Mountain Home, September 2019

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The Basket Babies

In Gaines, Catherine Shinaberry and MU Professor Lee Stocks Solve a 100-Year-Old Family Mystery, and Find a Tragic Piece of World History By Carrie Hagen

The Highlands Come to Dundee A Conspiracy in Mansfield A Just Cause at the Tioga County Fairgrounds


PROPERTIES IN THE MOUNTAINS & UP THE CREEK! 

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Volume 14 Issue 9

14 It’s a Conspiracy

The Basket Babies

By Gayle Morrow

By Carrie Hagen In Gaines, Catherine Shinaberry and MU Professor Lee Stocks solve a 100-yearold family mystery, and find a tragic piece of world history.

The third wave of coffee comes to Mansfield.

16 Pencil Perfect Portraits By Karey Solomon

Local artist Randy Owen shares some secrets.

18 A Just Cause

By Linda Roller

A juried art show—and a weekend of fun—comes to the fairgrounds for Partners In Progress.

28 Breaking Up is Easy to Do

6 The Highlands Come to Dundee

By Cornelius O’Donnell

Pasta, that is, which will get the kids involved for easy cooking.

By Maggie Barnes Scottish festival celebrates clans and community.

34 Back of the Mountain By Linda Stager Swingin’...

20 Big Art in a Small Town Cover photo: Dr. Lee Stocks and Catherine Shinaberry in Brookfield Cemetery, Gaines, Sarah Wagaman; cover design by Gwen Button; this page from top: the silver box belonging to Marion Rexford, courtesy Catherine Shinaberry; middle: courtesy Dundee Scottish Festival; bottom: courtesy Robert Gillespie.

By Nicole Landers The many murals of Robert Gillespie paint the Finger Lakes.

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Our reputation is w w w. m o u n ta i n h o m e m ag . co m Editors & Publishers Teresa Banik Capuzzo Michael Capuzzo Associate Publisher George Bochetto, Esq. D i r e c t o r o f O pe r a t i o n s Gwen Button Managing Editor Gayle Morrow S a l e s R ep r e s e n t a t i v e s Joseph Campbell, Robin Ingerick, Richard Trotta Gallery Manager/ Circulation Director Michael Banik Accounting Amy Packard D e s i g n & P h o t o g r ap h y Tucker Worthington, Cover Design

Brookside Builds Better Since 1979, thousands have entrusted Brookside Custom Homes to build their family home. We look forward to building your next home, custom fit for your life. With better materials, better workmanship and a better warranty, your home is built better with Brookside Homes. Selinsgrove 570.374.7900 1734 N. Susquehanna Trail

Lycoming Mall 570.546.5707 300 Lycoming Mall Circle


Mansfield 570.662.7900 303 Gateway Drive

Contributing Writers Maggie Barnes, Leslie Bresee, Mike Cutillo, Ann E. Duckett, Elaine Farkas, Carrie Hagen, Paul Heimel, Lisa Howeler, Don Knaus, Nicole Landers, Janet McCue, Dave Milano, Cornelius O’Donnell, Brendan O’Meara, Peter Petokas, Peter Joffre Nye, Linda Roller, Jennie Simon, Jan Bridgeford-Smith, Karey Solomon, Beth Williams C o n t r i b u t i n g P h o t o g r ap h e r s Bernadette Chiaramonte, Diane Cobourn, Bill Crowell, Bruce Dart, Katie Finnerty, Roger Kingsley, Emma Mead, Heather Mee, Jody Shealer, Linda Stager, Mary Sweely, Sue Vogler, Sarah Wagaman, Curt Weinhold, Ardath Wolcott, Gillian Tulk-Yartym, Deb Young


D i s t r i b u t i o n T eam Layne Conrad, Grapevine Distribution, Duane Meixel, Linda Roller T h e B ea g l e Nano Cosmo (1996-2014) • Yogi (2004-2018)

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Sarah Wagaman Soul searching: Catherine Shinaberry sits in front of the stone that marks the resting place of her great-aunt, Marion Rexford, who died as a child from the Spanish Flu in 1918.


The Basket Babies

In Gaines, Catherine Shinaberry and MU Professor Lee Stocks solve a 100-year-old family mystery, and find a tragic piece of world history. By Carrie Hagen


tories echo through the hollows. Rustling leaves sound like whispers, and waterfalls call wanderers off the trodden trails. The land rewards listeners with signs and questions that only a local storyteller can answer. Legends and family histories both have deep roots in the mountains… Catherine Rexford Shinaberry has spent most of her life trying to extrapolate a story from a parcel of land that her family has owned for generations. Now sixty-five and living in Maryland, Catherine grew up wandering around a one-acre hilltop cemetery along Route 6 near Gaines. One side of the graveyard—once called Furman Cemetery, now known as the Brookside Cemetery—is filled with grave markers, crosses, and flowerbeds. The other is largely empty. At a young age, Catherine learned why her father, her grandmother, and her great-grandmother had kept this side cleared over the years: to honor the memory of “the basket babies.” As the story went, during the influenza epidemic of 1918, Catherine’s great-grandparents had let indigent laborers bury their babies— infant victims of the virus—on the family property. Unable to afford coffins or gravestones, the grieving families had put their little ones to rest in baskets made at the Gaines Basket Factory. “We always kept the land sacred,” Catherine says today, “because we had no way of knowing exactly where they were.” Paul Rexford, Catherine’s father, did have an idea of where. He kept a vigilant eye on a small depression in the cleared side of the land. He suspected that the sunken area indicated a shallow trench where the baskets had been buried next to one another. Catherine remembers her father repeatedly telling mourners and visitors that the side of the cemetery without grave markers was not a parking lot.

“Dad didn’t want them parking on top of these children,” Catherine remembers. “ ‘We keep it sacred’ became a bug in my ear.” When her father died five years ago, Catherine decided to honor his memory by doing what she could to confirm the location of the babies. The discovery questions were many. Had babies really been buried on the Rexford’s property during the pandemic? If so, how many? Would she be able to identify any of the children’s names nearly 100 years after their mass burial? Could she find out exactly where their bodies rested? How could she do this without having the land disturbed, something her father had instilled in her never to do? Catherine knew that the story of the babies was more than a local legend. Wellversed in family history, she had tangible evidence of the 1918 influenza pandemic in the cemetery: her great-aunt Marion Rexford, for example, had died of the virus as a child in 1918, and Marion’s gravestone figured prominently in the Rexford family section of the lot. • Marion Rexford was one of approximately 67,000 Pennsylvanians who died of “Spanish Flu,” as the outbreak became labeled. Even though experts now say the Spanish Flu was an H1N1 virus of avian origin, they still don’t know what made this particular strain of influenza so deadly that it killed more than 50 million people worldwide. In November 2017, John Barry summarized in the Smithsonian what doctors do know. Simply put, the virus attacked immune systems that could not recognize its rapid mutation. The influenza strain “infected cells in the upper respiratory tract, transmitting easily, but also deep in the lungs, damaging tissues and

