• The ear infections correspond to a move to a new house. Environmental inhalant allergens are a common culprit of ear infections. • Sadie is 3 years old and has begun having ear infections that tend to be seasonal - meaning they are concentrated most heavily in particular seasons. Whether it be Spring, Summer, Fall or Winter - different dogs are sensitive during different seasons. These are generally often due to inhalant allergens; allergies often develop as dogs mature in early adulthood. My medical approach to aid our patients suffering from persistent ear infections may include some or all of the following: • Ear cytology (ear is swabbed and debris
is evaluated under microscope) • Ear culture (ear is swabbed and a microbiology lab identifies the exact organisms) • Blood work (complete blood cell count and blood chemistry including thyroid) • Hypoallergenic food trial. With this approach, please speak to an informed veterinarian, as choosing a lamb, duck or even kangaroo diet from your favorite feed store is not a diet trial. Also, grain-free food has become trendy and is not “hypoallergenic”; in some cases they aggravate symptoms.
• Blood test evaluating for inhalant allergens. I do not recommend blood tests that
evaluate for food allergens as they are highly unreliable (as in, as reliable as a blindfolded monkey and a dart board).
• Evaluation for mites, there are several to consider.
Ear infections, whether short-lived or persistent, are almost always treatable. However, they sometimes require some investigation, critical thinking, patience and commitment. Our pals deserve these in abundance. Dr. Lesser’s professional life has been committed to pets and their families for fifteen years. Following her work at the National Institutes of Health on the Human Genome Project, she earned her veterinary doctoral degree in May 2000. Norwich Regional Animal Hospital is owned by Dr. Lesser. Specialty services are provided by Dr. David Sobel, DVM, MRCVS and an exceptional network of referral veterinary specialists.
Spring 2015
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