SENT OUT ONES NOVEMBER 1 ! Bible Reading: Acts 13:1-12 Key Verse: Acts 13:3- “And when they had fasted and prayed, and laid their hands on them, they sent them away.”
Key Words: sent away You do not find the words missions or missionary in the Bible, but you certainly find the teaching of missions. The word missionary means “sent out ones.” Missions is the lifeblood of the church. The church isn’t about great buildings or fine programs or even athletics. The church has a mission to send forth men and women into the field, for they are white unto harvest. William Carey, the great missionary of India, said to a body of people, “I will go down if you will hold the ropes.” It’s a great idea. It’s a great mental picture. “I’ll go into the caves, I’ll go into the places where you will never go, but you must hold the ropes. I’ll go down if you’ll hold on. I’ll go if you are here holding fast, holding tight.” We must send forth but we must also supply the needs for the missionaries to carry out their mission. A famous artist once was asked to paint a picture of a dying church. It was expected that he would paint a small and humble congregation in a dilapidated building. Instead, he painted a stately edifice with a rich pulpit and magnificent windows – and near the door, an offering box, marked “Missions,” with the contribution slot blocked by cobwebs. Need I say more!
What to do: ! Get involved with your church missions program. ! Pray for our missionaries of the day: Gary and Kathy Ashley to Puerto Rico; and Franklin and Brenda Booth to Panama. !
"But I go out as a missionary not that I may follow the dictates of common sense, but that I may obey that command of Christ, 'Go into all the world and preach.' He who said 'preach,' said also, 'Go ye into and preach,' and what Christ hath joined together let not man put asunder.” -James Gilmour
NO RESERVATIONS NO RETREATS NO REGRETS NOVEMBER 2 ! Bible Reading: II Timothy 4:1-8 Key Verse: II Timothy 4:7- “I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith:”
Key Words: I have finished my course In verse seven, you find a three-point outline that will provide: the fight, the finish, the is war, life is winning, and life has its weapons. Most of you would agree that the Apostle Paul was one of the greatest, if not the greatest, missionary of all time. From the time you begin to read about Paul’s call from God (Acts 9) to the time of his death, you can see Paul had no reservations, no retreats, and no regrets. In 1904 William Borden, heir to the Borden Dairy Estate, graduated from a Chicago high school a millionaire. His parents gave him a trip around the world. Traveling through Asia, the Middle East, and Europe gave Borden a burden for the world’s hurting people. Writing home, he said, “I’m going to give my life to prepare for the mission field.” When he made this decision, he wrote in the back of his Bible two words: No Reservations. Turning down high paying job offers after graduation from Yale University, he entered two more words in his Bible: No Retreats. Completing studies at Princeton Seminary, Borden sailed for China to work with Muslims, stopping first at Egypt for some preparation. While there, he was stricken with cerebral meningitis and died within a month. A waste, you say! Not in God’s plan. In his Bible underneath the words: No Reservations and No Retreats, he had written the words: No Regrets. The key to success in God’s service is No Reservations, No Retreats; and you’ll serve with No Regrets.
What to do: ! Pray for our missionaries of the day: Mel and Carol Brown, Furlough Relief; and Jeff and Mindy Bush to Argentina. !
"Fear God and work hard." -David Livingstone
NO PASSING SHADOW NOVEMBER 3 ! Bible Reading: Isaiah 6 Key Verse: Isaiah 6:8- “Also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, Whom shall I send, and who will go for us? Then said I, Here am I; send me.”
Key Words: Here am I, send me Truly we must reach the place in life that we fully comprehend that only what’s done for Christ will last. This can only be done as we see and realize that God is Holy, Holy, Holy. In his book, Facing Loneliness, J. Oswald Sanders writes, “The round of pleasure or the amassing of wealth are but vain attempts to escape from the persistent ache. The millionaire is usually a lonely man and the comedian is often more unhappy than his audience.” Sanders goes on to emphasize that being successful often fails to produce satisfaction. Then he refers to Henry Martyn, a distinguished scholar, as an example of what he is talking about. Martyn, a Cambridge University student, was honored at only 20 years of age for his achievements in mathematics. In fact, he was given the highest recognition possible in that field. And yet he felt an emptiness inside. He said that instead of finding fulfillment in his achievements, he had “only grasped a shadow.” After evaluating his life’s goals, Martyn sailed to India as a missionary at the age of 24. When he arrived, he prayed, “Lord, let me burn out for You.” In the next seven years that preceded his death, he translated the New Testament into three difficult Eastern languages. These notable achievements were certainly not “passing shadows.” Truly, only what’s done for Christ will be lasting. Everything else is but a passing shadow.
What to do: ! Remember our missionaries of the day: Stephen and Charlotte Byrd to Ecuador; and Talmadge and Timmie Campbell to Israel. !
SOMEONE HAS TO LIVE NOVEMBER 4 ! Bible Reading: Philippians 4:10-23 Key Verse: Philippians 4:15- “Now ye Philippians know also, that in the beginning of the gospel, when I departed from Macedonia, no church communicated with me as concerning giving and receiving, but ye only.”
Key Words: no church communicated with me concerning giving and receiving, but ye only Paul had gone to the mission field. He was doing what God had called him to do; and evidently, the only church that was holding up their end of the bargain in supporting Paul financially was the church at Philippi. What a shame! Now, we can’t all go to a foreign mission field; but we all can and should give so others can go. A young man accepted for the African missionary field reported at New York for “passage,” but found on further examination that his wife could not stand the climate. He was heartbroken, but he prayerfully returned to his home and determined to make all the money he could to be used in spreading the Kingdom of God over the world. His father, a dentist, had started to make, on the side, an unfermented wine for the communion service. The young man took the business over and developed it until it assumed vast proportions...his name was “Welch,” whose family still manufactures “grape juice.” He has given literally hundreds of thousands of dollars to the work of missions. God may not have called you to go but he has called you to give. So are you fulfilling your call?
