood Control 3,900 - 1245 Abbott Road Virginia will conduct a hearing FOR RENT: 2 Apts on Public Safety Grants 174,458 runs; Fenced-in play area; ALSO DOING COMBuckhannon, WV 26201 FOR SALE: Tanning Bed ADVANCE-FEE LOANS in this matter. Courthouse Security 50,568 - Co-Personal Representative: OR CREDIT Ave. OFFERS2 -BR, Your presence hearing Thurman 1 1/2 with Loving care. Call orat this e-mail CUTCommunity Based Corrections Program 353,445 MERCIAL TREE - Gary new bulbs, works L. Elbon is required to protect your Companies that do business 1279 Abbott Road Baths, $1200. mos. plus interests in this matter. for information and/or REby phone cannot ask you to great just don’t use any- TING AND SNOW Buckhannon, WV 26201 Dated: April 10, 2019 pay for credit before PUBLIC SAFETY 3,770,012 MOVAL CALL -613-5820 deposit. and ayou 1 get BR,TOTAL 1 Bath Fiduciary Commissioner: directions; Reservations Brian P. Gaudet Circuit Clerk more. $ 800 OBO Please - Daya Masada Wright it. For more information, HEALTH AND SANITATION for Upshur County, West $900 mos. plus deposit. Mental Health all 304-613-5057 Leave 2,500 (gtfn) - North Kanawha Street welcome. Owner: Patty call toll-free 1-877-FTC Virginia Solid Waste Authority 11,779 - Buckhannon, WV 26201 HELP. public service #1032 (4/12/19) BothA totally furnished. Stamm, P.O. Box 355 Estate: BUCK OAKIE FRYE Msg,(TFN) message from The Record IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF TOTALcall HEALTH & SANITATION 14,279 - Personal Representative: References required. Jane Lew, 26378 (304) Delta and the Federal Trade UPSHUR COUNTY, WEST Gailann Frye ADVANCE-FEE LOANS VIRGINIA Commission. Itinformation is illegal for 153 South Kanawha Street for more 304884-7311 (tfn) IN RE: FRANKLIN W. K., DATE companies doing business CULTURE AND RECREATION Buckhannon, - WV 26201 FOR SALE: A Cort Acous- OR CREDIT OFFERS OF BIRTH: BIRTH MOTHER: 642-3918 (7/19/19) by phone to promise you Parks & Recreation 150,953 - Estate: DANE I. GRUBB PLACE OF BIRTH: CASE NO: Companies that do busitic Guitar with hard-shell 148,198 - Co-Personal Representative: a loan and ask you to pay Youth Camp Infant alleged to be abused and Joseph Grubb 28,000 ness by phone - James YARD SALES for it before they deliver. Civic Promotion case $300. Call 304-704cannot neglected 11/11/2018 Visitor1s Bureau 3,400 - 242 Seneca Circle For more information, Samantha P. Winfield, WV 25213 F O R R E N T: F U R Library 119,508 ask you to pay forCo-Personal credit Representative: Upshur County, West Virginia 1273 (tfn) call toll free 1-877-FTC YARD 19.JA-S SALE: July 4, NISHED AND HELP. A public serviceUNFURRobert Manley more TOTAL CULTURE & RECREATION 450,059 before you get it.- For NOTICE 7 Third Avenue 5, 6 from 8-4 and July 7 message from The Record TO: J A C O B NISHED APTS FOR information, call toll-free Buckhannon, WV 26201 Delta and the Federal Trade SOCIAL SERVICES KEENER OR THE NATURAL FOR SALE: Land Pride 5’ from 10-4 at 153 Fayette WILLIAM E. HARRIS RENT: 24 Social Services 79,410 1-877-FTC HELP. - Estate: Commission. (tfn).hour Camera FATHER OF THE CHILD, A pubPersonal Representative: finishing mower, 3 years TOTAL SOCIAL SERVICES 79,410 FRANKLINshoes, acSt. clothing, James Lloyd Harris Security System; cable CAPITAL + PROJECTS W. K. AND/OR ANY AND ALL lic service message from 804 George Street E.S. ASPHALT PAVING: Social Services old asking $1500. Call cessories,WHO jewelry, kitch3,000 CLAIM PARENTAL wifi and Parking all utilities includ-Enforcement Belpre,and OH 45714 The Record Delta Driveways, Lots, Sheriff-Law AND/OR CUSTODIAL 34,000 Estate: JOHN PAUL HUDAK 304-704-1273 (tfn) en utensils, electronics, RIGHTS IN AND TO THE County Commission 117,800 Patchwork, Resurface Old ed. Small pets welcome; Representative: the Federal TradePersonal ComCHILD FRANKLIN W. K. Asphalt & Seal Coating. Shirley A. Hudak CDs, DVDs, collectables, YOU, AND EACH OF YOU, under renovations; caterCAPITAL to OUTLAY 154,800 mission. It is illegal - 172 Fayette forStreet Over 30 years Experience. TOTAL ARE NOTIFIED andHEREBY housewares. Buckhannon, WVluggage, 26201 FOR SALE: 2009 Yamaha License and Insured. Sefixed incomes. Located in THAT: Total Expenditures $ 8,923,042 companies doing $ 50,010 business Estate: JAMES EDWARD nior, Veteran, & Church (7-3-19) 1.A petition has been filed in the R6 15,000 miles Loads by phone to promise JAMISON Adrian. FREE Phone above styled action alleging Discounts. ESTI-304-439you STATE OF WEST VIRGINIA Personal Representative: that the said child is an abused MATES. 30% Discount UPSHUR COUNTY, of WEST aftermarket parts. Call a loan and ask youDavid VIRGINIA, WEST VIRGINIA 4216(RTFN) H. Coffman, Sheriff to pay and neglected child pursuant on all paving. All work 38 West Main Street, Room to Chapter 49, Article 1, text CLERK OF THE304-203-5744 COUNTY COMMISSION OF SAID COUNTY, DO HEREBY guaranteed. No surprise I, Carol J. Smith,or 101Buckhannon, WV 26201 Section 3, of the West Virginia for it before they deliver. FOREGOING ARE TRUE COPIES FROM THE RECORD OF ORDERS Fiduciary Commissioner: charges. Machine laid and CERTIFY THAT THE (7/5/2019) Code, as amended; seeking DAY MARCHinformation, 2019. ForOFmore call Wright Daya Masada rolled. References avail- MADE AND ENTERED BY SAID COMMSSION ON THE the placement of the child in