leading to viral and bacterial pneumonias.” Surprisingly, the outbreak targeted young adults (ages 12-20) more than any other group. According to James Higgins in the Spring 2019 issue of Pennsylvania Legacies, the virus was deadliest between September 1, 1918 and March 31, 1919. At least 675,000 Americans numbered in the death toll, with Pennsylvania taking the hardest hit. “No other state had as many deaths or as high a mortality rate,” writes Higgins. Theories vary on exactly how what became known as the Spanish Flu began. Some say it started in the port cities of England, transmitted by Chinese laborers. Others believe the virus began in France in 1916, or in Vietnam in 1917. Numerous historians have pointed to Camp Funston, Kansas, as military records reflect the quick escalation of a debilitating flu that soon reached Army camps on the East Coast before traveling overseas. As hubs for soldiers returning home from World War I, central Kansas and Philadelphia saw some of America’s highest mortality rates. There was another reason that Philadelphia lost so many—approximately 16,000—to influenza, and it had something to do with the virus’s nickname. Countries at war censored the press during wartime. In America, the Sedition Act threatened twenty years in prison to anyone who openly criticized the military or the government. So when Philadelphia planned to host an elaborate Liberty Loans Drive to finance the war, and reporters filed stories warning people to stay away from the crowds, editors didn’t print them. They feared that the articles, in linking the military to the outbreak, would read as forbidden criticism of the government. On September 28, 1918, approximately 200,000 people cheered the war effort in a See Basket on page 8 7

(2) Sarah Wagaman

Courtsey Dr. Lee Stocks

Basket continued from page 7

celebration that filled twenty-three of Philadelphia’s downtown blocks with parades, stunts, music, and laughter. The following week, 1,100 people died of influenza. The week after that, the virus took 3,000. And the following week, over 4,000 victims died. In the six-week period following the war drive, 12,000 people in Philadelphia perished of Spanish Flu. And why was it called Spanish? Because Spain wasn’t at war, so the country’s press published stories of the virus and its causes, especially when its king caught the flu and died. By actually covering the deadliness of the influenza strain, the Spanish press indirectly lent their culture’s name to what many consider the deadliest outbreak in world history. America did learn a lesson through Philadelphia’s nightmare. Across the country, municipalities banned people from gathering in public throughout the fall and winter of 1918. “It was decree by scare,” says Catherine. “No church, no school, no funerals, no partying.” At the time, says Joan Howland Rexford, Catherine’s mother and a resident of the Pine Creek Valley, the Rexford family owned land “from mountaintop to mountaintop.” Operators of a large logging business, the family had constant contact I once was lost: (from top) with farmers, loggers, and miners who struggled to make a Nathan Harpster of Dr. Lee living in the WWI era. During the pandemic, Catherine’s Stocks’ radar unit, begins great-grandmother, Nellie Rexford, worked as a lay physician the task of identifying heat signatures within the alongside a Baltimore-trained medical doctor in logging cemetery; Charles Bastian, camps that her family operated in Cherry Springs. When son of the Wellsboro funeral Nellie returned home for Christmas, she found her husband, director who picked up the a son, and a daughter ailing from influenza. Her husband, bodies, holds a basket used Charles, and son, Clare, recovered. Her daughter Marion to transport the babies to the did not. cemetery; Dr. Lee Stocks While indigent families didn’t have money for caskets, stands amid the cemetery wealthy families with money often couldn’t get them either. that holds these unidentified Too many were dying too quickly, and demand far surpassed souls. production. Philadelphia needed the coffins that would have been shipped from it to other places. Rumors spread of larger cities commandeering caskets initially intended for smaller locales. Catherine emphasizes that the fast-paced spread of influenza defied logic and upended routine procedures. “I’ve talked about this many times,” she says. “As people died in your family, they were covered with a blanket and put out on the porch. A wagon came by, just like in medieval times, with someone calling, ‘Bring out your dead.’” Sometimes, nobody could carry the bodies from the porch to the wagon. Parents were too ill to take care of sick children. Communities begged volunteer nurses to assist families, but even hospitals were short on nurses, and on doctors. At least half of all physicians under the age of forty-five had accompanied the military during the war. To expedite burials for sanitary reasons, the living resorted to putting bodies in mass graves, then covering them with lime. Because public gatherings were forbidden, nobody except facilitators like gravediggers attended. And because of the embarrassment families would feel over the “non-Christian” burial rites, says Catherine, the living wouldn’t talk about the way they interred their dead. “I heard stories about the flu epidemic,” says Henry Lush of Galeton. His family—which owned a large and well-known tannery for generations—also had private cemetery grounds. He


recalls stories of men carrying lanterns and bodies up to the property, where they would bury people under the cover of night. Henry was, however, unfamiliar with the notion that infants were buried in baskets made by the Gaines Basket Factory. The factory, built in 1912, closed in the early 1930s, according to the Wellsboro Agitator archives. As Catherine and her mother understand it, the factory stopped producing fruit baskets for apple and strawberry picking for a short time in 1918 so that it could craft funeral baskets—including those for the virus’s youngest victims. Charles Bastian, also from the Pine Creek Valley, accompanied his father, owner of a funeral home in Wellsboro, on many calls throughout Tioga and surrounding counties. Now seventynine, he remembers driving around the countryside with his father on work calls. On more than one occasion, his dad would stop in front of a log cabin, lift a small basket from the back of the car, take it up to the door, and return with a small bundle in the basket to bury. He didn’t speak a word about the deceased baby—or the circumstances of his or her death—to his son. “Sometimes these basket babies were put right into the ground,” says Charles. To this day, he still has one of these baskets used to transport babies from homes to cemeteries. • By the time she decided to confirm the location of the interred babies, Catherine had spent a lifetime thinking about the Brookside Cemetery. At fifteen, she even had a summer job mapping the grounds for her grandfather, who asked her to draw a grid as the family considered how to allocate future plots on the active burial side. She was particularly taken with the headstone of her greataunt, Marion Rexford. A couple of years before, she had found a silver box that had belonged to Marion. A comb and a trinket lay inside. The box connected her in spirit to the great-aunt who had died as a child in 1918. “I was immersed in sadness of Marion’s death,” she remembers. Catherine knew that a grave marker like the ones she walked among would carry her own name one day. That, too, gave See Basket on page 10