What to do: ! Pray for your missionaries of the day: Eric and Stephanie Chapman to Moldova. !
"I realized that my life was to be one of simple, childlike faith, and that my part was to trust, not to do. I was to trust in Him and He would work in me to do His good pleasure. From that time my life was different." C. T. Studd
ISN’T THIS WHAT MISSIONS IS? NOVEMBER 5 ! Bible Reading: John 4:5-30 Key Verse: John 4:29- “Come, see a man, which told me all things that ever I did: is not this the Christ?”
Key Words: Come see a man Philip Schaff, the great church historian, wrote an eight-volume set of books covering the entire sweep of church history. In referring to the growth of the Kingdom in the post-apostolic era, this is what he says: Christianity once established was its own best missionary. It grew naturally from within. It attracted people by its very presence. It was a light shining in darkness and illuminating the darkness. And while there were no professional missionaries devoting their whole life to their specific work, every congregation was a missionary society, and every Christian believer a missionary, inflamed by the love of Christ to convert his fellow man. The example had been set at Jerusalem and Antioch, and by those brethren who, after the martyrdom of Stephen were scattered abroad and went about preaching the Word. Justin Martyr was converted by a venerable old man whom he met walking on the shore of the sea. “Every Christian laborer,” says Tertullian, “both finds out God and manifests him... .” Celsus scoffingly remarks that fullers and workers in wool and leather, rustic and ignorant persons, were the most zealous propagators of Christianity and brought it first to women and children. Women and slaves introduced it into the home circle... . Every Christian told his neighbor, the laborer to his fellow laborer, the slave to his fellow slave, the servant to his master and mistress, the story of his conversion as a mariner tells the story of the rescue from shipwreck. Who have we told lately about Jesus? To be more personal, have you told anyone lately about what Jesus has done for you in saving your soul?
What to do: ! Pray for our missionaries of the day: William and Terry Sue Craig to Japan; and Robert and Sandy Frazier to Mexico. !
"Let my heart be broken with the things that break God's heart" - Bob Pierce, World Vision founder
SOMEONE’S NOT LISTENING NOVEMBER 6 ! Bible Reading: James 1:1-20 Key Verse: James 1:19- “Wherefore, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath:”
Key Words: Let every man be swift to hear D. L. Moody was asked toward the end of his life, “If you could live life over again, what one thing would you do differently?” His answer shocked many: “If I could live life over again, I would do less talking to God and more listening.” Not bad advice!! In his book, The Great Omission, Robertson McQuilkin points out that in the days before William Carey, the Moravians from Herrnhut considered a support base of four adequate to keep one missionary at the front. Using that formula, America’s forty million evangelicals could support ten million overseas missionaries. Using a more modern standard, it was said that during World War II fifteen personnel were needed to keep one man at the front. Using that as a basis, the American fundamental churches could support a missionary force of 2,666,666. But fundamental churches of the United States, perhaps the wealthiest group of Christians in history, now have about 37,000 career foreign missionaries, about 9,000 of whom are engaged in full-time evangelism. “The truth is,” says McQuilkin, “less than one percent of full-time Christian workers are engaged in evangelistic ministry among the unevangelized of the world. Is this the way the Commander-in-Chief would assign His troops? Or is someone not listening?” Let every man be swift to hear!
What to do: ! Pray for our missionaries of the day: James and Linda Griggers to Austria !
"The mark of a great church is not its seating capacity, but its sending capacity." - Mike Stachura
GLORIFYING GOD NOVEMBER 7 ! Bible Reading: Matthew 10:34-42 Key Verse: Matthew 10:38- “And he that taketh not his cross, and followeth after me, is not worthy of me.”
Key Words: And he that taketh not his cross Missions isn’t about pleasing me, but glorifying God. It’s about being faithful disciples. At the age of 32, Scottish biologist Henry Drummond went on an exploratory venture into Africa. He visited the grave of David Livingstone, he saw missionaries laid low with tropical diseases, and he became ill with a raging fever that lasted for a month. He returned home with a greater depth of character, a profound compassion for the lost, and a new resolve to give himself to the service of his Master. To Drummond, meditating upon the suffering of Jesus Christ and seeing firsthand the sacrifice of those devoted servants helped him become a dedicated disciple. Now, discipleship to Christ doesn’t call for an unwise fanaticism that invites persecution or that sees virtue in suffering. But to follow our Lord, we must have the right priorities. Our motivation comes when we, like Drummond, reflect upon the price Christ paid for our redemption and think about the faithful servants of God who have given themselves unreservedly to His service. In sharp contrast to this and to Jesus’ emphasis upon the high cost of following Him, some preachers assure their listeners that living for Christ guarantees health, wealth, and happiness. Then too, thousands who profess faith in Jesus attend church and live decent lives, but they are so conformed to this world that they neither impress nor offend anyone. Think about these questions: If we lived in the first century, would the ungodly be throwing us to the lions? Burning us at the stake? Let’s never forget that discipleship is costly.
What to do: ! Pray for our missionaries of the day: Coleman and Belinda Gabbard to New Zealand; and Mike and Kristen Gali to Chile. !
"The Gospel is only good news if it gets there in time" -Carl F. H. Henry
WHITE UNTO HARVEST NOVEMBER 8 ! Bible Reading: II Corinthians 8:1-12
Key Verse: II Corinthians 8:5- “And this they did, not as we hoped, but first gave their own selves to the Lord, and unto us by the will of God.”