FOR SALE: Tanning Bed 6352 (03/20/2020) with new bulbs, works General Fund calls. (RTFN) great just don’t use anymore. $ 800 OBO Please Fund Balance all HOUSE 304-613-5057FOR Leave SALE Proper Taxes Current year FOR RENT: Prior Year Taxes Msg,(TFN)

and marketable timber. The $700. a month plus utilities. HELP WANTED: Looking property and homes will not Propane gas central heat or for a reliable caregiver for be separated. MUST BE pellet stoves. Must have elderly, Non-mobile person SOLD TOGETHER. Lo- a good credit score. Has on Mt Carmel Road most appliances. Call Bill forElkins overnight shift,MUST Road Publiccated Service District is seeking a full-time provide references. Call right past the Washington between 8am and 9pm. at (3/27/19) Billing and customer account Maintenance Specialist District Grade School on 304-472-7467. for more information 703the Tallmansville Road, 216-4892 (4/26/19) Upshur County. If you are FOR RENT: 1 BR, all apMUST HAVE: looking for some beautiful pliances $700. per month. HELP WANTED: Partland, wildlife viewing, and • High School Diploma or above time library and custodial country living CHECK All utilities included except phone. Call 304-472-7310 • Dependable transportation gelper/ must be computTHIS PROPERTY OUT. ( 4/15/19) er •friendly to compilete Working knowledge of Word and Excel Call 304-472-5609. (tfn) lira duties/ work flexible • Be willing and able to learn new computer skills afternoons, evenings unFOR RENT: 3 BR, 2 BATH APARTMENTS FOR be bondable til •6Must p.m. and Saturday home located in BuckhanRENT afternoons. Send resume non,WV $700. per month • Must have good math skills for handling money with references to: Library plus utilities. Call 304-573FOR RENT: 1 BR, fully • Have good people skills – Ability to listen, remain Board, P.O. 731, Buckhan4302 (3/18/19) furnished Cottage in Bucknon, WV 26201. (4/17/19) professional and courteous with customers at all times hannon. $750. mos. plus • Answer incoming security customer calls regarding billing FOR RENT: 1 issues, BR home deposit. NO pets HELP WANTED: Tech- and includes full bath, washer./ callgeneral for more information service questions customer concerns nician or out Buckhannon 304-704-2937 (5/3/19) dryer, television. central • Must able to test location. Jobbe includes, but pass pre-employment drug heat/ac No smoking No not• Being limited to. setup ofwould be beneficial pets $600. per month $600. a Notary FOR RENT: Downtown new equipment, service, security deposit, call 304Apt, 1050 Sq Ft, 2 Beds & & forklift operation. Please 613-8773 (4/10/19) 1 Bath, Hardwood Floors, WE OFFER: send resume to : State Lots of Closets, New paint, Equipment Inc, 370 pay Old • Competitive Central Heat & A/C, Gas FOR RENT: Country setWeston Rd, Buckhannon rent. Call for Fireplace. No ting homes for • Benefit package after threeCarport, month probationary period WV 26201 (4/17/19) No Smoking, $750. details 304-642-0327 (tfn) • Pleasant working Pets, environment Mos. Call 304-472-0988. HELP WANTED: Hiring (4/22/19) MOBILE HOMES FOR Full/Part teachers forcover letter and references to our Buckhannon RENT Bringtime resume with Nursery & Preschool classFOR RENT: 1 by BR,July fur- 5, 2019: office or mail to the address below rooms. M-F Daytime hrs. nished apt, Smoke Free, FOR RENT: Nice clean 1 Send resumes to T.W.T. Po Elkins Road PSD No pets, quiet and clean. BR trailer in quiet secure Box 36 Junior WV 26275. 4536 Old Elkins Road Walking distance to town park in Tennerton. All or call 304-823-2911 EOE. and Wesleyan College. furnishings, Smoke Free, Buckhannon WV 26201 (4/10/19) $450 month plus security No Pets. $750. mod w/ Email: elkinsrdpsd@frontier.com deposit. Working referenc- utilities. Single occupancy. HELP es and lease. Call for more Deposit and references. call NOWANTED: PHONEWoody CALLS PLEASE Forest Products is now information 304-844-6206. 304-838-0067 (4/17/19). accepting applications ( 4/22/19) for production workers. F O R R E N T: N I C E able. 304-622-4744. WV UPSHUR COUNTY, WEST VIRGINIA Lic. #014237 Experience in mainte-