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Basket continued from page 9

her a greater appreciation for her family’s land, and a stronger tie to her great-aunt. “Kids at that age are interested in mortality,” she says. “I’ve always connected with people who have gone before.” More than anything, Catherine wanted to examine the depression in the land as a potential location of the basket babies without disturbing the final rest of those buried in it. Her own investigation led her to the possibilities of ground-penetrating radar, a technology developed by NASA during the World War II era that has been increasingly used by archaeologists and geologists over the past decade. At a base cost of around $15,000, the basic equipment includes antennas that send and receive radio waves to and from the ground, software and a laptop to process the data, and a mobile cart that can carry the control unit back and forth across the ground. She “didn’t even want to think about” how much hiring a private firm to conduct the investigation would cost. In 2016, Catherine called Penn State University to see if its geosciences program held the technology and might be able to help her for a reasonable fee. Penn State said they

didn’t have it, but that Mansfield University did. Catherine was shocked. The school, just twenty-plus miles east on Route 6 from Brookside Cemetery, had recently received a Pennsylvania Department of Community and Economic Development grant for ground-penetrating radar equipment. A phone call or two later, Catherine learned that Dr. Lee Stocks, associate professor of geology at Mansfield University, was beginning a radar unit with his students and would be happy to use the cemetery question as a field research project. And he wouldn’t charge her a dime. “We were blessed. I could not have imagined in a million years what that would have cost us!” remembers Catherine. • Before visiting Brookside Cemetery, Dr. Stocks had used the radar equipment to study sinkholes and glacial deposits, but had “never really applied it to void space before.” He cautioned Catherine about being too hopeful. Certain soils had better conductivity than others, and factors like background noise and electrical signals could hamper findings. Using the active burial site as a control

area, Dr. Stocks and his students divided the land into grids and used the radar equipment to send and record electromagnetic pulses that sought “heat signatures”— evidence of a body’s location—underground. Fortunately for the team, the soil was low in clay content (clay has a high conductivity, meaning it absorbs sound waves and limits penetration) and the equipment functioned perfectly. Atop the pushcart, computer software combined the radar findings with drone camera imagery to create a heat map of the subsurface land, and high-resolution 3-D images of subsurface objects. “The radar doesn’t show shapes. It shows density changes,” says Nathan Harpster, a former student of Stocks’ and one of the professor’s collaborators on the Tioga County Cemetery Mapping Project, an effort to create a database of each of Tioga County’s 271 burial grounds. Nathan, now a resource conservation technician with the Susquehanna County Conservation District, and two other of the professor’s former students—Jesse Olsen, and Cecil Cooper, a graduate student at Indiana University of Pennsylvania—have co-authored a paper for publication along See Basket on page 32

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Thad Compton Another man’s trash: Ted Compton proudly poses next to Conspiracy Coffee’s first roaster.

It’s a Conspiracy

The Third Wave of Coffee Comes to Mansfield By Gayle Morrow


omewhere in Ethiopia, a long, long time ago, there were shepherds watching flocks. By night. (It may or may not have been Christmas.) These were flocks of goats. If you’re at all familiar with goats, you know they are unique creatures with curious habits. But these flocks were behaving in particularly unique and curious ways—i.e. they were zooming about at night rather than sleeping or browsing quietly, leaving the shepherds to wonder, as they tried to contain their charges, “What’s up with these goats?” A bit of detective work followed, and the shepherds concluded that the goats became uncharacteristically active and awake after they had eaten from a certain bush. A large-ish bush with waxy green leaves, a bush that produces flowers and fruit, and, in turn, those seeds (maybe it was Christmas!) we call beans that make the beverage we call coffee. And that, says Thad Compton,


coffee lover, coffee roaster, and owner of Conspiracy Coffee at 11 West Wellsboro Street in Mansfield, is one of the most commonly told how-did-people-come-toknow-about-coffee stories. This is Thad’s first foray into the restaurant business, but not his first into coffee. Over steaming cups of java, with the chatter of customers and staff in the background, and the fragrances of something fairly yummy wafting from the kitchen area, the probation-officer-by-day elaborates. “I’m ahead of schedule,” he says. “I wanted this to be a retirement project.” Though he is a ways from that happy occasion, he is never far from the substance which will propel him to it—a good cup of coffee. He says he realized some years ago “there really wasn’t anything fresh” in the supermarket’s coffee aisle. Like so many other things, coffee used to be more local.

That is, even if it wasn’t grown locally, there were micro-roasters in every town. “Then the Big Three came in and gobbled them up,” he continues. “You see it now, with the big beer producers buying out the micro-brews.” Sadly there was, for a time, not much individuality perking in the coffee world. With the coming of Starbucks, and the emergence of the coffee culture on the West Coast—the so-called Third Wave—that began to change. Thad says he had become a fan of dark roast, especially fresh dark roast, and notes that “discovering” there are alternatives to supermarket coffee is sometimes just serendipity. “It’s almost like people have to stumble into it,” he says. “I was just lucky to have somebody who said, ‘Hey, have you tried this?’” Then he began reading about the roasting process.


PINE CREEK VALLEY “It’s just fascinating stuff,” he says. From there it was only a matter of time before he took the plunge. “I literally started out roasting two or three ounces on my front porch,” he recalls. This was ten or eleven years ago. He used an air popcorn popper to roast in, and used his family as guinea pigs. “My worst critics were my parents,” he laughs. “And my first roasting efforts—my God, it was awful!” Then, back around 2010 or 2011, “I was out popcorn popper shopping [he had pretty good luck finding used ones at thrift stores and yard sales],” and someone pointed him in the direction of the Tioga County Fairgrounds, telling him there was an old coffee roaster in one of the buildings up there. It happened to be the week leading up to the fair, so there were people around. Somebody gave him a key, he unlocked a door, “and there it was,” “it” being a Royal Coffee Roaster, built in Hornell, New York, circa 1900. “I sat there in awe,” Thad remembers. “I had seen these things online. Man, what a beauty.” He knew the value of what he was seeing, and he told the members of the Fair Board that they needed to be cognizant of what that was. He also knew what he had to spend, so he made the best offer he could. The board accepted, and Thad found himself in possession of his first real coffee roaster. He polished it up and started using it—staging the roasting process at his dad’s place and building a loyal customer base. When storefront space in Mansfield became available, Thad, with the support of his family, began thinking seriously about that retirement project. Months of remodeling, repurposing, and refinancing followed. He and his dad, Ted Compton, made all the tables. They pulled nails from old rafters, ran them through a planer, and used them for trim. They drove to Pittsburgh to pick up used chairs. “We really bargain hunted. My goal was to try to keep expenses down and to keep everything affordable, but…” Thad shrugs. “You run into things. I learned a lot from other small business owners. It’s given me a whole new respect for them—all those people I’ve done little tidbits of business with over the years. They’re all taking that risk.” He also credits his dad—who happens to be spending at least part of his ninetieth birthday working at his son’s restaurant—for helping him “every step of the way.” “I wouldn’t be in this building without him,” he continues. “My family, my wife [Cindi], they’ve sacrificed right along with me.” Conspiracy Coffee, which you can reach at (570) 4634150, opened in October of 2017 with the Royal Coffee Roaster providing the coffee. After some trial and error, the breakfast and lunch offerings these days, including Native Bagel bagels, Ted’s Breakfast Special, omelets, wraps, paninis, sticky buns, and, of course, bottomless cups of fabulous coffee. There is a more modern coffee roaster in use now (the Royal is temporarily retired), with coffee roasted daily on-site. Thad still loves a good dark roast, but says he’s come to appreciate the lighter side, and understands that people like options. “I live in a rural community, and if you just do one kind of coffee, you’re not giving people their choices,” he muses. “Coffee has to be good and it has to be affordable to my community.” Sounds like the best kind of conspiracy.

