2 minute read
Rollin' on a higher frequency. Jessy Braidwood (left) and Névé Petersen started the Rollababes, a Sea to Sky skating club, in 2019. Anyone with wheels can join. Paradise Valley, Squamish. REANNAN SHAY
Simple machines are all underappreciated these days, but none is taken more for granted than the wheel. The wheel has to be the greatest invention in history.
The first wheels seem to date back to the Copper Age circa 4500-3300 BCE. And while the majority of wheel-artifact discoveries from that era are potter’s wheels, archeologists have found two-wheeled vehicles as well (mostly carts to be pushed or pulled—the bicycle wasn’t invented until 1817 or so).
To a scientist, the magic of the wheel (and axel) is not magic at all. They call it the mechanical advantage, which is the ratio of output force to input force when blah blah blah…whatever, it’s magic. And what makes wheels magic, is that they roll. The ability to roll can change the world.
Wheels roll, but so do waves…and kayakers can roll too, especially up north. And weather—it rolls in and it rolls out again, while Old Man River, apparently, just keeps on rollin’.
You can be on a roll, or you can be rock’n’roll (and if you have teenage kids you can get “Rick Rolled” as well). Rolled oats make a filling breakfast but a cinnamon roll tastes better (except we call it a “bun” around here). A Portuguese roll is perfect for a sandwich you’re gonna put in a hiking backpack (better than California rolls) but if you want anything much more gourmet, these days you better be rolling in cash, with a nice thick bankroll.
Sometimes you gotta roll with the punches, other times you gotta roll the dice, and here out West you better also know how to roll a fat one, because rollin’ with your posse is the only way to go. Roll up to Whistler and they’ll roll out the red carpet. Après parties are how we roll around here, and if your game rolls off the tongue just right you may have people rolling in the aisles (or joining you for a roll in the hay). Use your manners though, or heads will roll.
Eyes can roll too, and so can balls—but only once you get them rolling (same with adventures, so be ready to roll). They say a rolling stone gathers no moss, but with the price of fuel this summer it’s probably wise to roll back the travel plans and just roll with it right here in the Coast Mountains. So, roll up your sleeves and let’s do this—it’s the best time of the year in one of the best places on earth.
Let the good times roll… –Feet Banks