Key Words: but first gave their own selves to the Lord Did you know the following in regard to the earth? Area: 197 million square miles; 29.2% land, 70.8% water. Population: 6 billion in 2000. It was 4.7 billion in 1980. It was 1.6 billion in 1900. Languages: Over 900 million people speak Chinese; 400 million speak English; then comes Hindustani, Russian, Spanish, Arabic, German, Portuguese, Japanese, French, Italian and numerous dialects. Economy: Population growth is rampant in most third-world nations, such as Africa, Asia, and South America which is one human cause of a poor economy in those nations. Third-world nations are those not aligned with the Western or Eastern blocs – oil dictates most countries’ economic level. Politics: Dictatorships are the most rampant form of politics. This occurs in your Middle Eastern, African and Asian countries, which has a great impact on our mission endeavors to take God’s Word into these areas. Religion: 1 billion people claim to be secular atheists. 780 million Muslims. 725 million Catholics. 560 million Hindus. 387 million Protestants. (This includes Baptists which are not really Protestants.) 331 million Buddhists. 325 million Confucians. 186 million Eastern Orthodox. 66 million Animists. 55 million Shintoists. 18 million Jews. Surely, the fields are white unto harvest. Will you pray about going? Will you pray about giving financially so others can go?
What to do: ! Pray for our missionaries of the day: Kelly and Rebekah Gilliam to Australia. !
MISSIONS – THE GIVING OF YOURSELF NOVEMBER 9 ! Bible Reading: John 4:27-50 Key Verse: John 4:35- “Say not ye, There are yet four months, and then cometh harvest? behold, I say unto you, Lift up your eyes, and look on the fields; for they are white already to harvest.”
Key Words: for they are white already to harvest A pastor in a rural community wanted to see if a farmer in his church was willing to support the Lord’s work. As they were walking along one day, the pastor decided to ask him some direct questions. “If you had two farms,” he said, “would you be willing to give one to the Lord?” The farmer didn’t hesitate. “Why, Pastor, you know if I had two farms, I’d be glad to give one to the Lord.” The pastor asked another question, “If you had $10,000, would you give $5,000 to the Lord?” Again, there was no hesitation, “Why, of course, I would, Pastor. If I had $10,000, half of it would go right to the Lord.” The pastor had one more question, “If you had two hogs,” he said, “would you give one to the Lord?” This time there was a lengthy pause. Finally, the farmer replied, “Aw, Pastor, you know I’ve got two hogs!” It was easy for the farmer to talk of giving so generously as long as it was something out of his reach. But when it came down to what he really did have, he wasn’t willing to part with it. He hadn’t learned to be a cheerful giver. You see, God expects us to give out of the abundance of what He has blessed us with. According to I Corinthians 16:2, each of us is to give according as God has prospered us. But how can we give cheerfully? The key to this is found in II Corinthians 8:1-5, where Paul commended the churches of Macedonia for their willingness to give. Verse 5 tells us that, before they gave financially, they first gave their own selves to the Lord. If you want to be a cheerful giver, first give yourself to the Lord, and your giving will be from a heart of love.
What to do: ! Pray for our missionaries of the day: Bob and Suzanne Hall to Mexico; Joe and Elaine Hawkins to Brazil. !
"We talk of the Second Coming; half the world has never heard of the first." - Oswald J. Smith
MISSIONARIES IN PERIL NOVEMBER 10 ! Bible Reading: II Corinthians 11:21-33 Key Verse: II Corinthians 11:26- “In journeyings often, in perils of waters, in perils of robbers, in perils by mine own countrymen, in perils by the heathen, in perils in the city, in perils in the wilderness, in perils in the sea, in perils among false brethren;”
Key Words: in perils We need to pray daily for missionaries who daily live in peril so others can come to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. John G. Paton, a missionary to the South Sea Islands, often lived in danger as he worked among the hostile aborigines who had never heard the gospel. At one time three witch doctors, claiming to have the power to cause death, publicly declared their intentions to kill Paton with their sorcery before the next Sunday. To carry out their threat, they said they needed some food he had partially eaten. Paton asked for three plums. He took a bite out of each and then gave them to the men who were plotting his death. On Sunday, the missionary entered the village with a smile on his face and a spring in his step. The people looked at each other in amazement, thinking it couldn’t possibly be Paton. Their “sacred men” admitted that they had tried by all their incantations to kill him. When asked why they had failed, they replied that the missionary was a sacred man like themselves, but that his God was stronger than theirs. From then on Paton’s influence grew, and soon he had the joy of leading some of the villagers to the Lord.
What to do: ! Pray for our missionaries of the day: Keith and Marla Herndon to Romania; Rodney and Faye Holmes to Venezuela. !
"The Bible is not the basis of missions; missions is the basis of the Bible" -Ralph Winter
A PART OF THE MINISTRY NOVEMBER 11 ! Bible Reading: I Thessalonians 5:14-28 Key Verse: I Thessalonians 5:25- “Brethren, pray for us.” Key Words: pray for us The key to having a heart for missions is totally throwing yourself into mission work. A man I met spoke intimately of a certain section of China; he mentioned specific towns and villages, certain missionaries in various stations and the names of Chinese pastors. I asked when he had been in China, and he replied that he had never been there. Years before, his college roommate had gone there as a missionary; they had corresponded regularly, writing once a month, and he had spent a great deal of time praying for his friend. He marked on maps the trips his friend described in his letters. He dotted his map with marks identifying churches and chapels; he memorized the names of believers about whom the missionary wrote. He supported the work with his gifts, sent special sums for special needs, helped to educate some of the young men of the region and daily lifted his heart to God in prayer for what had become his ministry as well. So let me encourage you to make missions a part of your daily life. Make it a ministry to minister to the missionaries.
What to do: ! Pray for Frank and Joan Jones to Mexico. !
PRAY FOR OUR MISSIONARIES ! Bible Reading: Romans 12:10-19
Key Verse: Romans 12:12- “Rejoicing in hope; patient in tribulation; continuing instant in prayer;”
Key Words: continuing instant in prayer Just as you are comforted by knowing someone is praying for you, others are comforted by knowing you are praying for them. For this purpose we share prayer requests one with another that we may pray effectively. With this thought in mind, let us dedicate ourselves to pray for our missionaries. Let me suggest to you some things you can pray for and about concerning our missionaries.
