REGULAR BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING Wednesday, September 25, 2013 Directors Present:
LoriKae Schwab (LoriKae), Board Member (2014) Karen George (Karen), Board Member (2016) Claudia Piper (Claudia), Board Member, Vice President (2014) Paul Heiberger (Paul), Board Member, President (2016) (via conference call from Denver) Randy Harris, Board Member (2015) Caitlin Karrenberg, Employee Board Member (2015) Hollis Train, Board Member (2014) Carolyn Gressitt (Carolyn), Board Member, Secretary (2016)
Directors Absent with Leave:
Stella Field, Board Member, Treasurer (2015)
Others Present: Shahid Mustafa (GM or Shahid) Brenda Carver, Integrity Services, Recording Secretary, member (Brenda) Marissa Coronado, MVM Webmaster 1. Call to Order at 5:30 PM by Claudia in Paul’s absence. 2. Member Forum: None 3. PRELIMINARIES: a. Agenda Review b. Task Review c. MOTION to approve the August minutes was made by Caitlin, seconded by Randy, and approved. 4. MONTHLY STATE OF THE CO-OP: a. Accept Manager’s Report: Went to the NCGA Assembly. Shahid said NCGA General Assembly talked about growth, poll of members for strategic priorities for vision: talent and leadership development, centralization of services (i.e., POS, HMO), regional distribution, national advertising, coop development, standard practices, core sets, cost of goods, federation, shared balance sheets, shared risk, access to capital, advocacy (non-GMO), diversity, private label. b. Accept Farm Budget Report: LoriKae said there wasn’t enough rain to leach the soil. We still need to flood the furrows. New Sunday Farmers Market at the Tractor Supply at Valley and Picacho. Lori Garton’s mother had a stroke; so it was good that Nicole was available to cover for Lori. Nicole had a meeting at SCORE about what is needed for a 501C3 for the farm. c. Accept Kitchen Report 5. BOARD DECISIONS: a. GM Monitoring on Staff Treatment and Compensation: MOTION to table the GM Monitoring report pending completion of the staff survey was made by LoriKae, seconded by Randy, and approved. b. Staff Survey: CDS can do the survey for $1550-2250. The Board rejected Shahid’s proposed staff survey and directed him to hire any third party (i.e. CDS) to perform the staff survey. c. CDS Contract renewal: MOTION to renew the CDS contract was made by Caitlin, seconded by Hollis, and approved. Renewal is approximately $6,000. Next call to Thane on October 7. d. Self-Monitoring/The Principles of Policy Governance: Carolyn would like to review #8 because “Clarity and Coherence of Delegation” does not match up with the Governing Style review that she is supposed to report on in October. 6. BOARD EDUCATION: TABLED until October and on-going 7. BOARD WORK: a. Customer Survey for market study: Sunday & Monday are well staffed. Saturday & Tuesday need help. We have 28 hours so far. Cashiers will do the majority of the work. Board Members would then help the customers so that the lines don’t back up. b. October 19 trip to ABQ (Hollis, Carolyn). Shahid opened it up to staff to attend; so Caitlin will wait to see who wants to go before deciding if she’ll attend. c. Revised Officer Descriptions: MOTION to approve the revised officer descriptions was made by Caitlin, seconded by LoriKae, and approved.
d. CCMA Report: Hollis said they suggested basic staple items be offered at a lower price for people on a budget. Sliding scale membership equity for low-income members. We are already doing many of the things that CCMA suggested. e. Yahoo Site: Storage capacity increased to 2GB; so we’re not in a rush to transition to the MVM site. Marissa is our new Website Content Coordinator. Matt had 3 possibilities (2 require development time). First, we could switch to Google Plus “private community” which is free up to 100GB. Over that is $4.95 per month. The only drawback is that Google takes ownership of the information we post. Second, our current website could be tweaked to create a section only accessible to board members. The drawback is it doesn’t have total support for PDF and requires 2-months development. The 3rd option is called AjaXplorer which is specifically made for file sharing and messaging and will sync with all OS and file types. It can run on our server but requires a learning curve and would require 3-months development time. Paul asked for a proposal for the 2nd and 3rd options. f. Financial Spot Check: Claudia will be gone all of November. Stella feels it can be done in October. Get the procedures manual from Shahid, watch a close-out procedure, and randomly check all procedures (i.e. payroll, membership ledger). Last year took 6 hours over 2 days. Participants to include Claudia, Caitlin, Carolyn. 8. BROADER DISCUSSIONS: 9. TASKS: a. Newsletter: November-Randy (baby coop); December-Paul (expansion issues); January-? b. Next Self-Monitoring: October-Carolyn; November-?; December-? 10. CLOSINGS: a. What’s on your Mind? Caitlin expanded menu with made-to-order, it’s going swimmingly. Haven’t rolled out our catering menu yet. October 20 Movie Event with light refreshments at the Rio Grande Theater. Hollis said she learned her 12-year-old hates French Onion Soup! He took a machete to her bathtub trying to kill a roach. Randy has relinquished his position at the radio station, but he’ll be able to go on air to talk about issues without carrying the responsibility. He can distribute fliers for the movie at the Farmers Market. Next Tuesday 10/1 (6:30-8:00 PM) at Community Enterprise Center dialogue LC Community Resilience Group. 8 Conversations this week including one in a middle school on bullying. Conversation next Wed on 10/2 cosponsored by the LC Green Chamber on renewable energy and jobs at Communication Enterprise Center (6-8:30). Carolyn said she is sorry she was late, she was working on her self-monitoring report. Claudia is addressing standardized testing in the state schools every other week. Teachers are being penalized for everything (including using their leave). Her daughter is in Havana working on her thesis and having a great time. Claudia is going to Peru for 3 weeks. LoriKae said there will be a meeting at 6:30 on Monday at Farm & Ranch about a strip mall at the base of A Mountain. Paul is ready to move into the closed session. b. Adjourn 7:48 PM Followed by closed session to discuss expansion and GM contract. c. NEXT MEETING: October 23, 2013 at 5:30 PM Respectfully submitted, Brenda W. Carver, Recording Secretary Integrity Services 505-640-9920 cell
DATE 2013.09.25
MOTION MOTION to approve the July minutes was made by Caitlin, seconded by Randy, and approved MOTION to table the GM Monitoring report pending completion of the staff survey was made by LoriKae, seconded by Randy, and approved
MOTION to renew the CDS contract was made by Caitlin, seconded by Hollis, and approved Carolyn would like to review #8 because “Clarity and Coherence of Delegation” does not match up with the Governing Style review that she is supposed to report on in October TABLED until October and on-going October 19 trip to ABQ Customer Survey for market study
2013.09.25 2013.09.25
Still need to approve the GM monitoring report after the staff survey
The Board rejected Shahid’s proposed staff survey and directed him to hire any third party (i.e. CDS) to perform the staff survey
2013.09.25 2013.09.25 2013.09.25
MOTION to approve the revised officer descriptions was made by Caitlin, seconded by LoriKae, and approved
Paul asked for a proposal for the 2nd and 3rd options from our Webmaster October financial spot check