Directors Present:
LoriKae Schwab (LoriKae), Board Member Claudia Piper (Claudia), Vice President Hollis Train, Board Member Caitlin Karrenberg, Employee Board Member Randy Harris, Board Member, Carolyn Gressitt (Carolyn), Secretary Karen George (Karen), Board Member Paul Heiberger (Paul), President
(2014) (2014) (2014) (2015) (2015) (2016) (2016) (2016)
Stella Field, Board Member, Treasurer (sick)
Directors Absent:
Others Present: Shahid Mustafa (GM or Shahid) Mike Perriguey, Staff Brenda Carver, Integrity Services, Recording Secretary, member (Brenda)
1. Call to Order: 5:35 PM 2. Member Forum: None 3. PRELIMINARIES: a. Agenda Review: MOTION to approve the agenda as amended (to move the Education on Patronage Rebate to before the Decision on 2014 Rebate) was made by Randy, seconded by Carolyn, and approved. b. Task Review c. MOTION to approve the November minutes was made by Randy, seconded by Hollis, and approved. [Abstaining: Randy (was absent in November) and Carolyn (who wrote the minutes)] 4. MONTHLY STATE OF THE CO- OP: a. Accept Manager’s Report/Farm/Kitchen: Nicole & Shahid met with Norm Friscoe in early December. We will begin to transfer the MVM Farm to its non- profit status. The Farm will be off the books of the Co- op by the end of 2013. Nicole is applying for a USDA Grant. Separate Farm Board of Directors is required. Drafting MVM Farm By- Laws. Nicole would be Executive Director with Lori as Farm Manager. b. Staff Survey Report: Contracted to start in January. 5. BOARD DECISIONS: a. Patronage Rebate declaration and pay out requirement for 2013: Mike said he doesn’t expect a surplus this year. We are growing!! We have purchased equipment for the Kitchen, invested in the farm, bought car, bought truck, and bought freezers. $56,000 has already been distributed to members in the form of Member Appreciation, and we have exceeded the livable wage. We are growing!!! MOTION to not distribute a patronage rebate this year due to current and anticipated investments in the store was made by LoriKae, seconded by Randy & Caitlin, and approved. b. GM Monitoring - Budget/Financial Planning: MOTION to accept the GM Monitoring Report on Budget and Financial Planning with its non- compliance was made by Randy, seconded by Caitlin, and approved. 6. BOARD WORK: a. Financial spot check: Procedures are very good and are followed. b. Annual Meeting: Saturday, April 12 th at 5:00. Committee: Carolyn, Paul, Karen, Claudia, Jennifer. Need to elect a replacement for LoriKae. 7. BOARD EDUCATION: a. Market Study Info: b. Patronage Rebate Review: Info was helpful. We can retain up to 80%. We must return at least 20% to the members. We’ve been giving 100% of retained earnings. Our 3 rd Qtr Financials show a loss of $32,276 for the quarter with a $16,225 profit YTD. 8. BROADER DISCUSSIONS: Closed Session on Market Study and Personnel Matter 9. TASKS: a. Newsletter: February- Karen; March- Carolyn b. Craft the Board Article ASAP
c. CBLD 101 and Skill Building in ABQ Jan. 25 d. Next Self- Monitoring: Jan/Relation to Member Owners – LoriKae 10. CLOSINGS: a. What’s on your Mind? b. Adjourn at 7:00 PM followed by Closed Session. c. NEXT MEETING January 22, 2014 at 5:30 PM
Respectfully submitted, Brenda W. Carver, Recording Secretary Integrity Services 505- 640- 9920 cell
MOTION to approve the agenda as amended
(to move the Education on Patronage Rebate to before the Decision on 2014 Rebate)was made by Randy, seconded by Carolyn, and approved. 2013.12.18
MOTION to approve the November minutes
was made by Randy, seconded by Hollis, and approved. [Abstaining: Randy (was absent in November) and Carolyn (who wrote the minutes)]. 2013.12.18
MOTION to not distribute a patronage rebate
this year due to current and anticipated investments in the store was made by LoriKae, seconded by Randy & Caitlin, and approved. 2013.12.18
MOTION to accept the GM Monitoring Report
on Budget and Financial Planning with its non- compliance was made by Randy, seconded by Caitlin, and approved. 2013.12.18
Craft the Board Article ASAP
CBLD 101 and Skill Building in ABQ Jan. 25