• Pray for the missionaries’ spiritual well-being and that the fruit of the Spirit would be evident in their lives. • As missionaries face new challenges almost daily, pray that they will have wisdom and knowledge for each situation. • Pray that the missionaries will be lovingly courageous and that those who hear the gospel message will have ears to hear and a heart to respond. • Pray for steadfastness. Often fruit is slow in developing in these foreign countries. • Pray for their families as they adjust and adhere to a new culture. • Pray for protection as our missionaries are on the spiritual battle front in the heat of the battle. • Pray for their physical needs: finances, food, housing, health, etc. Our missionaries need good health and strength to do the work God has called them to do. As you pray, ask God to increase your vision and burden for the lost world. May God call to your remembrance our missionaries as you daily come before His throne in prayer.
What to do: ! Pray for Kedesh and Stacy Jerome to the French West Indies. !
A FAMILY MISSION ! Bible Reading: Joshua 24:1-18
Key Verse: Joshua 24:15- “And if it seem evil unto you to serve the LORD, choose you this day whom ye will serve; whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the flood, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land ye dwell: but as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD.”
Key Words: But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord Winter is rapidly approaching and thoughts of the holidays are at the forefront of our minds. This is the season we think about family. Many of you will pack up your suitcases and load up your vehicle and head off to see Mom or Grandmother. But how likely is it that any of us will pack our suitcases and load up our car and head off, not knowing where we are going? If you don’t know where you are going, what
do you tell Junior when he asks, “Are we there yet?” Well, it’s hard to tell since you’re not sure where you are going--which leads me to the point of this devotion: where is your family heading? As you travel together on this journey called life, how do you want your family to travel and where do you want them to end up? Have you ever considered a “Family Mission Statement,” something to guide you on this journey called life. A “Family Mission Statement” should clarify your values, goals, and principles in life, something to guide you down the road of life, some standards by which you make your decisions. Here are some questions to ask as you think about how you want to reach your destination. 1) What do you want your kids to remember about you as parents (or you as a single parent)? 2) What do you want others to see in your family? 3) How does your family communicate, both in conflict and in peace? 4) What values do you want your children to have? 5) How will your children understand God’s character as seen through your examples? So go ahead and write out (if you’ve not already done so) your “Family Mission Statement” as to what you want to accomplish in your family in this life for the glory of God.
What to do: ! Pray for our missionaries: Lisa Kendrick and Keith and Julia Klaus to Germany. !
MISSIONS-MINDED PEOPLE NOVEMBER 14 ! Bible Reading: Acts 8:26-35 Key Verse: Acts 8:30- “And Philip ran thither to him, and heard him read the prophet Esaias, and said, Understandest thou what thou readest?”
Key Words: And Philip ran thither to him, As you read the verses in our Scripture reading for today, we see three things that make up a missions-minded person.
First, missions-minded people are hearers (verse 26, “spake unto [him]”). Secondly, missions-minded people are heeders (verse 27, “And he arose and went”). Thirdly, missions-minded people are helpers (verses 29 to 31). When we are hearers, heeders, and helpers, we are God’s servants assisting in the rescuing of those who are perishing. One time Fanny Crosby, the blind hymn writer, visited the McAuley Mission in New York. She asked if there was a boy there who had no mother, and “if he would come up and let her lay her hand on his head.” A motherless fellow came up, and she put her arms about him and kissed him. She went from that meeting and wrote: “Rescue the perishing, care for the dying, snatch them in pity from sin and the grave. Weep o’er the erring one, lift up the fallen, tell them of Jesus the mighty to save.” Some time later, when Mr. Sankey was about to sing this song in St. Louis, he related the incident. A man sprang to his feet in the audience and said, “I am the boy she kissed that night. I was never able to get away from the impression made by that touching act, I have become a Christian.” Today someone somewhere needs a missions-minded person to go tell them of God’s saving grace.
What to do: ! Pray for our missionaries: Kokou and Yvette Loko to Togo, Africa; and Sean and Stephanie Lunday to Brazil. !
THE JOY OF GIVING NOVEMBER 15 ! Bible Reading: Luke 6:27-38 Key Verse: Luke 6:38- “Give, and it shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed down, and shaken together, and running over, shall men give into your bosom. For with the same measure that ye mete withal it shall be measured to you again.”
Key Words: Give and it shall be given unto you Stephen Olford relates the following story in his book, The Grace of Giving. “My father served the Lord for thirty years in Angola, West Africa. Throughout that whole period he was never on salary. In fact, he had no guarantee from one month to another that financial support would be forthcoming. But, thank God he never lacked! He not only maintained the overhead costs of a missionary program, but he also brought up his family which included three boys. In later years when he returned home, he discovered people all over who had sacrificed greatly to support
his work. In almost every case, these people had been blessed by his ministry but had chosen to remain anonymous. If these people had been weary in well doing, what would have happened to a lonely missionary and his family in the heart of Africa?” I believe prayer is us pouring our heart out to God. Giving is letting God pour out His heart to others through us. Supposing today were your last on earth, The last mile of your journey you’ve trod. After all of your struggles, how much are you worth? How much could you take home to God? Don’t count on possessions, your silver and gold, For tomorrow you leave them behind. And all that is yours to have and to hold, Are the blessings you’ve given – Keep that in mind. Just what have you done on your journey along That was really and truly worthwhile? Do you feel you’ve done good and returned it for wrong, Could you look o’er your life with a smile?
What to do: ! Pray for our missionaries: Tony and Kim Ledbetter to Haiti; and Matt and Sarah Litson to the Ivory Coast. !
MISSION POSSIBLE NOVEMBER 16 ! Bible Reading: Acts 11:22-30 Key Verse: Acts 11:24- “For he was a good man, and full of the Holy Ghost and of faith: and much people was added unto the Lord.”