12 North Kanawha Street Buckhannon, WV 26201

the permanent custody of the West Virginia Department of


Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Clise’s Cornucopia By John Clise Editor First off...happy birthday to my good friend Clay Mick. He’s having a 40 something birthday on July 4th. Clay and I went to Glenville State College 20 something years ago. I find the younger I think I should be, the hazier my memory gets. I was talking to Ray Smith the other day at the Jane Lew Community Gardens and noticed how great they looked. There are some serious Gardener’s at work there. One garden planter in particular caught my attention. It was well organized and planned with onions, tomatoes, peppers, basil, lettuce, and several herbs. The space utilized was maximized. It was well weeded. It’s an impressive garden spot. I’m not sure who’s using the space but they are doing a fantastic job. The new Weston City Council took their oaths of office this past Monday and got right to work with their first meeting. It looks like they’ll keep busy in their new positions as elected officials. The mayor and council are all first timers to elected office. It can be rewarding, scary and downright nerve racking. At least that was my experience as mayor of Flatwoods oh so many years ago. The memory fails me once again. I was out for a walk and ran into Tracey Weber trimming some trees. It seems that your wife relieves of your painting chores when you spill a half a gallon of paint. I confirmed with my wife if this was true. She said it was indeed true. I want to say congratulations to Chris Derico for being named to School Nutrition Board of Directors. Way represent our county schools and state on the national level. Well, I still haven’t been fishing as much as I had wanted... but the summer is still young. I’ve been carrying two tackle boxes and three fishing poles in my car just in case the opportunity presents itself. I hope everyone has a safe a happy July 4th. Remember it’s illegal to set off fireworks within the city limits. I believe anything that doesn’t go boom or becomes airborne is legal otherwise you can get a citation and court costs. If you. Have any questions, call city hall for more information.

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By Pat Ridpath Community Columnist I am so sorry to have to report the passing of Rosalie (Dean) Steele, a beautiful, sweet friend from high-school days. She was wonderfully beautiful inside and out. I grieve for her family and other friends who will miss her. I have enjoyed Jeanette Riffle of Shock, WV, as she shares some very interesting tales each week in the paper. The title of each article is different as names them for the subject about which she is writing. ARMY SERGEANT DAD was a recent one. I love it. I also liked Myra’s Musings: Keeping it Simple whose author is looking for a rolodex. I liked them, too. I took my sister, Mary Ann Bucklew, with me to the “Singing Seniors” at the Upshur County Senior Center Saturday evening. The group that was there tonight was the Buckhannon Mountain Bluegrass. Their group members are Dayton Tenney on guitar, Bill Mick also guitar, Mike Mick on Banjo and Dobro, Paul Morris on the Bass Guitar. Jim Vance played with them on guitar and maybe fiddle and mandolin, too, at times. Dave Caynor also played with the on a guitar. They are all amazing. Singing Seniors meet every other Saturday evening and have some wonderful singers, groups of singers, bands from all over. I hate to miss any of their evenings. You are missing a treat if you don’t arrange your schedule so you can attend. They have a potluck dinner at 5:30, I believe it is, and then they do some singing with the piano until the visiting group starts its special program at about 6:30. (Pictures included)