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(4) Courtesy Randy Owen

Realistic representation: Randy Owen starts a sketch that will turn into a masterpiece like those pictured: Daisy, Izzy, and Equestria.

Pencil Perfect Portraits

Local Artist Randy Owen Shares Some Secrets By Karey Solomon


t started with cartoons—could he make his hand copy what his eye saw? He could, from a very early age. As a kindergarten student in Arkansas (military family), his rendition of Clifford the Big Red Dog was reproduced as a bookmark, and, with the encouragement of his parents and teachers, he kept on drawing. Mansfield resident Randy Owen may not have been born with a pencil in his hand, but one has been there almost ever since. Although he’s broadened his skills into painting and teaching, the pencil might still be his favorite tool for making art. “When I learned about blending and shading—that’s when you rub pencil marks to get smoother transitions—that’s when art really hit,” he says now. “I started focusing on portraits of people and I haven’t looked back.” Largely self-taught, Randy’s attention to detail might be one of his most developed art skills. “A lot of people think portraits are the most difficult to capture,” he says. “If you draw a tree and it’s not the right shape, it’s still a tree. But draw a face and if there’s


something off, people notice.” Look at his portraits, particularly his pencil drawings, and it’s hard to believe you’re not looking at a photo. Every hair on his subjects’ heads has been noted and realistically reproduced; the quirks of facial expression, skin texture, and lifelike glow fairly jump off the page. There’s something in each one to make the viewer feel a real connection to the subject. “The secret is in the eyes,” he explains. Focused on the viewer or looking at something over your shoulder, the eyes convey that person is present. And, he adds, you can’t just look at someone’s eyes—you’ve got to really look. “We know what things basically look like,” Randy continues. “Eyes are almond-shaped, right? But everyone’s eyes are slightly different. It’s about what you see, not what you know. It’s a tug and pull between those two. It’s about getting that perspective and really looking at things.” Most often, when he’s commissioned to do a portrait, he’ll work from a treasured, meaningful photograph. First he’ll

concentrate on the basic outlines, then layer in detail, a painterly approach he used long before he knew what it was called. It’s not a quick process—it often takes more than a dozen hours—and because he has a young family and a day job, those hours are in limited supply. But, in the end, “if someone likes the drawing, if they think I’ve captured their likeness, that means the world to me.” Randy studied art at Mansfield University, but his major was mathematics. He admits he took art classes mostly to raise his grade point average, and actually learned very little. Instead, he painstakingly drew a new work almost every week, honing his techniques and challenging himself. He was as much an oddity among his fellow mathematicians as he was in the art studio— never meeting another mathematician with a strong interest in art nor an artist with much interest in higher mathematics. He went on to get a master’s degree in education from MU, but then, instead of going on for a teaching certificate, went to work as a credit See Owen on page 31

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Courtesy Barb Sargent Pioneering partner: Barb Sargent’s brother Danny Slater is one of the motivations behind the formation of Partners In Progress and A Just Cause.

A Just Cause

A Juried Art Show—and a Weekend of Fun—Comes to the Fairgrounds for Partners In Progress By Linda Roller


hen starting on a new venture, many people play it safe. They start small, build slowly, and don’t take any risks. To raise money for a not-for-profit, you plan a car wash, a bake sale, a spaghetti dinner. After all, that’s the “smart” thing to do. By those standards, Barb Sargent, along with Connie Shaw and Lorraine Pollock, and the event they’re planning—A Just Cause—is anything but smart. But it just might be brilliant. A Just Cause is raising funds for Partners In Progress of Tioga County, and they invite everyone to the Tioga County Fairgrounds, on Charleston Road, Whitneyville, September 7 and 8 for the inaugural event. For over a decade, Barb says, there was no increase in federal and state funding. Costs have continued to rise 18

and have not kept up with the expanding range of services PIP provides. A Just Cause looks to help fund these programs and to provide a working environment and an income to people who would not otherwise be able to have real, steady work. The main attraction at A Just Cause is the juried artisan show featuring artists from New York and Pennsylvania. This is a chance to see and purchase some of the best artwork and craftwork the area has to offer—jewelry, sign painting, baskets, needlework and textile art, ceramics, glass work, even sleigh bells are just some of what will be available. Add to that wineries and a cider press showcasing the fruits of the region, and local food vendors and food trucks with delicious things to eat. There will also be room for some junior artisans—

up-and-coming high schoolers who are perfecting their craft and just beginning to show the world what they can do. It’s the type of event that Barb knows well. She has been making handcrafted jewelry for over twenty years; her work received Best in Show at Glassfest 2015. With that kind of experience, she knows first hand what makes a great artisan show, for both the artists exhibiting and the people who come to see fine work. “Someday I hope to have one of the biggest artisan shows in Pennsylvania,” she says, and expects this show to be the first of many. But that’s just the beginning of what the weekend offers. Barb and A Just Cause have teamed up with Bigfoot Radio (104.5 See PIP on page 30

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Courtesy Dundee Scottish Festival