Key Words: full of the Holy Ghost I do believe that prayer and financial giving are essential to a church missions program being successful. But before a church can be “successful” at missions, we,
as church members, must be willing to be used by God. For the missions program of the church to be prosperous, we need to do three things. First, have a faith that is obvious (Acts 11:24). Barnabas was full of the Holy Ghost. And when you are full of the Holy Ghost, you will have a song in your heart, a thankful spirit, and a submissive spirit. Then your faith will be obvious. Secondly, we need to have a spirit that is contagious (Acts 11:26). Thidly, we need to have power with a purpose (Acts 11:23). Our church missions program can reach more souls for Christ and send more missionaries around the world if we would pray, give, but also put our faith into action. Develop a spirit of missions which is contagious and have a strong, purposeful heart toward missions. John W. Gardner, founding chairman of Common Cause, said it’s a rare and high privilege to help people understand the difference they can make – not only in their own lives, but also in the lives of others, simply by giving of themselves. Gardner tells of a cheerful old man who asked the same question of just about every new acquaintance he fell into conversation with: “What have you done that you believe in and you are proud of?” He never asked conventional questions such as, “What do you do for a living?” It was always, “What have you done that you believe in and you are proud of?” So let me close by asking, “What have you done that you believe in and you are proud of?”
What to do: ! Pray for our missionaries: Frank and Jennie Maietta to Italy; and Roland and Vera Mitchum to the Ukraine. !
RELIGIOUS OPPRESSORS NOVEMBER 17 ! Bible Reading: Hebrews 11:32-40 Key Verse: Hebrews 11:37- “They were stoned, they were sawn asunder, were tempted, were slain with the sword: they wandered about in sheepskins and goatskins; being destitute, afflicted, tormented;”
Key Words: afflicted, tormented The U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) recently released a report which stated that Sudan, China, and Russia head the list of nations in oppressing the religious rights of its people. Russia, according to the
report, is at a crossroads and whatever route it takes will have a tremendous impact on all European nations. In Sudan the situation is beyond horrible. More than two million Christians have been put to death because of their faith in Jesus Christ. In recent days my heart has been burdened for the people of Sudan (thus one of the reasons for this devotion). Since no one is allowed to go in Sudan (that is, no missionaries) reports are sketchy, to say the least, but we know the oppression is great. China in recent times has begun again to persecute Christians. Many Christians who allow meetings to take place in their homes have been imprisoned for life. (Churches are not allowed in China so they meet in homes.) Vladimir Putin, Prime Minister of Russia, issued a decree that any group not licensed by the state must be “liquidated.” We are certainly living in the last of the last days. Satan and his demonic forces are busier than ever. We must get God’s Word out here in our Jerusalem that Jesus saves; but we must also see that all men, women, boys and girls around the world have the opportunity to hear the gospel as well. Will you pray, give, encourage, and even go out in your community and tell others?
What to do: ! Pray for our missionaries: Bob and Iara Nichols to Brazil; and Ennis and Becky Pepper to South Africa. !
WHAT OTHERS HAVE SAID NOVEMBER 18 ! Bible Reading: Romans 15:18-28 Key Verse: Romans 15:23- “But now having no more place in these parts, and having a great desire these many years to come unto you;”
Key Words: But now You may think it strange that I use the words but now. I use the two words but now as the key words to our Scripture reading for today. But they are vital and impressive words. The question is, “But now, today, where do you stand in the area of missions?” Below I have listed ten statements that have impacted my life in the area of missions. I pray they will impact you as well. 1. Part of the reason we are not praying (for missions) is that we have no investment there, either personally or monetarily.
2. Missions is not the ultimate goal of the church – the glory of God is; but where you find the glory of God, you will always find missions. 3. Giving to missions is not an obligation, it’s an opportunity. 4. Missions is important to God. The way we know that is that Jesus was a foreign missionary. 5. Missions is important to God. We know because every New Testament book was written by a missionary or about missionaries. 6. Every believer needs a Biblical world view that dominates their life decisions. 7. My greatest fear for our church is not failure. It is that we will learn to succeed in areas that matter not to God. 8. Parents want the best for their children. This usually consists in the best that money can buy, not being in and doing the will of God. 9. So far as the fundamental believing church is concerned, there is probably no other group our size and age that is doing less to reach the unreached world. 10. The reason so few care about missions is that missions requires that we live, not for self, but for Christ.
What to do: ! Pray for our missionaries: Bob and Sandy Piatt to Japan. !
THE MISSIONARY APPLICANT NOVEMBER 19 ! Bible Reading: James 4:1-8 Key Verse: James 4:6- “But he giveth more grace. Wherefore he saith, God resisteth the proud, but giveth grace unto the humble.”
Key Words: But giveth grace unto the humble There is a story in regard to missionaries I love to tell. It goes like this. At three o’clock one wintry morning, a missionary candidate climbed the steps to the examiner’s house. He was shown into the study where he waited until eight o’clock for an interview. Upon arriving, the old clergyman proceeded to ask questions. “Can you spell?” “Yes, sir,” was the reply. “All right – spell baker.” “Baker: b-a-k-e-r.”
“Fine. Now do you know anything about figures?” the examiner inquired. “Yes, sir – something.” “How much is two times two?” “Four,” replied the lad. “That’s splendid,” returned the old man. “I believe you have passed. I’ll see the board tomorrow.” At the board meeting the man admitted his account of the interview. “He has all the qualifications of a missionary,” he began. “First, I tested him on self-denial. I told him to be at my house at three o’clock in the morning. He left a warm bed and came out in the cold without a word of complaint. “Second, I tried him out on promptness. He appeared on time. “Third, I examined him on patience. I made him wait five hours to see me after telling him to come at three. “Fourth, I tested him on temper. He failed to show any sign of it; he didn’t even question my delay. “Fifth, I tried his humility. I asked him questions that a five year-old child could answer, and he showed no indignation. So you see, I believe this lad meets the requirements. He will make the missionary we need.” So he would – but he will still need the financial support from churches!