Pat’s Chat

Here is what I read on Face book: “The Upshur County Senior Center provides seniors with the opportunity to live life to the fullest while maintaining their independence. Our friendly and inviting atmosphere is the perfect place to gather and enjoy great conversation, food, activities, and more with other members of the Upshur County Senior Center. . .” It is at 28 N Kanawha St., Buckhannon and you can reach them at (304)472-0528 or look them up a www.upwvsc.org. Number 16 of the 28 Beliefs of the Seventh-day Adventist Church is THE LORD’S SUPPER. The services in the ancient Israelite sanctuary pointed forward to the Messiah who was to come and His ministry and death. Similarly, the Lord’s Supper commemorates the death of Jesus and calls the believer’s attention to the promise of His second coming. This ordinance goes beyond symbolizing pardon for whatever sin a person may have committed. In addition to confessing one’s sin to God and to any others he may have injured, it involves asking God for help to change, gain the victory, and become more like Jesus. It’s a service rich in symbolism that, over the centuries, has been a helpful say to pass on basic spiritual truths. Some churches have put a literal interpretation on Jesus’ words, “This is My body” and “this is My blood,” but Adventists interpret them figuratively. Jesus often stated other truths symbolically,

such as “ ’I am the gate’ ” (John 10:7), abut obviously, He did not mean that He was literally a gate. Simi l a r l y, t h e unleavened bread and the unfermented wine are symbols of the broken body and shed blood of Jesus, not His literal body and blood. Participation in these symbols is an expression of faith in Him as savior from our sins and of the union of His life with ours. Since the final days of the 1840s, Seventh-day Adventists have celebrated the Lord’s Supper four times a year at the end of each quarter. A typical service is conducted in the following manner: FOOTWASHING; Following a short sermon by the pastor, the men and women separate and go to different rooms in the church for the service of footwashing. This rite represents cleansing from sin (John 13:1 – l7). While there is no particular merit in the act itself, it provides the participants with an opportunity both before and during the service to settle their differences and confess their faults to each other. It symbolizes cleansing from sins committed during the participants’ walk along the Christian pathway. The foot-washing service also symbolizes their renewed dedication to the service of Christ. One must put away pride I n order to kneel and wash the feet of a brother or sister who is a member of the same church. This is one of the things it means to serve Jesus

with the whole heart. Because this ceremony emphasizes the spirit of Christian fellowship, it is an appropriate preparation for participation in the Lord’s Supper. Following the foot-washing service, the church members return to the sanctuary. The pastor and elders come to the Communion table, remove the cloth that covers the bread and wine, and read an appropriate passage of scripture, such as 1 Corinthians 11:23, 24. Following a short prayer, the elders break the Communion bread into smaller pieces, and the deacons distribute it to the congregation. Again, following the reading of a text of Scripture such as 1 Corinthians 11:25, 26, the elders and deacons follow a similar procedure with the unfermented wine (in come churches the deacons distribute the bread and wine together). With both the bread and the wine, the congregation waits to eat or drink until all those present have been served so everyone can participate together. The service concludes with a hymn, perhaps a prayer, and the taking of an offering for the poor. SOLEMN JOY On the one hand, the Lord’s Supper is a solemn occasion, a time when believers remember that Jesus took upon Himself our guilt and died for our sins (Isaiah 53:5). On the other hand, it’s an occasion of great rejoicing, for it looks forward of great rejoicing, for it looks forward to the day when God will make all things new (1 Corinthians 15:52) and we will sit down with Jesus, our Redeemer, at the great supper of the Lamb (Revelation 19:9). For further study: Matthew 26:17-30; John 6:48-63; 13:1-17; 1 Corinthians 10:16. 17; Revelation 3:20.