The Highlands Come to Dundee Scottish Festival Celebrates Clans and Community By Maggie Barnes


re all the inhabitants of Dundee, New York, of Scottish descent? No, not really. Has anyone in Dundee ever been to Dundee, Scotland? Um, no, actually. So, it is the perfect place for a Scottish festival! Logic such as this did nothing to dissuade the people of the New York Dundee from honoring their namesake across the pond with a big festival that celebrates all things Scottish. Well, at least it did not deter Fran Willis who, ten years ago, managed to talk some folks into helping launch a one-day event. “Even our school sports teams are known as the ‘Scots’,” Fran reasons. “How could we not explore the culture? “Besides,” she goes on, “we were 20

trying to think of something we could do to attract visitors. We don’t have a lake or anything like that. And the first year went pretty well.” Pretty well is an understatement for a first-time event with all-volunteer coordination that attracted more than 600 people. Now, a decade later, with the attendance well over 2,000 and Fran still in charge, folks who mention their hometown when they travel often hear, “Dundee? You have that big Scottish Festival, right?” Who needs a lake? The Dundee Scottish Festival is a kinetic happening with the whole family in mind. Music, dancers, vendors, food, kids’ activities, piping, drumming, and lessons on Bonnie Scotland’s history all blend in a

joyous cacophony of sight and sound. But the absolute crowd favorite is the Highland Games. “The games add so much energy to the festival. We would never think of not having them,” says Fran. What are Highland Games? They are a bit more strenuous that your average bowling league. For instance, there is the Scottish Hammer toss. No, put down the Stanley from the garage. The Scottish Hammer consists of a heavy ball and shaft. Unlike Olympic Hammer, where the thrower is allowed to spin, Scottish Hammer is a stationary event during which the athlete whips the hammer around his head, then lets it fly. Some athletes will wear custom boots with spikes on the end to keep

themselves anchored to the ground. The caber toss is the most unique and the most identifiable event in the Games. It is based on accuracy and not by distance or height. The caber is cut from straight trees varying in length and weight, typically eighteen to twenty-one feet long and ranging from ninety to 200 pounds. The athlete throws from six o’clock and he tries to flip the end he is holding to land at twelve o’clock, which is a perfect throw. (Yes, this is tree-flipping. They are flipping the entire flipping tree trunk.) Still not hearing anything your Pilates regimen has prepared you for? How about the Weight for Distance contest? These are weights thrown with one hand for distance. Most athletes use two spins to build momentum to heave the weights. It is thrown out of a nine- by four-foot box. The weights are measured in “stones.” One stone is equal to fourteen pounds. Very Game of Thrones. There is even a version of the Highland Games for the wee folk, ages eight to twelve years old, and a slighter bigger version for the thirteen- to seventeen-year-olds. The kids can unleash their inner Celtic warrior with an axe throw and archery contest. If you are more of a sedentary Scot, hang out for the music. “We have fiddlers and pipe bands that come from Jamestown, Niagara Falls, Rochester, all over,” says Fran, recalling the year the festival caught the end of Super Storm Sandy. “It poured. And, God love them, the bands just played on!” But, hey, it rains in Scotland. A lot. Scottish and Irish dancers strut their stuff, coming from as far away as Ottawa, Canada. The festival also offers sheepherding demonstrations with Highland cattle. There is a display of medieval weaponry, a favorite of the boys, Fran says. “And the men, come to think of it.” While kilts are not mandatory, they are celebrated with a “Best Celtic Dressed” contest that invites everyone from youth to baby to participate. Even the dogs get in on the act. Vendors are ready with Scottish pies when hunger strikes. And yes, there is haggis. If you don’t know what that is, it might be better to not find out until after you’ve tasted it. It takes hundreds of volunteers to make the Dundee Scottish Festival happen. The funds raised support a six-week after-school education program that teaches kids about Scottish culture, art, and heritage. That team of volunteers, which includes just about everyone in Dundee, has become a family of sorts through working together. “In 2017, one of our biggest supporters passed away, the week of the festival,” Fran relates. “So the pipe bands went into town and played at her funeral service.” Because, here in Dundee, it takes a village for all matters of life, death, and Scotland. A move from the crowded July calendar to slightly calmer September seemed to work well for bringing in visitors. The 2019 Dundee Scottish Festival takes place on Saturday, September 7, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. The location is the VFW Post 8649, 125 Seneca Street Extension. Tickets are ten dollars each and can be purchased online and at the gate. Kids up to seventeen years old get in free. For tickets and a complete rundown of events, visit Maggie Barnes has won several IRMAs and Keystone Press Awards. She lives in Waverly, New York.

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Harvest Soup & Pie Competition

Welcome to Corning’s Corning’s Gaffer GafferDistrict District Welcome to


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Nicolai Fechin, Alexandra, c. 1930. Oil on canvas, 25 x 20 in. Tia Collection, Santa Fe, NM. Artwork photograph by James Hart.

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hat’s better on a brisk fall day than a steaming mug of homemade soup? Having your soup declared better than the other guy’s, that’s what! This year, on September 21, the Harvest Celebration brings a unique combination of culinary competition and communal dining to Corning’s Gaffer District. “There are a lot of fun activities,” says Coleen Fabrizi, executive director of the Gaffer District. “But the stars of the show are the soups and the pies.” The glory that is autumn in the Southern Tier is on full display as local restaurants stir up their best bowls and folks traverse the district with spoon in hand. “The People’s Choice” is the coveted award awaiting the favorite broth. And what do you need after a hearty meal? Dessert, of course! “We bring in a celebrity panel of judges that have to declare the best pie in the Gaffer District.” Coleen’s face takes on a serious look, and she asks with great sincerity, “Do you know how hard that is?” Indeed. Market Street is home to a selection of pies that would make Jack Horner warm up his thumb. Black bottom peanut butter, bumbleberry, plus classics like key lime and an orchard full of apple variations means there is a plate for every palate. But there can only be one winner, and Coleen says the best part of the contest is watching the faces of the judges as they taste. “As good as all the pies are,” she says, “there is usually one that you can tell is a favorite. The judges cannot hide their delight.” Fall fun continues, with the local television stations competing in the Scarecrow Challenge to create the best straw figure. A farmer’s market and antique tractor display give the feel of a country fair and provide the late season harvest needed to make one of those winning soups. Music from local and regional bands floats along the street from three stages. A scavenger hunt brings seekers into the shops, and the kids have a table of their own for fun. Coleen says one beloved aspect of the Harvest Celebration is the community table. “We shut down Market Street to cars and put tables end-to-end scattered the length of the street. Folks get a meal from our restaurants and sit at the table with friends, neighbors, and strangers. It is the perfect tribute to our autumn food and the love we share for this area.” So pass the soup and the pie and raise a spoon to fall in the Southern Tier. Find out more at ~Maggie Barnes


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(3) Courtesy Arts Center of Yates County

Courtesy Robert Gillespie Wonder walls: Robert Gillespie stands in front of one of several murals depicting the Watkins Glen Grand Prix races; (right) a progression of Bob’s work, from start to finish.