What to do: ! Pray for our missionaries: Tom and Addie Rooney to England; and Jean and Sherley Rousseau to Canada. !
THAT’S WHAT MISSIONS IS NOVEMBER 20 ! Bible Reading: Acts 19:1-12 Key Verse: Acts 19:2- “He said unto them, Have ye received the Holy Ghost since ye believed? And they said unto him, We have not so much as heard whether there be any Holy Ghost.” Key Words: We have not so much as heard At the seminary there was a custom that the President could call on any student on any day for the morning chapel sermon. One young man was petrified, and each day he dreaded going to chapel for fear he would be called upon. Sure enough, one day the President rose, looked over the audience, pointed directly at him, and said, “Young man, you are to preach our sermon today.”
The student rose, but as he ascended to the platform, he was a nervous wreck. Looking over the congregation, he couldn’t speak. His mouth was dry, his knees were knocking, his hands were sweaty, his mind was reeling, and he felt he had a biscuit stuck in his throat. Finally he stammered, “How many of you know what I’m going to say today?” Nobody raised a hand. “Then neither do I,” he said, and sat down. The next day as the students filed into chapel, the President again pointed to the young man, giving him a second chance. But again, the young man was gripped with fear. His hands and knees shaking, with a trembling voice he said, “How many of you know what I’m going to say today?” This time they all raised their hands. “Then,” he said, “if you already know, I don’t need to tell you;” and he went and promptly sat down. The President of the seminary was angry, but he decided to give the young man one last chance. The next day, he again called on the student, and this time the student was more nervous than ever before. His mouth was thick and dry, and he felt as though he was going to faint. At last he muttered, “How many of you know what I’m going to say today?” This time half raised their hands and the other half did not. “Then,” he said, “those of you who know, please tell those who don’t know.” And that’s what missions is – those who know telling those who don’t! So be a missionary and go tell those who don’t know about Jesus.
What to do: ! Pray for our missionaries: Dan and Jennifer Post to the Ivory Coast; and Scottie and Darlene Rackley to Madagascar. !
HIS LAST REQUEST NOVEMBER 21 ! Bible Reading: Mark 16:9-18 Key Verse: Mark 16:15- “And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.”
Key Words: Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature. A minister who had recently been called to a prosperous church was met by a prominent woman of the church who said to him, “Doctor, I do not believe in foreign missions.” The minister was grieved, but said nothing. A few weeks later, when the congregation was gathered about the Communion table, he took occasion to read the Master’s final words to the disciples. “The last words of our friends,” said the
pastor, “are always precious. It affects us to know what chiefly weighs on their hearts as they are about to leave us. Any message or commission they give us then, we would rather do anything than to fail to heed or execute. It has always impressed me that the thing which weighed most on our Saviour’s heart as He was taking His departure, was the world of sinners for which He had died, and the very last request He made of His friends was that they should ‘go into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.’” Shortly after the close of the service, the same lady approached the pastor, and with tears in her eyes she said, “Doctor, I do believe in foreign missions.” Since missions was the very heartbeat of Jesus, shouldn’t missions be our heartbeat as well?
What to do: ! Pray for our missionaries to Mexico: Charles and Jurldeen Strong, and Nick and Patty Sutmaier. !
WHAT IF NOVEMBER 22 ! Bible Reading: Proverbs 11:24-31 Key Verse: Proverbs 11:30- “The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life; and he that winneth souls is wise.”
Key Words: He that winneth souls is wise Would you not agree with me that being a witness for Jesus is not just of supreme importance but it is the most important thing that we as believers can do? The elementary students often sing a little song called “Be A Missionary.” The words go like this, “Be a missionary everyday. Tell the world that Jesus is the Way. The Lord is soon returning, there is no time to lose; so be a missionary, God’s own emissary, be a missionary today.” I read the following story which certainly illustrates the importance of being a witness. Bill Faye, an evangelist who was a guest speaker at a church on Sunday, September 9, 2001, returned to his home in Denver on Monday, September 10. On his American airline flight he saw a stewardess breaking up ice with a wine bottle. He got up from his seat and asked her if there wasn’t another way she could more safely do it. He said he was afraid she would hurt herself. She was moved that he was so concerned. He then gave her a gospel tract to read when she had a spare
moment. A short time later she found Bill and told him that this was the sixth gospel tract she had received from someone. “What does God want from me?” she asked. Bill responded, “Your life.” A few minutes later he was praying with her to accept Jesus Christ as her personal Lord and Savior. After the terrible attack on America on September 11, Bill looked up the names of those on American Airlines Flight 11, the first plane that crashed into the World Trade Center. The stewardess’s name was listed. On Tuesday, September 11, 2001, she entered into the eternal presence of her Lord and Savior! What if Bill Faye had not witnessed to the stewardess? What if we never witness? What if!
What to do: ! Pray for our missionaries: Julio and Andrea Velasquez to Spain; and Kevin and Beth White to Bolivia. !
HOW LONG SINCE JESUS DIED? NOVEMBER 23 ! Bible Reading: John 3:1-16 Key Verse: John 3:16- “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”
Key Words: that he gave his only begotten Son Familiarity breeds contempt!! We are so familiar with John 3:16 that we tend to ignore the great truth that Jesus came so men and women, boys and girls of every nation and nationality could be saved. Which raises the questions...if the gospel is as valuable as we say it is, why have we failed to both give and send “into all the world?” An aged Mohammedan woman in Bengal asked: “How long is it since Jesus died for sinful people? Look at me; I am old; I have prayed, given alms, gone to the holy shrines, become as dust from fasting, and all this is useless. Where have you been all this time?” The same cry was echoed from the icy shores of the farthest Northwest Territory. An old Eskimo said to the Bishop of Selkirk, “You have been many moons in this land. Did you know this good news then? Since you were a boy? And your father knew? Then why did you not come sooner?”
