Brainstorming creative ways to tie magazine content together into a single, cohesive theme is usually a pretty fun task for an editor. But it wasn’t so easy this time. Like a buckshot pattern, the range of topics in this issue spread out as it moved forward in development. There was no singular concept. Some ideas went astray. Other, better stories were added. When it was done, we had a fantastic collection of mountain sledding content with very little unifying connection. Yet, I think this issue benefits precisely because the ideas weren’t corralled into one shape or direction. We simply chased down our favourite story ideas—whichever way they went—and brought them back to stuff this issue full. It begins with some important news on land use decisions affecting snowmobilers in British Columbia. Land use issues are always complex, and the potential closures facing snowmobilers in the South Peace region are no different. We go further by shedding light on the reasons why it feels like snowmobiling access in BC is constantly at risk.
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