Big Art in a Small Town

The Many Murals of Robert Gillespie Paint the Finger Lakes By Nicole Landers “Art washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life.” ~Pablo Picasso


isitors to Penn Yan will notice a remarkable sight—a procession of elephants walking down the middle of Main Street. Although the elephants are not real, they do depict a real event. Painter and retired Penn Yan Middle School art teacher Robert (Bob) Gillespie had been looking for the perfect location for the mural he was inspired to create after seeing an 1897 photograph at the Yates County History Center. “Then I found Ray’s wall,” Bob says with a smile. Ray and Sandy Spencer were more than happy to accept and fund Bob’s mural

project on the gray wall of their building, home to them and their business, Water Street Wine and Liquor. Ray, a member of the Penn Yan Village Board, is always looking for ways to improve his community. Five years ago, the couple moved their wine shop of fifteen years from a different area of town to this historic building—it was once Lake Keuka Fruit Sales and the place from which fruit was transported along the canal system to New York City. Ray recalls that Water Street had become an abandoned warehouse street. Now it’s home to a wine bar, restaurant, and luxury apartments. “I knew it had to be a big painting,” Bob explains, “because of the detail.” Bob’s been producing murals for over twenty years, but nothing quite like the elephants. Perhaps best known for his action-filled

murals depicting key moments of the 1948 and 1954 Grand Prix races in Watkins Glen, Bob has also created large pieces commemorating interesting moments in local history. His motivation stems from the desire to conjure an emotion from the viewer, whether it be joy, warmth, or nostalgia. He enjoys pushing paint and evoking positive feelings. “It’s a kind of therapy for the artist as well as the viewer,” Bob explains. And because his pieces are in plain view, he’s likely to reach a wide audience, not just those who visit galleries. Bob says he’s learned that “when painting a mural at street level you become an entertainer.” Passersby stop and engage the artist in conversation, either with questions, suggestions, or stories of their See Gillespie on page 26


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Gillespie continued from page 24

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own. Bob would be quick to show them the photograph and explain that this early circus would have been inspiration for Jimmy Cole to establish the James M. Cole Circus, which he managed for nearly fifty years. As in many of Bob’s pieces, he included some personal touches. He placed his great-grandfather, Bill Shays, a commercial photographer from Oswego, standing along the road with camera and tripod at-the-ready. A figure important to aviation during the 1890s, Glenn Curtiss, is standing in the crowd. If you look hard enough, you might see a print of one of Bob’s racing murals in a shop window. A popular tourist spot, the Windmill Farm and Craft Market, hosts a number of Bob’s murals. One shows an annual boat race between graduating classes at Keuka College. Another reflects the time when steamships dotted Keuka Lake’s waters, while several provide snapshots of action on the racetrack at the Glen. Further along Route 54A is another popular Penn Yan business, Oak Hill Bulk Foods, which houses a scenic mural of Bob’s creation. Renovations made it necessary for the mural, painted on an eight-foot by twenty-plus-foot wall, to be moved to a different location within the café. Creative Director Ruth Sommers says, “We knew how much the public loved it. There was no doubt we were going to keep it.” Using the business’s name as inspiration, Bob created the fictitious scene of an oak tree on a hill overlooking the lake and the village of Keuka Park. He painted his daughter walking across the street to see Milly Bloomquist, local anti-hunger advocate, who always had treats for anyone who came to her door. He included fellow artist and friend, Dexter Benedict, moving art materials from the studio to his truck. Bob wanted patrons of the café to feel cozy on a cold winter’s day, so he chose warm colors. An empty swing hanging form the tree in the foreground seems to invite the observer to enter the scene and enjoy the view. His most recent mural is being installed in sections at Bully Hill Winery in Hammondsport. When finished, it will include a series of seven four-foot by eight-foot panels. The first panel is complete and will hang so that wine tasters can see the bright flower designs camouflaging an animal—this one being a goat, since that’s the winery’s trademark. Not all of Bob’s art is on a grand scale. For the last thirty years, he’s been self-publishing calendars of his original works. He started out with wall calendars of line drawings representing historical scenes and events of the local area. For the last fifteen years he’s been creating a desk calendar of original lithographs of his race car paintings. The Arts Center of Yates County also contributed funds towards the circus painting in Penn Yan. Executive Director Kris Pearson shares Bob’s opinion that public art has a place in strengthening people’s understanding of the history of the place. Public art is an important part of a downtown’s aesthetics, appeal, livability, and culture, she says. Bob says what he really wants is to “bring a smile to people’s faces.” You can see more of Bob’s work at Nicole Landers is a freelance writer in the Finger Lakes. Her interests include the arts, agriculture, nature, and community involvement.

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Marlo Carl

Breaking Up is Easy to Do

Pasta, That Is, Which Will Get the Kids Involved For Easy Cooking By Cornelius O’Donnell


ear not, this article has nothing to do with romance. I leave that to the current sob sisters, whose columns appear in our local papers. Rather, I came across a recipe in a cookbook, and it called to mind another recipe I used to demonstrate when I was, as Willie Nelson sings, “on the road again.” And then another came to mind. (I could go on and on but won’t.) Anyway, I’m always on the lookout for recipes the kids can help with, and these fill the bill. The little ones can help with the prep and you can do the stove top or oven stuff as they watch. The first recipe is from a fascinating book called 500 Casseroles I snagged from a bargain-book source. Casseroles seem to go in and out of style in favor of stir-fries, roasts, and even kebobs. But these many recipes involve a variety of ingredients, some of which may be especially lovely this time


of year and may be in your garden or at your neighborhood farm market. They are dishes that can be put together ahead, say in the morning before you’re off to work, errands, volunteering, whatever. They can cook while you unwind after a busy day. Leftovers later in the week are a bonus. Shortcut Lasagna Who wrote the recipes in 500 Casseroles? We don’t know, but, whoever they are, they hit the button with the intro to this old favorite: “When you’re craving lasagna but don’t have the time [or inclination] to make one, this is an excellent stand-in.” Amen to that. I edited this slightly, just because. 1 Tbsp. olive oil 1 medium onion, sliced 2 cloves garlic, minced 1 medium red bell pepper, seeded, chopped 4 crushed canned tomatoes with liquid