Again, in the snowy heights of the Andes, a Peruvian asked, “How is it that during all the years of my life I have never heard that Jesus spoke those precious words?” It was repeated in the white streets of Casablanca, North Africa. Said a Moor to a Bible seller, “Why have you not run everywhere with this Book? Why do so many of my people not know of the Jesus Whom it proclaims? Why have you hoarded it to yourselves? Shame on you!” A missionary in Egypt was telling a woman the story of the love of Jesus, and at the close the woman said, “It is a wonderful story. Do the women in your country believe it?” “Yes!” said the missionary. After a moment’s reflection came the reply, “I don’t think they can believe it, or they would not have been so long in coming to tell us.” Good question! The answer is two-fold: 1) a lack of people willing to go; and 2) a lack of people willing to pay the price financially for others to go!! What a shame!
What to do: ! Pray for our missionaries: Frankie and Sandra Sheridan to the Chippewa Indians; and Ben and Katie Shore to Scotland. !
GOING, BUT NOT KNOWING NOVEMBER 24 ! Bible Reading: Acts 20:17-31 Key Verse: Acts 20:22- “And now, behold, I go bound in the spirit unto Jerusalem, not knowing the things that shall befall me there:”
Key Words: not knowing the things that shall befall me there Paul, standing on an Asian beach, is saying goodbye to his friends. Several of them weep freely and openly, realizing they would never see him again (at least not on this earth). The apostle looked from man to man, then looking out to sea, utters the following words: And now, behold I go bound in the spirit unto Jerusalem, not knowing the things that shall befall me there: Acts 20:22. What an honest confession! I am going, yet I do not know what will happen to me. Now, isn’t that what the Christian life is all about? Going, yet not knowing: not necessarily logical, not explainable, but very clear, at least to us. There isn’t a Christian reading this devotion who hasn’t walked down that path before! Abraham certainly had faced this thing of going and not knowing. By faith Abraham when he
was called to go out into a place which he should after receive for an inheritance, obeyed; and he went out, not knowing whither he went. Some years back while in Washington, D.C., I talked with a Christian school teacher who was making $20,000 a year. Just the year before he had made $100,000, but he said, “God called and I followed, not knowing how my family would make it.” Are you on the verge of such a decision? Whether it be a missionary, a pastor, or even a Christian school teacher, let me suggest the following. 1. Be sure your decision doesn’t contradict Scripture. 2. Be sure your decision is unselfish in its motive. 3. Be sure it is the Lord speaking.
What to do: ! Pray for our missionaries: Ron White to Japan and around the world; and Maurice and Sherry Young to Taiwan. !
OTHERS DESIRE THE WORD NOVEMBER 25 ! Bible Reading: I Peter 2:1-10 Key Verse: I Peter 2:2- “As newborn babes, desire the sincere milk of the word, that ye may grow thereby:”
Key Words: desire the...word In some places of the world missionaries face a shortage of Bibles and gospel tracts. There are ministries such as First Bible and The Gospel Tract Association which provide these for the missionaries, but the cost to have such a ministry can be overwhelming. But again, the need is great. Robert Moffat, the great missionary to Africa, once told this story. “A woman came to me after having walked fifteen miles, and said that she wished for a New Testament. I said to her: ‘My good woman, there is not a copy to be had.’ ‘What! Must I return empty-handed?’ ‘I fear you must.’ ‘Oh,’ she said, ‘I borrowed a copy once, but the owner came and took it away, and now I sit with my family sorrowful because we have no Book to talk to us. Now we are far from anyone else. We are living at a cattle outpost with no one to teach us but the Book. Oh, go try to find a Book! Oh, my brother, do go and try to find a Book for me! Surely there is one to be found. Do not let me go back empty!’
“I felt deeply sorry for her, for she spoke so earnestly, and I said: ‘Wait a little, and I will see what I can do.’ I searched here and there and at last found a copy and brought it to the good woman. Oh, if you could have seen how her eyes brightened, how she clasped my hands and kissed them over and over again. Away she went with the Book, rejoicing with a heart overflowing with gratitude.” The need is great. The answer is God using you to meet the need.
What to do: ! Pray for our missionaries: David and Joy Speights to Thailand; and Stephen and Lynn Spore to Vanuatu. !
BE A WITNESS NOVEMBER 26 ! Bible Reading: Luke 24:36-49 Key Verse: Luke 24:48- “And ye are witnesses of these things.” Key Words: and ye are witnesses of these things Did you witness to anyone last week? Do you understand the supreme importance of being a witness for the Lord? Mark J. Goodger made it a weekly practice to hand out tracts from door to door. One day in South Carolina he stopped at a house and rang the bell. Because he heard sounds inside, he knew someone was home; so he kept ringing, even though no one came. Finally a man appeared, took the tract he offered, and rudely slammed the door in his face. A week later, Goodger returned to the same house. This time the man answered almost immediately. Inviting him in, he asked him to come to the attic. There he saw a sturdy rope dangling from the rafters with a box below it. The man said, “Friend, when you rang my bell last week, my head was in that noose. I was ready to jump! But you were so persistent that I decided to go down and see who it was. After receiving your tract, I read it because its title interested me, and through it God spoke to me. Instead of jumping off that box, I knelt beside it and gave my heart to the Lord.” How thankful Goodger was that he had been diligent in his witnessing! Without that leaflet the man would have gone into eternity unsaved. Everyday souls are literally at stake. Beginning today, dedicate yourself to being a missionary for God. Witness daily!!
What to do:
Pray for our missionaries: Matthew and Sachiyo Starin to Japan. !
THE UNKNOWN GOD NOVEMBER 27 ! Bible Reading: Acts 17:16-31 Key Verse: Acts 17:23- “For as I passed by, and beheld your devotions, I found an altar with this inscription, TO THE UNKNOWN GOD. Whom therefore ye ignorantly worship, him declare I unto you.”
