Claudia Piper (Claudia), Vice President Hollis Train, Board Member Randy Harris, Board Member, Stella Field, Board Member, Treasurer Carolyn Gressitt (Carolyn), Secretary Karen George (Karen), Board Member Paul Heiberger (Paul), President
(2014) (2014) (2015) (2015) (2016) (2016) (2016)
Directors Absent with Leave: LoriKae Schwab (LoriKae), Board Member (2014) Caitlin Karrenberg, Employee Board Member (2015) Others Present: Shahid Mustafa (GM or Shahid) Mike Perriguey, Staff Brenda Carver, Integrity Services, Recording Secretary, member (Brenda) Siddeeq Shabazz, member and candidate Doug DesGeorges, member and candidate 1. Call to Order at 5:34 PM. Condolences to LoriKae on the loss of her grandfather. 2. Member Forum: Welcome Siddeeq and Doug. Siddeeq has been coming to the co-op since he was 8 years old. He wants to be a part of something that aligns with who he is and what he believes in. Doug was an employee of the co-op for about 10 years. Semi-retired teaching (remedial English composition) at the community college. 3. PRELIMINARIES: a. Agenda Review: MOTION to approve the agenda was made by the Executive Committee and approved. b. Task Review: Randy wrote this month’s article for the newsletter. c. MOTION to approve the February minutes was made by Randy, seconded by Carolyn, and approved. 4. MONTHLY STATE OF THE CO-OP: a. Accept Manager’s Report: Sales continue to grow. Natural Grocers open on April 1st. We benefit with more vendor deliveries. b. Accept Farm Budget Report: The MVM Farm is registered under the Community Foundation. Good media publicity. Meeting with a NMSU Professor about interns for the aquaponics. c. Accept Kitchen Report 5. BOARD DECISIONS: a. GM Monitoring – Financial Condition: Net Income for 2013 was a loss of ($1,767.51). Total Sales for 2013 was $4,730,080.71. MOTION to accept the GM-Financial Condition report was made by Randy, seconded by Claudia, and approved. b. GM Monitoring – Ends: MOTION to accept the GM-Ends report was made by Randy, seconded by Hollis, and approved. 6. BOARD WORK: a. Pending clarification of last payment, MOTION to approve the Member Equity Request (Grommet) was made by Randy, seconded by Karen, and approved. b. Self-Monitoring – Self-Perpetuation: MOTION to approve the Board Self-Perpetuation Report was made by Stella, seconded by Carolyn and approved. c. 2013 Annual Meeting Minutes: Carolyn took the minutes last year. She will email them to the Board and approval will be made by email. It will be posted at the next annual meeting for member approval. d. 2014 Annual Meeting Update: Claudia reported everything has been ordered. Staff will be at the Beverly Hills at 4:00 to set up. Food will be served outside in 2 lines after the meeting. Dessert Trays will be on each individual table. The Expo will be outside. Need Board Report, Minutes, Board members to show up at 4:00, Financial Summary, Ballot. Deadline for candidates is April 1st. 7. BOARD EDUCATION: Elections Field Guide on-line. Claudia thought maybe we should put into writing our elections procedures. Distinguish between Board-nominated and self-nominated candidates. Decide in advance the procedure for a tie vote. MOTION to use a coin toss in the event of a tie-vote was made by Carolyn, seconded by Karen, and approved.
8. BROADER DISCUSSIONS: a. Ends Discussion. b. Loan Campaign: Proposed letter to member-owners was discussed. Remove the last line of the draft. Third Wednesday of every month at 5:30 Work Session (starting April 16). 9. TASKS: a. Newsletter: May-Stella (annual meeting report); June-Paul (election results); August-? b. Next Self-Monitoring (Financial Spot Check): Mike’s help is needed. Financial Spot Check end of June (26th?) as part of training new board members. Schedule a time with Norm Fristoe with the new board. 10. CLOSINGS: a. What’s on your Mind? Shahid will be participating in the 3 Great Conversations on minimum wage held April 1, 3, and 8 at City Council Chambers 6-7:30 PM. Remarkable experiment in civic engagement. b. Adjourn: 8:14 PM c. NEXT MEETING: April 23, 2014 at 6:00 PM (1/2 hour later due to the Member Loan meeting that occurs the same day from 5-6.) Respectfully submitted, Brenda W. Carver, Recording Secretary Integrity Services 505-640-9920 cell DATE 2014.03.26 2014.03.26 2014.03.26 2014.03.26 2014.03.26 2014.03.26
MOTION MOTION to approve the agenda was made by the Executive Committee and approved MOTION to approve the February minutes was made by Randy, seconded by Carolyn, and approved MOTION to accept the GM-Financial Condition report was made by Randy, seconded by Claudia, and approved MOTION to accept the GM-Ends report was made by Randy, seconded by Hollis, and approved MOTION to approve the Member Equity Request (Grommet) was made by Randy, seconded by Karen, and approved MOTION to approve the Board SelfPerpetuation Report was made by Stella, seconded by Carolyn and approved
2014.03.26 2014.03.26 2014.03.26 2014.03.26
CCMA June 12-15 in Madison, Wisc.
Need Board Report, Minutes, Board members to show up at 4:00, Financial Summary, Ballot. Deadline for candidates is April 1st. MOTION to use a coin toss in the event of a tie-vote was made by Carolyn, seconded by Karen, and approved Third Wednesday of every month at 5:30 Work Session (starting April 16). Financial Spot Check end of June (26th?) as part of training new board members Schedule a time with Norm Fristoe with the new board