1 Tbsp. finely chopped fresh basil 1/2 tsp. crumbled dried oregano Salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste More salt for the pot 1½ pounds thin ripple-edge pasta such as regnitte or mafaldine (they resemble frilly ribbons not as wide as regular lasagna) ½ c. grated mozzarella Fill a large saucepan with water and bring to the boil. Heat olive oil in a 10inch non-stick frying pan. When the oil is hot, add onion and bell pepper. Sauté for about 3-4 minutes until the onion is softened. Add the garlic and cook for about 2 minutes until you smell the garlic. Add tomatoes*, basil, and oregano, and simmer for 5 minutes. Add salt and pepper to taste. Meanwhile, have the kids break the pasta into about 2-inch pieces. Add the

pasta pieces to the boiling water and cook until softened—about 8-9 minutes. Drain and add to the ingredients in the frying pan, mixing well to combine. Cook for 10 minutes until tomato sauce thickens and coats pasta evenly. Remove from heat and arrange grated cheese over the pasta. Cover the pan for several minutes to allow cheese to melt. I also made this with no-precook noodles broken as above. Worked fine and one less pot to clean. Hurrah! I may have added a minute or two, so check for doneness. Many variations: Try folding in 1 cup of ricotta to the sauce when adding the pasta. And/or add 1cup sliced mushrooms and sauté with the onion, or dice 1 small zucchini and add this to the onion. I think some shredded or grated Parmigiano Reggiano could be added to the mozzarella. The imported Parma may require mom to sell a jewel, but the taste is worth it. *If you use whole tomatoes, let the kids crush them (with immaculately clean hands, of course.) And now for something completely different. Break the Cake I seem to be on a heavenly kick. First, angel hair pasta and now angel food cake. I went to a charming website (it’s called Gather for Bread) to get the proper proportions. I’m more of a “toss it in” when it comes to this recipe (I make it often), using the freshest fruit in season—pitted cherries, peaches, sliced nectarines, sliced kiwi, even halved grapes. I use a purchased cake to make this an easy-breezy dessert, but you can certainly bake your own. 1 purchased (or home-baked) angel food cake Pound strawberries, rinsed, dried, stemmed, and mediumsliced 1 ½ c. rinsed and dried-in-a-towel, blueberries 1 quart heavy whipping cream Dash of vanilla 2 Tbsp. granulated sugar Mint and/or crystalized ginger (optional) for garnish Place the bowl of your stand mixer along with the wire whip attachment in the freezer for about 10 minutes. Meanwhile, break the cake into roughly 1-inch cubes. Put half of them into a trifle dish or elegant bowl. I drag out a handsome Steuben bowl I won years ago. Why not use it? Remove the bowl and whisk from the freezer and add the heavy cream, vanilla, and sugar to the bowl. Beat on medium speed, watching closely, until stiff peaks form. Spoon half of this over the cake pieces and arrange half the fruit over the cream (youngsters could help here). Then add a second layer of the cake, followed by the remaining cream. Arrange the remaining fruit on top—perhaps in an attractive pattern. Garnish with mint or ginger if you want. Serve at once or cover tightly and refrigerate for up to several hours. Be an angel and invite a few local angels who’ve helped you in the past year. They’ll bless you. Chef, teacher, author, and award-winning columnist Cornelius O’Donnell lives in Horseheads, New York.

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PIP continued from page 18

FM in Wellsboro and Mansfield) and its sing-off contest, the Voice of Bigfoot Country. The sing-off’s grand finale show, and awarding of the $500 prize, will be during A Just Cause. Bigfoot Country DJ Eric Bailey will provide entertainment all day Sunday. Barb is looking for attendees to photograph the weekend’s events, with amateur shutterbugs invited to then enter a snapshot contest. The best photo, judged by Bruce Dart from Photos by Dart, will win a one-hundred-dollar prize. There will be a baby photo contest, a silent auction, and a fifty-fifty drawing both days. This is a big event, says Barb, raising money for an even bigger cause—one close to her heart. All the money raised during the event will go to Partners In Progress, an organization co-founded by Barb’s father, Cliff Slater, and Harry Scouten. PIP was organized in 1997 to help people who, because of a disability, were unable to find and keep a job. Other organizations, like Hope Enterprises in Lycoming County, and Capabilities in Chemung County, provided some jobs, but they were not local enough to see to the needs of people in Tioga County, nor flexible enough to create employment opportunities for them. Irene Morgan, executive director of PIP, recalls that the first few jobs were at an underwear factory in Liberty. Within five years PIP had expanded from a staff of two serving ten people in workshops, to seven staff serving thirty-five, and then bought property in Mansfield. Today, PIP serves a workforce of 175 to 200 people. The staff of nearly one hundred provides a vocational training facility, and facilitates the work for three main companies: Wardflex of Lawrenceville, Tyoga Container of Tioga, and Metalkraft Industries of Wellsboro. PIP acquired Highland Chocolates in 2012. They also organize the janitorial crews for thirty-five businesses in the area, and run a thrift store, My Neighbor’s Closet, next door to the South Main Street headquarters. Many of the people who work for PIP need help living on their own. So there are residential programs—an adult training facility, and the Transition House, providing a real house in a real setting with a program to learn how to live independently. There are student programs designed to help with the affairs of just plain living, and to also help explore jobs and find the right job for the right young person. PIP also hosts two summer camps. Camp Partners is a place where young people, both with and without disabilities, enjoy camp activities together. Students teach each other, and integrate brain builders and life skills into summer fun. Partners Summer Adventure Program has fewer students and is geared toward those who are more comfortable in a slower-paced setting. It’s a cause worth celebrating, and holding an event that shows off the products, the artistry, and the people of the region is the perfect way to do it. Admission and parking are free, and you are invited! Gates open at 10 a.m. both days. The show is open until 5 p.m. on Saturday and until 4 p.m. on Sunday. Call PIP at (570) 662-7026 for more information.

Mountain Home contributor Linda Roller is a bookseller, appraiser, and writer in Avis, Pennsylvania.

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Owen continued from page 16

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Karey Solomon is a freelance writer and admirer of waterfalls and the natural scenery of the Finger Lakes.