Key Words: to the unknown God I have had the opportunity to visit countries in Asia, South America, and the Middle East; and the thing that stands out the most in my mind is their desire to please the unknown God. In the hills of Burma among the Palaung tribes are scores of little homes in which a corner is set apart as a shrine for the “coming God.” The Rev. A. H. Henderson, M. D., describes how these places are swept clean, and no one is allowed to go into them. At night a light is placed on each little shrine. Whenever one of the Palaungs, who live in these hills, is asked why this is done, the answer is always the same, “It is for the coming God.” Who this God is or where he may be found they know not, but they live in the hope that some day he will appear. As on that long-ago day in Athens it was Paul’s privilege to declare unto the people the one true God, so it is the privilege of the Christian missionary today to carry to these dwellers in the hills of Burma the message of Christ. We must all be missionaries or missionary-helpers. We must either go or give financially so others can go and tell all the people of the world Who this unknown God truly is.
What to do: ! Pray for our missionaries: Don and Luonna Stewart to Australia. !
WHERE IS YOUR TREASURE? NOVEMBER 28 ! Bible Reading: Matthew 6:19-34 Key Verse: Matthew 6:21- “For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.” Key Words: for where your treasure is, there will your heart be also Many years ago a secretary of the British Missionary Society called upon a Calcutta merchant for an offering to missions. The merchant wrote out a check for $250 and gave it to the secretary. But before the secretary left, a cablegram was given to the merchant. As he read it, a troubled look clouded his face. He said, “This cablegram informs me that one of my ships, with its cargo, has gone down at sea. This loss makes a difference in my affairs. I shall have to write you another check!” The secretary said, “I understand,” as he returned the check for $250. The merchant, with checkbook still open on his desk, wrote another check and gave it to the secretary. He was amazed when he saw it was for $1,000. “Haven’t you made a mistake?” the secretary asked. “No,” replied the merchant with tears in his eyes. “That cablegram was a message from my heavenly Father which read, ‘Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth...But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven...For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also’(Matthew 6:19-21).” So where is your treasure? You will know that by where and how you spend your money.
What to do: ! Give and pray for our missionaries: Ron and Loretta Jones to India; and David and Beth Gates to Egypt. !
"The Great Commission is not an option to be considered; it is a command to be obeyed" - Hudson Taylor
THE WELL-DIGGERS NOVEMBER 29 ! Bible Reading: John 4:7-26 Key Verse: John 4:14- “But whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst; but the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life.”
Key Words: shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life John G. Paton was the hero missionary of the New Hebrides islands in the South Seas. The people were savages, wore little clothing, and lived in a terrible state of sin. Mr. Paton had a time at first in getting the people to believe that he had a message from God. Finally the water supply ran out on the island because of a lack of rain. The natives had never seen a well. Paton proceeded to dig one, and the digging of this well was really the beginning of the conversion of the people. On beginning the well, Paton told the chief that he believed God would give them rain from the hole in the ground. The only fresh water the natives had was that caught when it rained. When Paton made this statement, great excitement prevailed. The chief and others declared that if Paton could bring rain from the hole in the ground, his must be the true God. Finally the missionary, by digging to some depth, found a spring of living water. The effect upon the people was wonderful. The old chief asked the privilege of preaching a sermon at the Sunday services upon the well. This he did, emphasizing his earnest appeal by excitedly swinging his tomahawk. In the midst of his sermon he cried, “People of Aniwa, the world has turned upside down since the Word of Jehovah has come to this land. Who ever expected to see rain come up through the earth? From this day I must worship Him Who has opened up for us this well, and Who fills it with rain from below.” During the week following this remarkable sermon great heaps of idols were burned in front of Paton’s house. The Christian teaching grew apace, and before many years there was not a heathen left on the island. Today, you can do two things: first, you can be a well-digger by giving out the Word of God; and secondly, you can send forth well-diggers through your church missions program. So today, I challenge you – be a well-digger!
What to do: ! Pray for our missionaries: John and Janet Pinnix to the backlands of Alaska. !
HOLD THE ROPES NOVEMBER 30 ! Bible Reading: Hebrews 13:1-18 Key Verse: Hebrew 13:18- “Pray for us: for we trust we have a good conscience, in all things willing to live honestly.”
Key Words: pray for us The following story was told by a missionary as he and his wife were leaving for a part of Africa known as “the white man’s grave.” “’My wife and I have a strange dread about going. We feel much as if we are going down into a pit. We are willing to take the risk and go if you, our home circle, will promise to hold the ropes.’ One and all promised. Less than two years passed when the wife and the little one God had given them succumbed to the dreaded fever. Soon the husband realized his days, too, were numbered. Not waiting to send word home of his coming, he started back home at once and arrived at the hour of the Wednesday prayer meeting. He slipped in unnoticed, taking a back seat. At the close of the meeting he went forward. An awe came over the people, for death was written on his face. He said, ‘I am your missionary. My wife and child are buried in Africa and I have come home to die. This evening I listened anxiously as you prayed for some mention of your missionary to see if you were keeping your promise, but in vain! You prayed for everything connected with yourselves and your home church, but forgot your missionary. I see now why I am a failure as a missionary. It is because you have failed to hold the ropes.’”
What to do: ! Hold the ropes! Pray for our missionaries: Simon and Elizabeth Jacobs to Pakistan; and Bruce and Jeanne Rice to the Philippines.
"I believe that in each generation God has called enough men and women to evangelize all the yet unreached tribes of the earth. It is not God who does not call. It is man who will not respond!" -Isobel Kuhn, missionary to China and Thailand
I deeply appreciate the help of Laurie Blankenship Trisha Bookout Kathy Endicott Cathy Fortenberry Sandy Lancaster Cathy Lang Marie Moore Mary Parsons John and Tascha Piatt Reba Pontbriand And my lovely wife, Linda
Without God using these people to help this devotional would not have been possible.
Dr. Mike Rouse !