40th Anniversary Celebration for Cardiac Rehab Held Stonewall Jackson Memorial Hospital (SJMH) celebrated the creation of the Hospital’s 40th anniversary for the Cardiac Rehabilitation program on Thursday, June 20 at the Weston facility. The Department provided health screenings during the day, culminating in a luncheon with many of the Department’s cardiac rehabilitation graduates. SJMH CEO Avah Stalnaker opened the noon luncheon with a welcome and a review of the importance of the Cardiac Rehab Department to local residents. She noted, “This is 40 years of making a difference in the lives of those with heart disease. We serve patients from Lewis, Gilmer, Braxton, Upshur, and Harrison counties. Heart disease is a family disease which affects children, spouses, and siblings…and this department has made a difference in all of those lives.” She also noted that the Hospital’s Adult Fitness was an outgrowth of the Cardiac Rehab program. She explained that the patients in the program consist of people who care about their own health and well-being. Stalnaker thanked the Lewis County Heart Society for their donations over the years of equipment and other items for the department. The newest expansion of the Heart Society’s efforts is the creation of a cardiac support group called – Heart Helpers. In concluding her remarks, the CEO paid a special tribute to Dr. Frank Scattaregia, the doctor who had been the Department’s Medical Director for the entire 40 years of Cardiac Rehab’s existence. Dr. “Scatt” came to Weston upon his completion of his training in Pittsburgh in 1979 and has been leading the department ever since. “Dr. Scattaregia is still here because he cares about his patients,” said Stalnaker. SJMH Board member Gerald Wood led the group for the blessing before the dinner. Dr. Wissam Gharib, cardiologist from Mon Health Medical Center also spoke to the group

about the many new cardiac procedures now available. He asked the group how many of the group had catherizations going through the groin. Just about all the cardiac patients raised their hands. He then explained that using the wrist is now the normal procedure… something which would be very helpful for the patients. He also explained other procedures such as “Watchman” which are now being used at the Mon Health Medical Center. Dr. Scattaregia then spoke to the group about heart disease statistics. He pointed out that someone dies every 60 seconds from a heart-related disease. Heart diseases is the leading cause of death for both men and women and accounts for more deaths than all forms of cancer combined. It is troubling to realize that half of all Americans have at least one of the risk factors for heart disease – high blood pressure, high LDL cholesterol or smoking. He went on to explain the benefits of cardiac rehab including it reduces the risk of having another heart attacks by 50% because it improves the cardio vascular system. Rehab improves the quality of life, the patient’s independence, lifestyle improvement and stress levels are lowered. Dr. Scattaregia added that he was proud to be a part of the SJMH Cardiac Rehabilitation Department for the past 40 years and that the leadership and administration of SJMH should be applauded for the guidance they provided to the department. At the end of his remarks, Nurse Manager for the Cardiac Department Kristi Gannon provided a gift certificate and plaque to the Doctor for his many years of service to the department and patients. As part of the celebration the SJMH Marketing Department conducted a scavenger hunt of events and people of note from 40 years ago. The winners were Tiffany Osbourne and Heather Ryan.


Mon Health cardiologist Dr. Wissam Gharib spoke to the cardiac rehabilitation anniversary attendees about the new systems in place for cardiac problems.


Cardiac Rehab nurse Marion Bennett provides a blood pressure screening during the 40th Anniversary Celebration at Stonewall Jackson Memorial Hospital.


Cardiac Rehab Nurse Manager Kristi Gannon, former nurse manager Victor Friedmann, Dr. Frank Scattaregia, and cardiac rehab tech Susan Carpenter were happy to be at the 40th anniversary of the Stonewall Jackson Memorial Hospital department.


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Marley is a four-year-old mixed breed female available for immediate adoption at the Lewis-Upshur Animal Control Facility. She is very sweet and already house trained. Marley gets along well with other dogs at the shelter and does not seem to mind cats. Marley came to the shelter as an owner surrender and desperately wants to find a new forever family. She has already been spayed and is up to date on her vaccinations. Her adoption fee is only $30.

Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Happy 50th Anniversary

If you’d like to meet Marley, please visit the L-UAC facility located on Mud Lick Road in Buckhannon. Many other dogs and cats are also available, so stop by and find the perfect pet for your family. L-UAC is always in need of volunteers if you are looking for a rewarding and worthwhile cause to assist. They are Darrel and Wanda Summers open Monday – Friday, 10 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. and Saturday 10 Darrel and Wanda Summers are celebrating 50 years of mara.m. to noon, or you can call riage with an Open House on Saturday, July 13th, from 2 – 4 304-472-3865. p.m. at the Vandalia United Methodist Church. Stop by and wish

them a Happy Anniversary! No gifts, please; cards appreciated.

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