Rainbow Falls, Watkins Glen State Park Photo: Marie Frei


analyst for First Citizens Community Bank, relegating his art to the afterhours spaces. While he’d love to draw and paint full time, his family comes first. He continues to expand his art skills, working in oils and challenging himself with portrait commissions and other complex drawing projects. “I’m trying to transition to have [oil] painting my primary medium, but it costs more and it’s stinky, so I find myself reverting back to drawing,” he says. Some weekends he teaches drawing workshops at the History Center in Mansfield, often to adults who have not tried drawing for many years. He offers encouragement and an introduction to his techniques. But if these don’t work, he’ll offer a different approach. There are many ways to draw, and what doesn’t work for one person might be right for another. For instance, while many artists work on perfecting one area of a picture before working on the next, like drawing two perfect eyes before moving on to the nose in a portrait, Randy will “spend quite a bit of time on the initial outline.” “You can draw an eyeball really well, but if it’s in the wrong spot on the face, it’s difficult to move it. I want to first make sure everything’s proportionate.” This summer, a portrait of the Owen family’s beloved cat Izzy graced the walls of the State Museum of Pennsylvania’s annual State of the Art juried competition in Harrisburg. Izzy died a few years ago after an ill-fated excursion on the road, and her portrait was Randy’s Christmas gift to his wife, Angelica. This portrait was inspired by Owen’s recollection of his pet’s regal demeanor; looking at the portrait, you can almost feel the texture of Izzy’s thick fur. His portrait of his four-year-old daughter, Avalon (“Wacky Wednesday”), is a good illustration of why he generally paints portraits from photographs. Trying to photograph Avalon for a passport, she wiggled and made faces and stuck out her tongue. It made an interesting image, if not what the State Department prefers. Just like a young child not wanting to stay quiet long enough to have her photo snapped, there are no adults he knows willing to sit still for as long as it takes him to outline their features. Randy is currently looking for more opportunities to share his work, among them planning more workshops for the fall. It will give him a chance to encourage others while enjoying his favorite pastime. Recently, he discovered a new talent in a not-altogetherunexpected place. When Avalon brought him a horse picture she’d drawn, he made the expected “That’s nice” responses, then took a closer look. He realized that although it was a youngster’s sketch, she’d drawn all the details of the horse recognizably. Would he like Avalon to become an artist? “I’d love to live vicariously through my daughter if she chose it, but I’m not going to push her to draw or paint,” he says. Despite the beauty of his art, Randy continues to think of himself as a work in progress. He’s still learning from everything he paints and draws, and says, “I look forward to when I can apply it to the next piece.” See Randy’s work on Facebook and at

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with Dr. Stocks on the process of using ground-penetrating radar to survey clandestine gravesites. “Very few people are doing this type of research,” says Cecil, which is significant in “a world that is rapidly changing environmentally.” As land is exchanged, developed, or simply maintained, he says, its inhabitants need to understand what lies under the surface in order to steward it responsibly. This includes studying the land for abandoned wells, rates of tree growth, and septic systems—all things that non-invasive technology can access. After studying the control site, Dr. Stocks and his team divided the cleared area near the depressed trench into grids, and studied it with the radar equipment for heat signatures. Catherine was with them. As her father Paul Rexford had predicted, there was evidence of little bodies lying in baskets next to one another. “There were eleven of them,” Catherine says quietly. Tears flooded her cheeks when she saw the images onscreen. “It was such an emotional thing.” She wanted to know the names of each child—a long shot, considering that families would have been ashamed to share word of their babies’ unmarked, clandestine burials. Still, she posted the finding on Facebook and heard from a man who said his grandparents had had twin infants who had died of influenza in 1918. His family had thought they might be buried at Brookside. Their names were Lawrence and Louise Shelley. Near where they discovered the babies who had lain without recognition for 100 years, Catherine placed two white crosses bearing the names of the Shelley twins, and also a stone marker. It reads: “Sacred to the memory of the unknown souls buried here.” And there were far more unknown souls buried at Brookside than Paul Rexford or his daughter had suspected. Aerial drone video showed not one, but two depressions in the land. The second area sits over 100 yards behind the trench holding the babies. Radar revealed it to hold a mass grave of adults. Having studied other cemetery grounds, Dr. Stocks says the discovery was not abnormal. “What we’ve found,” he says, “is that there are a lot of clandestine graves.” Catherine hopes the story of Louise and Lawrence Shelley will bring more names to memories, and identifications for the other babies in the baskets. Should people wonder if they do have a family connection to Brookside, she recommends looking at census records between 1916 and 1918 to check the numbers of people in households, and then to rummage around for an old family Bible, where many locals would have recorded birth and death dates. Comparison of the two may very well lead to identities for the other babies. Catherine and her mother, Joan Howland Rexford, look forward to using the new mapping of the grounds to create a cremation garden at Brookside. Over the years, as the cemetery has filled (Catherine herself has two husbands buried in the Rexford section), it has run out of room for new gravesites. The garden will rest on the babies’ side of the cemetery, in an area full of trees with rustling leaves that can sound like whispers coming from the land. Inspired and haunted by true stories, IRMA and Keystone Awardwinning writer Carrie Hagen is the author of We Is Got Him: The Kidnapping that Changed America. She lives in Philadelphia.


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Courtesy Gary and Darlene Cronk




By Linda Stager

eptember means the end of summer and carefree days. School is back in session. And time moves on. When I drove past this swing, these thoughts came to mind. Perhaps its owner will be back for a ride later today? I hope so!


DEPARTMENT of MUSIC EVENTS Friday Saturday Sunday Saturday Sunday Sunday Saturday Friday Saturday Sunday

October 4 October 5 October 6 October 12 October 13 October 13 October 19 October 25 October 26 November 3

7:30 PM 7:30 PM 2:30 PM 7:30 PM 12:30 PM 2:30 PM 7:30 PM ALL DAY 4:30 PM 2:30 PM

Friday Saturday Saturday

November 8 November 9 November 9

7:30 PM 9:00 AM 1:30 PM

Saturday Sunday Sunday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Saturday Sunday Monday

November 9 7:30 PM November 10 10:00 AM November 10 2:30 PM November 15 7:30 PM November 16 7:30 PM November 17 2:30 PM December 2 7:30 PM December 7 7:30 PM December 8 2:30 PM December 9 7:00 PM

Music Department PRISM Concert $ Music Department PRISM Concert $ Mansfield University Symphony Orchestra Concert Jazz Band and Mansfieldians Concert Saxophone Studio Recital @ Butler 163 Choral Collage Concert Wind Ensemble Young Men’s Choral Festival Octoboefest Faculty and Guest Vocal Recital: Dr. Todd Ranney, Tim Culver, Catherine Roberison Così fan tutte @ Straughn Auditorium Mansfield University Piano Competition Mountaineer Brass Band Veterans Day Concert @ VA Hospital Auditorium in Bath, NY Così fan tutte @ Straughn Auditorium Saxophone Summit Così fan tutte @ Straughn Auditorium Concert Jazz Band Concert Wind Ensemble Mansfield University Symphony Orchestra Student Composer’s Society Concert Holiday Concert $ Holiday Concert $ Opera Scene Workshop

$ = tickets available for purchase at the box office or by calling 570-662-4710 All events in STEADMAN THEATER unless otherwise noted. To receive regular emails regarding upcoming music department concerts & events, send a request to

DEPARTMENT of MUSIC AUDITIONS Monday Saturday Monday Saturday

November 11, 2019 January 18, 2020 February 17, 2020 March 14, 2020

11 AM 11 AM 11 AM 11 AM

Audition information available at


• Bachelor of Music in Music Education • Bachelor of Music with Concentration in Music Performance • Bachelor of Music with Concentration in Music Business • Bachelor of Music with Concentration in Music Technology • Bachelor of Arts in Music For more information on the Department of Music visit

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